南洋理工大学物理学院尹婷婷(校长博士后研究员)招聘一位Research Associate,基本工资:4000 新币/月,主要从事单个胶体纳米片、量子点(CdSe-based nanoplatelets/ perovskite quantum dots)等的单个粒子的光谱测试和时间分辨光谱测试与分析。同时,对高压实验有经验的人士优先考虑。
简历请投邮箱: TTYIN@ntu.edu.sg
The Division of Physics and Applied Physics (PAP) in the School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (SPMS), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, is looking for a candidate to join them as a Research Associate.
Job Description:
1. Optical characterization of individual colloidal quantum dots, like perovskite quantum dots, CdSe quantum dots, at ambient conditions, low temperature and high pressure
2. Optical characterization of individual colloidal quantum dots coupled with plasmonic nanostructures, optical cavities
3. Publish research results in reputable international journals
Job Requirements:
1. Master’s degree in physics/Materials Science
2. Published at least one first-author papers in international journals
3. Proficient in optical spectroscopic characterization techniques, for example, Raman spectroscopy, absorption/photoluminescence spectroscopy, time-resolved spectroscopy, et al.
4. Good communication and writing
5. Good interpersonal skills
6. Excellent teamwork awareness
7. Strong interest and responsibility for research work 作者: Xiaopoxian 时间: 2023-6-20 17:15:34