Read and Complete(阅读填空)
Read and Select(阅读选择)
Listen and Type(听写)
Read Aloud(朗读)
Write About the Photo(看图写作)
Speak About the Photo(看图说话)
Read, Then Write(阅读写作)
Read, Then Speak(阅读说话)
Listen, Then Speak(听说)
Complete the Sentences(选词填空)
Complete the Passage(选句填空)
Highlight the Answer(标出对应的答案)
Identify the Idea(选择全文大意)
Title the Passage(选择标题)
Listen and Respond(听力对答)
Summarize the Conversation(对话总结)
Writing Sample(写作样本)
Speaking Sample(口语样本)