
标题: tension 6.29 12:30 1k pass [打印本页]

作者: jollygt    时间: 2005-6-30 02:29:56     标题: tension 6.29 12:30 1k pass

发信人: tension (be patient), 信区: Stanford
标  题: tension 6.29 12:30 1k pass
发信站: BBS 大话西游站 (Wed Jun 29 15:53:58 2005), 转信


vo: Hello, so what's my nick name? (很严肃的……)
me: (倒!)Ross? (laugh啊……) Am I right? :)  
     I have just finished "friends"  last month....
vo: Yes! and I am bored with this. So you are going to Stanford to learn physics
me: Yes, applied physics.
vo: give me your resume.
me: I have already handed it in! (确实,跟我的ds表格在一起呢!)
vo: so what physics will you learn there?(不看我)
me: Atomic-molecule physics, Bose-Einstein condensation, a rigorous branch.  
    you know, in the past ten years, two Nobel prizes were awarded to scientists    in this area. and I have done some research in this area two years.
    Stanford's atomic group is one leading group of this field,  
    I applied about eight Schools in usa, four of them are leading groups of  
    this field.(当时怎么就没觉得我说了这么多呢……)
vo: Do you have any publications? (估计是听我说我做了两年研究了,汗……)
me: Not yet, I am still a Bachelor of science, this july.
vo: ok, let me see your financial support letter
me: I am offered a research assistantship and tuition waiver.(一边塞材料一边说)
vo: ok。(翻了翻,连同I-20表一起还给我),please go to window 1 for your visa
me: thank you, sir! (本来想说you are much more handsome than Ross的,咽下去了…)


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