
标题: issue170 [打印本页]

作者: commhc    时间: 2005-7-19 18:02:55     标题: issue170

Issue170: 577 words  45 minutes
The surest indicator of a great nation is not the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists, but the general welfare of all its people.

What should be regarded as indicator of a great nation? It is a complex and controversial issue. While the speaker asserts that the indicator of a nation is the welfare of all its people, I agree with the speaker insofar as general welfare of all the people is surely indicator of a great nation. However, achievements of the so-called rulers, artists or scientists are also reflection of greatness of a nation. Here, I will present several important explanations.

To begin with, the major reason that I agree with the speaker is that in scientific fields achievements of those famous scientists certainly represent prosperity and comprehensive power of one nation. For the reason that scientific work imposes great influence over the welfare of all the people, and improve the prestige and influence of certain nation, it should be regarded as indicators of greatness of one nation. For supporting example, one only needs to look to those old civilizations in human history. Ancient China, for example, mastered sophisticated knowledge of astronomy, mechanics, medicine and agriculture and at same time other civilizations in European still be dominated by religions and superstition. Advancements in science and technology in ancient China significantly improved the productivity and comprehensive power of China. During that times, contagious nations around China all regarded China as one of the most powerful nation in the world. Another example shedding some light on this point is contemporary America. In this era of rapid science and technology advancements, America lead scientific and technological progresses in various fields and advances in science and technology significantly bring prosperity to economy, culture and education, finally leading to overall prosperity of the whole nation and position of America as a super power. In short, science and technology advancements are certainly indicators of greatness of nations.

Moreover, endeavor of the artists and so-called rulers should not be precluded out of account when determining greatness of certain nation. Firstly, artistic work provides us spiritual motivation and represents achievements of certain nation in artistic fields. For example high-quality arts, such as high-quality literature, music and paintings cultivate minds and souls of ordinary citizens. Healthy spiritual states and high civilization level of the whole nation are certainly indicators of greatness of one nation. More specifically, in the most difficult situations, such as economic depressions, breakout of contagious diseases and wars, the works of artists give us great courage and incentive to overcome the hardships. Secondly, politician leaders or the so-called rulers of our society, bring out civil rights and freedom. Gandhi serves as an apt example to prop the point. As we all know, Gandhi leads the nonviolent and non-cooperative movement in India and finally wins the Indian independence from the Great Britain, rendering it possible to establish an independent nation. Without independence, how can one nation be regarded as a great one? Consequently, works of artists and rulers also contribute to greatness of a nation.

However, I must admit that the ultimate criterion judging the power of a nation is the welfare of all its people. Society consists of Individuals and therefore greatness of one nation is consists of the economic welfare of its each citizen. Also, purpose of government should be to bring economic well-being to all its citizens, and therefore great nations are inevitably characterized as bringing benefits to all its citizens. If most of the people cannot feed themselves, cannot find shelters and cannot afford the education fee for their children, how can the nation be regarded as a great nation, even when the minority of the nation accomplishes great achievements? Further, if most of people are suppressed by the government, or they are deprived of their basic civil rights, how can the government allege that it has constructed a great nation, even when most of the people enjoy the achievements of the rulers, and artists, or scientists? In all, any government seeking methods to construct a great nation should concentrate on the welfare of all its people.

To sum up, based on the above analyses and discussions, I can safely draw the conclusion that when considering whether a nation is prosperous and rich, both the welfare of all its people and the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists should be taken into consideration.

[ Last edited by staralways on 2005-7-19 at 18:11 ]
作者: d_messiah    时间: 2005-7-21 13:46:54

What should be regarded as indicator of a great nation? It is a complex and controversial issue. While the speaker asserts that the indicator of a nation is the welfare of all its people, I agree with the speaker insofar as general welfare of all the people is surely indicator of a great nation. However, achievements of the so-called rulers, artists or scientists are also reflection of greatness of a nation. Here, I will present several important explanations.

To begin with, the major reason that-〉why I agree with the speaker is that in scientific fields achievements of those famous scientists certainly represent prosperity and comprehensive power of one nation. For the reason that scientific work imposes great influence over the welfare of all the people, and improve the prestige and influence of certain nation, it should be regarded as indicators of greatness of one nation. For supporting example, one only needs to look to those old civilizations in human history. Ancient China, for example, mastered sophisticated knowledge of astronomy, mechanics, medicine and agriculture and at same time other civilizations in European still be dominated by religions and superstition. Advancements in science and technology in ancient China significantly improved the productivity and comprehensive power of China. During that times, contagious nations around China all regarded China as one of the most powerful nation in the world. Another example shedding some light on this point is contemporary America. In this era of rapid science and technology advancements, America lead scientific and technological progresses in various fields and advances in science and technology significantly bring prosperity to economy, culture and education, finally leading to overall prosperity of the whole nation and position of America as a super power. In short, science and technology advancements are certainly indicators of greatness of nations. 这段论证的很好,不过,作文同意(从你的TS中看到的)似乎不对,你这里在说科技的发展是......而如果同意的话,应该是welfair,虽然你里面说了可以的发展可影响welfair,但好像这么论证同意作者的观点似乎不妥,我觉得相反,这点拿来论证不同一似乎更好,接着看

Moreover, 看到这明白了,前面都是在反对作者的观点,就是不是从welfair看,那你第一段应该说disagree吧 endeavor of the artists and so-called rulers should not be precluded out of account when determining greatness of certain nation. Firstly, artistic work provides us spiritual motivation and represents achievements of certain nation in artistic fields. For example high-quality arts, such as high-quality literature, music and paintings cultivate minds and souls of ordinary citizens. Healthy spiritual states and high civilization level of the whole nation are certainly indicators of greatness of one nation. More specifically, in the most difficult situations, such as economic depressions, breakout of contagious diseases and wars, the works of artists give us great courage and incentive to overcome the hardships. Secondly, politician leaders or the so-called rulers of our society, bring out civil rights and freedom. Gandhi serves as an apt example to prop the point. As we all know, Gandhi leads the nonviolent and non-cooperative movement in India and finally wins the Indian independence from the Great Britain, rendering it possible to establish an independent nation. Without independence, how can one nation be regarded as a great one? Consequently, works of artists and rulers also contribute to greatness of a nation. 漂亮

However, I must admit that the ultimate criterion judging the power of a nation is the welfare of all its people. Society consists of Individuals and therefore greatness of one nation is consists of the economic welfare of its each citizen. Also, purpose of government should be to bring economic well-being to all its citizens, and therefore great nations are inevitably characterized as bringing benefits to all its citizens. If most of the people cannot feed themselves, cannot find shelters and cannot afford the education fee for their children, how can the nation be regarded as a great nation, even when the minority of the nation accomplishes great achievements? Further, if most of people are suppressed by the government, or they are deprived of their basic civil rights, how can the government allege that it has constructed a great nation, even when most of the people enjoy the achievements of the rulers, and artists, or scientists? In all, any government seeking methods to construct a great nation should concentrate on the welfare of all its people.佩服

To sum up, based on the above analyses and discussions, I can safely draw the conclusion that when considering whether a nation is prosperous and rich, both the welfare of all its people and the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists should be taken into consideration.
作者: angelzhang1225    时间: 2007-6-21 21:02:50     标题: issue 40

When asked about the meaning of the expression “Never, never give up”, many people think that it means keep trying and never stop working for your goals, but in my opinion, when people meet trouble in working, only if they stop to think about whether there are any mistake in their working immediately, can they achieve their goal with less time.
As far as I am concerned, it is really an important point to achieve one’s goal to keep working, but a good way on working is more important. Some time, there is no need to keep working in a too complicated way or even a wrong way, since it will take you much more time and achieve less success. There is a child whose kite flies over a mountain which is too steep to climb over, but he doesn’t need to climb the mountain because he can get through a tunnel instead, which will take him less time and more safety. It shows a good instance of the importance of a good method but just keep working.
On the other hand, some time, even though we have found the best way to achieve our goals, we should stop working, some time, and look back on the previous thing or others’ experience, which will be absolutely helpful. For instant, if a friend of yours has experienced the thing you are focusing now, you should ask him or her for advices; there will always be something you haven’t taken into account. So “Never, never give up” doesn’t just means to keep trying and never stop working but means to try in different ways and in best preparation.
Of cause, keep trying and never stop working is also an important element to achieve our goals, but only if it is done with good method, it will have the best outcome.
Taking into account all these factors, we may safely come to the conclusion that “Never, never give up” not just means to keep trying and never stop working for our goals.

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