
标题: 求助Issue157 七月超高频(急!尤其是版主和逻辑思维能力强的大大看过来) [打印本页]

作者: zjcq2002    时间: 2005-7-21 22:00:31     标题: 求助Issue157 七月超高频(急!尤其是版主和逻辑思维能力强的大大看过来)

157"There is no such thing as purely objective observation. All observation is subjective; it is always guided by the observer's expectations or desires."

1 世界上很难有纯正的Objective,所有的observation都很难排除人的思想和意识,人们总是下意识的在开始一个观察时对结论进行预测,并向着自己所想的方向走
2 这并不代表 All observation is subjective,如科学研究和自然定律,建立在真理的基础上,是一个客观研究的过程

3、因为我提倡objective的一面,结果发现purely objective 和ordinary objective 很难区分

作者: tz0412    时间: 2005-7-22 00:21:34

作者: lingli_xiaoai    时间: 2005-7-22 00:28:52

Main Entry:observation
Etymology:Middle French, from Latin observation-, observatio, from observare

1 a : an act or instance of observing a custom, rule, or law  b : OBSERVANCE 3
2 a : an act of recognizing and noting a fact or occurrence often involving measurement with instruments  *weather observations* 科学研究应该算的.
b : a record or description so obtained
3 : a judgment on or inference from what one has observed;  broadly   : REMARK, STATEMENT
4 obsolete   : attentive care  : HEED
5 : the condition of one that is observed  *under observation at the hospital*

作者: ardorous    时间: 2005-7-22 00:49:14     标题: 我来帮你想想,谢谢你的砖,没留地址让我拍,自己追来了

作者: ardorous    时间: 2005-7-22 01:33:12     标题: 我的理解

1。肯定客观的非绝对话,任何事物都有自己的时空范畴的,没有完全绝对的东西。例:科学原理,Newton's theory and Einstein's都是真理,但不能适用任何情况。-这里我扩大了观察的范围,偷换了概念,指出原理是建筑在人们观察基础上以建立联系。
2。否定主观的绝对话,特别批expectant and desire,难到你现在面前有个女孩,你想她美若天仙她就美吗。当然哲学上不是这样说的,两个例子。一个是客观主义学家问主观主义学家,难道你没有看到,感觉前方有石头,石头就不存在了吗。第二个,中国古代,庄子的与友人的一句话,很熟的fish ,fish ,why are you so happy.
"why do you , being not fish  ,know how fish fill ." zhang said :"why do you , being not me , do not know I know the fish fill."经验主义最终导致神秘主义,谁也不知道标准在哪
作者: ardorous    时间: 2005-7-22 01:35:53     标题: 完了,头昏了,是feel,再给你些东东,现查的


Empiricists claim knowledge is a product of human experience. Statements of observations take pride of place in empiricist theory. Naïve empiricism holds simply that our ideas and theories need to be tested against reality, and accepted or rejected on the basis of how well they correspond to the facts. The central problem for epistemology then becomes explaining this correspondence.Empiricism is associated with science. While there can be little doubt about the effectiveness of science, there is much philosophical debate about how and why science works. The Scientific Method was once favoured as the reason for scientific success, but recently difficulties in the philosophy of science have led to a rise in Coherentism.Empiricism is often confused with positivism, which places higher emphasis on ideas about reality than on experiences with reality themselves.


Objectivism, the epistemological theory of Ayn Rand, is similar to Naïve realism in that there is an external world, of which we gain knowledge through the senses. Objectivism holds that raw sense data is automatically integrated by the brain into percepts of entities (or objects), and that it is the function of consciousness to perceive reality, not create, invent, or alter it in any way. Once we recognize that two entities are similar to one another, and different from other objects, we are able to view them as two of the same kind of thing and form a concept which integrates all entities of that particular kind, enabling consciousness to cognitively deal with a potentially unlimited number of existents by means of a single, directly perceivable word. Objectivism rejects pure empiricism on the grounds that we are able to move beyond the level of sense-perceptions by means of objective concepts. It also rejects pure representationalism and idealism on the grounds that what we perceive is reality, and that it is meaningless to speak of a non-perceptual knowledge of reality, because percepts are our only means of gaining knowledge of reality
作者: ardorous    时间: 2005-7-22 06:41:13     标题: 对不起啊,最后一点是建立在客观尽量利用主观的基础上

作者: tatadingyajun    时间: 2005-7-22 10:46:42

我觉得观察是客观的  我们 看到的都是事物本质的 外表,  只是我们的对现象的解释是主观的  所以有两点导致了我们所说的 事物认识不准一是我们的interpretation 二是我们观察的是appearance   大家觉得怎样?
作者: tz0412    时间: 2005-7-22 12:00:23

Originally posted by tatadingyajun at 2005-7-22 10:46
我觉得观察是客观的  我们 看到的都是事物本质的 外表,  只是我们的对现象的解释是主观的  所以有两点导致了我们所说的 事物认识不准一是我们的interpretation 二是我们观察的是appearance   大家觉得怎样?


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