
标题: 高频共讨论:关于Issue43的疑惑 [打印本页]

作者: xiaowenzi118    时间: 2005-7-25 21:54:14     标题: 高频共讨论:关于Issue43的疑惑

本帖最后由 草木也知愁 于 2009-7-26 12:31 编辑

Issue 43
43"To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards."

拜读了猴哥网上大牛的杰作, scortio的文笔当然是无可挑剔,但我总觉得这题应该就ethical and moral 展开论述呀,而看她的文章包括很多网友的作品都集中于讨论作为一个leader其它方面的品质,像我引的这一篇,主体似乎都离开了ethical and moral,这样合适吗??


1. public officials should maintain decent ethical and moral standards to gain the trust and admiration from the public(public)
2. the effectiveness of a public leader lies more in his/her capability than in his/her absolute ethical and moral standards(effective)
3. it is more important for public officials to be honest and aware of their own deficients
Everyone would hope to have flawless leaders: ambitious, aggressive, capable, honest, merciful, kind and most importantly, morally pristine. Such saints, unfortunately, only exist on screens. Most of the public leaders, no matter how perfect they seem to be, are actually the same people as you and me. Unsurprisingly, more or less they have shortcomings like we do, maybe avarice, maybe laziness. But these do not prevent them from being outstanding leaders. Why? That is because being an effective leader calls more than mere high ethics and morality.
Doubtlessly those who corrupt morally cannot be qualified public officials. The emblem of a public institution, a public official is no longer looked upon as an individual. Every words and every activity from the official, no matter how trifle it is, will be taken by the public as from the institution as a whole. Even private image of a public official is shadowed by his/her public figure. Consequently, the public will treat any indecent behavior from individual public official as the scandal of the overall institution. Just imagine, will we be able to sustain the confidence in justice if the judge hisself is revealed to have violated law? It is much easier to deminish the good reputation of the public institution than to build it. An individual moral failure is enough for the former whereas the latter may need the effort of generations. To represent the institution and to be the paragon to the public, therefore, every public official should maintain decent ethical and moral standards.

Yet an effective public leader takes much more than mere ethics and morality, however high they may be. The main task of public officials is to make their institution function smoothly and efficiently in the cooperation of the whole society. One who has nothing but high ethical standards can hardly meet the requisition of the challenging work. Such prerequisite as resolution, strong personality, aggressiveness, eloquence, capability and leadership are all inevitable traits of a successful public official. Though as pointed out above that they should maintain high moral standard, it is unreasonable to oblige that they must stand at the highest stage. There might be several leader who are both capable and holding significant ethical level. Yet the growing society is in expanding demand of public officials, which cannot be satisfied if the dual-threshold is set so rigid that most candidates will be declined.

In fact, sometimes trifle deficiencies are not lethal drawbacks for an capable person to be an effective leader. As long as he/she is aware of his/her flaws and confess their existence, the public will not fuss over whether he/she will be eligible or not. If the official is able to show his/her talent of leadership and on the other hand, keep improving him/herself, the public will be impressed and gain confidence on him/her and the institution as well. Knowing that the brilliant leader also has something not so perfect even can draw the public closer to the official emotionally. Getting inspired by the public leader, the advocates will also try to upgrade themselves morally. Ironically, too flawless a leader might get admiration, yet the public may get frustrated when trying to imitate, in that they find it almost impossible.

Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy… We can present a long list of greatest public leaders. Yet it might be reduced to no more than one digit figure if we ruled out those who cannot meet the highest ethical and moral standard. Their successful leaderships are not tarnished by their flaws anyway and their names will be remembered by generations for what they have done to our society.
作者: 麦兜^@^    时间: 2005-7-25 22:20:38



而你引用的这篇,他支持的是 一位公仆 就算拥有的很高的伦理和道德,也未必可以成为一位杰出的领导者,因为还有其他很多品质更加关键。


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