
标题: issue173 还是超时~~~ 大家来砸,一定回拍 [打印本页]

作者: monkeydry    时间: 2005-7-30 22:06:59     标题: issue173 还是超时~~~ 大家来砸,一定回拍

Originality does not mean thinking something that was never thought before; it
means putting old ideas together in new ways.
How does current society improve the originality in all the fields? Different
people hold different views on this issue. Some persons suggest that originali
ty does not mean we should think something never thought before; it means orig
inality is born in putting old ideas together in new ways. I agree this opinio
n completely, for I am convinced that in this era it is almost impossible to t
hink out what the forerunners never considered before, and putting old ideas i
n an organic way is another sort of originality.
First of all, in this knowledge rapidly-exploded age, as it is more and more c
onvenient for us to attach information outside our circumstance, we can find t
hat almost all the knowledge and phenomena have been considered or suggested i
n all the fields, including science and arts. The opinion that someone can thi
nk some things others never consider before is a ridiculous saying. In today's
society, people who do any work in any field must refer to the books or paper
s which were accomplished by others, but not to just get the originality from
"vacuum". Take the study in physics for example: According to the latest Physi
cs Review Letters' report, in the most famous database in physics, there are m
ore than twenty million papers and books which cover all the branches in physi
cs, including atomic physics, heat, optics, electronics, and quantum physics a
nd so on. And all the new theories and experiments advocated must refer to thi
s database. This example illustrates that the possibility that people can make
out some new theories or ideas without the work finished by others does not e
Secondly,  putting ideas or theories which has been suggested before together
in a new and proper way is an important method to study the world, and this me
thod can also been called originality. For instance, the essential thing where
the chemistry of all the branches in this field focuses every day is to read
the latest paper or letters which report the latest process in chemistry. By k
nowing others' ideas or work, chemistry compare their work with his or her own
work, consider the old work with various new ideas, and find out some new poi
nts in this field. That is the most common process of a new discovery or theor
y advocated. From this example in chemistry we can draw a conclusion that putt
ing old ideas together is helpful for making the originality.
Admittedly, to make the really constructive and helpful originality, we should
putting former ideas in an constructive and organic way, not a simple adding.
This means we should find the essential value among the ideas, observe the di
fferences, and in the end find the new sparks. Only adding ideas simple, witho
ut thinking critically and seriously, just like Confucius once said, is like a
wuyiyi.( which means a useful thing in Chinese culture) In order to gain the
real originality, we should think and construct ideas with our intelligence.

Consequently, upon the examples advocated and critical analysis suggested, we
can arrive at the conclusion that for the sake of gain real originality, it ca
lls for us to put the former ideas which is the essential value in our human b
eing's history together in an organic way. Only by doing this, we can face the
great challenge brought out by the globalization.
作者: jiyichuan    时间: 2005-7-30 22:40:29

How does current society improve the originality in all the fields? (这个提问不合适感觉改为what is the definition in mordern times?)Different people hold different views on this issue. Some persons suggest that originality does not mean we should think something never thought before; it means originality is born in putting old ideas together in new ways.(哪有DIFFERENT的观点呢?) I agree this opinion completely, for I am convinced that in this era it is almost impossible to think out what the forerunners never considered before, and putting old ideas in an organic way is another sort of originality.
First of all, in this knowledge rapidly-exploded age, as it is more and more convenient for us to attach information outside our circumstance, we can find that almost all the
knowledge and phenomena have been considered or suggested in all the fields,(这一句话看不懂) including science and arts. The opinion that someone can think some things (好像that不能省)others never consider before is a ridiculous saying(idea). In today's society, people who do any work in any field must refer to the books or papers which were(have been) accomplished by others, but not to (这里有语法错误 应去掉to)just get the originality from "vacuum". Take the study in physics for example: According to the latest Physics Review Letters' report, in the most famous database in physics, there are more than twenty million papers and books which cover all the branches in physics, including atomic physics, heat, optics, electronics, and quantum physics and so on. And all the new theories and experiments(这个词放这里不合适) advocated must(inevitably) refer to this database. This example illustrates that the possibility that people can makeout some new theories or ideas without the work finished by others does not exist.(there is no possibility ...)
Secondly,  putting ideas or theories which has been suggested before together
in a new and proper way is an important method to study the world, and this method can also been(be) called originality. For instance, the essential thing where the chemistry of all the branches in this field focuses every day is to read the latest paper or letters which report the latest process(progress) in chemistry. By knowing others' ideas or work, chemistry compare their work with his or her own work, consider the old work with various new ideas, and find out some new points in this field. That is the most common process of a new discovery or theory advocated(advocating theories). From this example in chemistry we can draw a conclusion that putting old ideas together is helpful for making the originality.
Admittedly, to make the really constructive and helpful originality, we should
putting (put)former ideas in an constructive and organic way, not a (去掉a)simple adding.This means we should find the essential value among the ideas, observe the di
fferences, and in the end find the new sparks. Only adding ideas simple, witho
ut(rather than) thinking critically and seriously, just like Confucius once said, is like a
wuyiyi.( which means a useful thing in Chinese culture) In order to gain the
real originality, we should think and construct ideas with our intelligence.

Consequently, upon the examples advocated and critical analysis suggested, we
can arrive at the conclusion that for the sake of gain(gaining) real originality, it ca
lls for us to put the former ideas which is the essential value in our human b
eing's history together in an organic way. Only by doing this, we can face the
great challenge brought out by the globalization.(最后一句与主题无关)

作者: monkeydry    时间: 2005-7-30 22:44:29

作者: fishjoy    时间: 2005-7-31 16:42:10

你的第一段前面说完全同意题目论点,后面又说is another way of originality,自相矛盾了。(题目的论点是 only way,你仔细琢磨一下)
The opinion that someone can think some things others never consider before这句话好别扭,两个some连一块儿,改成It is impossible for one to think up some new ideas without foundation.如何?
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