
标题: issue108,政治类,快考了,帮忙看看吧!谢谢各位了,必回拍 [打印本页]

作者: nksisi    时间: 2005-8-2 22:26:36     标题: issue108,政治类,快考了,帮忙看看吧!谢谢各位了,必回拍


In many countries it is now possible to watch the process of government working. The speaker asserts that is helpful for people to understand the issues that affect their lives and the more government proceeding transmitted the more society will benefit. I concede that it is useful to television how and what the government is doing, but not the more the better.

Watching the process that the government is going along is manifest that it has a vital part to develop a clarity political atmosphere and contribute a democratic society. Media could become a useful tool to supervise the government and television is the most important one of the tools. Through it, the public can be conscious of what the government is going on and whether it is justness and necessary or not. After viewing the trials, debates, meetings which government proceeds, the population should understand more about the issues and the policies which closed to their daily lives. When a student in Asia, for instance, observes that his country has just establish the diplomatism with the country developed in Europe, he could know that he has an opportunity to study there, even it is extremely difficult.

Although there are many benefits of television and view government working, the problem which exists on television government proceeding, is that people might come to believe that they are seeing everything when in fact, a television camera can only see part of what is happening no matter how many cameras there are. The programs on government working, is certain reformed by editors, and some details which against the main value and object the political ideas must be cut. So no matter what the program is, it is not the truly fact, but dealed for increase the effective of the government. It is obvious that progresses, which are broadcasted, are always peacefully, warmly, and effective, because for the effective sake, government should acquire media, using the political power, to make itself more wisdom and strong to sever the public. The 'fact' the public observes is manufactured and often unreal.

There is another problem about the speaker asserts, is that while television is busy transmitting the progress of government work, whether the population would be in the right place where people stare at the screen in front of television. Most people in the contemporary society have to go to work during the day time while the government is arguing, meeting, and inquisiting, so if the television transmits the sight of the process of government work, there are few people watching at the very time, who are some old or children. Even it rebroadcast at night, still would few people select to watch the proceeding of government, instead of sitcom or funny program. Hence, it is not the more government process on television, the better society will be, for the simple reason that, unfortunately but actually, few people would watch that process.

In the modern society, it is necessary that television show some processes of government work and it will be helpful to establish the modern democracy and also useful to individual, family, group, and communication. Nevertheless, it has a limit to transmit the government working.

[ Last edited by nksisi on 2005-8-2 at 22:30 ]

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