
标题: issue103 G-89-互助社-8月4日同主题写作 [打印本页]

作者: accolade    时间: 2005-8-4 15:20:58     标题: issue103 G-89-互助社-8月4日同主题写作

Issue103  第7篇 让砖头来得更猛烈些吧!
作者:寄托家园作文版普通用户     共用时间:45分4秒     453 words
The study of history has value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives.
1,        历史为将来指明了方向,以防再犯
2,        历史对科学研究的作用
3,        研究历史不应走入极端。
To say that it is only have value to study history when it is relevant to our daily lives is to ignore the great effect that history have to future even that give us  a direction to our future.

First, history give us a map to where human will go  and how human can reduce their mistakes lesser. Searching in history, we will found how human evolve to the stage today, and all that today happen are just similar as what have happened yesterday. For example, about two thousand years ago, ancient Greek  collapsed, who had been  a paragon of ancient democracy Then ancient Roman was established at another area, just as the ancient Greek, it had developed greatly, but at last also diminished. The same things were also happened in the ancient China. How should we explain these things? The reason historians give is just the value to research history, because not to do so, it would be a real fact that today's civilization collapse. It is hard for us to accept but if we do not search for history, that day may come to tomorrow. So studying history can let human to live longer.

In science and technology search, history experience can benefit people greatly. Maybe you will ask that the material world have changed so much and what have found in science and technology some are most absurd, what can we get from the history studying? Yes, it is necessary. For example, Archimedes, a greats scientist in ancient Roman, could found buoyancy theory when he was bathing, and then, which is most important, he can use this theory to determine whether the crown is pure gold or not. Considering this progress, it is helpful to the research today, not for the establishment of a theory, but the method how buoyancy theory found.  Indeed, it is hard for human to determine whether a research is happened today or not. Those great founding in physics area, such as relativity theory, re also affect today's research greatly. So I can conclude that studying history in academic research, the scientists today can find a way to comprehend today's thing and then find a best method to solve it. Which will be have great value to tomorrow's life.

Admittedly, I don not think the studying of history is just for studying. That is mean, the history we study should benefit us today or future. Otherwise it is not necessary. For example, some scientists like to find when a king born and when he dead, I think this is no useful and extreme.

In sum up, studying history is valuable for us to do today not only for human's future, but also for the life we have today.
作者: mvpzhuang    时间: 2005-8-4 19:54:41

我还没写 帮你顶一下  第一映像就是字数太少了。听说550左右最好吧
作者: keeyang    时间: 2005-8-4 20:49:18


The study of history has value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives.
1,        历史为将来指明了方向,以防再犯
2,        历史对科学研究的作用
3,        研究历史不应走入极端。

To say that it is only have value to study history when it is relevant to our daily livesonly应该放在when前面 is to ignore the great effecteffect有点negative,改成importance that history have to future even that give us  a direction to our future.

First, history give us a map to where human will go  and how human can reduce their mistakes lesserlesser去掉. By Searching in history, we will found how human evolve to the stage today, and all that today happen are just similar as 应该为be similar towhat have happened yesterday. For example, about two thousand years ago, ancient Greek  collapsed, who had been  a paragon of ancient democracy Then ancient Roman was established at another area, just as the ancient Greek, it had developed greatly, but at last also diminished. The same things were also happened happen 不及物 in the ancient China. How should we explain these things? The reason that historians give is just the value to research history, because not to do so, it would be a real fact that today's civilization collapse语法不对. It is hard for us to accept but if we do not search for history, that day may come to tomorrow写成 that may be tomorrow 是不是更好. So studying history can let human to live longer.


In science and technology search, historyhistoric experience can benefit people greatly. Maybe you will ask that the material world have changed so much and what have found Most foundings in science and technology some are most absurd, what can we get from the history studying? Yes, it is necessary. You should tell me why it is necessary be reesoning before giving examples For example, Archimedes, a greats scientist in ancient Roman, could found buoyancy theory when he was bathing, and then, which is most important, he can use this theory to determine whether the crown is pure gold or not. Considering this progress, it is helpful to the research today, not for the establishment of a theory, but the method how buoyancy theorywas found.  Indeed, it is hard for human to determine whether a research is happened today or not. Those great founding in physics area, such as relativity theory, re also affect today's research greatly. So I can conclude that studying history in academic research, the scientists today can find a way to comprehend today's thing and then find a best method to solve it. Which will be have of great value to tomorrow's life.


Admittedly, I don not think the studying of history is just for studying. That is mean, the history we study should benefit us today or future. Otherwise it is not necessary. For example, some scientists like to find when a king born and when he dead, I think this is no useful and extreme. 论证?是不是没时间了?

In sum up To sum up / In sum, studying history is valuable for us to do today not only for human's future, but also for the life we have today. 这个结尾句很别扭,是不是可以考虑分成几个句子来讲清楚一些



我原来对这篇 issue 的题意理解错了,看了你的这篇 issue 再去看自己的, 发现很多漏洞,哎呀,闭关修炼去了

作者: accolade    时间: 2005-8-4 21:29:22

作者: accolade    时间: 2005-8-4 21:35:26

作者: keeyang    时间: 2005-8-4 21:49:37     标题: 讨论一下题意

你是怎么界定  be relevant to our daily life 的

特别是  daily life
作者: vieriping    时间: 2005-8-4 21:52:18

我感觉你应该再仔细看一下题 历史与现在的联系 不应该仅仅谈历史的作用
https://bbs.gter.net/viewthre ... ge=1&highlight=
https://bbs.gter.net/viewthre ... p;page=1#pid1689377
作者: accolade    时间: 2005-8-4 22:01:01

To state that study of history has its value only to the  extent that it is day-by-day lives is to ignorance the history's values beyond human daily lives. This would seem to be a shallow point which is to say the only value human beings live is just to survive rather than to plan for the future of their children and environment.

First, study of history offer human a road map give our basic sense why we could be this stage today. For example, the  whole of experiences from past wars can help people to avoid the fault which those commanders had made and thus improve more efficient war commander art. From ancient Chinese war commander Sun Tzu's "the art of war", today's military commanders even business leaders can get some very much useful information, which can help them to manipulate  wars or businesses more efficacious. This value of study of history have been beyond the daily of people. It can lead to military victory or the success of business which affects directly all the things that will happen in the future, even the future including those that are not born yet.

Another example is through studying history, parents can improve their children's life in the future. The experiences that several ancient forefather got in their life before these parents can give them a sense what is the best way to bring up their children.  Those are efficient to others can be provide beneficial guidance for parents today or in the future to ensure that their children will have a bright future.

In addition/Additionally, the study of medical advances made throughout history can be the foundation to build upon to make the medical advances of today and tomorrow and to make people live longer and healthier lives. The history of AIDS/HIV pathogen maybe can not promote researchers' daily life, but however no doubtfully make fundamentally affect to others' tomorrow life if they found a way to control and cure it. It have led to many amazing medical discoveries through the study of previous research over history. To study history only to enrich one's daily life would here again seem to be incongruous with the truth.

[ Last edited by accolade on 2005-8-4 at 22:11 ]
作者: accolade    时间: 2005-8-4 22:05:25

关于这个be relevent to our daily life,直译,和我们今天的生活有关。
但什么是daily life呢?我也搞不清楚。且让我们一起来分析一下钱坤强的这篇范文先。
作者: keeyang    时间: 2005-8-4 22:50:52


作者: mvpzhuang    时间: 2005-8-4 23:09:18

作者: ryanq    时间: 2005-8-5 00:05:10


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