[fly]Issue48 有拍必回![/fly]
作者:udo 共用时间:44分9秒 486 words
The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten.
in one sense 名人的命运由大众决定:例子nixon
in another sense 普通人的命运能changed by some powerful men's decision
chinese culture revolution
secondly,历史研究还和资料有很大关系,历史学家手中ordinary people的资料相对较少,因此自然对他们研究较少。
Human beings are social animals. Therefore, the history is a complex process being affected by all the people whoever is famous or ordinary. Besides, the study of history is a problem not only related to the importance of historical characters but also to the useful record information, which must be taken into consideration of historians.
Firstly,undoubtedly, the relationship between great people and ordinary people are too complex to tell who is the leading actor in the significant events and trends. I will demonstrate this point of view in two aspects discussed below. In one sense, the famous people's fate can reflect the ordinary people's will. Only when the leader's summons serves people's basic interest, the leader can be a true leader. Otherwise, the people will choose another wise people to replace him or her. An egregious illustration of this point is that President Nixon's withholding of information about his active role in the Watergate cover-up. His behavior demonstrated a concern for self-interest above the broader interests of the democratic system that granted his political authority in the first place. So many ordinary people came up to reveal this scandal, such as the journalists of Washington Post and 'deepthroat' who was proved to be the No. 2 in FBI at that time; finally, the public opinion pressure led to the resignation of Richard Nixon.
In another sense, the ordinary people's fate can be greatly changed by some powerful individual's decisions. For example, many Chinese city youth went to the villages to study how to farm instead of studying in schools during the Great Cultural Revolution, which began in 1966 and lasted for nearly ten years, just because Communist Party Chairman Mao Zedong asked them to do so. As a result, many people lost the most precious time of their life to learn literature and science and their fates are also greatly changed because of the ten-year experience in rural.
Secondly, in spite of historians should research both famous ones and the majority people in a certain time, the studies are mainly based on the materials recorded by former people, from which we can easily track down the famous few, not the majority of ordinary people. We can easily find as much information of the famous people as we want by simply entering his or her name in google website on the Internet or by borrowing a biography from the local library, or by watching a relative movie or a documentary, etc. But how can we track ordinary people's life? The historians are willing to do more research on the majority of people at a certain time, but they have not enough materials to support their study.
To sum up, both the groups of people and the famous few make the most significant events and trends in history. In addition, the objective difficulties hindered the historians to do more research on majority of the ordinary ones.作者: alcestis 时间: 2005-8-7 17:09:07
The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten.
in one sense 名人的命运由大众决定:例子nixon
in another sense 普通人的命运能changed by some powerful men's decision
chinese culture revolution历史潮流在那里?我们不是要讨论名人和普通人的关系而是讨论他们和历史的关系
secondly,历史研究还和资料有很大关系,历史学家手中ordinary people的资料相对较少,因此自然对他们研究较少。你提纲中的第二点谈到的是为什么overemphasis on individual的问题可能偏了
Human beings are social animals. Therefore, the history is a complex process being affected by all the people whoever is famous or ordinary. Besides, the study of history is a problem not only related to the importance of historical characters but also to the useful record information, which must be taken into consideration of historians.
Firstly,undoubtedly, the relationship between great people and ordinary people are too complex to tell who is the leading actor in the significant events and trends. I will demonstrate this point of view in two aspects discussed below. In one sense, the famous people's fate can reflect你的这句话直译是名人的命运反映普通人的愿望 其实你的意思是名人的命运决定于他的行为是否合乎普通人的愿望 是否把话说得更明白好一点 the ordinary people's will. Only when the leader's summons serves people's basic interest, the leader can be a true leader. Otherwise, the people will choose another wise people 单数吧? to replace him or her. An egregious illustration of this point is that President Nixon's withholding of information about his active role in the Watergate cover-up. His behavior demonstrated a concern for self-interest above the broader interests of the democratic system that granted his political authority in the first place. So many ordinary people came up to reveal this scandal, such as the journalists of Washington Post and 'deepthroat' who was proved to be the No. 2 in FBI at that time; finally, the public opinion pressure led to the resignation of Richard Nixon.
In another sense, the ordinary people's fate can be greatly changed by some powerful individual's decisions. For example, many Chinese city youth went to the villages to study how to farm instead of studying in schools during the Great Cultural Revolution, which began in 1966 and lasted for nearly ten years, just because Communist Party Chairman Mao Zedong asked them to do so. As a result, many people lost the most precious time of their life to learn literature and science and their fates are also greatly changed because of the ten-year experience in rural. 这一段如果展开更加深如的理论性论述就更好了 比如名人具有什么优势可以使他们能够左右普通人的命运
Secondly, in spite of historians should research both famous ones and the majority people in a certain time, the studies are mainly based on the materials recorded by former people, from which we can easily track down the famous few, not the majority of ordinary people. We can easily find as much information of the famous people as we want by simply entering his or her name in google website on the Internet or by borrowing a biography from the local library, or by watching a relative movie or a documentary, etc. But how can we track ordinary people's life? The historians are willing to do more research on the majority of people at a certain time, but they have not enough materials to support their study.这一段没有有效回应题目的第一句 如果你点名这种情况的确表明了对名人的研究过于注重应该就可以了 只需要加上一两句话
To sum up, both the groups of people and the famous few make the most significant events and trends in history. In addition, the objective difficulties hindered the historians to do more research on majority of the ordinary ones.