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[i习作temp] Issue208 高频再发 G-89互助社 8月11日作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-8-12 03:08:27 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
Issue208  第13篇 让砖头来得更猛烈些吧!
518 words
The way people look, dress, and act reveals their attitudes and interests. You can tell much about a society's ideas and values by observing the appearance and behavior of its people.
Whether the way people look, dress, and act reveals their attitudes and interests through which we can understand a lot about a society's ideas and values? In my view, I agree with speaker insofar. However, when it comes to some difference of climate and geography, or obligation for some interests, appearance and behavior of its people are of little merit to reveal a society's feature.

In the first place, the appearance of people often indicates the social ideas and value. Common sense informs me that what people looks or dress mirror its social traits. A society whose members dress colorfully and diversely might admire freedom and identity. A nation which allows free press owns to its democracy. On the contrary, country whose members dress in similar means conservative. A telling example involving China courtesy comes into my mind.  In the Qing Dynasty, every man kept a long braid which was a obligation imposed on them, and meanwhile, every woman had to tie her foot into a bound size. These actions are all results of supremacy, conservatism, rigorous caste system, barbarism, and without any democracy, which were just the society's ideas and values at that time. So from the appearance, we can tell much about social features.

In the second place, turning to the way people behave, it is necessarily a signal of society. What the majority of people act mirrors the feature of a society. A society whose members behave genteel, courteous and polite might value much more civilization than wildness. In other words, subjects whose action is often in a disrespectful, evil form reflect the quality of a nation. For example, we often deem the Japanese whose society has a severe hierarchical system to be polite because they always bow during conversations. Moreover, there are more than 40 complex honorifics in their language, which illustrate the ideology in Japan's society. Another example involving China's society amply justifies my statement that Chinese are always lack of sense to express themselves and claim for their own rights in public by way of protest or parade, for the reason that China's society still manifests its trait, feudalization. In this occasion, what people act reflects a society's core value.

Admittedly, the way of dressing and behaving also limits to conditions such as climate, geography, and some other factors. We can not require people in tropic zone to wear thick coat and similarly ask Eskimo to dress thin shirts. Further more, these limits are also applicable in some special professions. Taking  military for example, as we all know soldiery should obey his order in any occasion no matter what the order is, and dress in unified uniforms, behave same actions according to command. Few would agree these unification manifest identity and diversity of individuals, and any relation with society's value from observing these uniform and action.

To sum up, the assertion has some merits to some extent. However, when it comes to some conditions like climate, geography, and regulation in military, it unfairly generalize that through observation of what people act, dress or look, we can recognize a society' value and ideas.

[ Last edited by staralways on 2005-8-12 at 11:05 ]

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Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2005-8-12 09:50:06 |只看该作者
The way people look, dress, and act reveals their attitudes and interests. You can tell much about a society's ideas and values by observing the appearance and behavior of its people.

Whether the way people look, dress, and act reveals their attitudes and interests through which we can understand a lot about a society's ideas and values?这个句子感觉不通顺,是说是否REVEAL还是说是否WE CAN UNDERSTAND?有歧义吧? In my view, I agree with speaker insofar. However, when it comes to some difference of 直接DIFFERENT 不行吗?这样很别扭climate and geography, or obligation for some interests, appearance and behavior of its people are of little merit to reveal a society's feature.

In the first place, the appearance of people often indicates the social ideas and valueS. Common sense informs me that what people looks or dress mirror its social traits. A society whose members dress colorfully and diversely might admire freedom and identity. A nation which allows free press owns toOWNS TO 是想说归结与 吗? its democracy. On the contrary, country whose members dress in similar means conservative.有点牵强 A telling example involving China courtesy comes into my mind.  In the Qing Dynasty, every man kept a long braid which was a obligation imposed on them, and meanwhile, every woman had to tie her foot into a bound size. These actions are all results of supremacy, conservatism, rigorous caste system, barbarism, and without any democracy, which were just the society's ideas and values at that time. So from the appearance, we can tell much about social features. 看到这知道你前面的CONSERVATIVE是怎末回事了,但你前面的那句话好象是说人们主动去穿SIMILAR衣服,而后面是被动,是不是把前面那句改一下,

In the second place, turning to the way people behave, it is necessarily a signal of society. What the majority of people act mirrors the feature of a society.这句废话,前面不刚说了吗 A society whose members behave genteel, courteous and polite might value代表? much more civilization than wildness. In other words, subjects whose action is often in a disrespectful, evil form reflect the quality of a nation.典型中文错误,一个“不好”代表了“全面” For example, we often deem the Japanese whose society has a severe hierarchical system to be polite because they always bow during conversations. Moreover, there are more than 40 complex honorifics in their language, which illustrateS the ideology in Japan's society. Another example involving China's society amply justifies my statement that Chinese are always lack of sense to express themselves and claim for their own rights in public by way of protestING or parade, for the reason that China's society still manifests its trait, feudalization. In this occasion, what people act reflects a society's core value.

Admittedly, the way of dressing and behaving also limits to conditions such as climate, geography, and some other factors. We can not require people in tropic zone to wear thick coat and similarly ask Eskimo to dress thin shirts. 补一句SAME CLOTHE 并不能说明问题效果更好Further more, these limits are also applicable in some special professions. Taking  military for example, as we all know soldiery should obey his order in any occasion no matter what the order is, and dress in unified uniforms, behave same actions according to command. Few would agree these unification manifest identity and diversity of individuals, and any relation with society's value from observing these uniform and action. 这段让步写的很好

To sum up, the assertion has some merits to some extent. However, when it comes to some conditions like climate, geography, and regulation in military, it unfairly generalize that through observation of what people act, dress or look, we can recognize a society' value and ideas.总体来说思路清晰,结构也不错,就是个别地方表达不太好,句子写的读不懂很晦涩

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