
标题: issue144...欢迎来拍...必回拍 [打印本页]

作者: forevera    时间: 2005-8-14 15:25:19     标题: issue144...欢迎来拍...必回拍

144. "It is the artist, not the critic,* who gives society something of lasting value."
*a person who evaluates works of art, such as novels, films, music, paintings, etc.

1.        承认artist是艺术作品价值的源泉,
2.        但是也应该重视critic的作用
(1)        是critic发现了artist创造的价值,并介绍给公众
(2)        而且artist是否创造了ever lasting的价值还有待商榷
(3)        从某种意义上说,critic创造了更大的ever lasting social value

Is artist superior in giving societies lasting value? And can the function of critic be denied or neglected? Facing these questions, any extreme judge, without systematic analysis, would be improper. As far as I am concerned, critic is, even not more than, equally important as artist in providing society with ever lasting value.
Admittedly, main artistic value of the works is derived from the creativity of the preeminent artists. The artists put careful and cute eyes on their surroundings, and their insight and intelligent creativities are inspired by the most common details of daily life, consequently, in their works, the artists endow the common things with spirits, which, to large extent, embody the artistic value. For instance, Da Vinci, based on careful look and reasonable imagination, created the beautiful but mysterious smiles of Mona Lisa, and Andersen wrote numerous fairy tales by adding some fantastic elements into most common stories.

However, without the function of critic, the artistic value of the works of art would be diminished. Generally, the critic can be divided into two kinds: the first kind of people is made up of preeminent artists, who have gained authorization in their fields; and the other is those who are not artist, but have basic artistic knowledge, together with personal ideas on art works. And the both kinds of people have significant effect on artistic works. On one hand, as there are inevitable the gaps between general public and artists, without any forms of critique, common people would not have access to enjoy these works of art. In this circumstance, as outsiders and types of the public, the first kind of critics is able to build connection between them by explaining the details to the public. In other words, the first kind of critics makes works of art understandable. On the other hand, as the neophytes at art fields need guidance, they would get improved by the critiques of experienced artists. And gradually, the standard of evaluating artistic works comes into being.  Thus, the function of the second kind is to modify the error made by fledging rookie, and more importantly, to summarize all different artistic skill into common knowledge.  

What’s more, there still remain doubts whether artist does originate social value, let alone ever lasting social value, even acknowledging the artistic value artists create. Concessively speaking, the artists do want to express their ideas to effect the society in the works, but as art does evoke imagination, rather than offer direct and accurate expressions, their deep ideas are, unfortunately, neglected. Taking paintings for instance, dull hues often stand for social darkness, and people living in shadows always refer to the ordinary public who suffers from social defects, so it reveals that the society needs revolutions to change this social environment and to promote the development of history. But these cues would not inspire and evoke the people who have no professional knowledge. The valuable artistic works are just as gold deeply intered in the earth: it flares but no one could see.

To further extend the aspect above, it is critic that creates more significant ever lasting social value. As mentioned above, ideas in the artistic works are not able to affect people efficiently, in this circumstance; critiques about the works are the keys to solve the problem. Critics unfold the cues of the works into the most understandable words, and thus inform the public with ideas of the artists. Accordingly, the function of critics makes social revolution possible, which will have much influence on the history, and create ever lasting social value. In addition, alone with new advancement of art, critics are attributed to made modification of the standard to restrain and evaluate artistic works.

To sum up, artists only create artistic value; on the contrary, critics transfer their artistic and vague social value into ever lasting value.


[ Last edited by forevera on 2005-8-14 at 15:39 ]
作者: echostate    时间: 2005-8-15 00:05:59

作者: sebarina    时间: 2005-8-15 00:23:12

作者: sebarina    时间: 2005-8-15 01:00:26

Is artist superior in giving societies lasting value? And can the function of critic be denied or neglected一个就够了吧? Facing these questions, any extreme judge, without systematic analysis, would be improper感觉像argu. As far as I am concerned, critic is, even not more than我怎么记得是no more than?, equally important as artist in providing society with ever lasting value.

Admittedly, main artistic value of the works is derived from the creativity of the preeminent artists. The artists put careful and cute eyes on their surroundings, and their insight and intelligent creativities are inspired by the most common details of daily life, consequently, in their works, the artists endow the common things with spirits说得很不错的话, which, to large extent, embody the artistic value.其实我想说得是,我又看到你超长无比的句子了~不说啥了,想来你也不会听 For instance, Da Vinci, based on careful look and reasonable imagination, created the beautiful but mysterious smiles of Mona Lisa, and Andersen wrote numerous fairy tales by adding some fantastic elements into most common stories. 例子还是很精简的,表达也很好~

However, without the function of critic, the artistic value of the works of art would be diminished. Generally, the critic can be divided into two kinds: the first kind of people is made up of preeminent artists, who have gained authorization in their fields; and the other is those who are not artist, but have basic artistic knowledge, together with personal ideas on art works. And the both kinds of people have significant effect on artistic works. On one hand, as there are inevitable the去掉 gaps between general public and artists, without any forms 总觉得any有点别扭of critique, common people would not have access to enjoy these works of art. In this circumstance[/color],每次用都糊涂,是in还是?under as什么意思?outsiders and types of the public , the first kind of critics is able to build connection between them by explaining the details to the public. In other words, the first kind of critics makes works of art understandable. On the other hand, as the neophytes at art fields need guidance, they would get improved by the critiques of experienced artists. And gradually, the standard of evaluating artistic works comes into being.
这句话不说得好,没有什么用,不如补充说下前文,which is 过于概括了Thus, the function of the second kind 没看出来你开始讲第二种了前面有点指代模糊也可能我理解不到 isto modify the error made by fledging rookie, and more importantly, to summarize all different artistic skill into common knowledge.  

What’s more, there still remain doubts whether artist does originate social value, let alone ever lasting social value, even acknowledging the artistic value artists create.好哲啊……佩服的五体投地 Concessively speaking, the artists do want to express their ideas to effect the society in the works, but as art does evoke imagination, rather than offer direct and accurate expressions, their deep ideas are, unfortunately, neglected. Taking paintings for instance, dull hues often stand for social darkness, and people living 可以不要吧in shadows always refer to the ordinary public who suffers from social defects, so it reveals that the society needs revolutions to change this social environment and to promote the development of history. But these cues would not inspire and evoke the people who have no professional knowledge. The valuable artistic works are just as gold deeply intered in the earth: it flares but no one could see.你前面的everlasting问题这里还是没有解释清楚

To further extend the aspect above, it is critic that creates more significant ever lasting social 好长的定语value. As mentioned above, ideas in the artistic works are not able to affect people efficiently, in this circumstance; critiques about the works are the keys to solve the problem. Critics unfold the cues of the works into the most understandable words, and thus inform the public with ideas of the artists. Accordingly, the function of critics makes social revolution possible, which will have much influence on the history, and create ever lasting social value.赞~扣题了呵呵我都做不到 In addition, alone with new advancement of art, critics are attributed to made modification of the standard to restrain and evaluate artistic works.

To sum up, artists only create artistic value; on the contrary, critics transfer their artistic and vague social value into ever lasting value.倒是也回应中心句,略单薄了
作者: echostate    时间: 2005-8-17 15:20:34

Is artist superior in giving societies lasting value? And can the function of critic be denied or neglected? Facing these questions, any extreme judge, without systematic analysis [分析什么,应该写清楚,比如分析艺术lasting value的本质,或者分析critic的作用等等。 读一下你现在这个句子“任何极端分析,没有经过系统分析,是不合适的”。觉得是语句废话。不仅是“facing these questions”,简直对任何一个问题都是废话。所以,这句话并没有给出与本题,或本文探讨问题任何相关的有用信息。], would be improper. As far as I am concerned, critic is, even not more than, equally important as artist in providing society with ever lasting value.

Admittedly, main artistic value of the works is derived from the creativity of the preeminent artists. The artists put careful and cute eyes on their surroundings, and their insight and intelligent creativities are inspired by the most common details of daily life, consequently, in their works, the artists endow the common things with spirits, which, to large extent, embody the artistic value. For instance, Da Vinci, based on careful look and reasonable imagination, created the beautiful but mysterious smiles of Mona Lisa, and Andersen wrote numerous fairy tales by adding some fantastic elements into most common stories. [这段不错,让步。]

However, without the function of critic, the artistic value of the works of art would be diminished. Generally, the critic can be divided into two kinds: the first kind of people is made up of preeminent artists, who have gained authorization in their fields; and the other is those who are not artist, but have basic artistic knowledge, together with personal ideas on art works.[拆分,为下面找话说,不错。但是这个分类有点……尤其是第一类,存在吗?] And the both kinds of people have significant effect on artistic works. On one hand, as there are inevitable the gaps between general public and artists, without any forms of critique, common people would not have access to enjoy these works of art. In this circumstance, as outsiders and types of the public, the first kind of critics is able to build connection between them by explaining the details to the public [有个小问题,那些艺术大家干这个活吗?达芬奇?凡高?他们应该都是没心情干这个吧]. In other words, the first kind of critics makes works of art understandable. On the other hand, as the neophytes at art fields need guidance, they would get improved by the critiques of experienced artists. And gradually, the standard of evaluating artistic works comes into being.  Thus, the function of the second kind is to modify the error made by fledging rookie, and more importantly, to summarize all different artistic skill into common knowledge [觉得你这个对批评家的分类,以及两种批评家各自的功能,有点想当然的感觉了].  

What’s more, there still remain doubts whether artist does originate social value, let alone ever lasting social value, even acknowledging the artistic value artists create. Concessively speaking, the artists do want to express their ideas to effect the society in the works, but as art does evoke imagination, rather than offer direct and accurate expressions, their deep ideas are, unfortunately, neglected. Taking paintings for instance, dull hues often stand for social darkness, and people living in shadows always refer to the ordinary public who suffers from social defects, so it reveals that the society needs revolutions to change this social environment and to promote the development of history. But these cues would not inspire and evoke the people who have no professional knowledge. The valuable artistic works are just as gold deeply intered in the earth: it flares but no one could see.[和下面那段合并!而且你好像说的还是一个艺术的解释问题啊,前面说critic功能的时候不是说过了?]

To further extend the aspect above, it is critic that creates more significant ever lasting social value. As mentioned above, ideas in the artistic works are not able to affect people efficiently, in this circumstance; critiques about the works are the keys to solve the problem. Critics unfold the cues of the works into the most understandable words, and thus inform the public with ideas of the artists [果真还是一个解释问题,那你后面这两段提出一个“social value”的概念,意义不大噢~]. Accordingly, the function of critics makes social revolution possible, which will have much influence on the history, and create ever lasting social value. In addition, alone with new advancement of art, critics are attributed to made modification of the standard to restrain and evaluate artistic works.

To sum up, artists only create artistic value; on the contrary, critics transfer their artistic and vague social value into ever lasting value.
[其实写的不错。关键问题是,没有让读者明白“解释”这个功能,对于艺术价值和社会价值有什么区别吗?不都是把一些东东用普通人能理解的方式解释出来吗?如果不能明确这两者的区别,但弄2段说social value的意义和在?]
作者: forevera    时间: 2005-8-19 09:36:35

Is artist superior in giving societies lasting value? And can the function of critic be denied or neglected? Facing these questions, any extreme judge, without systematic analysis [分析什么,应该写清楚,比如分析艺术lasting value的本质,或者分析critic的作用等等。 读一下你现在这个句子“任何极端分析,没有经过系统分析,是不合适的”。觉得是语句废话。不仅是“facing these questions”,简直对任何一个问题都是废话。所以,这句话并没有给出与本题,或本文探讨问题任何相关的有用信息。]   我觉得这句话是必要的,如果没有的话开头的问句和我的观点之间就不能很好的连接在一起了,它承前回答了提出的问题,然后能引出后面我的观点。。。你觉得呢?, would be improper. As far as I am concerned, critic is, even not more than, equally important as artist in providing society with ever lasting value.

Admittedly, main artistic value of the works is derived from the creativity of the preeminent artists. The artists put careful and cute eyes on their surroundings, and their insight and intelligent creativities are inspired by the most common details of daily life, consequently, in their works, the artists endow the common things with spirits, which, to large extent, embody the artistic value. For instance, Da Vinci, based on careful look and reasonable imagination, created the beautiful but mysterious smiles of Mona Lisa, and Andersen wrote numerous fairy tales by adding some fantastic elements into most common stories. [这段不错,让步。]

However, without the function of critic, the artistic value of the works of art would be diminished. Generally, the critic can be divided into two kinds: the first kind of people is made up of preeminent artists, who have gained authorization in their fields; and the other is those who are not artist, but have basic artistic knowledge, together with personal ideas on art works.[拆分,为下面找话说,不错。但是这个分类有点……尤其是第一类,存在吗?] And the both kinds of people have significant effect on artistic works. On one hand, as there are inevitable the gaps between general public and artists, without any forms of critique, common people would not have access to enjoy these works of art. In this circumstance, as outsiders and types of the public, the first kind of critics is able to build connection between them by explaining the details to the public [有个小问题,那些艺术大家干这个活吗?达芬奇?凡高?他们应该都是没心情干这个吧].   好象那些文学评论家也都是一些文学大家吧。。。In other words, the first kind of critics makes works of art understandable. On the other hand, as the neophytes at art fields need guidance, they would get improved by the critiques of experienced artists. And gradually, the standard of evaluating artistic works comes into being.  Thus, the function of the second kind is to modify the error made by fledging rookie, and more importantly, to summarize all different artistic skill into common knowledge [觉得你这个对批评家的分类,以及两种批评家各自的功能,有点想当然的感觉了].  

What’s more, there still remain doubts whether artist does originate social value, let alone ever lasting social value, even acknowledging the artistic value artists create. Concessively speaking, the artists do want to express their ideas to effect the society in the works, but as art does evoke imagination, rather than offer direct and accurate expressions, their deep ideas are, unfortunately, neglected. Taking paintings for instance, dull hues often stand for social darkness, and people living in shadows always refer to the ordinary public who suffers from social defects, so it reveals that the society needs revolutions to change this social environment and to promote the development of history. But these cues would not inspire and evoke the people who have no professional knowledge. The valuable artistic works are just as gold deeply intered in the earth: it flares but no one could see.[和下面那段合并!而且你好像说的还是一个艺术的解释问题啊,前面说critic功能的时候不是说过了?]  合并不合并其实都差不多,而且我觉得不合并看起来层次感更强,关于解释问题,这一段是说艺术家自身不能将他们作品中的社会效应发挥出来,虽然也是解释,但上一段是就艺术论艺术,解释的是作品的艺术价值,而这一段是解释的社会价值,一个问题的2个方面。
To further extend the aspect above, it is critic that creates more significant ever lasting social value. As mentioned above, ideas in the artistic works are not able to affect people efficiently, in this circumstance; critiques about the works are the keys to solve the problem. Critics unfold the cues of the works into the most understandable words, and thus inform the public with ideas of the artists [果真还是一个解释问题,那你后面这两段提出一个“social value”的概念,意义不大噢~] 这一段是对上一段的递进,补充了上一段没有说谁能发掘艺术作品的社会效用,further extentsion,不过我承认这一段写的的确有点罗嗦。. Accordingly, the function of critics makes social revolution possible, which will have much influence on the history, and create ever lasting social value. In addition, alone with new advancement of art, critics are attributed to made modification of the standard to restrain and evaluate artistic works.

To sum up, artists only create artistic value; on the contrary, critics transfer their artistic and vague social value into ever lasting value.
[其实写的不错。关键问题是,没有让读者明白“解释”这个功能,对于艺术价值和社会价值有什么区别吗?不都是把一些东东用普通人能理解的方式解释出来吗?如果不能明确这两者的区别,但弄2段说social value的意义和在?]

[ Last edited by forevera on 2005-8-19 at 09:38 ]
作者: echostate    时间: 2005-8-19 12:59:10

开头段那个嘛,那句话当然是必要的,可是,我觉得应该再具体一点,主要是“without systematic analysis ”这个地方,写成缺乏对.....的系统分析,更好一点。否则这句话就是完全的套话了:P——虽然一片issue,都可以用“这个问题,没有系统分析,就下结论是不好的”,对吧。


而且判卷人估计也就是1分钟2分钟速读一下就给分了,所以最好第一眼就让人家觉得划分的有理:P 比如老外280里面,将其功能分为:想大众解释/评价筛选/向艺术家反馈提意见。三个功能,第一眼就觉得划分的很fit:)


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