
标题: issue25 G-89-互助社-15日同主题写作 [打印本页]

作者: dennyaimar    时间: 2005-8-15 22:38:13     标题: issue25 G-89-互助社-15日同主题写作

Anyone can make things bigger and more complex. What requires real effort and courage is to move in the opposite direction—in other words, to make things as simple as possible.
1)现代社会中最需要的是效率。如果大家都把事情复杂化,扩大化,那么会大大降低工作效率,尤其是在企业中。这是真正需要大家的努力去完成的目标。Ex:HP strategy
2)在一些领域,尤其是科学,真正能把事情简单化是需要很大勇气的。Ex:Einstein 广义相对论
Whether it requires great effort and courage to make things bigger and more complex or simpler depends on the situation one meets. We cannot simply assert either one is unnecessary. In our daily lives, we should consider both way when we tackle the task and make a decision, which due to the result of using the method.

Under some circumstances, it is a tough target to multiply matters, which is necessary. When one receives a task, he or she only have the outline and should consider all details. Only by magnify the effort, one can write a perfect plan of the matter, which will be complicated. If everyone just wants to make things easier, the disorder will be happen and do great harm to the development of the whole process. When one pays more effort than ever to make things bigger, he or she should possess great courage. Because it means one will hold more responsibility and obligation, without which the goal will not be attained. As mentioned, this way of handling things requires the person own real effort and courage.

However, in other cases to make things simpler and easier is also a hard work. For one thing, simple can benefit the society by enhance its efficiency. Seldom companies are willing to tackle complicated matters all day, and so do the organizations in other areas. HP Company is doing such effort these years, for instance. Years ago, the strategy of HP was to maximize their endeavor to benefit the customers and lessen the business they might meet. But this discipline greatly enhanced the cost for running the system for the complicated method. Now HP changes the strategy to minimize the pay by simplify the system. Now HP have high increasing rate because of the benefit the new strategy bring. It cost HP great effort and courage to make the evolution. Once the outcomes do not perform well, the executive would face the problem of disposition.

For another, the complexity of a theory sometimes equals the potent of the plaudits. Now many professors all use pages of report to demonstrate simple results of their research. Real learners will not weight this factor to much. The most famous scientist, Einstein, possess such great courage. He printed one of his greatest works--General Theory of Relativity--simply, and even an uneducated child can understand his meaning in the book. He surely paid great endeavor to reduce the argot of physics in the book to make it simple. In these cases we can point out that it must be a difficult decision to turn things simpler for the work and courage to offer.

The two ways of handling things, to make them more complex or simpler, are both important for work. When we have an outline or blueprint, we need to magnify it and consider all aspect of it to make it perfect. And making things simpler is the very thing we should do when it can save our time and money or the result will benefit the public. Both two meanings have the value to exist.
作者: Smile_Irene    时间: 2005-8-16 10:42:14

Whether it requires great effort and courage to make things bigger and more complex or simpler depends on the situation one meets. We cannot simply assert either one is unnecessary. In our daily lives, we should consider both ways when we tackle the(a) task and make a decision, which due to the result of using the method.(这个从句是指什么呢?)
Under some circumstances, it is a tough target to multiply matters, which is necessary. When one receives a task, he or she only have the outline and should consider all details. Only by magnify the effort?, one can write a perfect plan of the matter, which will be complicated. If one just wants to make things easier, the disorder will happen and do great harm to the development of the whole process. (与这段主体无关)When one pays more effort than ever to make things bigger, he or she should possess great courage. Because it means one will hold more responsibility and obligation, without which the goal will not be attained. As mentioned, this way of handling things requires the person own real effort and courage.(是不是想说吧计划或纲要扩大需要很大effort?有些缺少论据,只说了需要责任与义务,但为什么呢?与前面的说法感觉只是一个简单重复)

However, in other cases to make things simpler and easier is also a hard work. For one thing, simplification can benefit the society by enhance its efficiency. Seldom companies are willing to tackle complicated matters all day, and so do the organizations in other areas. HP Company is doing such effort these years, for instance. Years ago, the strategy of HP was to maximize their endeavor to benefit the customers and lessen the business they might meet. But this discipline greatly enhanced the cost for running the system for(后面接名词,because of好象更合适) the complicated method. Now HP changes the strategy to minimize the pay by simplify the system. Now HP have high increasing rate because of the benefit the new strategy brings. It cost HP great effort and courage to make the evolution. Once the outcomes do not perform well, the executive would face the problem of disposition.(例子不错,但最后这句最好改成HP的简化改革是要很大努力的)
For another, the complexity of a theory sometimes equals the potent of the plaudits. ?Now many professors all use pages of report to demonstrate simple results of their research. Real learners will not weight this factor to much. The most famous scientist, Einstein, possess such great courage. He printed one of his greatest works--General Theory of Relativity--simply, and even an uneducated child can understand his meaning in the book. He surely paid great endeavor to reduce the argot of physics in the book to make it simple. In these cases we can point out that it must be a difficult decision(这个词不太合适) to turn things simpler for the work and courage to offer.(可以从科学技术发展的复杂性与成果对于人们生活得简单方便方面入手)
The two ways of handling things, to make them more complex or simpler, are both important for work. When we have an outline or blueprint, we need to magnify it and consider all aspects of it to make it perfect. And making things simpler is the very thing we should do when it can save our time and money or the result will benefit the public. Both two meanings have the value to exist.

作者: dennyaimar    时间: 2005-8-16 19:45:18


作者: keeyang    时间: 2005-8-17 10:53:13     标题: 回复 #1 dennyaimar 的帖子

我昨天没来上网,原来 Smile-Irenen已经改过了。

作者: dalailama1985    时间: 2007-3-27 20:44:27     标题: 回复 #1 dennyaimar 的帖子

思路不错, 提高一下语言能拿5.0
作者: lithrain    时间: 2009-3-13 21:25:49

作者: 何运腾1    时间: 2010-3-14 17:24:30

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