me: Good afternoon, sir
vo: Can you speak english?
me: yes, I can
vo:why do u go to USA?
me: I am invited to the CCR to do some research work with Prof. liu. He is the director of the CCR. This is the offer letter and this is the introduction of the CCR.
(从窗口下面的小缝里把offer letter和introduction递进去,VO看了一会问)
vo: Do what research work?
me: analysis of indo-Asian monsoon. I go there to learn how to install and run a model on different workstation. so that I can install the model on our own workstation.
vo: computer workstation?
me: yes, computer workstation.(后来我想可能这句话说的多余了,是不是因为他怀疑我的专业与计算机有关才check我的呢)
vo: ....... background?(我想应该问的是学术背景)
me: my major is Quarternary Geology. now I am a Phd. student.(递上我的resume和学生证)when I come back, i will finish my doctor's dissertation and get my docotor's degree.
vo: are you married?
me:yes,this is my married card.
vo: where does she work?
vo:ok, wait for a minute.(然后和另外一个vo讨论起来)
vo:I think there is no question for you to get the visa, we will email to you.
me: how long?
vo: about three weeks
这时另外一个vo上前来把学生证、护照、结婚证件递给我,而把DS表格、论文、offer letter、resume留了下来。随手从台子上抽出一张粉红色的checklist表写上我的名字,盖上章,递给我。我收拾了一下离开的窗口。
出了大厅后,我的肚子马上就饿了。到老大娘那里取了包后,买了个面包就急着去火车站买票到天津找老婆了,哈哈,老婆说晚上给我准备了好吃的,还有红酒!谢谢,老婆给我帮助和支持!作者: chengs 时间: 2005-9-27 09:11:54