
标题: Anticipation-----GRE阅读的最佳感觉 [打印本页]

作者: mkb57288    时间: 2005-9-10 14:33:07     标题: Anticipation-----GRE阅读的最佳感觉



1、消除对阅读的恐惧感:不同的人种虽然用不同的语言,但却共享几乎相同的思维,所以人是一定能够读懂人话的,GRE阅读不是God read English,因为虽然语言不同,但是却可以通过跟上作者的思维来弥补文字的阅读能力方面的缺陷

2、如何跟上作者的思维:在语言能力还不太行的前提下,个人认为唯一的办法就是“不读“,把读的过程有意识的转化成reconstruction,大家都是经历了AWT的人,相信都清楚什么是hoop writing,这一点上GRE的阅读就是典范。阅读中上面的内容是绝对会给你对下文的提示的,读不懂的时候可以自己主动地往下想一下,想一想如果自己是作者的话下面会怎么写。ETS的考官跟我们一样是人,而且逻辑正常,这一点上跟我们完全相同,也就是说如果我们真地正确的掌握了逻辑的线索的话,就可以在没有读懂的时候把这些逻辑上的缺环自己补充上,并且预见到下文将要讲的问题




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[ Last edited by mkb57288 on 2005-9-16 at 23:34 ]
作者: mkb57288    时间: 2005-9-10 14:34:48

The energy contained in rock within the earth’s crust represents a nearly unlimited energy source, but until recently commercial retrieval has been limited to underground hot water and/or steam recovery systems右前面的limited知道后面的肯定不是文章要讲的主题内容,看样子文章要讲的是一种新的方法,所以老的方法可以略读. These systems have been developed in areas of recent volcanic activity, where high rates of heat flow cause visible eruption of water in the form of geysers and hot springs. In other areas, however,文章的focus转换了,引起注意 hot rock also exists near the surface but there is insufficient water present to produce eruptive phenomena. Thus a potential hot dry rock (HDR) reservoir exists whenever注意表示条件的内容 the amount of spontaneously produced geothermal fluid has been judged inadequate for existing commercial systems.

As a result of recent energy crisis, new concepts for creating HDR recovery systems—which involve drilling holes and connecting them to artificial reservoirs placed deep within the crust—are being developed. In all attempts这个状语有一种隐晦的强调的感觉,注意后面的内容,而且前面的语言有一点像交代背景,可见后面是这一段想要表达的内容 to retrieve energy from HDR’s, artificial stimulation will be required to create either sufficient permeability or bounded flow paths to facilitate the removal of heat by circulation of a fluid over the surface of the rock这句话包含了条件和目的两层,即使没看懂也要知道大体是这样的两部分.

The HDR resource base is generally defined to 注意条件,而且这个段首句有实质性的内容,应该是TSincluded crustal rock that is hotter than 150℃, is at depths less than ten kilometers, and can be drilled with presently available equipment. 猜测后面应该是对这个TS的解释Although wells deeper than ten kilometers are technically feasible, prevailing economic factors will obviously determine the commercial feasibility of wells at such depths. Rock temperatures as low as 100℃ may be useful for space heating; however, for producing electricity, temperatures greater than 200℃ are desirable.

The geothermal gradient, which specifically determines  (很特别的词,表达了一种关系,应该就是这一段的内容) the depth of drilling required to reach a desired temperature, is a major factor 回应了上面的determine,进一步的解释,让我们更加确定这是TSin the recoverability of geothermal resources. Temperature gradient maps generated from又是一个很特别的动词,表达了一种关系 oil and gas well temperature-depth records kept by the American Association of Petroleum Geologists suggest that tappable high-temperature gradients are distributed all across the United States. (There are many areas, however, for which no temperature gradient records exist.)

Indications大家看,这个词是一种隐含的结论,好像预示着某种前景 are that the HDR resource base is very large. If有条件的地方一定会有重要的信息,比如说结论an average geothermal temperature gradient of 22℃ per kilometer of depth is used, a staggering 13,000,000 quadrillion B.T.U.’s of total energy are calculated to be contained in crustal rock to a ten-kilometer depth in the United States. If分析同上we conservatively estimate that only about 0.2 percent is recoverable, we find a total of all the coal remaining in the United States. The remaining problem指除了下面的困难,在有些文章里也是重要的考点 is to balance the economics of deeper, hotter, more costly wells and shallower, cooler, less expensive wells against the value of the final product, electricity and/or heat.


21.        The primary purpose of the passage is to这样的主题题型,有时候只要看第一个动词就可以迅速做出判断,用这个办法我们至少可以轻易的排出B,C
(A) alert readers to the existence of HDR’s as an available energy source
(B) document the challengers that have been surmounted in the effort to recover energy from HDR’s
(C) warn the users of coal and oil that HDR’s are not an economically feasible alternative
(D) encourage the use of new techniques for the recovery of energy from underground hot water and steam注意到hot water and steam是老方法里的,肯定不是主题
(E) urge consumers没有提到的内容to demand quicker development of HDR resources for the production of energy
22.        The passage would be most likely to appear in a先感觉整个文章的风格,总体上来说是introductory,于是我把目光首先集中在那些有科普性的选项上—BDE,但是发现内容讲得不对,没有办法,只好一个一个看
(A) petrological research report focused on the history排除 of temperature-depth records in the United States
(B) congressional report urging the conservation排除 of oil and natural gas reserves in the United States
(C) technical journal article concerned with the recoverability of newly identified energy sources
(D) consumer report describing the extent and accessibility of remaining coal排除resources
(E) pamphlet designed to introduce homeowners to the advantages of HDR space-heating排除 systems
23.        According the passage, an average geothermal gradient of 22℃ per kilometer of depth can be used to定位到假设处,后面的分句的内容就应该是答案
(A) balance the economics of HDR energy retrieval against that of underground hot water or steam recovery systems
(B) determine the amount of energy that will used for space heating in the United States
(C) provide comparisons between hot water and HDR energy sources in United States
(D) revise the estimates on the extent of remaining coal resources in the United States
(E) estimate the total HDR resource base in the United States
24.        It can be inferred from the passage that the availability of temperature-depth records for any specific area in the United States depends primarily on回忆前面的重要动词generate from the
(A) possibility that HDR’s may be found in that area
(B) existence of previous attempts to obtain oil or gas in that area
(C) history of successful hot water or steam recovery efforts in that area
(D) failure of inhabitants to conserve oil gas reserves in that area
(E) use of coal as a substitute for oil or gas in that area
25.        According to the passage, in all HDR recovery systems fluid will be necessary in order to allow见前面分析的目的部分
(A) sufficient permeability
(B) artificial stimulation
(C) drilling of holes
(D) construction of reservoirs
(E) transfer of heat
26.        According to the passage, if the average geothermal gradient in an area is 22℃ per kilometer of depth, which of the following can be reliably predicted?这样的题目排除法很有效
I.        The temperature at the base of a 10-kilometer well will be sufficient for the production of electricity.
II.        Drilling of wells deeper than 10 kilometers will be economically feasible.跟文章内容相反
III.        Insufficient water is present to produce eruptive phenomena.跨区的选项,根22C的位置离得太远,基本不可能是正确答案
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) I and II only
(D) II and III only
(E) I, II, and III
27.        Which of the following would be the most appropriate title for the passage?相当于另一种主题题型,见第一题,至少要把文章的focus的那个名词写对
(A) Energy from Water Sources见第一题的D选项: The Feasibility of Commercial Systems
(B) Geothermal Energy Retrieval: Volcanic Activity 同上and Hot Dry Rocks
(C) Energy Underground: Geothermal Sources Give Way to Fossil Fuels化石燃料还是传统的,以上三个选项都是同一个错误
(D) Tappable Energy for America’s Future: Hot Dry Rocks
(E) High Geothermal Gradients in the United States: Myth or Reality?貌似正确选项,但要注意到HGG是出现在一段的TS里,不可能是整篇文章的中心,在这种清况下,不需要管这个名词是什么意思,重要的事知道他的作用

[ Last edited by mkb57288 on 2005-9-11 at 16:40 ]
作者: mkb57288    时间: 2005-9-10 14:56:51     标题: Review

6、用文章的语气和深度来定位target readers


[ Last edited by mkb57288 on 2005-9-10 at 17:29 ]
作者: mreal    时间: 2005-9-10 15:11:24

作者: mkb57288    时间: 2005-9-10 15:53:47     标题: 分析了一下第二篇no.2的长阅读,很经典,真正是读了不到一半的内容可以做对7/8的题目


Four下面肯定会分类展开,注意下面具体的形式 legal approaches may be followed in attempting to channel很可能是文章的主题,并且注意这个动词,很特别technological development in socially useful direction: specific directives, market incentive modifications, criminal prohibitions, and changes in decision-making structures证明了上面的猜测,而且我们要注意下面的解释,正常人的逻辑是不会给出新的名词而不作解释的,在这些解释的作用还没有明晰之前,可以先大略的看,ETS出题不是很直白的,不会直接考名词解释. Specific directives involve the government’s identifying one or more factors controlling research, development, or implementation of a given technology. Directives affecting such factors may vary from administrative regulation of private activity to government ownership of a technological operation答完题目之后来找错误:噢,原来在这里,害死我了. Market incentive modifications are deliberate alterations of the market within which private decisions regarding the development and implementation of technology are made. Such modifications may consist of imposing taxes to cover the costs to society of a given technology, granting subsidies to pay for social benefits of a technology, creating the right to sue to prevent certain technological development, or easing procedural rules to enable the recovery of damages to compensate for harm caused by destructive technological activity. Criminal prohibitions may modify technological activity in areas impinging on fundamental social values, or they may modify human behavior likely to result from technological applications—for example, the deactivation of automotive pollution control devices in order to improve vehicle performance. Alteration of decision-making structures includes all possible modifications in the authority, constitution, or responsibility of private and public entities deciding questions of technological development and implementation. Such alterations include the addition of public-interest members to corporate boards, the imposition by statute of duties on governmental decision-makers, and the extension of warranties in response to consumer action.略看扫视的结果是4种方法之间是平衡的,看来作者不想单独强调哪一种,最好先分层,方便以后定位,而且从长度上来看已经构成文章的重要组成部分,可能要详细的看了,但是还是没有很清楚作者要说什么,我继续向下扫视力求找出他们在文章的整个结构中扮演的角色

Effective use of these methods to control technology depends on whether or not the goal of regulation is the optimal allocation of resources看样要讲怎么样选择方法了,请注意这里提出了标准---个人感觉这个一定要弄清楚到底是什么意思. When the object is optimal resource allocation, that combination of legal methods should be used that most nearly yields the allocation that would exist if there were no external costs resulting from allocating resources through market activity. There are external costs when the price set by buyers and sellers of goods fails to include some costs, to anyone, that result from the production and use of the goods. Such costs are internalized when buyers pay them.以上都是对那个标准的解释,看样子那个标准一定要弄明白,读到这里的时候觉得上面的4个定义很可能不是很重要,其字数和重要性有一点不成比例

Air pollution from motor vehicles imposes external costs on all those exposed to it, in the form of soiling, materials damage, and disease: these externalities result from failure to place a price on air, thus making it a free good, common to all这里还是重复上文,不过用了具体的例子. Such externalities lead to重要动词,后面的结果很重要 nonoptimal那么想一下什么才能使得恢复到原来的optimal的状态呢 resource allocation, because注意原因 the private net product and the social net product of market activity are not often identical. If 注意条件,重要性见上一篇的分析all externalities were internalized, transactions would occur until bargaining could no longer improve the situation, thus giving an optimal allocation of resources at a given time.

17.        The passage is primarily concerned with describing
A objectives and legal method for directing technological development
B technical approaches to the problem of controlling market activity
C economic procedures for facilitating transactions between buyers and sellers
D reasons for slowing the technological development in light of environmentalist objections
E technological innovations making it possible to achieve optimum allocation of resources
18.        The author cites air pollution from motor vehicles in lines 54-56 in order to
A revise cost estimates calculated by including the costs of resources
B evaluate legal methods used to prevent technological developments
C give examples of costs not included in buyer-seller bargains
D refute hypotheses not made on the basis of monetary exchange values
E commend technological research undertaken for the common welfare
19.        According to the passage, transactions between private buyers and sellers have effects on society that generally
A are harmful when all factors are considered
B give rise to ever-increasing resource costs
C reflect an optimal allocation of natural resources
D encompass more than the effects on the buyers and sellers alone
E are guided by legal controls on the development of technology
20.        It can be inferred from the passage that the author does NOT favor which of the following?
A Protecting the environment for future use
B Changing the balance of power between opposing interests in business
C Intervening in the activity of the free market
D Making prices reflect costs to everyone in society
E Causing technological development to cease
21.        A gasoline-conservation tax这么明显的标志,相信只要略读了四个定义的话都能选出来 on the purchase of large automobiles, with the proceeds of the tax rebated to purchasers of small automobiles, is an example of
A a specific directive
B a market incentive modification
C an optimal resource allocation
D an alteration of a decision-making structure
E an external cost
22.        If there were no external costs, as they are described in the passage, which of the following would be true?
A All technology-control methods would be effective.
B Some resource allocations would be illegal.
C Prices would include all costs to members of society.
D Some decision-making structures would be altered.
E The availability of common goods would increase.
23.        The author assumes that, in determining what would be an optimal allocation of resources, it would be possible to
A assign monetary value to all damage resulting from the use of technology
B combine legal methods to yield the theoretical optimum这是手段不是结果
C convince buyers to bear the burden of damage from technological developments
D predict the costs of new technological developments
E derive an equation making costs depend on prices
24.        On the basis of the passage, it can be inferred that the author would agree with which of the following statements concerning technological development?这个题目有一点不好选择,个人觉得很容易误选成A---反正我是错在这个题上了,因为那个选项里提到了government,后来发现如果对前面的4种方法读得稍微仔细一点的话,可以发现这是一个陈述性的细节,作者没有态度,而C选项正号是把文章中的情况反过来讲
A The government should own technological operations.
B The effect of technological development cannot be controlled.
C Some technological developments are beneficial.
D The current state of technological development results in a good allocation of resources.
E Applications of technological developments are criminally destructive.

[ Last edited by mkb57288 on 2005-9-11 at 00:16 ]
作者: mkb57288    时间: 2005-9-10 16:22:14     标题: 感言

几乎所有题目都集中在后面的两小段,所以在认识到文章的宏观结构之后,要有的放矢,把该读懂的,不管花多少时间都要读懂,不重要的地方大胆的略读,甚至跳过去, 在这一篇中就是都跳过去了(我就是这么干的21题是考到才回去读,而且看到第二个的时候就看到了,很幸运)顶多也就是错最后一道题,大部分分数拿到了

[ Last edited by mkb57288 on 2005-9-10 at 17:32 ]
作者: esmeiras    时间: 2005-9-10 16:48:05

Originally posted by mkb57288 at 2005-9-10 16:32

还有, word 的附件以便下栽:p
作者: mkb57288    时间: 2005-9-10 17:34:10


[ Last edited by mkb57288 on 2005-9-10 at 17:36 ]
作者: goasuplease    时间: 2005-9-10 19:01:10

作者: 禾日因心    时间: 2005-9-10 19:27:59

mkb 真是认真,分析的很细呀,特别第一篇的分析收益非浅,学习ing:)
作者: mkb57288    时间: 2005-9-10 19:29:42

作者: mkb57288    时间: 2005-9-10 20:11:34     标题: 终于彻底的找到阅读感觉了---预见性

以下的分析,都是一边看阅读一边写的,绝对是读文章过程当中的最直接想法,个人觉得think ahead or predict就是GRE阅读的最佳感觉

Scattered around the globe are more than one hundred regions of volcanic activity known as hot spots. Unlike most volcanoes既然说到了它是不同一般的,又在开头出现,那么就猜测这是这篇阅的主角,并且注意到底是哪里不同—这是人的一般逻辑, hot spots are rarely found along the boundaries of the continental and oceanic plates that comprise the Earth’s crust; most hot spots lie deep in the interior of plates and are anchored deep in the layers of the Earth’s surface. Hot spots are alsoanother的另一种表达 distinguished from other volcanoes by their lavas, which contain greater amounts of alkali metals than do those from volcanoes at plate margins.至此两点不同已经找到,估计可能会出题
In some cases, plates moving past hot spots have left trails of extinct volcanoes in much the same way解释 that wind passing over a chimney carries off puffs of smoke. 前面这一句话虽然很难懂—至少我这么觉得,但是只要稍微向后一看后面已经是举例就会发现这个是TS,于是,不管费多大的力气都要读明白It appears that the Hawaiian Islands were created in such a manner by a single source of lava, welling up from a hot spot, over which the Pacific Ocean plate passed on a course roughly from the east toward the northwest, carrying off a line of volcanoes of increasing对表示趋势的词语要敏感 age. Two other Pacific island chains—the Austral Ridge and the Tuamotu Ridge—parallel很特别的动词 the configuration of the Hawaiian chain; they are also aligned from the east toward the northwest, with the most recent volcanic activity near their eastern terminuses.其实相信在那个夏威夷的例子的帮助下那个TS应该也是可以理解的了
That the Pacific plate and the other plates are moving is now beyond dispute; the relative motion of the plates has been reconstructed in detail. However,前面都是背景,后面是这一段的TS了 the relative motion of the plates with respect to the Earth’s interior cannot be determined easily. Hot spots provide the measuring instruments for resolving the question of whether two continental plates are moving in opposite directions or whether one is stationary and the other is drifting away from it. 相信前面的这些不难懂,就是说了文章主角的用处The most compelling evidence又是例子,略读 that a continental plate is stationary is that, at some hot spots, lavas of several ages are superposed instead of being spread out in chronological sequence我们会发现这个例子和上面一段不一样,说实话这个很难叫做一个例子,最好小心,好在比较容易. Of course, reconstruction of plate motion from the tracks of hot-spot volcanoes assumes that hot spots are immobile, or nearly so. Several studies support such an assumption假设是非常重要的内容,这一点也是逻辑的常识,很有可能是考点,但假设的本身内容可能不是很重要的,现在能想到的就是一定要清楚没有这个假设的话什么会不成立,或者说假设为了证明什么结果, including one that has shown that prominent hot spots throughout the world seem not to have moved during the past ten million years.
Beyond相当于对上一段的重复,没读懂的话可以再从这个角度看acting as frames of reference, hot spots apparently influence看样子有反作用 the geophysical processes that propel the plates across the globe. When a continental plate comes to rest over a hot spot, material welling up from deeper layers forms a broad dome that, as it grows, develops deep fissures. In some instances, the continental plate may rupture entirely along some of the fissures so that后面是对influence的具体解释了 the hot spot initiates the formation of a new ocean. Thus, just as earlier theories have explained the mobility of the continental plates, so hot-spot activity may suggest a theory to explain their mutability.证明了上面反作用的想法
20.        The primary purpose of the passage is to 主题题型至少要出现hot spot这个词
(A) describe the way in which hot spots influence the extinction of volcanoes
(B) describe and explain the formation of the oceans and continents
(C) explain how to estimate the age of lava flows from extinct volcanoes
(D) describe hot spots and explain how they appear to influence and record the motion of plates简直是文章的完美概括,appear对应地二段,record对应第三段influence对应第四段
(E) describe the formation and orientation of island chains in the Pacific Ocean在主题题型里肯定不选细节—比如举的例子
21.        According to the passage, hot spots differ from most volcanoes in that hot spots果然出题了
(A) can only be found near islands
(B) are active whereas all other volcanoes are extinct
(C) are situated closer to the earth’s surface
(D) can be found along the edges of the plates
(E) have greater amounts of alkali metals in their lavas如果能读出那个also的含义的话这个题很简单
22.        It can be inferred from the passage that evidence for the apparent course of the Pacific plate has been provided by the
(A) contours of the continents
(B) dimensions of ocean hot spots
(C) concurrent movement of two hot spots
(D) pattern of fissures in the ocean floor
(E) configurations of several mid-ocean island chains这个就是文章第二段的例子嘛
23.        It can be inferred from the passage that the spreading out of lavas of different ages at hot spots indicates that a果然碰上了,看样子有时候example有一点misleading
(A) hot spot is active
(B) continental plate has moved
(C) continental rupture is imminent
(D) hot spot had been moving very rapidly
(E) volcano contains large concentrations of alkali metals
24.        The passage suggests which of the following about the Hawaiian Islands, the Austral Ridge, and the Tuamotu Ridge?
(A) The three chains of islands are moving eastward.
(B) All the islands in the three chains have stopped moving.
(C) The three island chains are a result of the same plate movement.文中那个特别动词—parallel的诠释
(D) The Hawaiian Islands are receding from the other two island chains at a relatively rapid rate.
(E) The Austral Ridge and the Tuamotu Ridge chains have moved closer together whereas the Hawaiian Islands have remained stationary.
25.        Which of the following, if true, would best support the author’s statement that hot-spot activity may explain the mutability of continental plates?
(A) Hot spots move more rapidly than the continental and oceanic plates.
(B) Hot spots are reliable indicators of the age of continental plates.
(C) Hot spots are regions of volcanic activity found only in the interiors of the continental plates.
(D) The alignment of hot spots in the Pacific Ocean parallels the alignment of Pacific Ocean islands.
(E) The coastlines of Africa and South America suggest that they may once have constituted a single continent that ruptured along a line of hot spots.这个是文中具体的influence的再具体话
26.        The author’s argument that hot spots can be used to reconstruct the movement of continental plates is weakened by the fact that果然考到了假设,而且就是假设的作用—直接选出来就可以了
(A) hot spots are never found at the boundaries of plates
(B) only extinct volcanoes remain after a plate moves over a hot spot
(C) lava flow patterns for all hot spots have not been shown to be the same
(D) the immobility or near immobility of hot spots has not been conclusively proven
(E) the changing configurations of islands make pinpointing the locations of hot spots difficult
27.        The author’s style can best be described as这种态度题没有什么特别的,不要选一些过激的态度,比如说嘲讽之类的,学术文章大部分情况下都要保持中肯
(A) dramatic
(B) archaic
(C) esoteric
(D) objective
(E) humanistic

[ Last edited by mkb57288 on 2005-9-10 at 20:20 ]
作者: mkb57288    时间: 2005-9-10 20:37:12     标题: Review--有些和原来发过的重复的就不写了,不过有些太重要还是要罗嗦一下


[ Last edited by mkb57288 on 2005-9-10 at 22:21 ]
作者: mkb57288    时间: 2005-9-10 20:37:50     标题: 今天写这些阅读分析完全是为了报答大家在机考上对我的帮助,再次感谢!!

今天的三篇阅读分析是no.2,这个因为新东方的书上没有收录,所以从来也没有见过,传说中这么老的题目和no.4往后的题目有一些思路上的差距的,但今天觉得还是找到了一些感觉,我觉得这么分析上十篇左右的话,应该就概括了所有 predict的技巧了,希望自己能坚持下去,不过这样子真的比较累也比较盲目---写一篇分析的话至少要半个小时,比直接作题要花将近三倍的时间,不如大家说一下那篇文章有问题比较好,或者是哪一个段落有问题,我也挑找一下自己

[ Last edited by mkb57288 on 2005-9-10 at 20:45 ]
作者: ouym    时间: 2005-9-10 21:29:38

作者: mkb57288    时间: 2005-9-10 21:56:15     标题: Reading is the marriage between intuition and logic

至少我本人是这么认为,think ahead不是不可能的,上面的三篇分析中的后两篇完全是一边读一边写的,相信大家经过一段时间的总结也可以做到同样的效果,有些东西单独拿出来当作逻辑讲的话,大家都觉得简单和透明得可笑,但是在阅读中却往往反应不过来,就是因为我们没有把这样简单的逻辑变成直觉和条件反射

[ Last edited by mkb57288 on 2005-9-10 at 21:57 ]
作者: 禾日因心    时间: 2005-9-10 22:07:53

作者: mkb57288    时间: 2005-9-10 22:17:44

作者: Dendis    时间: 2005-9-10 22:42:52




[ Last edited by Dendis on 2005-9-10 at 23:05 ]
作者: mkb57288    时间: 2005-9-10 22:58:44

作者: 禾日因心    时间: 2005-9-10 22:59:04

谢谢mkb, 明天也按你这样分析阅读去,继续期待你的下一篇分析呀:)
作者: fxs_007    时间: 2005-9-11 00:04:40

作者: goasuplease    时间: 2005-9-11 00:20:29

作者: xiaowenzi118    时间: 2005-9-11 00:24:17

作者: 11yvette    时间: 2005-9-11 00:29:31

作者: mkb57288    时间: 2005-9-11 00:50:38     标题: 也是初来乍到,刚刚才发现有这样的好东东


[ Last edited by mkb57288 on 2005-9-11 at 01:06 ]
作者: 11yvette    时间: 2005-9-11 01:08:17

作者: 翦瞳    时间: 2005-9-11 01:14:31

作者: mkb57288    时间: 2005-9-11 01:14:56



[ Last edited by mkb57288 on 2005-9-11 at 01:27 ]
作者: mkb57288    时间: 2005-9-11 01:46:48     标题: 转载----GMAT&GRE&LSAT所有阅读全真题及答案

https://bbs.gter.net/viewthre ... B%D5%E6%CC%E2%BC%B0

[ Last edited by mkb57288 on 2005-9-11 at 16:56 ]
作者: liulin12369    时间: 2005-9-11 08:47:08

作者: esmeiras    时间: 2005-9-11 10:13:30


作者: ginachu    时间: 2005-9-11 10:18:49

作者: ouym    时间: 2005-9-11 12:10:44

作者: zmmary    时间: 2005-9-11 12:41:59

作者: yaoniecat    时间: 2005-9-11 12:43:49

作者: zmmary    时间: 2005-9-11 13:04:04

作者: ouym    时间: 2005-9-11 15:53:40


The deep sea typically has a sparse fauna dominated by tiny worms and crustaceans, with an even sparser distribution of larger animals. (背景知识)However, (转折,预示其后面的话将是本文的主题)near hydrothermal vents, areas of the ocean where warm water emerges from subterranean sources, live remarkable densities of huge clams, blind crabs, and fish.(第1段有三个对比:typical deep sea---near hydrothermal vents; sparse---remarkable densities; tiny---huge)

Most deep-sea faunas rely for food on particulate matter, ultimately derived form photosynthesis, falling from above. (仍然是背景知识)The food supplies necessary to sustain the large vent communities, however, must be many times the ordinary fallout.(在此出现转折,此句是本段的主题) The first reports describing(提示:现象解释型) vent faunas proposed two possible sources of nutrition: bacterial chemosynthesis,(key words) production of food by bacteria using energy derived from chemical changes, and advection,(key words) the drifting of food materials from surrounding regions. Later,(时间,重要!前面讲道理,后面摆事实!) evidence in support of the idea of intense local chemosynthesis was accumulated: hydrogen sulfide(keywords) was found in vent water; many vent-site bacteria were found to be capable of chemosynthesis; and extremely large concentrations of bacteria were found in samples of vent water thought to be pure. This final(敏感词!) observation seemed decisive. If such astonishing concentrations of bacteria were typical of vent outflow, then food within the vent would dwarf(对这个词不理解!!) any contribution from advection. Hence, the widely(敏感词!) quoted conclusion was reached that bacterial chemosynthesis provides the foundation for hydrothermal-vent food chains-an exciting prospect because no other communities on Earth are independent of photosynthesis.(这最后两句,if….Hence…,是不是想出一个改善题之类的呢?!)(本段的结构很清晰:背景知识-主题句-解释-结论,关键词:chemosynthesis;advection;hydrogen sulfide)

There are, however, certain difficulties with this interpretation.(又一个转折,说明上一段的解释存在问题!) For example, some of the large sedentary organisms associated with vents are also found at ordinary deep-sea temperatures many meters from the nearest hydrothermal sources.(问题1,关键词:ordinary deep-sea) This suggests that bacterial chemosynthesis is not a sufficient source of nutrition for these creatures.(问题1的结论!) Another difficulty is that similarly dense populations of large deep-sea animals have been found in the proximity of “smokers”-vents where water emerges at temperatures up to 350℃. No bacteria can survive such heat, and no bacteria were found there.(问题2,关键词:smokers,no bacteria) Unless smokers are consistently located near more hospitable warm-water vents, chemosynthesis can account for only a fraction of the vent faunas(unless的出现,会不会又来个改善题呢?!). It is conceivable, however, that these large, sedentary organisms do in fact feed on bacteria that grow in warm-water vents, rise in the vent water, and then rain in peripheral areas to nourish animals living some distance from the warm-water vents.(这最后一句,我倒是知道它的意思,但不知道它在本段中起啥子作用!望高人指点!幸甚!)(本段的结构:首先一个转折过渡,提出对上一段解释的质疑――举例说明。关键词:ordinary deep-sea;smokers,no bacteria)

Nonetheless advection is a more likely alternative food source.(主题句!advection是第2段里的一个key words!这么看起来,第3段主要针对第一个key words,有点象总分结构!) Research has demonstrated that advective flow, which originates near the surface of the ocean where suspended particulate matter accumulates, transports some of that matter and water to the vents. Estimates suggest that for every cubic meter of vent discharge, 350 milligrams of particulate organic material would be advected into the vent area. Thus, for an average-sized vent, advection could provide more than 30 kilograms of potential food per day. In addition, it is likely that small live animals in the advected water might be killed or stunned by thermal and/or chemical shock, thereby contributing to the food supply of vents.

1.        The passage provides information for answering which of the following questions?
(a)        What causes warm-water vents to form?
(b)        Do vent faunas consume more than do deep-sea faunas of similar size?
(c)        What role does hydrogen sulfide play in chemosynthesis?
(d)        What accounts for the locations of deep-sea smokers?
(e)        Do bacteria live in the vent water of smokers?尽管这道题很简单,但我最烦这种题目了。它要求读者了解文中每一个细节!不知道哪位有什么好办法没有?!

2.        The information in the passage suggests that the majority of deep-sea faunas that live in nonvent habitats have which of the following characteristics?(这是文章第1段中的3个对比!这里考了两个:went---nonvent; tiny---huge)
(a)        They do not normally feed on particles of food in water.
(b)        They are smaller than many vent faunas.
(c)        They are predators.
(d)        They derive nutrition from a chemosynthetic food source.
(e)        They congregate around a single main food source.

3.        The primary purpose of the passage is to (这是主题题吧!)
(a)        describe a previously known natural phenomenon
(b)        reconstruct the evolution of a natural phenomenon
(c)        establish unequivocally the accuracy of a hypothesis
(d)        survey explanations for a natural phenomenon and determine which is best supported by evidence(现象解释型)
(e)        entertain criticism of the author’s research and provide an effective response

4.        Which of the following does the author cite as a weakness in the argument that bacterial chemosynthesis provides the foundation for the food chains at deep-sea vents?
(a)        Vents are colonized by some of the same animals found in other areas of the ocean floor.(这时第3段里的问题1)
(b)        Vent water does not contain sufficient quantities of hydrogen sulfide.
(c)        Bacteria cannot produce large quantities of food quickly enough.
(d)        Large concentrations of minerals are found in went water.
(e)        Some bacteria found in the vents are incapable of chemosynthesis.

5.        Which of the following is information supplied in the passage that would support the statement that the food supplies necessary to sustain vent communities must be many times that of ordinary fallout?
I.Large vent faunas move from vent to vent in search of food.
II.Vent faunas are not able to consume food produced by photosynthesis
III.Vents are more densely populated than are other deep-sea areas.(这是文章第1段中的对比!)
(a)I only
(b) III only
(c) I and II only
(d)II and III only
(e)I, II, III

6.        The author refers to “smokers”(line 38) most probably in order to (这道题有明确的定位,比较简单!)
(a)        show how thermal shock can provide food for some vent faunas by stunning small animals
(b)        prove that the habitat of most deep-sea animals is limited to warm-water vents
(c)        explain how bacteria carry out chemosynthesis
(d)        demonstrate how advection compensates for the lack of food sources on the seafloor
(e)        present evidence that bacterial chemosynthesis may be an inadequate source of food for some vent faunas

7.        Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the particulate matter that is carried down from the surface of the ocean?
(a)        It is the basis of bacterial chemosynthesis in the vents
(b)        It may provide an important source of nutrition for vent faunas (这是最后一段的内容!)
(c)        It may cause the internal temperature of the vents to change significantly
(d)        It is transported as large aggregates of particles
(e)        It contains hydrogen sulfide.

[ Last edited by ouym on 2005-9-11 at 15:55 ]
作者: wineyre    时间: 2005-9-11 16:52:21

作者: mkb57288    时间: 2005-9-11 18:28:03

Originally posted by ouym at 2005-9-11 15:53

作者: cxlbread84    时间: 2005-9-11 22:02:29

作者: mkb57288    时间: 2005-9-12 10:45:59

作者: xiaowenzi118    时间: 2005-9-12 12:40:22     标题: 刚刚做了一下NO2的第一篇(修改)


The energy contained in rock within the earth’s crust represents a nearly unlimited energy source, but until recently commercial retrieval has been limited to underground hot water and/or steam recovery systems. (看到这里我后面的就不想看下去了,无非是解释这句话吧,略读。觉得这句应该是TS)These systems have been developed in areas of recent volcanic activity, where high rates of heat flow cause visible eruption of water in the form of geysers and hot springs. In other areas, however, hot rock also exists near the surface but there is insufficient water present to produce eruptive phenomena. Thus a potential hot dry rock (HDR) reservoir exists whenever the amount of spontaneously produced geothermal fluid has been judged inadequate for existing commercial systems.
As a result of recent energy crisis, new concepts for creating HDR recovery systems—which involve drilling holes and connecting them to artificial reservoirs placed deep within the crust—are being developed. (看来时来运转了么,有新方法了)In all attempts to retrieve energy from HDR’s, artificial stimulation will be required to create either sufficient permeability or bounded flow paths to facilitate the removal of heat by circulation of a fluid over the surface of the rock.
The HDR resource base is generally defined to included crustal rock that is hotter than 150℃, is at depths less than ten kilometers, and can be drilled with presently available equipment. Although wells deeper than ten kilometers are technically feasible, prevailing economic factors will obviously determine the commercial feasibility of wells at such depths. Rock temperatures as low as 100℃ may be useful for space heating; however, for producing electricity, temperatures greater than 200℃ are desirable.
The geothermal gradient(G划一下), which specifically determines the depth of drilling required to reach a desired temperature, is a major factor in the recoverability of geothermal resources. Temperature gradient maps generated from oil and gas well temperature-depth records kept by the American Association of Petroleum Geologists suggest that tappable high-temperature gradients are distributed all across the United States. (There are many areas, however, for which no temperature gradient records exist.)
Indications are that the HDR resource base is very large. (同样,看了这句话,后面只是为了证明这一点,全略)If an average geothermal temperature gradient of 22℃ per kilometer of depth is used, a staggering 13,000,000 quadrillion B.T.U.’s of total energy are calculated to be contained in crustal rock to a ten-kilometer depth in the United States. If we conservatively estimate that only about 0.2 percent is recoverable, we find a total of all the coal remaining in the United States. The remaining problem(problem似乎经常考到,还是要画一下的) is to balance the economics of deeper, hotter, more costly wells and shallower, cooler, less expensive wells against the value of the final product, electricity and/or heat.
21.        The primary purpose of the passage is to
(A) alert readers to the existence of HDR’s as an available energy source
(B) document the challengers that have been surmounted in the effort to recover energy from HDR’s
(C) warn the users of coal and oil that HDR’s are not an economically feasible alternative
(D) encourage the use of new techniques for the recovery of energy from underground hot water and steam
(E) urge consumers to demand quicker development of HDR resources for the production of energy


22.        The passage would be most likely to appear in a
(A) petrological research report focused on the history of temperature-depth records in the United States
(B) congressional report urging the conservation of oil and natural gas reserves in the United States
(C) technical journal article concerned with the recoverability of newly identified energy sources
(D) consumer report describing the extent and accessibility of remaining coal resources
(E) pamphlet designed to introduce homeowners to the advantages of HDR space-heating systems

23.        According the passage, an average geothermal gradient of 22℃ per kilometer of depth can be used to
(A) balance the economics of HDR energy retrieval against that of underground hot water or steam recovery systems
(B) determine the amount of energy that will used for space heating in the United States
(C) provide comparisons between hot water and HDR energy sources in United States
(D) revise the estimates on the extent of remaining coal resources in the United States
(E) estimate the total HDR resource base in the United States


24.        It can be inferred from the passage that the availability of temperature-depth records for any specific area in the United States depends primarily on the
(A) possibility that HDR’s may be found in that area
(B) existence of previous attempts to obtain oil or gas in that area
(C) history of successful hot water or steam recovery efforts in that area
(D) failure of inhabitants to conserve oil gas reserves in that area
(E) use of coal as a substitute for oil or gas in that area

由 temperature-depth records定位,找有oil and gas的选项

25.        According to the passage, in all HDR recovery systems fluid will be necessary in order to allow
(A) sufficient permeability
(B) artificial stimulation
(C) drilling of holes
(D) construction of reservoirs
(E) transfer of heat
26.        According to the passage, if the average geothermal gradient in an area is 22℃ per kilometer of depth, which of the following can be reliably predicted?
I.        The temperature at the base of a 10-kilometer well will be sufficient for the production of electricity.
II.        Drilling of wells deeper than 10 kilometers will be economically feasible.
III.        Insufficient water is present to produce eruptive phenomena.
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) I and II only
(D) II and III only
(E) I, II, and III

27.        Which of the following would be the most appropriate title for the passage?
(A) Energy from Water Sources: The Feasibility of Commercial Systems
(B) Geothermal Energy Retrieval: Volcanic Activity and Hot Dry Rocks
(C) Energy Underground: Geothermal Sources Give Way to Fossil Fuels
(D) Tappable Energy for America’s Future: Hot Dry Rocks
(E) High Geothermal Gradients in the United States: Myth or Reality?

title,找有focus HDR的,D,  B里虽然也有,无缘无故多了个Volcanic Activity



25.        According to the passage, in all HDR recovery systems fluid will be necessary in order to allow
(A) sufficient permeability
(B) artificial stimulation
(C) drilling of holes
(D) construction of reservoirs
(E) transfer of heat

这题我用all定位,一下子选了B,重看了一下,发现fluid前还有一个by,答案应该在那一句里,就是by前面的removal of heart,看来就是找到定位也要好好分析才行呀,不然前功尽弃。:@

26.        According to the passage, if the average geothermal gradient in an area is 22℃ per kilometer of depth, which of the following can be reliably predicted?
I.        The temperature at the base of a 10-kilometer well will be sufficient for the production of electricity.
II.        Drilling of wells deeper than 10 kilometers will be economically feasible.
III.        Insufficient water is present to produce eruptive phenomena.
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) I and II only
(D) II and III only
(E) I, II, and III


[ Last edited by xiaowenzi118 on 2005-9-12 at 16:26 ]
作者: mkb57288    时间: 2005-9-12 14:47:11     标题: 有感于短阅读

作者: Smile_Irene    时间: 2005-9-12 15:28:56

作者: xiaowenzi118    时间: 2005-9-12 16:30:34     标题: 把帖子改了一下

不知对26的 I还有没有人有别的意见?
作者: mreal    时间: 2005-9-12 17:29:50

作者: mkb57288    时间: 2005-9-12 17:40:16

作者: mkb57288    时间: 2005-9-12 17:51:26     标题: To xiaowenzi

第一  10KM的井是经济上可以承受的
第二  那个二十二度可以提供能源(由后面和coal之间的换算可以知道)
作者: mkb57288    时间: 2005-9-12 18:29:14

作者: heathermiao    时间: 2005-9-12 19:42:35

thanx for sharing...
作者: boytn    时间: 2005-9-12 23:56:42

作者: mkb57288    时间: 2005-9-13 00:06:41     标题: 强烈声明---我没有主张跳读

作者: xiaowenzi118    时间: 2005-9-13 00:11:26

Originally posted by mkb57288 at 2005-9-13 00:06
2大脑很清楚文章的走向,读该读的东西,即使是在这三篇中间最略的第二篇,我也读 ...

作者: mkb57288    时间: 2005-9-13 20:18:30


作者: wineyre    时间: 2005-9-14 00:14:51

作者: chen_chen    时间: 2005-9-14 08:25:26

作者: zehua    时间: 2005-9-14 20:29:33

问个句子我怎么读不懂:The effects of the mechanization of women's work have not borne out the frequently held assumption that new technology is inherently revolutionary.
关键是have not borne out
作者: mkb57288    时间: 2005-9-15 00:42:21

作者: mkb57288    时间: 2005-9-15 10:42:14     标题: To Zehua

作者: wineyre    时间: 2005-9-15 13:36:38

作者: xiaowenzi118    时间: 2005-9-15 13:47:28

Originally posted by wineyre at 2005-9-15 13:36

作者: mkb57288    时间: 2005-9-15 13:53:47

作者: wemer    时间: 2005-9-15 14:55:36

作者: zehua    时间: 2005-9-15 16:39:21

作者: mamak6322    时间: 2005-9-15 17:12:12

确实很有启发~!! 谢谢了~`` 顶下!
作者: mkb57288    时间: 2005-9-15 20:33:17     标题: To zehua

作者: fanquan    时间: 2005-9-15 20:57:43

作者: maggie-zi    时间: 2005-9-15 21:16:52

作者: mkb57288    时间: 2005-9-15 21:19:33

作者: wineyre    时间: 2005-9-15 22:41:49

作者: zehua    时间: 2005-9-16 20:50:33

Is the literary critic like the poet, responding creatively, intuitively, subjectively to the written word as the poet responds to human experience? Or is the critic more like a scientist, following a series of demonstrable, verifiable steps, using an objective method of analysis?
For the woman who is a practitioner of feminist literary criticism, the subjectivity versus objectivity, or critic-as-artist-or-scientist, debate has special significance; for her, the question is not only academic, but political as well, and her definition will court special risks whichever side of the issue it favors. If she defines feminist criticism as objective and scientific—a valid, verifiable, intellectual method that anyone, whether man or woman, can perform—the definition not only precludes the critic-as-artist approach, but may also impede accomplishment of the utilitarian political objectives of those who seek to change the academic establishment and its thinking, especially about sex roles. If she defines feminist criticism as creative and intuitive, privileged as art, then her work becomes vulnerable to the prejudices of stereotypic ideas about the ways in which women think, and will be dismissed by much of the academic establishment. Because of these prejudices, women who use an intuitive approach in their criticism may find themselves charged with inability to be analytical, to be objective, or to think critically. Whereas men may be free to claim the role of critic-as-artist, women run different professional risks when they choose intuition and private experience as critical method and defense.
These questions are political in the sense that the debate over them will inevitably be less an exploration of abstract matters in a spirit of disinterested inquiry than an academic power struggle in which the careers and professional fortunes of many women scholars—only now entering the academic profession in substantial numbers—will be at stake, and with them the chances for a distinctive contribution to humanistic understanding, a contribution that might be an important influence against sexism in our society.
As long as the academic establishment continues to regard objective analysis as “masculine” and an intuitive approach as “feminine,” the theoretician must steer a delicate philosophical course between the two. If she wishes to construct a theory of feminist criticism, she would be well advised to place it within the framework of a general theory of the critical process that is neither purely objective nor purely intuitive. Her theory is then more likely to be compared and contrasted with other theories of criticism with some degree of dispassionate distance.

20.        According to the author, the debate mentioned in the passage has special significance for the woman who is a theoretician of feminist literary criticism for which of the following reasons?
(A) There are large numbers of capable women working within the academic establishment.
(B) There are a few powerful feminist critics who have been recognized by the academic establishment.
(C) Like other critics, most women who are literary critics define criticism as either scientific or artistic.
(D) Women who are literary critics face professional risks different from those faced by men who are literary critics.
(E) Women who are literary critics are more likely to participate in the debate than are men who are literary critics.
我选A了,因为看到原文3段的now entering the academic profession in substantial numbers。 哎! 谁来帮忙看下?
作者: zehua    时间: 2005-9-17 18:31:12

再问:9204-4 短文:
Recently some scientists have concluded that meteorites found on Earth and long believed to have a Martian origin might actually have been blasted free of Mars’s gravity by the impact on Mars of other meteorites. This conclusion has led to another question: whether meteorite impacts on Earth have similarly driven rocks from this planet to Mars.
According to astronomer S. A. Phinney, kicking a rock hard enough to free it from Earth’s gravity would require a meteorite capable of making a crater more than 60 miles across. Moreover, even if Earth rocks were freed by meteorite impact, Mars’s orbit is much larger than Earth’s, so Phinney estimates that the probability of these rocks hitting Mars is about one-tenth as great as that of Mars’s rocks hitting Earth. To demonstrate this estimate, Phinney used a computer to calculate where 1,000 hypothetical particles would go if ejected from Earth in random directions. He found that 17 of the 1,000 particles would hit Mars.
17.        The passage is primarily concerned with
(A) presenting an argument to support a particular hypothesis
(B) suggesting an answer to a theoretical question
(C) questioning the assumptions of a research project
(D) criticizing experimental results
(E) explaining the origin of certain scientific data
作者: zehua    时间: 2005-9-17 18:34:55

已经做完90-93, 现在基本稳定在15分钟错1-2题了。
作者: zehua    时间: 2005-9-18 10:49:00

烦的很。再看看94-02 长
Human relations have commanded people’s attention from early times. The ways of people have been recorded in innumerable myths, folktales, novels, poems, plays, and popular or philosophical essays. Although the full significance of a human relationship may not be directly evident, the complexity of feelings and actions that can be understood at a glance is surprisingly great. For this reason psychology holds a unique position among the sciences. “Intuitive” knowledge may be remarkably penetrating and can significantly help us understand human behavior, whereas in the physical sciences such commonsense knowledge is relatively primitive. If we erased all knowledge of scientific physics from our modem word, not only would we not have cars and television sets, we might even find that the ordinary person was unable to cope with the fundamental mechanical problems of pulleys and levers. On the other hand if we removed all knowledge of scientific psychology from our world, problems in interpersonal relations might easily be coped with and solved much as before. We would still “know” how to avoid doing something asked of us and how to get someone to agree with us; we would still “know” when someone was angry and when someone was pleased. One could even offer sensible explanations for the “whys” of much of the self’s behavior and feelings. In other words, the ordinary person has a great and profound understanding of the self and of other people which, though unformulated or only vaguely conceived, enables one to interact with others in more or less adaptive ways. Kohler, in referring to the lack of great discoveries in psychology as compared with physics, accounts for this by saying that “people were acquainted with practically all territories of mental life a long time before the founding of scientific psychology.”
Paradoxically, with all this natural, intuitive, commonsense capacity to grasp human relations, the science of human relations has been one of the last to develop. Different explanations of this paradox have been suggested. One is that science would destroy the vain and pleasing illusions people have about themselves; but we might ask why people have always loved to read pessimistic, debunking writings, from Ecclesiastes to Freud. It has also been proposed that just because we know so much about people intuitively, there has been less incentive for studying them scientifically; why should one develop a theory, carry out systematic observations, or make predictions about the obvious? In any case, the field of human relations, with its vast literary documentation but meager scientific treatment, is in great contrast to the field of physic in which there are relatively few nonscientific books.

24.        It can be inferred that the author would most likely agree with which of the following statements regarding people who lived before the advent of scientific psychology?
(A) Their understanding of human relations was quite limited.
(B) They were uninterested in acquiring knowledge of the physical world.
(C) They misunderstood others more frequently than do people today.
(D) Their intuitions about human relations were reasonably sophisticated.
(E) They were more likely to hold pleasing illusions about themselves than are people today.
最后1段不是说了,science would destroy the vain and pleasing illusions people have about themselves。 所以心理学发展了以前,不就应该是E吗?怎么答案是D啊?
25.        The author implies that attempts to treat human relations scientifically have thus far been relatively
(A) unilluminating
(B) paradoxical
(C) pessimistic
(D) encouraging
(E) uninterpretable
作者: zehua    时间: 2005-9-18 18:12:50

Thomas Hardy’s impulses as a writer, all of which he indulged in his novels, were numerous and divergent, and they did not always work together in harmony. Hardy was to some degree interested in exploring his characters’ psychologies, though impelled less by curiosity than by sympathy. Occasionally he felt the impulse to comedy (in all its detached coldness) as well as the impulse to farce, but he was more often inclined to see tragedy and record it. He was also inclined to literary realism in the several senses of that phrase. He wanted to describe ordinary human beings; he wanted to speculate on their dilemmas rationally (and, unfortunately, even schematically); and he wanted to record precisely the material universe. Finally, he wanted to be more than a realist. He wanted to transcend what he considered to be the banality of solely recording things exactly and to express as well his awareness of the occult and the strange.
In his novels these various impulses were sacrificed to each other inevitably and often. Inevitably, because Hardy did not care in the way that novelists such as Flaubert or James cared, and therefore took paths of least resistance. Thus, one impulse often surrendered to a fresher one and, unfortunately, instead of exacting a compromise, simply disappeared. A desire to throw over reality a light that never was might give way abruptly to the desire on the part of what we might consider a novelist-scientist to record exactly and concretely the structure and texture of a flower. In this instance, the new impulse was at least an energetic one, and thus its indulgence did not result in a relaxed style. But on other occasions Hardy abandoned a perilous, risky, and highly energizing impulse in favor of what was for him the fatally relaxing impulse to classify and schematize abstractly. When a relaxing impulse was indulged, the style—that sure index of an author’s literary worth—was certain to become verbose. Hardy’s weakness derived from his apparent inability to control the comings and goings of these divergent impulses and from his unwillingness to cultivate and sustain the energetic and risky ones. He submitted to first one and then another, and the spirit blew where it listed; hence the unevenness of any one of his novels. His most controlled novel, Under the Greenwood Tree, prominently exhibits two different but reconcilable impulses—a desire to be a realist-historian and a desire to be a psychologist of love—but the slight interlockings of plot are not enough to bind the two completely together. Thus even this book splits into two distinct parts.
17.        Which of the following is the most appropriate title for the passage, based on its content?
(A) Under the Greenwood Tree: Hardy’s Ambiguous Triumph
(B) The Real and the Strange: The Novelist’s Shifting Realms
(C) Energy Versus Repose: The Role of: Ordinary People in Hardy’s Fiction
(D) Hardy’s Novelistic Impulses: The Problem of Control
(E) Divergent Impulses: The Issue of Unity in the Novel
18.        The passage suggests that the author would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements about literary realism?
(A) Literary realism is most concerned with the exploration of the internal lives of ordinary human beings.
(B) The term “literary realism” is susceptible to more than a single definition.
(C) Literary realism and an interest in psychology are likely to be at odds in a novelist’s work.
(D) “Literary realism” is the term most often used by critics in describing the method of Hardy’s novels.
(E) A propensity toward literary realism is a less interesting novelistic impulse than is an interest in the occult and the strange.
19.        The author of the passage considers a writer’s style to be
(A) a reliable means by which to measure the writer’s literary merit
(B) most apparent in those parts of the writer’s work that are not realistic
(C) problematic when the writer attempts to follow perilous or risky impulses
(D) shaped primarily by the writer’s desire to classify and schematize
(E) the most accurate index of the writer’s literary reputation
20.        Which of the following words could best be substituted for “relaxed” (line 37) without substantially changing the author’s meaning?
(A) informal
(B) confined
(C) risky
(D) wordy
(E) metaphoric
4连错啊,我的天! 打击。。。。
作者: zehua    时间: 2005-9-18 18:16:11

The evolution of intelligence among early large mammals of the grasslands was due in great measure to the interaction between two ecologically synchronized groups of these animals, the hunting carnivores and the herbivores that they hunted. The interaction resulting from the differences between predator and prey led to a general improvement in brain functions; however, certain components of intelligence were improved far more than others.
The kind of intelligence favored by the interplay of increasingly smarter catchers and increasingly keener escapers is defined by attention—that aspect of mind carrying consciousness forward from one moment to the next. It ranges from a passive, free-floating awareness to a highly focused, active fixation. The range through these states is mediated by the arousal system, a network of tracts converging from sensory systems to integrating centers in the brain stem. From the more relaxed to the more vigorous levels, sensitivity to novelty is increased. The organism is more awake, more vigilant; this increased vigilance results in the apprehension of ever more subtle signals as the organism becomes more sensitive to its surroundings. The processes of arousal and concentration give attention its direction. Arousal is at first general, with a flooding of impulses in the brain stem; then gradually the activation is channeled. Thus begins concentration, the holding of consistent images. One meaning of intelligence is the way in which these images and other alertly searched information are used in the context of previous experience. Consciousness links past attention to the present and permits the integration of details with perceived ends and purposes.
The elements of intelligence and consciousness come together marvelously to produce different styles in predator and prey. Herbivores and carnivores develop different kinds of attention related to escaping or chasing. Although in both kinds of animal, arousal stimulates the production of adrenaline and norepinephrine by the adrenal glands, the effect in herbivores is primarily fear, whereas in carnivores the effect is primarily aggression. For both, arousal attunes the animal to what is ahead. Perhaps it does not experience forethought as we know it, but the animal does experience something like it. The predator is searchingly aggressive, innerdirected, tuned by the nervous system and the adrenal hormones, but aware in a sense closer to human consciousness than, say, a hungry lizard’s instinctive snap at a passing beetle. Using past events as a framework, the large mammal predator is working out a relationship between movement and food, sensitive to possibilities in cold trails and distant sounds—and yesterday’s unforgotten lessons. The herbivore prey is of a different mind. Its mood of wariness rather than searching and its attitude of general expectancy instead of anticipating are silk-thin veils of tranquility over an explosive endocrine system.
17.        The author is primarily concerned with
(A) disproving the view that herbivores are less intelligent than carnivores
(B) describing a relationship between animals’ intelligence and their ecological roles
(C) establishing a direct link between early large mammals and their modern counterparts
(D) analyzing the ecological basis for the dominance of some carnivores over other carnivores
(E) demonstrating the importance of hormones in mental activity
这个题我觉得都不对啊!我觉得应该是讲神经系统反映机制的啊!虽然E也很勉强,但是起码提到 mental activity 了,而hormones 在后面也提了啊.
24.        According to the passage, as the process of arousal in an organism continues, all of the following may occur EXCEPT:
(A) the production of adrenaline
(B) the production of norepinephrine
(C) a heightening of sensitivity to stimuli
(D) an increase in selectivity with respect to stimuli
(E) an expansion of the range of states mediated by the brain stem
作者: zehua    时间: 2005-9-19 18:21:52

“I want to criticize the social system, and to show it at work, at its most intense.” Virginia Woolf’s provocative statement about her intentions in writing Mrs. Dalloway has regularly been ignored by the critics, since it highlights an aspect of her literary interests very different from the traditional picture of the “poetic” novelist concerned with examining states of reverie and vision and with following the intricate pathways of individual consciousness. But Virginia Woolf was a realistic as well as a poetic novelist, a satirist and social critic as well as a visionary: literary critics’ cavalier dismissal of Woolf’s social vision will not withstand scrutiny.
In her novels, Woolf is deeply engaged by the questions of how individuals are shaped (or deformed) by their social environments, how historical forces impinge on people’s lives, how class, wealth, and gender help to determine people’s fates. Most of her novels are rooted in a realistically rendered social setting and in a precise historical time.
Woolf’s focus on society has not been generally recognized because of her intense antipathy to propaganda in art. The pictures of reformers in her novels are usually satiric or sharply critical. Even when Woolf is fundamentally sympathetic to their causes, she portrays people anxious to reform their society and possessed of a message or program as arrogant or dishonest, unaware of how their political ideas serve their own psychological needs. (Her Writer’s Diary notes: “the only honest people are the artists,” whereas “these social reformers and philanthropists…harbor…discreditable desires under the disguise of loving their kind…”) Woolf detested what she called “preaching” in fiction, too, and criticized novelist D. H. Lawrence (among others) for working by this method.
Woolf’s own social criticism is expressed in the language of observation rather than in direct commentary, since for her, fiction is a contemplative, not an active art. She describes phenomena and provides materials for a judgment about society and social issues; it is the reader’s work to put the observations together and understand the coherent point of view behind them. As a moralist, Woolf works by indirection, subtly undermining officially accepted mores, mocking, suggesting, calling into question, rather than asserting, advocating, bearing witness: hers is the satirist’s art.
Woolf’s literary models were acute social observers like Chekhov and Chaucer. As she put it in The Common Reader, “It is safe to say that not a single law has been framed or one stone set upon another because of anything Chaucer said or wrote; and yet, as we read him, we are absorbing morality at every pore.” Like Chaucer, Woolf chose to understand as well as to judge, to know her society root and branch—a decision crucial in order to produce art rather than polemic.

18.        In the first paragraph of the passage, the author’s attitude toward the literary critics mentioned can best be described as
(A) disparaging
(B) ironic
(C) facetious
(D) skeptical but resigned
(E) disappointed but hopeful
A和B 有啥区别啊?

20.        It can be inferred from the passage that the most probable reason Woolf realistically described the social setting in the majority of her novels was that she
(A) was aware that contemporary literary critics considered the novel to be the most realistic of literary genres
(B) was interested in the effect of a person’s social milieu on his or her character and actions
(C) needed to be as attentive to detail as possible in her novels in order to support the arguments she advanced in them
(D) wanted to show that a painstaking fidelity in the representation of reality did not in any way hamper the artist
(E) wished to prevent critics from charging that her novels were written in an ambiguous and inexact style

21.        Which of the following phrases best expresses the sense of the word “contemplative” as it is used in lines 43-44 of the passage?
(A) Gradually elucidating the rational structures underlying accepted mores
(B) Reflecting on issues in society without prejudice or emotional commitment
(C) Avoiding the aggressive assertion of the author’s perspective to the exclusion of the reader’s judgment
(D) Conveying a broad view of society as a whole rather than focusing on an isolated individual consciousness
(E) Appreciating the world as the artist sees it rather than judging it in moral terms
文中有句“fiction is a contemplative, not an active art”
所以我觉得就应该找active的反义词-passive么。 我觉得B和C好像都有passive的意思啊?
作者: zehua    时间: 2005-9-19 18:23:55

By 1950, the results of attempts to relate brain processes to mental experience appeared rather discouraging. Such variations in size, shape, chemistry, conduction speed, excitation threshold, and the like as had been demonstrated in nerve cells remained negligible in significance for any possible correlation with the manifold dimensions of mental experience.
Near the turn of the century, it had been suggested by Hering that different modes of sensation, such as pain, taste, and color, might be correlated with the discharge of specific kinds of nervous energy. However, subsequently developed methods of recording and analyzing nerve potentials failed to reveal any such qualitative diversity. It was possible to demonstrate by other methods refined structural differences among neuron types; however, proof was lacking that the quality of the impulse or its condition was influenced by these differences, which seemed instead to influence the developmental patterning of the neural circuits. Although qualitative variance among nerve energies was never rigidly disproved, the doctrine was generally abandoned in favor of the opposing view, namely, that nerve impulses are essentially homogeneous in quality and are transmitted as “common currency” throughout the nervous system. According to this theory, it is not the quality of the sensory nerve impulses that determines the diverse conscious sensations they produce, but rather the different areas of the brain into which they discharge, and there is some evidence for this view. In one experiment, when an electric stimulus was applied to a given sensory field of the cerebral cortex of a conscious human subject, it produced a sensation of the appropriate modality for that particular locus, that is, a visual sensation from the visual cortex, an auditory sensation from the auditory cortex, and so on. Other experiments revealed slight variations in the size, number, arrangement, and interconnection of the nerve cells, but as far as psychoneural correlations were concerned, the obvious similarities of these sensory fields to each other seemed much more remarkable than any of the minute differences.
However, cortical locus, in itself, turned out to have little explanatory value. Studies showed that sensations as diverse as those of red, black, green, and white, or touch, cold, warmth, movement, pain, posture, and pressure apparently may arise through activation of the same cortical areas. What seemed to remain was some kind of differential patterning effects in the brain excitation: it is the difference in the central distribution of impulses that counts. In short, brain theory suggested a correlation between mental experience and the activity of relatively homogeneous nerve-cell units conducting essentially homogeneous impulses through homogeneous cerebral tissue. To match the multiple dimensions of mental experience psychologists could only point to a limitless variation in the spatiotemporal patterning of nerve impulses.

24.        According to the passage, some evidence exists that the area of the cortex activated by a sensory stimulus determines which of the following?
I.        The nature of the nerve impulse
II.        The modality of the sensory experience
III.        Qualitative differences within a modality
(A) II only
(B) III only
(C) I and II only
(D) II and III only
(E) I, II and III

作者: mkb57288    时间: 2005-9-26 20:40:32

One of the principal themes of Walzer’s critique of liberal capitalism is that it is insufficiently egalitarian. Walzer’s case against the economic inequality generated by capitalism and in favor of “a radical redistribution of wealth” is presented in a widely cited essay entitled In Defense of Equality.”
The most striking feature of Walzer’s critique is that, far from rejecting the principle of reward according to merit, Walzer insists on its validity. People who excel should receive the superior benefits appropriate to their excellence. But people exhibit a great variety of qualities—“intelligence, physical strength, agility and grace, artistic creativity, mechanical skill, leadership, endurance, memory, psychological insight, the capacity for hard work—even moral strength, sensitivity, the ability to express compassion.” Each deserves its proper recompense, and hence a proper distribution of material goods should reflect human differences as measured on all these different scales. Yet, under capitalism, the ability to make money (“the green thumb of bourgeois society”) enables its possessor to acquire almost “every other sort of social good,” such as the respect and esteem of others.
The centerpiece of Walzer’s argument is the invocation of a quotation from Pascal’s Pensees, which concludes: “Tyranny is the wish to obtain by one means what can only be had by another.” Pascal believes that we owe different duties to different qualities. So we might say that infatuation is the proper response to charm, and awe the proper response to strength. In this light, Walzer characterizes capitalism as the tyranny of money (or of the ability to make it). And Walzer advocates as the means of eliminating this tyranny and of restoring genuine equality “the abolition of the power of money outside its sphere.” What Walzer envisions is a society in which wealth is no longer convertible into social goods with which it has no intrinsic connection.
Walzer’s argument is a puzzling one. After all, why should those qualities unrelated to the production of material goods be rewarded with material goods? Is it not tyrannical, in Pascal’s sense, to insist that those who excel in “sensitivity” or “the ability to express compassion” merit equal wealth with those who excel in qualities (such as “the capacity for hard work”) essential in producing wealth? Yet Walzer’s argument, however deficient, does point to one of the most serious weaknesses of capitalism—namely, that it brings to predominant positions in a society people who, no matter how legitimately they have earned their material rewards, often lack those other qualities that evoke affection or admiration. Some even argue plausibly that this weakness may be irremediable:in any society that, like a capitalist society, seeks to become ever wealthier in material terms disproportionate rewards are bound to flow to the people who are instrumental in producing the increase in its wealth.

[ Last edited by mkb57288 on 2005-9-26 at 21:37 ]
作者: mkb57288    时间: 2005-9-26 21:01:58


generated还有下一段的quotation 标出来都是因为这样的词很特别,表达了来源自。。。的关系



far from=not 我AWT就经常这么写,没什么好说的





green thumb我之所以画出这个词来就是因为他在括号里,而括号时解释性的内容,同理,最后一段的namely

envisions 文章主要人物的观点,不能不读懂

puzzling 作者的观点,更是要读懂

Is it not tyrannical这个反问正好印证了句子的内容---以子之矛攻子之盾

Some say that,这种观点作者一般不会同意,但在这里作为交代背景态度是detached
作者: esmeiras    时间: 2005-9-26 21:25:20

Originally posted by mkb57288 at 2005-9-26 21:01

generated还有下一段的quotation 标出来都是因为这样的词很特别,表达了来源自。。。的关 ...


[ Last edited by esmeiras on 2005-9-26 at 21:54 ]
作者: benben245    时间: 2006-2-3 21:59:04     标题: 请问?

作者: tjhhdldut2005    时间: 2006-2-5 00:34:38

作者: 杨康    时间: 2006-8-21 16:36:28

不错。 不错。我是新手。准备明年5月的考试。大家一起加油。
作者: hnbc1    时间: 2006-8-21 22:28:46


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