阅读太傻超级论坛 » 美国签证专版(http://bbs.taisha.org/forumdisplay.php?fid=73)下,签证实用资料总汇,美国签证实录大全,2005最新美国签证实录三个板块的几乎所有前人签证经验和有用资料,并下载了有用的DS156-158表,可以直接在电脑上填写后再打印,非常方便,可以放心使用,但其中好像是DS158中文表有一个错误,填写汉字后同时在另一个地方出现相同的文本,打开ACORBAT→TOOLS→ADVANCED EDITTING→FORMS→TEXT FIELD TOOL后,出错的位置显示与正确位置编号相同的文本框,选中删除即可,另外在北京网上填写英文DS156即代条形码的那种,对加快签证毫无帮助。强烈推荐必读如下部分:美国签证知识入门 , 太傻签证——The Art of Visa ,太傻签证资源总汇电子书 ,[推荐][转帖]瑶嘉的礼物电子书版-lindenlin, 签证者的七个层次——认清你的位置和你的目标 , 破解美国签证的十大谣言 , 签证心理和VO分析 。
DS156,157,158 form(网上填写,A4正反两面打印中英文分开放,要签名)
¥830 CITIC application fee receipt (必须出具两张申请费收据,可以不签名)
SEVIS fee receipt($100)
DS2019 form(要签名)
Offer letter(邮寄联邦快递和大学原装信封)
Future advisor’s webpage
Future advisor’s publications
Email records
Project introduction
Research plan
Future research plan
Personal statement
Resume or C.V.(包括个人科研经历)
List of publications, grants, patents and papers
Reprinted papers
Present institute introduction
My lab introduction
Certificate of employment and salary (带单位名称的信纸,并加盖对外单位印章)
Abstract of Ph.D. thesis
Supporting letter from director of my present lab
ID card
Certificate of marriage
Certificate of baby born
Ph. D. thesis
Certificate of Ph. D. degree
Certificate of M.S. degree
Photos of my family (三大本,虽然没用上,但有备无患)
ME: Good afternoon! Nice to meet you!
VO: Nice to meet you! Why (What) are you going to US? (没听清,Pardon 1次)
ME: To learn how to publish good paper written in English.(回答不好)
VO: Just to publish paper? (好像从没听说这种回答,不相信,我感觉非常不妙)
ME: I have made some progress in *** research, *** virus, but I found on good paper is the main obstacle for my research career. (紧张,我准备的其他原因没有回答出来,但话说得绝对必对着复读机说的快)
VO: You have no papers? (又感觉不妙) Give me your offer letter.
ME: no, I have published more than 10 papers in Chinese magazines. I have good scientific papers written in English with high impact factor.
VO: your offer letter. (打手势继续要,给她后,边看边问).: How long will you stay in US?
VO: blablabla (没听清,Pardon 1次, 意思如下) Why did the offer letter say not 6 months?(疑问,指着OFFER LETTER 上有annually for the first year,Annual increase according to the performance is expected 问)
ME: Because our government only approved me 6 months. So I asked Dr. ××× to change 1 year to 6 months. And the DS2019 form is 6 months.
VO: Why do you take public passport but not private passport? (没听清,Pardon 1次)
ME: Because our institute will keep my position for me. If I leave our institute, I can get the private passport.
VO: Why do you take public passport but not private passport? (重复问1次)
ME: Blablabla.(重复回答1次)
VO: What is your plan? (没听清,又Pardon 1次,不好意思)
ME: I will stay at ***** Institute as an ******.
VO: Give me your resume. Blablablaaaaa 3 weeks. Blablaaaa return to ****. (没听清,估计要CHECK)
VO: Blablablaa(给我粉单,checklist, 其上圈了一个电话,写了我的名字,日期等)
ME: Thank you! (没听清,收起CHECK单子,准备收拾材料走人)
VO: Wait. I will return you something.(在DS2019表上签字,盖章,填日期,推出DS2019表,SEVIS FEE RECIPT)
ME: Thank you.
看来我和你是同行,没准就是同事呢。你填的是隐蔽单位吗?那样是可以在DS-157表中的15项填No。我是10月8号在留学中心预约签证的,至今无消息。你的research plan and project introduction 是不是填在留学中心发的表上啊?上交材料中还应该有给美国大使馆的照会和中英文表吧?