Introduction to Law 法学概论 History of Marxism Philosophy Development 马克思主义哲学发展史 General History of China 中国通史 Construction of Chinese Socialism 中国社会主义建设 College English Band 1 大学英语一级 Physical Education 体育 Guangdong Language 粤语 Introduction to Literary Theory 文学概论 Creative Writing 基础写作 Writing of Article 文体写作 History of the Contemporary Chinese Literature 中国当代文学史 Seleced Works from Chinese classical Literature 中国古代文学作品选 Introduction to Journalism 新闻学概论 Principles of Computer and Applications 计算机原理及应用 History of Modern chinese Literature 中国现代文学史 History of classical Chinese Literature 中国古代文学史 Foreign Literature 外国文学 Principles of Aesthetics 美学原理 Selected Readings of Marxist-Lininist Literary Works 马列文艺论著选读 Classical Chinese Literature 中国古代文学 History of Chinese Journalism 中国新闻史 Interviewing in Journalism 新闻采访学 Writing in Journalism 新闻写作学 Foreign Journalism 外国新闻事业 Journalism Management 新闻事业管理 Newspaper Editing 报纸编辑学 Review and Writing in Journalism 新闻评论写作 Press Photography 新闻摄影 lntroduction to Public Relations 公共关系学概论 Television Broadcasting Science 广播电视学 C Programming Language C程序设计语言 Judicial Photograph 司法摄影 Graduation Thesis 毕业论文 Art and Culture Studies 艺术文化学 The methodology in Literature and Art studies 文艺学方法通论 Psychology of Literature and Arts 文艺心理学 The science of Management of Literature and Art 文艺管理学 History of the western Aesthetics 西方美学史 The western Contemporary Aesthetics 西方当代美学 Modern Literature Trends 当代文学思潮 The Study of Wen Xin Diao Long 《文心雕龙》研究 The selected Readings from Chinese Classical Literary Theory 中国古代文论选 Study of Chinese Classical Literary Theory 中国古代文论专题 The methodology of Chinese Classical Criticism 中国古代文学批评方法论 The Study of Literary Thoughts of Han Dynasty 汉代文学思想研究 Quantum Mechanics and Modern Physics 量子力学与近代物理 The Study of Dun Huang 敦煌学 The Study of Folklore of Dun Huang 敦煌民俗学 The Study of Popular Literature of Dun Huang 敦煌俗文学 Chinese Folk literature 中国民间文学 Chinese Classical Documents 中国古典文献学 Selected Readings from Modern Chinese Literature 中国现代文学作品选 Study of Mao Dun 茅盾研究 Study of Ba Jin 巴金研究 The Study of the Literature Studying Union and the Creating Union 文研会,创造社研究 Chinese Modern Literature Trends 中国现代文艺思潮 Modern Literature 现代文学 The History of Chinese New Literature 中国现代比较文学史 The study of Modern and Contemporary Proses 现当代散文研究 Study of Modern and Contemporary Poems 现当代诗歌研究 Study of Contemporary Novels 当代小说专题 Study of Taiwan literature 台港文学 Study of Chinese Native Soil Novel 中国乡土小说研究 America Poems 美国诗歌 Comparative Literature 比较文学 Chinese Literature in the Overseas 中国文学在国外 Chinese and west Culture and Modern Literature in China 中西文化与现代文学 History of Chinese Classical Drama 中国古典戏曲史 History of Chinese Classical Dramatic Theory 中国古典戏曲理论史 The Appreciation Dramatic Arts and plays 戏剧艺术与剧作欣赏 Introduction to Drama 戏剧概论 Theory of Drama 戏剧理论 Study of Dramatic Theory 戏剧理论专题 Introduction to Television Plays 电视剧概论 Introduction to Film Art 电影艺术概论 History of Chinese Pronunciation 汉语语音史 German Grammar 德语语法 History of Chinese Grammar 汉语语法史 Study of Chinese Written Language 汉语文字学 Phonology of Chinese Language 音韵学 Critical Interpretation of Ancient Texts 训诂学 Investigating of Chinese Dialect 汉语方言调查 Study of Language of Shi Jin 诗经语言研究 Study of Modern Chinese Language 近代汉语研究评价 Principle of Essay 文章学原理 Study of Reportage 报告文学研究 Writing of Communal Relationship 公关写作学 Specialized English 专业英语 Journalism Law 新闻法学 Aesthetics in Journalism 新闻美学 Journalism and Reform 新闻事业与改革 Selected Reading from Maxist Journalism Works 马列主义新闻论著研究 Media Review and Methodology 媒介评论方法学 Famous Journalists Articles Research 名记者与作品研究 Newspaper Supplement Research 报纸副刊研究 Journal Language 新闻语言研究 The University Language and Literature (Liberal arts) 大学语文 (文科) The University Language and Literature (Science) 大学语文 (理科) Theory of Literature and Art 文艺理论 Religion and Art 宗教与艺术 History of Various Chinese Literature 中国各体文学史 Specialized Practice 专业实习 Contemporary Literature 当代文学 The News Basis 新闻学基础 Judaical Culture 犹太文化 Introduction to Chinese Language 汉语概论 Law of Corporation 公司法 Marxist Philosophy and Modern Philosophical Thought 马克思主义哲学和当代哲学思潮 Political Economics 政治经济学 Selected Readings of Chinese History 中国历史文选 Ancient Chinese History 中国古代史 Middle Ages History of World 世界中世纪史 Historical theory 史学概论 Selected Readings of Maxist-Lininist historical Works 马列史学名著选读 Contemporary Chinese History 中国现代史 Contemporary History of the World 世界当代史 Special English for History 历史专业英语 Monographic Studies on Chinese History 中国史专题研究 Monographic Studies on World History 世界史专题研究 Study on Mao Zedong Thought 毛泽东思想研究 Historiography in Chinese 中国史学史 Study on Ancient Chinese Historical Materials 中国古代史史料学 The History of Modern Chinese Foreign Affairs 近代中外关系史 The History of the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国史 History of the U.S.A 美国史 History of Soviet Union Literature 苏联文学史 The History of Greek and Roman Culture 希腊罗马文化史 History of the lndustrial Revolution of Europe 欧洲工业革命 History of the Political Systems of Europe and America 欧美政治制度史 Historiography in the West 欧美史学史 Europe Law 欧洲法学 International Relationship 国际关系 Political System in China 中国政治制度史 Chinese History and National Situation 中国历史与国情 Chinese Paleography 古文字学 Study on Chinese Historical Document 中国历史文献学 The History of Chinese Christian Mission 基督教与中国文化(中国基督教史) History of the Modern Chinese Immigration 近代华侨史 Intensive Reading in English (Ⅴ) 英语五级精读 The Study of Chinese History Overseas 海外中国史研究 The History of Relationship between K.M.T and C.C.P 国共两党关系史 The History of Modern Chinese War Lords 中国近代军阀史 History of Marriage and Family 婚姻家庭史 Ancient History of Central Asia 中亚古代史 The History of German 德国史 The History of France 法国史 The Up and Down of Modern Western Hegeminy 近代西方各国霸权兴衰史 Politics and Economy and International Relations of Contemporary World 当代世界政治经济与国际关系 Comparison Research of Revolutions in History 各国革命历史比较研究 The History of Hong Kang and Aomen 香港澳门史 The History of indian China War 印度支那战争史 The History of Relations between U.S.A.and U.S.S.R 美苏关系史 Social Development theory 社会发展理论 Selected Readings of Confucian and the Chinese Ancient Classics 诸子研究 YinXu Culture and Shang Civilization 殷墟文化与商代文明 Study on Origins of Capitalism in Ming and Qing Dynasty 明清资本主义萌芽研究 Foreign Religions Culture of China 中国外来宗教文化 Contemporary History of Taiwan 当代台湾史 Study on Madern Chinese Figures 中国现代人物研究 Classic Latin 古典拉丁文 The History of Socialist Thought 社会主义思想史 The History of Battle between Chinese and Western Cultures in Modern China 近现代中西文化论战史 Modern Chinese Political History 中国现代政治史 The Archaeology of Shang and Zhou Dynasty 商周考古 The Archaeology of Tory Dynasty 隋唐考古 Archaeological Drawings 考古绘图 Penmanships and Drawings of Ancint China 中国古代书画 The History of NanJing City 南京城市史 College Chinese Language and Literature 大学语文 History of the European Literature 欧洲文学史 Freshman English Reading 一年阅读 Sophomore English Reading 二年阅读 Junior English Reading 三年阅读 Senior English Reading 四年阅读 Freshman Listening & Speaking 一年听说 Sophomore Listening & Speaking 二年听说 Freshman Extensive Reading 一年泛读 Sophomore Extensiv Reading 二年泛读 Freshman Writing 一年写作 Translation,E-C 英译汉 Translation,C-E 汉译英 Background of Britain and America 英美概况 British & American Drama 英美戏剧 British & American Fiction 英美小说 British & American Poetry 英美诗歌 History of Western Civilization 西方文明史 Cross-cultural Communication 跨文化交流 Selected Readings in Shakespeareana 莎士比亚选读 Introduction to Literary Criticism 文学批评理论入门 English of Journalism 新闻英语 Teaching Methodology 教学法 Social Linguistics of English 英语社会语言学 The Bible as Literature 圣经文学 English Grammar 英语语法学 Appreciation of Chinese-foreign Film and Video 中外影视精品赏析 Synopsis of the Humanitics & Social Sciences 人文,社会学科简介 Selected Readings in American and Canadian Literature 美加文学作品选读 Advanced Mathematics 高等数学 Social Statistics 社会统计学 Social Research Methods 社会调研方法 Basic Principles of Marxism 马克思主义基本原理 Urban Sociology 城市社会学 Social Works 社会工作 Social Management 社会管理学 Social Psychology 社会心理学 Demography 人口学 Analysis of Public Policy 公共政策分析 Rural Sociology 农村社会学 Economic law 经济法学 Introduction to Natural Science 自然科学概论 Document Retrieval and Use 文献检索与利用 History of Socialist Reform 社会主义改革史 Ten Schools of Social Psychology 社会心理学十大流派 Macroeconomics 宏观经济学 Science of Behavior 行为科学 Special Subject of Current Chinese Sociology 当代中国社会学专题 The Theory and Practice of Chinese Socialist Modernization Construction 中国社会主义现代化的理论与实践 Principle of Marxist Philosophy(Epistemology) 马克思主义哲学原理(认识论) General Logic 普通逻辑 General Psychology 普通心理学 Principles of Marxist Philosophy 马克思主义哲学原理 The History of European Philosophy 欧洲哲学史(西方哲学史) Selected Readings in Works of Marx's and Lenin's Philosophy 马列原著选读 Marxist Philosophy in 19th Century 十九世纪马克思主义哲学 Marxist Philosophy in 20th Century 二十世纪马克思主义哲学 Historical Materialism 历史唯物主义 Special Topic on Historical Materialism 历史唯物主义专题 Introduction to Science and Technology 科学技术概论 The History of Chinese Atheist Thought 中国无神论思想史 Dialectical Logic 辩证逻辑 The Research on 《Materialism and Empirical Criticism》 《唯批》研究 The Theory of Philosophic Value 哲学价值论 Dialectical Materialism 辩证唯物主义 The View of Self- Cultivation in Ancient China 中国古代修养论 The Relationship between Heaven and Human in Chinese Thought 中国天人关系论 The Relationship among Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism 儒佛道三教关系论 Logic in Early Qing 先秦名辩 Criminal Psychology 犯罪心理学 Physics and Technology 物理学与技术科学 Christianity 基督教 Religion and Culture 宗教与文化 Comparative The Theory of Religion 比较宗教学 Selected Reading on Taoist Scriptures 道教经典选读 Modern Western Human Philosophy 现代西方人文哲学 Marxist Philosophy (The View of Nature) 马克思主义自然观 Marxist Philosophical Epistemology 马克思主义哲学认识论 Principles of Political Science 政治学原理 Urban Politics 市政学 Systems of State Civil Servants 国家公务员制度 History of Chinese Political Thought in Modern and Contemporary Time 中国政治思想史 The Western Political Thoughts 西方政治思想 Political System of Capitalist Countries 资本主义国家政治制度 Political System of Ancient China 中国古代政治制度 Political System of the Republic of China 中华民国政治制度 Political System of Contemporary China 当代中国政治制度 Introduction to International Politics 国际政治学概论 Research on Mao ZeDong Political Thought 毛泽东政治思想研究 Selected Readings of Marxist and Leninist Works 马列经典著作选读 Selected Readings of Classical Works of Political Science 西方政治学著作选读 Party Construction 党的建设理论 Social Investigation and Research Method 社会调查研究方法 Administrative Policy Decision 行政决策学 Radionuclide Medicine 核医学 Introduction to Natural Science 自然科学概述 Computer Language and Application 计算机语言及应用 Statistics 统计学 World Economy and International Politics 世界经济与国际政治 History of International Relations Since World War Ⅱ 战后国际关系史 Psychology of Management 管理心理学 Personnel Management 人事管理学 Modern Public Relations 现代公共关系学 Modern Western Political Thought 现代西方政治思想 Supervisory and Control System 监察与监督制度 Economic Law 经济法 The Comparison of the Chinese and Western Culture 中西文化比较 Economic Criminal Law 经济刑法学 Criminal Law 刑法学 Introduction to Civil Law of China 民法概论 Marriage Law 婚姻法学 Criminal Procedure 刑事诉讼法学 Administrative Lawsuit 行政诉讼法学 Judicial Documents 司法文书 Public International Law 国际公法 Private International Law 国际私法 History of Chinese Law 中国法制史 History of Foreign Law 外国法制史 Materical Evidence Technology 物证技术学 The Practice of Lawyer and Notary 律师与公证实务 Introduction to Economic Law 经济法概论 Socialism of Sciences 科学社会主义 Judicial Eloquence 法律口才学 Basic Theories of Economic Law 经济法基础理论 Economic Criminal Law of China 中国经济刑法学 Criminal Law of Foreign Countries 外国刑法学 Civil Law and Commercial Law of Foreign Countries 外国民商法学 Procedure Law of Foreign Countries 外国诉讼法学 Marine Law 海商法学 Environmental Protection Law 环境保护法学 The Science of Labour Legislation 劳动法学 Economic Contract Law 经济合同法学 Enterprise Law 企业法学 Financial Law 金融法学 Tax Law 财政税收法学 Medical Jurisprudence 法医学 The Comparison between Ancient and Modern Criminal Law of China 中国古今刑法比较 History of Legal Thoughts of China 中国法律思想史 History of Legal Thoughts of Foreign Countries 外国法律思想史 The Contemporary Schools of Thought of Bourgeois Law 现代资产阶级法学流派 Roman Law 罗马法学 International Economic Law 国际经济法学 The Science of Reform Through Labour 劳动改造学 Ancient Chinese Language 古汉语 International Investment Law 国际投资法学 International Trade Law 国际贸易法学 History of the Legislation 中国经济立法史 The Contemporary Economic Law System of Foreign Countries 当代外国经济法律制度 International Finance 国际金融 International Tax Law 国际税法学 Laws of the Industrial Property 工业产权法学 Insurance Law 保险法学 Law of Natural Resources 自然资源法学 Company Law of Germany 德国公司法学 Law of Consumer Protection 消费者利益保护法学 Introduction to Law of HK 香港法概论 Fundamentals of Document Classification and Cataloging 文献分编基础 Sci-Tech Document Retrieval 科技文献检索 Library Management 图书馆管理 Bibliography 目录学 Information Retrieval Languages 情报检索语言 Mechanics 力学 Satellite Meteorology 卫星气象 Educational Psychology 教育心理学 Ancient Chinese Language and Culture 古代汉语 Information Analysis and Research 情报分析研究 Document Preservation Technology 文献保护技术 Sci-Tech Information 科技情报 Fundamentals of Document Classification and Cataloging 文献分编基础 Management of Information Agencies 情报机构管理 Information User Studies 情报用户研究 Introduction to Database 数据库概论 Computer Information Retrieval 计算机情报检索 PASCAL Programming Language PASCAL语言 Sci-Tech Archives 科技档案 History of Chinese Archives 中国档案史 Science of Archives Management 档案管理学 Science of Sci-Tech Archives Management 科技档案管理学 Archives Management in Foreign Countries 外国档案管理 Mechanical Drawing 机械制图 Management 管理学 English Listening & Speaking 英语听说 Information Communication Technology 信息传播技术 COBOL Programming Language COBOL语言 Practice of Computer Database 微机数据库实习 Practice of Documental Information Automation 文献情报自动化实践 Fundamentals of Information Science 情报学基础 Research Methods for Library and Information 文献情报研究方法 Fundamentals of Library Science 图书馆学基础 Fundamentals of Archival Science 档案学基础 Political Economics,in regard With Capitalism 政治经济学(资本主义部分) Monetary Economics and Banking 货币银行学 Public Finance 财政学 Linear Algebra 线性代数 Mathematical Statistics 数理统计 International Trade 国际贸易 International Financial English 国际金融英语 Political Economics, in regard With Socialism 政治经济学(社会主义部分) On Capital (Ⅲ) 资本论 Social Economic Investigation 社会经济调查 Asset Management 资产管理学 Rural Economics 农村经济学 Introduction to National Economy Management 国民经济管理概论 Management Theories of Industrial Economy 产业经济管理学 Principles of Management Science 管理学原理 Marketing 市场营销学 Comparative Economic Systems 比较经济体制 International Economics 国际经济学 International Accounting 国际会计 English Extensive Reading 泛读 Financial Market 金融市场学 Insurance 保险学 Evaluation of Planning items 计划项目评估 Taxation 税收学 Financial System to Fiscal Policy 财政制度与财政政策(外国) Financial System & Monetary Policy 金融制度与货币政策(外国) International Taxation 国际税收 Introduction to tariff 关税概论 Banking Management 银行经营管理学 Bank Accounting 银行会计 Management Information Systems 管理信息系统 Macroeconomic Models 宏观经济模型 National Economy Planning 国民经济计划学 Industrial Economy Management 工业经济管理 Investment Management 投资管理学 Planning Issues of Foreign Countries 外国计划专题 Management of Regional Planning 地区计划管理学 National Income Theory Methods 国民收入理论与方法 Introduction to Chinese Foreign Trade 中国对外经贸概论 Quotations in International Market 国际市场行情 International Marketing 国际市场营销 Foreign Trade Negotiation in English 外贸英语谈判? Foreign Trade Russian 外贸俄语 Selected Readings on Foreign Trade English 外贸英语选读 Import and Export Practice 进出口业务 Foreign Trade Transportation and Insurance 对外贸易运输和保险 International Trade Geography 国际贸易地理 Introduction to Criminal Law 刑法概论 International Economic Statistics 国际经济统计 Foreign Economic Law of China 涉外经济法 Management of MNCs 跨国公司经营学 International Settlements 国际结算 International Investment 国际投资 Enterprise Management of Joint Ventures in China 中外合资企业管理 Accounting in Joint Ventures in China 中外合资企业会计 Special Topic on Socialist Economic Problems 社会主义经济问题专题 International Economics 国际经济学 Industrial Accounting 工业会计学 Economic Analysis of Investment Items 投资项目经济分析 Forecast and Decision 预测与决策 Programming of Economic Management 经济管理程序设计 Input-Output Analysis 投入产出分析 Chinese Macroeconomic Models 中国宏观经济模型 Dynamic Economics 动态经济学 Simulation and Control of Economic Systems 经济系统模拟与控制 Mathematical Theory of Monetary Supply and Demand 货币供需数量理论 Regional Economic Planning 区域经济规则 Database Process Language 数据库处理语言 Chinese Macroeconomic Models 中国宏观经济管理 International Trade and Finance 国际贸易与国际金融 Modern Advertisement 现代广告学 Artificial Intelligence and its Language 人工智能语言 Consumer Behavior Theory 消费者行为学 Business Negotiation 商务谈判 Marketing 市场营销(研究)学 Promotion Arts and Techniques 推销艺术与技巧 Organization Behavior Science 组织行为学 International Economic Cooperation 国际经济合作 Foreign Trade Correspondence 外贸函电 Policy-making Management 管理决策 Accounting in Joint Ventures in China 中外合资(经营)企业会计 Auditing 审计学 Introduction to Chinese Foreign Trade 中国对外贸易概论 Computer and Accounting 计算机与会计 Money Matters Management in International Enterprises 国际企业理财 Accounting of Joint-Venture in China 中外合资经营企业会计 Managerial Accounting 管理会计 Financial Management of Joint-Venture in China 中外合资经营企业财务管理 An Intrduction to the Science of Law 法学理论 Mathematical Analysis 数学分析 Advanced Algebra 高等代数 Discussion on General Physics 普通物理讨论 Fundamentals of Electronic Technology 电子技术基础 JAVA Programming Languages JAVA程序设计语言 Computational Methods 计算方法 Assembly Language Programming 汇编语言程序设计 Probability and Mathematical Statistics 概率论与数理统计 Principles of Computer Architecture 计算机结构原理 The Practice of Lawyer 律师实务 Digital Logical Circuit 数字逻辑电路 Experiments in Digital Logical Circuit 数字逻辑电路实验 Experiments in Computer Architecture 计算机结构原理实验 Data Structure 数据结构 Mathematical Logic 数理逻辑 Operating System 操作系统 Principles of Programming Languages 程序设计语言 Computer and Application 微机及应用 Introduction to Software Engineering 软件工程概论 Introduction to Methodology of Programming 程序方法学引论 Artificial Intellegence 人工智能 Practice of Programming 程序设计实习 Computer Graphics 计算机图形学 Chinese Information Processing 中文信息处理 The Design and Analysis of Algorithm 算法设计与分析 UNIX and C Language UNIX和C语言 Information Retrieval and Utilize 情报检索与利用 Structure of Operating System 操作系统结构 Database Design 数据库设计 Data Processing 数据处理 Artificial Intelligence Programming 人工智能程序设计 MODULA-2 and ADA MODULA-2与ADA Fault Diagnosis and Maintenance of the Micro-Computer 微机故障诊断与维修 Crystal Physics 晶体物理 Low Temperature Physics 低温物理 Magnetism Physics 磁物理学 General Physics 普通物理 Theoretical Physics 理论物理 Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Techniques 原子核物理及核技术 Applied Physics 应用物理 Reading and Writing 阅读与写作 Teaching of National Situation 形势教育 Discussion of the Great Cultural Revolution 文化大革命评述 Calculus (Ⅰ) 微积分 (Ⅰ) Differential Equations 微分方程 Mechanics (Ⅰ) 力学 I Electromagnetics 电磁学 Algorithmic Language 算法语言 Mathematical Methods of Physics 数学物理方法 Theoretical Mechanics 理论力学 Electrodynamics 电动力学 Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics 热力学与统计物理 Quantum Mechanics Supplement 量子力学补充 Solid State Physics 固体物理 Modern Geometrical Optics 现代几何光学 Experimental Error and Deal With Data 实验误差与数据处理 Specialized English 专业外语 Applications of Computer in Experimental Physics 微机在实验物理中的应用 Techniques in Electromagnetic Measurement 电磁测量技术 Introduction to Materials Science 材料科学导论 Techniques of Physical Experiments 物理实验技术 Crystal Physical Properties 晶体物理性能 X-Ray Crystallography X射线晶体学 Crystal Growing Theories 晶体生长 Special Experiments 专门化实验 Introduction to Crystal Defect 晶体缺陷 Low Temperature Techniques 低温技术 Application in Freezing Technique 应用冷冻技术 Low Temperature Physics Experiments 低温物理实验 Ferro-magnetism 铁磁学 Magnetic Test 磁性测量 Metallic Magnetism Materials 金属磁性材料 Magnetism Special Experiments 专门化实验 Forums and Lectures 专题讲座 Technology of Ultrasonic Wave 声表面波技术 Atmospheric Chemistry 大气化学 Principle and Design in Integrated Circuit 集成电路原理与设计 Development & Cooperation of International Economy Region and Trade Technology 国际经济地区的开发合作及其经贸技术与程序 Semiconductor Special Experiments 半导体专门化实验 Lectures of Semiconductor Applied 半导体应用讲座 Advanced Quantum Mechanics 高等量子力学 Numerical Computational Analysis and Methods 数值计算方法 Advanced Statistical Physics 高等统计物理 Nuclear Physics 原子核物理 Experimental Methods in Nuclear Physics 核物理实验方法 Principles of Automatic Control 自动控制原理 Radiation Prevention 辐射防护 Nuclear Physics Experiments 核物理实验 Nuclear Electronics 核电子学 Experiments in Nuclear Electronics 核电子学实验 Applications of Nuclear Techniques 核技术应用 Laser and Nonlinear Physics 激光和非线性光学 Computer Principles and Applied Experiments 微机原理应用实验 Experiments in Applied Physics 应用物理专业实验 Modern Analysis Techniques 近代分析技术 Magneto-optic Physics 磁光物理 Solid State Theory 固体理论 Quantum Many-boby Theory 量子多体理论 Quantum Field Theory 量子场论 General Relativity 广义相对论 Calculating Physics 计算物理 Nonlinear Physics 非线性物理 Mechanics (Ⅱ) 力学 Ⅱ Fundamentals of Positron Annihilation 正电子淹没谱学基础 Neutron Star Physics 中子星物理 Interaction Between Pariticles and Solids 粒子与固体相互作用 Fundamentals of Neutronmenter 中子计基础 Fundamentals of Accelerator 加速器基础 Techiques in Low Background Measurement 低本底测量技术 Applications and Techniques of Physics 物理应用和技术 Fundamentals of Circuit Analysis 电路分析基础 Analogous Circuit Experiment 模拟电路实验 Fundamentals of Analogue Circuit 模拟电路基础 FORTRAN Language FORTRAN语言 Ordinary Differential Equations 常微分方程 Experiments in General Physics 普通物理实验 Fundamentals of Digital Circuit 数字电路基础 Signals and Systems 信号与系统 The Theory of Electromagnetic Fields 电磁场理论 Microprocessor and its Application 微处理机及其应用 Analysis Mechanics 分析力学 Fundamentals of Acoustics 声学基础 Transducer of Electro-acoustics 电声换能器 Measurement and Its Experiment of Acoustics 声学测量技术及实验 Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Techniques 电磁场与微波技术 Science and Technique English 科技英语 Literature Retrieval and Utilize 文献检索利用 Principle and Application of Ultrasonics 声表面波原理 Digital Signal Processing 数字信号处理 Principle of Acoustic surface wave 超声原理及应用 Quantum Acoustics 量子声学 Architectural Acoustics and Noise Control 建筑声学与噪声控制 Technique of Recoral and Reproduction 录放声技术 Modern Audioacoustics 现代音响学 Interface Techniques 接口技术 Principles and Applications of Microprocessor 微处理器原理及其应用 Probability 概率论 Experiments in Modern Radio 近代无线电实验 Weak Signal Detection Techniques 微弱信号检测 Computer System and Network 微机系统与网络 Computer-aided Circuit Analysis and Design 电路的计算机辅助分析与设计 Communication Theory 通信原理 Acoustics Measurement 声学测量 Database Systems 数据库系统 Artificial Intelligence Organization 人工智能原理 Biomedical Electronics 生物医学电子学 Digital Image Processing 数字图象处理 Foundations for Microwave Theory and Techniques 微波理论与技术基础 Microwave Measurements and Experiments 微波测量与实验 Microwave Circuits and Devices 微波电路与器件 Principles of Antenna 天线原理 Microwave Intergrated Circuits 微波集成电路作者: 樱一树 时间: 2005-10-13 17:13:40 标题: 对不起太长, 不过我也不想这么样
Foundations for Microwave Optics 微波光学基础 Microwave Applications 微波应用 Numerical Method of Electromagetic Field 电磁场的数值方法 Principles of Physical Geography (Ⅲ) 自然地理学原理 Cartography 地图学 Remote Sensing and Photography Interpretation 遥感与像片判读 Introduction to Environmental Science 环境科学原理 Architectural Economics 建筑经济学 Urban System Analysis 城市系统分析 Introduction to Architecture 建筑学基础 Transportation and Port,Station Design 交通运输布局与港站设置 Urban Master Planning 城市总体规划 Detailed Planning 详细规划 Rural Development and Agriculture Distribution 农村发展与农业布局 Planning Theories and Thoughts 规划理论与规划思想 Technology of City and Regional Planning 城市规划表现技法 Urban History 城市历史 Water and Environment of City 城市文化与水环境 Economic Theory and Methods 经济理论与经济分析方法 Water Supply and Drainage Planning of Cities 城市给水排水规划 Constructional Item Availability Analysis 建设项目可行性研究 Special Lectures on the World Geography 世界地理专题讲座 Land Use Planning 土地利用规划 Regional Geography of China 中国区域地理 Urban Economics 城市经济学 Urban Geography 城市地理 Urban Road & Transportation Planning 城市道路与交通规划 Basics of Regional Planning 区域规划基础 Quaternary Geology and Quaternary Environment 第四纪地质与第四纪环境 Environmental and Engineering Geomorphology 环境与工程地貌学 Mineralogy 矿物岩石学 Argillo-Sand and River Geomorphology 泥沙与河流地貌 Marine Geology 海洋地质学 Karst Geomorphology 喀斯特地貌学 Quaternary Chronology 第四纪年代学 Quaternary Palynology 第四纪孢粉学 Method of Making (Geomorphic Map) 地貌制图 Computer Application of Geomorphology and Quatermary Geology 专业计算机应用 Geomorphology in Environmental Management 环境管理地貌学 Urban Natural Calamity 论自然灾害 Micro-body Palaeonotology 微体动物化石 System of Drainage Area Geomorphology 流域地貌系统 Introduction to Natural Resources 自然资源概论 Land Resources Survey and Mapping 土地资源调查与制图 Land Type and Land Evaluation 土地类型与评价 Water Environmental Chemistry 水环境化学 Estimation and Evaluation of Water Resources 水资源估算与评价 Water Resources Management 水资源管理 Resource Ecology and Environment 资源生态与环境 Resources System Analysis and Information 资源系统分析与信息管理 Natural Resources and Environment of China 中国自然资源与环境 Law of Natural Resources 自然资源法 Principles of Marxism 马克思主义原理 Socialist Construction 社会主义建设 Space Analytic Geometry 空间解析几何 Computational Mathematics Ⅰ 计算数学 Real Variable Functions 实变函数 Differential Geometry 微分几何 Partial Differential Equations 偏微分方程 Functional Analysis 泛函分析 Abstract Algebra 近世代数 Combinatorial Mathematics 组合数学 Chaotic Dynamics 混沌动力学 Reaction-Diffusion Equations 反应扩散方程 Elementary Algebraic Topology 代数拓扑初步 Briefing to Critical Point Theory 临界点理论简介 Differential Geometry Ⅱ 微分几何Ⅱ Functional Analysis Ⅱ 泛函分析Ⅱ Introduction to Linear Topology Space and Its Applications 线性拓扑空间引论及其应用 Spectral Theory of Linear Operators 线性算子谱理论 Approximation Theory 逼近论 Riemannian Geometry 黎曼几何 Special Discussion for Geometry 几何专题讨论 Commutative Groups 交换群 Elliptic Partial Differential Equations 椭圆型偏微分方程 Principles of Marxism-Leninism 马列主义原理 Coating and Adhesive Chemistry 涂料与粘合剂化学 Translation, C-G 汉译德 Elementary Number Theory 初等数论 Introduction to Harmonic Analysis in Euclidean Space 欧氏空间上的调和分析问题 Numerical Algebra 数值代数 Real Variable Function & Functional Analysis 实变函数与泛函分析 Numerical Approximation 数值逼近 Numerical Methods for ODE 常微分方程数值方法 Numerical Methods for PDE 偏微分方程数值解法 Software Engineering in Science & Technology 科技软件工程 Optimization Methods 最优化方法 Generalized Inverse Matrix 广义逆矩阵 Linear Programming & Combinatorial Optimization 线性规划与组合优化 Guadratic Programming 二次规划 Parallel Algorithms 并行算法 Asymptotic Methods on Singular Perturbation Problems 奇异摄动问题的渐近方法 Numerical Methods for Singular Perturbation Problems 奇异摄动问题的数值方法 Numerical Methods for STIFF ODE STIFF 常微分方程数值方法 Conjugate Gradient Methods 共轭斜量法 Numerical Methods for PDE'sⅡ 偏微分方程数值解法Ⅱ Numerical methods for Solving Systems of Nonliear Equations 非线性方程组解的数值方法 Computational Methods for Matrix Eigenvalue Problems 矩阵特征值问题的计算方法 Numerical Methods for Finding of the Roots of Polynomials 多项式求根的数值方法 Solving Linear & Nonlinear Least Squares Problems 解线性与非线性最小二乘问题 Error Analysis 误差分析 Fundations of Mathematical Logic 数理逻辑基础 Calligraphy 书法 Structural Complexity 结构复杂性 Foundations of Probability Theory 概率论基础 English Band 4 英语四级 Introduction to Analytical Probability 分析概率引论 The Analysis of time Series 时间序列分析 Multivariate Statistical Analysis 多元统计分析 Theory of Stochastic Processes 随机过程理论 Mathematical Methods of System Optimal Control & Filtering 系统最佳控制与滤波的数学方法 Applications of Mathematical Programming in Statistics 数学规划在统计中的应用 Statistical Decision 统计决策 Introduction to Random Differential Equations & Its Spplications 随机微分方程及其应用引论 General Astronomy 普通天文学 Computational Astronomy 计算天文 Fluid Dynamics 流体力学 Introduction to Astromechanics 天体力学基础 Spherical Astronomy 球面天文学 Basics of Astrometry 天体测量学基础 Perturbation Theory 摄动理论 Real and Functional Analysis 实变与泛函 Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics 热力学统计物理 Observational Astrophysics 实测天体物理 Experimental Astronomy 天文观测和处理 Stellar Atmospheric Physics 恒星大气物理 Plasma Physics 等离子体物理 Rotation of the Earth 地球自转 Radio Astrophysics 射电天体物理 Orbit Dynamics of Artificial Satellite 人卫轨道力学 Relativity in Celestial Mechanics and Astrometry 天力和天测的相对论基础 Dynamics of Stellar System 恒星系统动力学 Vectorial Astrometry 矢量天体测量学 Dynamics of Planetary Rotation 行星自转动力学 History of Astronomy 天文学史 General Astronomy C 普通天文学C General Astronomy M 普通天文学M Introduction to Planetary Science 行星科学概论 Solar-Terrestrial Relationship 日地关系 The Search for Life in the Universe 宇宙生命探索 Speciality of Chemistry 化学专业 Speciality of Material Chemistry (Ploymer Science and Engineering) 材料化学(高分子科学与工程) Speciality of Applied Chemistry 应用化学 Inorganic Chemistry 无机化学 Experiments in Inorganic Chemistry 无机化学实验 Organic Chemistry (Ⅱ) 有机化学 (Ⅱ) Experiments in Organic Chemistry 有机化学实验 Analytical Chemistry 分析化学 Experiment in Analytical Chemistry 分析化学与仪器分析实验 Making Charts 制图.绘图 Physical Chemistry 物理化学 Experiments in Physical Chemistry 物理化学实验 Structural Chemistry 结构化学 Chemical Literature A 化学文献A Chemical Literature B 化学文献B Principles of Chemical Engineering 化工原理 Basis of Electrotechnics & Electronic Techniques 电工及电子技术基础 Research Methods of Inorganics 无机物研究法 Coordination Chemistry 配位化学 Theoretical Inorganic Chemistry 理论无机化学 Selected Readings of Inorganic Fine Chemical Products 无机精细化工产品选读 Advanced Experiments in Inorganic Chemistry 无机专题实验 Modern Instrumental Analysis (Ⅰ)--Optics 近代仪器分析(Ⅰ)--光 Chromatographia 色谱学基础 Separation and Enrichment Techniques 分离与富集 Application of Computer in Chemistry 计算机在化学中的应用 Experiment in Modern Instrumental Analysis 近代仪器分析实验 Experiment of Chromatographia 色谱学基础实验 Polymer Material 高分子材料 Organic Spectroscopy 有机分析 Application of Organic Synthesis 应用有机合成 Synthesis of Fine Organic Chemicals 精细有机合成 Organic Synthesis 有机合成 Experiments in Organic Analytical Chemistry 有机分析实验 Chemical Thermodynamics 化学热力学 Chemical Dynamics 化学动力学 Electrical Chemistry 电化学 Colloid Chemistry and Surface Science 胶体与表面化学 Adsorption and Catalysis 吸附与催化 Advanced Experiments of Physical Chemistry 物理化学专门化实验 Synthetic Design of Fine Chemicals 精细化学品合成设计 Separation & Identification of Organic Mixtures 精细化学品成份剖析 Development of Chemical Engineering Process 化工过程开发 Surface Finishing Chemistry 表面精细化学 Coating and Adhesive Chemistry 涤料与粘合剂化学 Organic Silicone Chemistry 有机硅化学 Auxiliary Chemistry 助剂化学 Experiments in Instrumental Analysis 仪器分析实验 Polymer Physics and Physical Chemistry 高分子物理及物理化学 Experiment in Polymer Physics and Physical Chemistry 高分子物理及物理化学实验 Basis of Chemical Engineering and Electron Technique 化工及电子技术基础 Basics of Chemical Engineering 化学工程基础 Introduction to Fine Chemicals 精细化学品导论 Advanced Experiment in Fine Chemicals 精细化学品专业实验 Organic Spectrum Techniques 有机波谱技术 Human Anatomy 人体解剖学 Histology and Embrylogy 组织学与胚胎学 Biological Electron Microscope Technique 生物电镜技术 Medical Microbiology 医学微生物学 Parasitology 医学寄生虫学 Medical Genetics 医学遗传学 Medical Document Retrieval 医学文献检索 Pathological Anatomy 病理解剖学 Pathophysiology 病理生理学 Pharmacology 药理学 Diagnostic Radiology 医学影象学 Diagnostics 诊断学 Internal Medicine 内科学 Gynaecology and Obstetrics 妇产科学 Pediatrics 儿科学 Ophthalmology 眼科学 Traditional Chinese Medicine and Science of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 中医学及针炙学 Otolaryngology 耳鼻喉科学 Neuropathy and Psychopathology 神经精神病学 Dermatology and Venereology 皮肤病和性病学 Medical Psychology 医学心理学 Biochemical Literature Searching 生物化学文献检索 Inorganic Chemistry and Experiments 无机化学及实验 Hydrography 水文学 Organic Chemistry and Experiment 有机化学及实验 General Physics and Experiment 普通物理及实验 Biochemistry and Experiment 生物化学及实验 Physical Chemistry and Experiment 物理化学及实验 Analytical Biochemistry 生物化学分析 Biochemical Technique Experiment 生物化学大实验 Molecular Genetics 分子遗传学 Basics of Computer Applications 计算机应用基础 General Physiology 普通生理学 Isotope Application 同位素应用 Principle and Equipment of the Biochemical Engineering 生物化学工程原理及设备 Basic Biology Technology 基础生物学技术 General Ecology 普通生态学 Environmental Geography 环境地学基础 Introduction to Environmental Law 环境法学概论 Environmental Monitoring 环境监测 Basics of Environmental Engineering 环境工程基础 General Microbiology and Its Laboratory 普通微生物及实验 Environmental Microbiology and Laboratory 环境微生物及实验 Environmental Toxicology 环境毒理学 Biological Purification for Pollutants 污染物的生物净化 English Course of Environmental Biology 专业英语(含文献检索) Environmental Quality Evaluation 环境质量评价 Environmental Management 环境管理 Environmental Chemistry 环境化学 Experiments in Environmental Chemistry 环境化学实验 Application of Statistical Analysis to Environmental Chemistry 统计分析在环境化学中的应用 Environmental Analysis Chemistry 环境分析化学 Environmental System Engineering 环境系统工程 Environmental Planning 环境规划 Environmental Economics 环境经济学 Environmental Remote Sensing 环境遥感 Introduction to Environmental Science 环境科学导论 General Geology 普通地质学 Principles of Crystallography and Mineralogy 基础结晶学与矿物学 Crystal Optics and Igneous Petrology 晶体光学与火成岩岩石学 Sedimentary and Metamorphic Petrology 沉积岩岩石学与变质岩岩石学 Paleontology 古生物学 Historical Geology 地史学 General Geological Practice 基础地质实习 General Geochemistry 普通地球化学 Practice of Regional Geological Surveying 区测实习 Advanced Crystallography and Mineralogy 高等结晶学与矿物学 Advanced Petrology 高等岩石学 X-RAY Phase Analysis X射线物相分析 Thermal Analysis of Minerals 矿物热分析 Heavy Mineral Analysis 重砂分析 Applied Petrology 应用岩石学 Industrial Minerals and Rock 工业矿物与岩石 Petrography of Inorganic Material 无机材料岩相学 Computer Application (Word Processing) 微机应用(文字处理) Explorational Geochemistry 勘查地球化学 Film and Video 影视 Vocal Music and Chorus 声乐与合唱 Geochemistry and Thermodynamics 地球化学热力学 Organic Geochemistry 有机地球化学 Trace Elements Geochemistry 微量元素地球化学 Principles of Instrumental Analysis 仪器分析 Heavy Mineral Geochemistry 重砂地球化学 Environmental Geochemistry 环境地球化学 Special Topics of Geochemistry 地球化学专题 Non-Metallic Deposits 非金属矿床学 Ore Field Structure and Regional Metallogeng 矿田构造与区域成矿规律 Special Topics of Economic Geology 矿床学专题 English Reading 英语阅读 Radiometric Geophysics 放射性物探 Uranium Mineralogy 铀矿物学 Special Experimental Methods 专门实验方法 Environmental Geology 环境地质学 Plate Tectonics 板块构造学 Regional Structure Analysis 区域构造分析 Geophysical Methods 地球物理方法 General Hydrogeology 普通水文地质学 Underground Water Dynamics 地下水动力学 Rock and Soil Mechanics 岩土力学 Special Hydrogeology 专门水文地质学 Numerical Methods of Hydro and Engineering Geology 水文工程地质数值法 Principles and Methods of Underground Water Searching 地下水探寻原理及方法 Environmental Hydrogeology 环境水文地质学 Basic Engineering Mechanics 工程力学基础 Urban Geology and Ground Engineering Problems 城市地质及岩土工程问题分析 Ground Foundation and Processing 地基基础及处理 Exploration of Hydrogeology & Engineering Geology 水文工程地质物探 Invertebrate Paleontology 古无脊椎动物学 Vertebrate Paleontology 古脊椎动物学 Paleobotany 古植物学 Stratigraphy 地层学 Paleoecology 古生态学 Micropaleontology 微体古生物学 Biogeography 生物地理学 Evolutionary Paleontology 演化古生物学 Calculus (Ⅱ) 微积分Ⅱ MPF-Ⅱ Computer Language 微机MPF-Ⅱ语言 Fundamentals of Mineral Physics 矿物物理学基础 Properties of Inorganic Materials 无机材料性能 Mineral Crystal Materials 矿物晶体材料 Clay and Its Application 粘土及其应用 Computer Application 微机应用 General Biology 普通生物学 Basic Biological Technology 基础生物技术 Business Statistics 商务统计学 Cell Biology and Experiments 细胞生物学及实验 Microbiology and Experiments 微生物学及实验 Phytophysiology & Phytoecology and Experiment 植物生理生态学及实验 General Zoology 普通动物学 General Botany and its Experiment 普通植物学及实验 Invertebrate Zoology and Experiment 无脊椎动物学及实验 vertebrate Zoology and Experiment 脊椎动物学及实验 Histology and Experiment 组织学及实验 Advanced Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 高级植物生理生化 Principle of Seed Plant Taxonomy 种子植物分类学 Population Ecology 种群生态学 Plant Cell Engineering 植物细胞工程 Principle of Biological Production Technology 生物制品工艺学原理 Biological Electrical Chemistry and Biological Sensory Technology 生物电化学及生物传感器技术 Microbiological Genetics and Experiments 微生物遗传学及实验 Practical Microbiology 应用微生物学 Fermentation Engineering and Equipment 发酵工程与设备 Mycology and its Experiments 真菌学及实验 Fossile Algae and Biomarkers 古代藻及生物标记物 Oceanography and Limnology 海洋与湖泊学 Molecular Biology of the Algae 藻类分子生物学 Phytotomy and Embryology 植物解剖及胚胎学 Seed Plant Taxonomy and Experiment 种子植物分类学大实验(含实习) Principle of Seed Plant Taxonomy 种子植物分类原理 Resouce Plant 资源植物学 Research Methods of the Cytology and Embryo Engineering 细胞学及胚胎工程研究方法 Zoological Resource Science 动物资源学 Vocal Music 声乐与合唱 Anatomical Physiology of Central Nervous System and Experiment 中枢神经解剖学及实验 Research Method of Physiology 生理学研究方法 Brain Chemistry 脑化学 Advanced Function Of Brain 脑的高级机能 Structure and Function of Symapse 突触的结构与功能 Research Methods of The Ecology 生态学研究方法(含实习) Genetics and Experiment 遗传学及实验 Plant Environmental Physiology 植物环境生理学 Comparatine Histology 比较组织学 Isotope Application 同位素示踪技术 Plant Chemistry 植物化学 Chemical Ecology 化学生态学 Algal Culture and Application 藻类的培养及其利用 Microalgal Biotechnology and Introduction to Engineering 微藻技术与工程概论 Seed Plant Taxonomy and Experiment 种子植物分类学及实验 Phycology and Experiment 藻类学及实验 Algal Biotechnology 藻类生物技术 Physiology and Ecology of the Algal 藻类生理生态 Alagal Biotechnology and Intrduction to Engineering 藻类技术与工程概论 General Botany 普通植物学 Phytophysiology and Phytoecology 植物生理生态学 Freshman Russian 一年俄语 English Extensive Reading 英语泛读 Calculus 微积分 Chinese Language and Literature 中国语文 Principles of Statistics 统计原理 Experiments in Phytophysiology and Phytoecology 植物生理生态学实验 Painting and Calligraphy of China 中国书画 Comprehensive Examination 综合考试 Tourist Geography of the World 世界旅游地理 Appreciation and Discrimination of Gem 宝石鉴赏与识别 Literature Retrieval Utilization 文献检索利用 German 德语 College Students Ideological Cultivation 思想品德 National College English Test (Ⅳ) 全国四级英语统测 National College English Test (Ⅵ) 全国六级英语统测 Provincial Computer Test 全省机算机等级考试 Ancient Civilization of the World 世界古代文明 Application of Computer in Chemistry 机算机在化学中的应用 Comparison of Chinese-west Culture 中西文化比较 Chemical Literature Searching 化学文献 College Mathematics 大学数学 Appreciation & Differentiation of Gem & Jade 宝玉石鉴赏与识别 Finance of Socialism 社会主义财政学 Introduction to Enterprises Management 企业管理导论 Fast Reading of English 英语快速阅读 Economic Developing and Couurse of Modernizations 经济发展和现代化进程 Research of Stock and Security 股票和证券研究 Introduction to Geography 地理学概论 Meteorology and Climatology 气象学与气候学 Practical Writing 应用文 Economic Developing and Course of Modernization 经济发展和现代化进程 Selected Readings in Foreign Newspapers 外报选读translation company作者: 樱一树 时间: 2005-10-13 17:18:23 标题: 别哭还有
Senior German 四年德语 Translation, C-D 汉译德 Translation, C-D 汉译德-口译 Volleyball 排球 Fundamentals of Computer 机算机基础 Probability Statistics 概率统计 Computer Organization 机算机组织 History of the Communist Party of China 1党史 Digital Circuits and Logical Programming 数字电路与逻辑设计 Experiment in Digital Circuits and Logical Programming 数字电路与逻辑设计实验 Programming Languages 程序设计语言 Principles of Operating Systems 操作系统原理 FORTRAN FORTRAN语言 Experiments in Digital and Logical Programming 数字逻辑设计实验 Football 足球 System Programming Language 系统程序设计语言 Software of Computer 计算机软件 Map Drawing and Layout 地图描绘与整饰 Practice of Geology 地质实习 Film and Video 影视 Research of Toponomy 地名学研究 Geography of Soil and Plant 土壤地理与植物地理 Map Projection 地图投影 Landscape Sketch 地景素描 Map Compilation 地图编制 Aerophatogrammetry 航空摄影测量学 Map Reproduction 地图制印 Physical Geography 自然地理 Physical Geography of China 中国自然地理 Map-Making 制图 Computer Cartography 机助地图制图 Pedagogy 教育学 Introduction to Remote Sensing and Photography Interpretation 遥感概论与图象判读 Economic Geography of China 中国经济地理 Practice of Map Compilation 地图编制实习 Physical Geography of the World 世界自然地理 Map Information Transmition and Reaction 地图信息传递与感受 Special Research of Toponomy 地名学专题研究 Freshman German 一年德语 Oral Examination 口试 History and Background of Germany 德国历史与概况 Background of Germany 德国概况 Special Research of Toponymy 地名学专题研究 Teaching of Situation and Policy 形势政策教育 Teaching of National Situation 国情教育 Sophomore German 二年德语 Music Appreciation 音乐欣赏 Junior German 三年德语 Problem Research of Hongkong,Macao,Taiwan 港澳台问题研究 History of Germany Literature 德国文学史 Translation 翻译 Economic Construction of the Chinese Socialism 中国社会主义经济建设 Selected Readings in Newspapers and Periodicals 报刊选读 Scientific German 科技德语 Developing Trend of Modern German 现代德语发展趋势 COBOL Programming Language 数据处理语言 Literature Searching 文献检索 Micro Computer Software 微型计算机软件 Research of Luxun 鲁迅研究 German Through Video 德语视听 Medical Computer Applications 医用微机 Computer Cartography 机助制图编制基础 Practice of Field 野外实习 General Ecology 生态学 General Microbiology 普通微生物学 Ancient Chinese Hisory 中国古代史 Economy of Contemporary Capitalism 当代资本主义经济 Research of Lenin's Philosophy Note 列宁哲学笔记研究 Programming 程序设计 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 人工智能概论 Junior Russian 三年俄语 Teaching Practice of Geology 地质教学实习 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 人工智能导论 Selected Readings from Chinese Classical Literary Theory 古代文论选读 Russian 俄语 Real Estate Economics 房地产经济学 History and Background of Britain and America 英美历史与概况 German 德语 Oral Interpretation 口译 Advanced Listening and Speaking 高级听说 Language and Culture of America 美国语言与文化 Roman Law 罗马法 Special Practice 专业实习 Introduction to Archaeology 考古学概论 Ancient History of World (Middle Century) 世界古代中世纪史 Historic Site of China 中国名胜古迹 Basis of Tourism and Practice 导游基础与业务 Numerical Methods for Algebraic Equations 代数方程数值解 Tourism Photography 旅游摄影 Problem Research of Hongkong,Macao,Taiwan 港澳台问题研究 Secretarial Science 秘书学 Teaching Practice 教学实习 Works Reading 作品阅读 Interviewing and Writing in Journalism 新闻采访写作 Introduction to Television and Broadcasting 广播电视概论 The Communist International & Chinese Revolution 共产国际与中国革命 Research of Luxun 鲁迅研究 Introduction to Intellectual Property 知识产权概论 School Year Thesis 学年论文 Journalism Practice 新闻实习 Introduction to Atmospheric Exploration 大气探测基础 Introduction to Atmospheric Physics 大气物理基础 Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics 热力学及统计物理 Dynamic Meteorology 动力气象学 Computational Methods and Algorithmic Language 计算方法和算法语言 Cloud Physics Exploration 云雾物理探测 Atmospheric Acoustics,Optics,Electricity and Upper Atmospheric Physics 大气声光电及高层大气物理 Boundary Layer Meteorology 边界层气象学 Introduction to Environmental Science 环境科学概论 Literature Writing 校园文学写作 Digital Integrated Circuit 数字集成电路 Prediction and Control for Air Pollution 大气污染预测与防治 Principle of Climatological Data Base 气候数据库原理 Urban Climatology and Planning 城市气候与城市规划 Medical Statistics 医学统计学 Human Parasitology 人体寄生虫学 Appreciation of Art 美术鉴赏 Psychiatry 精神病学 English for Master 研究生英语 Stomatology 口腔医学 Marketing 营销 Clinical Pathology 临床病理学 Clinical Pharmacology 临床药理学 Material Construction 物质结构 Chemical Technology 化学工艺 Rare Element 希有元素 Mineralogy 矿物学 Fundamentals of circuit 电路基础 Thermal Physics 热运动物理 Structural Geology 构造地质学 Crystal Optics 晶体光学 Specialized Comprehensive Examination of Mid-term 中期专业综合基础 Sedimentary Petrology 沉积岩 Regional Tectonic Analysis 区域构造分析 General Geological Practice 普通地质认识实习 Metamorphic Petrology 变质岩 Engineering Geological Dynamics 工程地质动力学 Reviewing and Thinking 回顾与思考 Special Engineering Geology 专门工程地质学 Graduation Practice 毕业实习 Special Subject of Hydro and Engineering Geology 水文工程地质专题 National Conditions and Socialism 国情与社会主义 Russian Conversation 俄语会话 Cultivation of Ideological Morality 思想品德修养 Specialized Activities 专业活动 Orchestral Music 管乐 The Trade on Futures and Futures Option 期货贸易与期权 Discrete Mathematics 离散数学 Russian Through Video and Speaking 俄语视听说 Background of Commonwealth of Independent States 独联体概况 Sophomore Russian 二年俄语 Applied Art 实用美术 Senior Russian 四年俄语 History of the Russia Literature 俄国文学史 Language and Culture 语言国情学 Translation Theory and Practice 翻译理论与实践 Contemporary Russian Literature 当代俄罗斯文学 Evaluation of Real Estate Price 房地产价格评估 Problem Research of Contemporary Taiwan 台湾问题研究 Unis Operating System Unis操作系统 Experiments in Digital Circuit 数字电路实验 Principle of Image Processing 图像原理 Origin and Evolution of Life 生命起源与进化 Confucianism,Taoism and Buddhism and Chinese Traditional Culture 儒道佛与中国传统文化 Video Recording and Showing Techniques 录放像技术 Principles of Human Geography 人文地理学原理 Lecture on Geography 地理科学讲座 Basics of Cartology 地图学基础 Introduction to Economic Geography 经济地理概论 Base of Computer Cartography 机助制图编制基础 Map Analysis and Application 地图分析与应用 Geography of the World 世界地理 Basketball 蓝球 Mapping of Remote Sensing 遥感制图 Map and Art Science 地图与美术学 Geographical Information System 地理信息系统 Theory of Modern Cartography 现代地图学理论 Japanese 日语 Music Appreciation 音乐欣赏 Real Estate Management Science 房地产管理学 Economic Crime and Criminal Law 经济犯罪与经济刑法 Civil Law of Germany 德国民法 International Technology Transference Law 国际技术转让 Business Correspondence and Negotiation in English 外贸英语谈判与函电 International Commercial Law 国际商法 Selected Readings in Famous Works of Chinese Philosophy 中国哲学名著选读 General Chemistry 普通化学 Research of Lao Zhuang 老庄研究 Socialistic Theory and Practice 社会主义理论与实践 Research of Lenin's Philosophy Note 列宁哲学笔记研究 Information System Cybernetics 系统信息控制论 Research of Mao Zedong's Philosophy Thought 毛泽东哲学思想研究 Appreciation of Chinese Contemporary Novel 中国当代小说鉴赏 Advanced Mathematics (Including Linear Algebra) 高等数学含现性代数 Experiments in Analytical Chemistry 分析化学实验 General Ecology 普通生态学 Experiments in Environmental Monitoring 环境监测实验 Environmental Microbiology 环境微生物学 Ecological Toxicology 生态毒理学 Air Pollution & Its Control 大气污染与控制 Introduction to Archives 档案学概论 Fundumentals of Computer & Application of Microcomputer 计算机基础与微机应用 Science of Sci-Tech Document Material 科技文件材料学 Introduction to Information Science 情报学概论 Archives Preservation Technology Science 档案保护技术学 Public Relations Psychology 公共关系心理学 Introduction to Architectural Engineering 建筑工程概论 Research of Archives Utilization 档案利用研究 General Microbiology and its Experiments 普通微生物学及实验 Zoological Practice (Ⅱ) 动物学实习 Biological Mapping 生物绘图 General Biochemistry 普通生物化学 Botany 植物学 English Translation 英语翻译 Environmental Biology Laboratory Technique and Method 环境生物实验技术和方法 Quantitative Analysis Chemistry 定量分析化学 Experiments in Quantitative Analytical Chemistry 定量分析化学实验 Introduction to Leader Science 领导科学概论 Experiment in Environmental Analysis Chemistry 环境分析化学实验 Environmental Engineering Design 环境工程设计基础 Principles of Waste Water Processing 废水处理原理 Background of the Soviet Union 苏联概况 Russian Oral Examination 俄语口试 Russian Grammar 俄语语法 Russian Phonetics 俄语语音学 Postwar World Politics and International Relations 战后世界政治与国际关系 Junior Russian 三年俄语 Translation R-C 俄译汉 Construction of Chinese Socialism 中国社会主义建设 Russian News Intermediary 俄语新闻媒界 Introduction to Gemmary 宝石学概论 Translation, C-R 汉译俄 Principle of Planning 计划学原理 National Economic Accounting 国民经济核算 Introduction to Sci-Tech Information 科技情报概论 Books Taxology 图书分类学 Principle of Environmental Science 环境学原理 Document Cataloging (in Chinese) 中文文献编目 Applied Mathematics 图书馆应用数学 Documents Cataloging (in Foreign Languages) 西文文献编目 Modern Technique of Library 图书馆现代技术 Practice of Computer Application 计算机应用实习 Art Gynmnastics 艺术体操 Periodical Services 期刊工作 Library and User Services 藏书与读者工作 Chinese National Situation and Socialism 中国国情与社会主义 History of Marxism Social Thought 马克思主义社会思想史 Social Culture of America 美国社会文化 Contemporary Chinese Policy 当代中国政策 International Strategy and American Culture 国际战略与美国文化 Course of Health Education 健身课 Political Sociology 政治社会学 Specialized Experiments 专业实验 Radiation Prevention 剂量防护 Lectures on Condensed Matter Physics 凝聚态讲座 Insurance Mathematics 保险数学 Social Insurance 社会保险 Introduction to Insurance Science 保险学概论 Management of Risk 风险管理 Insurance Regulation 各国保险制度 Insurance Accounting 保险会计学 International Accounting 国际会计 International Insurance 国际保险 Insurance Management Science 保险经营学 Property Insurance 财产保险 Personal Insurance 人身保险 Theory and Plan of Advertisement 广告理论与策划 Insurance Economics 保险经济学 Intensive Computation of Insurance 保险精算 Liability Insurance 责任保险 Civil Law of China 民法学 Theory of International Economic Law 国际经济法基本理论 Consumer Protection Law 消费者保护法 Securities Law 证卷法 Appreciation of Works of Art 中外美品精品赏析 History and Present Situation of Chinese Drugs 中国毒品问题的历史与现状 Customs Law 海关法 Appreciation of Dance(China and Foreign) 中外舞蹈精品赏析 Basic Necessities of Life and Meteorology 衣食住行与气象 The Origin and Evolvement of Life 生命起原与演化 Selected Readings of Confucian and other Ancient Chinese Classics 诸子百家 English Vocabulary 英语词汇 Special Subject of World Economy 世界经济专题 Basic Theory of Modern Cartography 现代地图学基本理论 Measure Cartography 计量地图 Measure Geography 计量地理 Axiom Set Theory 公理集合论 Humanistic Science of China 中国人体科学 Real Estate Management and Development 房地产经营与开发 Modern Numerical Value Method 现代数值方法 Economic Projection and Policy-Making 经济预测与决策 Crystallography and Mineralogy 结晶学及矿物学 Teaching Practice of Geology 地质教学实习 Alteration Petrology 蚀变岩石学 Paleontology and Historical Geology 古生物学及地史学 Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology 地貌及第四纪地质学 Seismal Prospecting 地震物探 Geologic Mechanics 地质力学 Regional Geology 区域地质学 Seismal Microcosmic Warning Signs 地震微观前兆 Seismal Geology 地震地质 Simulated Test of Optical Cartridge 光弹模拟实验 News Communications and Advertisement 新闻传播与广告学 Electronic Data Switching Development 电子数据交换发展 Itroduction to Southeast Asia 东南亚概论 Official Automation 办公自动化 Financial Accounting 财务会计 Geography of Regional Economy 区域经济地理 Selected Works from Chinese Classical Literature 古代作品选 Classical Chinese Literature 古代文学 Political Economy and History of Contemporary World 当代世界政经与历史 Aesthetics 美学 Folk Literature 民间文学史 Table Tennis 乒乓球 Selected Readings of Marxist-Lininist Literary Theory 马列文论选 Selected Readings from Chinese Classical Literary Theory 古代文论选读 Selected Readings from Classics Works 经典著作选读 Chinese and West Literature Biography 中西文学传记 Oral French Examination 法语口试 Filmic and Video Colloquialism 影视口语 Middle German 中级德语 English Enhancement 英语提高 Translation, C-G 中译德 Economic Trade German 经贸德语 Thesis Writing General Knowledge 论文写作常识 Provincial Computer Test (Ⅱ) 全省计算机等级考试 Basics of Applied Electronic Technique 应用电子技术基础 Charting of Chemical Engineering 化工制图 Crystal Chemistry 结晶化学 Catalytic Material 催化新材料 Polymer Physics and Physical Chemistry 高分子物理及物化 Basic Physics(Ⅰ) 基础物理 Ⅰ Introduction to the Atmospheric Sciences 大气科学基础 Introduction to the Atmospheric Exploration 大气探测基础 Dynamic Meteorology 动力气象学 Weather Analysis and Forecasting 天气分析和预报 Experiment in Weather Analysis and Forecasting 天气分析预报实验 Atmospheric Forecasting 当天大气预报 Numerical Weather Prediction 数值预报 Linear Algebra and Modern Mathematics 线性代数与近代数学 Plant Form Anatomy 植物形态解剖 Grass Plant Taxonomy 禾本科植物分类学 Plant Eography 植物地理学 Tourism Geography of China 中国旅游地理 Developing History of Taiwan Economy 台湾经济发展史 Documents Classification 文献分类 Reference Consultation 参考咨询 Information Metrology 信息计量学 Chinese Information Technique 汉字信息技术 Information Organization Management 信息机构管理 Documents Cataloging 文献编目 Moral Education 德育 Experiment in Uranium Deposits 铀矿床学 Radiomertic Geophysics 放射性物理探矿 Uranium Geochemistry 铀地球化学 Mineral Exploration 找矿与勘探 Basic Examination 基础过关考试 Applied Electronics 应用电子学 Experiments in Applied Electronics 应电实验 Experiments in Quantitative Analysis and Instrumental Analysis 定量分析及仪器分析实验 Principles of Marxist Philosophy 马克思主义哲学原理 Basic Experiments in Electronic Technology 电子技术基础实验 Digital Communication 数字通信 Computer Architecture and Interface Techniques 微机组成原理及接口技术 Analytic Geometry 解析几何 Elementary Topology 初等拓扑 Abstract Algebra 抽象代数 Differential on Manifolds 微分流形 Ancient Poetry Appreciation 古诗赏析 Graph Theory 图论 Computer Operating Techniques & Database 微机操作技术及微机数据库 Micro Computer & its Applications 微型计算机及其应用 Financial Affairs in Capital Construction 基本建设财务 Real Estate Development and Management 房地产开发经营 Real Estate Appraisement 房地产估价 Real Estate Finance 房地产金融 Real Estate Laws and Regulations 房地产法规 Urban Planning and Real Estate Management 城市规划与房地产管理 Real Estate Investment Analysis 房地产投资分析 Experiments in Organic Synthesis 有机合成实验 Series of Lectures of Atmospheric Sciences 大气科学系列讲座 Basis of Modern Climatology 现代气候学基础 Radar Meteorological Exploration 雷达气象探测 Atmospheric Exploration Techniques 大气探测技术 Introduction to Climatology 气候学引论 Climatic Statistics 气候统计 Agricultural Meteorology 农业气象 Regional and Weather Climatology 区域气候与天气气候 Physical Climate 物理气候 Microclimate 小气候 Basic Knowledge of Industrial Production 工业生产基础知识专题 Basis of Seismology 地震学基础 Gravity fathoming 重力测深 Ecological Toxicology and Biomonitoring and its Laboratory 生态毒理学与生物监测及实验 Urban Economy and Management 城市经济与城市管理 Basic Experiments in Environmental Engineering 环境工程基础实验 Environmental Toxicology and its Laboratory 环境毒理学及实验 Environmental Biology Engineering and Experiments 环境生物工程学及实验 Algorithmic Language & Computer Application 算法语言及微机应用 Computer Applications 计算机应用 Experiments for Chemical Engineering 化工基础实验 Comprehensive Chemical Experiments 综合实验 Introduction to Photography 摄影入门 Socialist Reform and New Thought 社会主义改革与新思维 Parasitology 寄生虫学 Acupuncture and Moxibustion Medicine 针灸学 Clinical Endocrinology 临床内分泌学 Clinical Immunology 临床免疫学 English Intensive Reading 英语精读 Foreign Affairs Policy and Discipline 外事政策与纪律 Modern Economic History of China 中国近代经济史 Applied Programming of Economic Management 经济管理应用程序 Ancient Pottery and Porcelain Appreciation of China 中国古代陶瓷鉴赏 Management Theories of National Economy 国民经济管理学 Evaluation of Investment Items 投资项目评估 Enterprise Production Management 企业生产管理 Marketing Management 营销管理 Financial Accounting in Western Countries 西方财务会计 Enterprise Financing 企业理财 Computer Information System 计算机信息系统 Interpersonal Relationship 人际关系 Research of Marketing 市场营销研究 International Technology Transfer Transactions 国际技术贸易 Management Science 管理科学 Comparative Management Science 比较管理学 International Enterprise Management 国际企业管理 History of Management Thought 管理思想史 Practice and Thesis of Graduation 毕业实习与论文 Assets Evaluation 资产评估 Politics and International Relationship of Contemporary World 当代世界政治与国际关系 International Finance Practice 国际金融实务 Principles and Operating of Computer 计算机原理与操作 Introduction to Corporation 公司概论 Introduction to Health Theories 健康学概论 Appreciation of Chinese-foreign Art Superfines 中外美术精品赏析 Appreciation of Chinese-foreign Dance Superfines 中外舞蹈精品欣赏 Practical Technology of Computer 计算机实用技术 Special Subject of Economic Management 经济管理专题 Computer Organization and System Architecture 计算机组织与系统结构 Reading Skill 阅读技巧 Military Theory 军事理论 Basics of Economic Geography 经济地理基础 Introduction to Environmental Science 环境学概论 Principles of Economic Geography 经济地理学原理 Drawing Basics 绘画基础 Architectural Charting 建筑制图 Water Resources of Town and Country 城乡水资源 Practice of Physical Geography 自然地理实习 Urban Ecology 城市生态学 Architectural Design 建筑设计 Land Management 土地管理学 Evaluation of Real Estate Price 房地产价格评估 History of The International Communist Movement 国际共产主义运动史 History of Spanish 西班牙历史 Evaluation of Land Resources 土地资源评价作者: 樱一树 时间: 2005-10-13 17:18:48 标题: 可以开始哭了
Real Estate Management Science 房地产管理学 Geochemistry Exploration 地球化学找矿法 Soil and Resources of China 中国土壤与土壤资源 Information Management of Real Estate 房地产信息管理 Practice of Algorithmic Language 算法语言实习 Chinese Reference Book Operation 中文工具书使用说明 Practice of Numerical Algebra 数值代数实习 Numerical Approximation Theory 数值逼近论 Numerical Methods for ODE 常微数值解 Information Management Systems 信息管理系统 Operations Research 运筹学 Modern Drama Research 现代戏剧研究 Research of Poems 诗品研究 Modern Film Aesthetics 现代电影美学 International Banking Practice 国际银行业务 Human Geography of the World 世界人文地理 Enterprise Risk Management 企业风险管理 Formal Language and Automation 形式语言与自动机 Tourism German 旅游德语 Developmental Biology 发育生物学 Gene Operation and Method 基因操作及方法 Biomembrane 生物膜 Aesthetics of Film-Video Arts 影视艺术美学 Fault Diagnosis Technique 故障诊断技术 English Band 1 一级英语 Handwriting and Shorthand 书法与速记 Constitution of China 宪法学 Reading and Writing of Legal Literature 法律文章的阅读与写作 English Band 3,4 英语三级四级 Contract Law 合同法学 Environmental Protection Law 环保法 Politics of the World and International Relations Since World War Ⅱ 战后世界政治与国际关系 The Law of Against Unfair Competition 反不正当竞争法 Programming and Experiments 程序设计及实验 Comparison of American and Chinese Modernization 美国现代化与中国现代化的比较 Appreciation of Chinese Vocal Music 中国声乐精品赏析 Experiments in Analytical Biochemistry 生化分析实验 Freshman French 一年法语 Language Laboratory 语言实验 Background of France 法国概况 Oral French 法语口语 Translation, F-C 法译汉 Selected Readings in French Literature 法国文学选读 History of French Literature 法国文学史 Translation, C-F 汉译法 Introduction to Mechanics 机械学概论 Principles of Enterprise Management 企业管理学原理 Principles of Statistics and Economic Statistics 统计学原理与经济统计 Management Economics 管理经济学 Appreciation of Chicese Literature 中国文学欣赏 Industrial Enterprise Management 工业企业管理 Research of Item Feasibility 项目可行性研究 Research of Contemporary Taiwan 当代台湾研究 Introduction to Map 地图概论 Foundation of Physical Geography 自然地理学基础 Geography of the World 世界地理学 Oceanography 海洋学 Analysis of Remote Sensing Geography 遥感地学分析 Map Reparation 地图整饰 Course of Dancing 舞蹈 Computer Thematic Cartography 机助专题制图 Introduction to Geographical Information System 地理信息系统概论 Introduction to Modern Cartography 现代地图学概论 Developing Tool of Modern Managemant Software 现代管理软件开发工具 Administrative Management 行政管理学 Practice Management of Foreign Trade 外贸实务管理 Culture and Modern China 文化与当代中国 Religion and Modern Society 宗教与现代社会 Dialectics of Nature 自然辩证法 Management Philosophy 管理哲学 Social Practice 社会实践 Special Topic on Modern Marxist Philosophy 当代马克思主义哲学专题 Appreciation and Practice of Chinese Folk Art 中国民间艺术欣赏制作 Selected Readings in Shakespeareana 莎士比亚导读 Modern New Confucianism 当代新儒学 Basics of Drawing and Aesthetics 绘画基础与美学 Industry Distribution and Regional Organization 工业布局与工业区组织 Agriculture Distribution and Rural Development 农业布局与乡村发展 Economic Theory and Analysis 经济学理论与经济分析 Research of Chinese Small-Scale Peasant Economy 中国小农经济研究 Water Supply and Drainage of Cities 城市给排水规划 Urban Transportation Planning 城市道路规划设计 Urban Geography 城市地理学 Experiment in General Chemistry 普通化学实验 Crystallography 结晶学 Polymer Physics & Polymer Physical Chemistry 高分子物理物化 Modern Instrumental Analysis (Ⅰ)---Electricity 近代仪器分析(Ⅰ)--电 Modern Instrumental Analysis (Ⅱ)--Optics 近代仪器分析(Ⅱ)--光 Colloid Chemistry and its Applications 胶体化学及其应用 Minority Nationality and Chinese Society 少数民族与中国社会 Basic Experiments in Chemical Engineering 化学工程基础实验 Freshman English Intensive Reading 一年英语精读 Sophomore English Intensive Reading 二年英语精读 American Society Studies 美国概况 Junior English Intensive Reading 三年英语精读 British & American Prose 英美散文 Introduction to International Business 国际商务入门 Social Linguistics 社会语言学 Senior English Intensive Reading 四年英语精读 Introduction to Marxist Philosophy 马克思主义哲学导论 Theory and Practice of Public Relations 公共关系理论与实务 Principles of Statistics 统计学原理 History to Natural Science 自然科学史 Document Retrieval Language 文献检索语言 Mid-Term Examination 中考 Selected Readings on Tang Poetry 唐诗选读 History of Ancient Chinese Document 中国古代文献史 Archives Classification and Cataloging 档案分类编目 Data Processing of Experimental Error 实验误差数据处理 Computer Principles and Applications 微机原理及应用 Experiments in Analogue Circuit 模拟电路实验 Computer Principles and Applied Experiments 微机原理应用实验 Graduation Design 毕业设计 Applied Mathematics 应用数学 Probability Theory and Stochastic Process 概率论与随机过程 Introduction to Crystallography 晶体学基础 Practice of Computational Mathematics 计算数学实习 Books Classification and Subject 图书分类与主题 Library Catalog 图书馆目录 General History of World 简明世界通史 Developing History of European Science 欧州科学发展史 Introduction to Bibliography 目录学概论 English Books Cataloging 英文图书编目 Library Ancient Book Arrangement 图书馆古籍整理 International Culture Communication 国际文化交流 Chinese Foreign Relations 中国对外关系 Introduction to International Politics 国际政治学概论 Financial Management of International Enterprises 国际企业财务管理 Selected Readings of Confucian and other Ancient Chinese Classics 诸子百家 Health Education of College Student 大学生健康教育 Economic Forcast and Decision 经济预测与决策 Enterprise Strategy 企业战略 Feasibility Research 可行性研究 Money Matters Management in Enterprises 企业理财 Quantum Theory 量子学 Statistical Physics 统计物理 Selected Readings on Capital 资本论选读 Lectures on Scientific Frontier (Astronomy) 科学前沿讲座 (天文) Appreciation of the Western Music 西方音乐欣赏 English Band 6 六级英语 Middle Inorganic Chemistry 中级无机化学 Fundamentals of Analogue Circuit 模拟电路基础 Introduction to Comparative Modernizations 比较现代化概论 Audio-Frequency Transducer 音频换能器 Ultrasonic Transducer 超声换能器 Ultrasonic Surveying 超声测量 Measurement of Audio-Frequency Acoustics 音频声学测量 Experiments in Acoustics Measurement 声学测量实验 Architectural Acoustics and Noise Control 建筑声学与噪音 Computer Aided Analysis 计算机辅助分析 Principles of Ultrasonic Measurement 超声波检测原理 Cooperation of National Economy 国民经济合作 Urban-Rural Regional Planning & Analysis 区域规化与区域分析 Residential Planning 居住区规化 Urban Environment 城市环境 Urban-Rural Regional System Analysis 城市与区域系统分析 Forecast Design of Water Supply & Drainage 给排水预测设计 Basic Crystallography and Mineralogy 基础结晶学及矿物学 Algorithmic Language and Programming 算法语言与程序设计 Foundation of Geophysics 地球物理学基础 Analysis of Domestic and Foreign Mineral Resources 国内外矿产资源形势分析 Computer & PASCAL Language 计算机与PASCAL语言 Financial Statistics 金融统计 Evaluation of Technology and Property 技术评价与资产评估 Central Banking 中央银行学 Financial System and Monetary Policy 金融制度与货币政策 Special Subject of International Finance 国际金融专题 Teaching of Situation and Policy 形势与任务教育 Ancient Chinese Poetry 中国古代诗歌 Mid-long Range Forecasting 中长期预报 Daily Weather Forecasting 当天天气预报 Statistical Forecasting 统计预报 Introduction of Atmospheric Circulation 大气环流基础 A Series of Lectures on Atmospheric Sciences 大气系列讲座 Research of Contemporary Taiwan 当代台湾问题研究 Artificial Influence Weather 人工影响天气 Practical Metalworking 金工实用 Mechanics 力学 Materials Structure and Property 结构与物性 Mathematical Programming & Optimization Programming 数值试验 Developing Methods of Applied Software 应用软件开发方法 Analysis of Organic Chemistry 有机化学分析 Computer Applications of Chemical Engineering 计算机在化学化工中的应用 Biology and its Experiments 生物学基础及实验 Applications of Statistical Analysis in Environmental Chemistry 统计分析在环境化学中应用 Environmental Organic Analysis 环境有机分析 Computer Database Tools and Applications 微机数据库工具及应用 Principles & Applications of Operating System 操作系统原理及应用 Applied Computer Software 计算机实用软件 Computer Network and Applications 计算机网络及应用 Large Database Tools and Applications 大型数据库工具及应用 Electronic Data Switching Development 电子数据交换发展 General Zoology and Experiments 普通动物学及实验 Ecological Engineering of Sewage Disposal 污水处理生态工程 History of Chinese Literature 中国文学史 Special Subject of Chinese Structural Reforms 中国体制改革专讲 Resources of Market Information 市场信息资源 Rhetoric and Writing 修辞与写作 Selected Readings of Famous Literary Works 文学名著导读 Information Economics 信息经济学 Basics of Information Science 信息学基础 Technology of Computer Application 计算机应用技术 Oral English 英语口语 Social Sciences Document Retrieval 社科文献检索 Computer Mathematics 计算机数学 Database Structure and PASCAL 数据库结构与PASCAL the Silk Road 丝绸之路 Applied Techniques of Infer Net INFER NET 实用技术 Information Research 情报研究 Information and Economic Policy-Making 信息与经济决策 Applied Enterprise Information Science 实用企业情报学 Algorithmic Research of Information Retrieval 情报检索算法研究 Application of Computer Software 微机软件应用 Selected Readings of History 历史文选 Ancient History of the World 世界上古史 Introduction to Historical Method 史学方法概论 Base of National Language and Literature 民族语文基础 Database of Place Names 地名数据库 Principles of Administrative Division 行政区域原理 Chinese Dialect 中国方言 Science of Chinese Local Records 中国方志学 Applied Writing of Economics 经济应用写作 Basics of Compilation and Publication 编辑出版基础 Management of Place Names 地名管理 Decipherment and Textual Criticism of Place Names 地名译写与考证 Dialectology and Toponomy 方言与地名 Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering 水力与环境工程 Appreciation of "Song Ci" 宋词赏析课 Special Experiments in Inorganic Chemistry 无机化学专题实验 Data Communication 数据通信 Image Processing and Applications 图像处理及运用 Spanish Intensive Reading 西班语精读 History of Chinese Archaeology 中国考古学史 Plate Tectonics 板块构造 Digital Information Processing 数字信息处理 Recording and Showing Technology 录放技术 Computer Operating System 微机操作系统 Analysis of Diagnosis 诊断分析 Mesoscale Meteorology 中尺度气象学 Appreciation of Western Master Art 西方实用美术鉴赏 Comparison between Chinese and Western Cultures in Law 中西法律文化比较 Western Financial Accounting 西方财会 Architecture of Chinese Classical Gardens 中国古典园林 Introduction to Advertising 广告入门 Advanced English Listening 高级英语听力 Analysis of Investment Decision 投资决策分析 Comprehensive Examination 过关考试 Climatology of the World 全球气候 Atmospheric Circulation and Climate 大气环流与气候 Dynamic Climatology 动力气候 History & Background of French 法国历史与概况 History of Foreign Literature 外国文学史 Comparative Study of Grammar 比较语法 History of Literature & Selected Readings on Works 文学史与作品选读 Romanticism Poetry 浪漫主义诗歌 Special Subject of Economic Management 经济管理专题 Course in College Mathematics 大学数学教程 Applied Technology 应用技术 Population Analysis of China 中国人口分析 Human Resources Management 人力资源管理 The World Politics, Economy and International Relations 世界政治经济与国际关系 Foreign Affairs and Etiquette 涉外事务与礼仪 Mass Communication 传播学 Journalistic Policy and Situation 新闻政策与形势 Introduction to Marxism-Leninism 马列主义基础 Introduction to Astronomy 基础天文 Particle Physics 粒子物理 Theoretical Astrophysics 理论天体物理 Extragalactic Astronomy 河外天文学 Lectures of Modern Astronomy 近代天文讲座 Astronomical Observation and Processing 天文观测与处理 Military Science & Technology 军事高科技 Practice of Computer Database 微机数据库概论实习 Modern Applied Mathematics 近代应用数学 Experiments in Modern Physical Design 近代物理设计实验 The Theory of Relativity and Universal Science 相对论与宇宙学 Special Experiments in Crystal Physics 晶体物理专门化实验 Crystal Diffraction 晶体衍射学 Crystal Defect Theory 晶体缺陷理论 Judaical Culture and World Civilization 犹太文化与世界文明 Skill of Traditional Chinese Painting 国画技法 Lawyer Notarization 律师公证 Humorous Language Skill 幽默语言艺术 Italian 意大利语 Oral German 德语口语 Physical Chemistry and Colloid Chemistry 物理化学及胶体化学 General Geophysical Sounding 普通物探 Regional Geological Mapping Fieldwork 区域地质填图实习 Explorational Geochemistry 地球化学找矿法 Experimental Geochemistry 实验地球化学 Analysis of Element Chemistry 元素化学分析 Translation,G-c 德译汉 Medical Chemistry 医用化学 Basics of Geographical Mapping 地理绘图基础 Surface Hydrology 地表水文学 Hydraulics 水力学 Environmental Hydraulics 环境水力学 Runoff Regulation and Computation 迳流调节与计算 Water Environmental Science 水环境学 Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering 水力与环境工程 Urban Water Resources 都市水资源 System Analysis of Water Resources 水资源系统分析 Water Resources of China 中国水资源 Introduction to Resources Law 资源法概论 Principles of Land Resources Planning 国土规划原理 Cost Accounting 成本会计 Computer Examination (Ⅱ) 计算机二级考试 Computer Application in Accounting 会计电算化 Financial Management 财务管理 Financial Statements Analysis 财务报表分析 Accounting of Financial Enterprises 金融企业会计 Practice of Chartered Public Accountants 注册会计师实务 Management System of Database 数据库管理系统 Gemmology and Resources 宝玉石及其资源 Special Subject of Finance and Accounting 财会专题 Selected Readings on Capital 资本论选读 Machine-Processed Basics 机械制造基础 Finance and Credit 财政与信贷 Marketing Management of Industrial Enterprises 工业企业经营管理学 Agricultural Economics 农业经济 Production Management of Industrial Enterprises 工业企业生产管理学 Geography of Population 人口地理 Urban Planning 城市规化 Economic Legislation 经济立法 Chorus and Conductor 合唱与指挥 Western Music Appreciation 西方音乐赏析 Basic Accounting 基础会计学 Theory of Population 人口理论 Introduction to Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation 遥感概论与像片判读 Environmental Hydrology 环境水文学 Economics of Water Resources 水资源经济学 Stochastic Water Resources Technology 随机水资源技术 Applied Writing of Economic Documents 经济应用写作 Appreciation of Film-Video 影视精品鉴赏 Practical Enterprise Informatics 实用企业信息学 Information Systems 情报系统 Modern Physics and Quantum Mechanics 近代物理与量子力学 Fuzzy Mathematics 模糊数学 Anatomic Physiology of Central Nervous System 中枢神精系统介剖生理学 Biostatistics 生物统计学 Experiments in General Botany 普通植物学实验 Advanced Phytophysiology 高级植物生理学 Research Methods of Phyto-biochemistry 植物生化研究方法 A Course in College Mathematics 大学数学教程 Land Resources Planning and Management 国地规划与整治 Practice of Regional and General Planning 区域与总体规划生产实习 Foreign Cities Planning 外国城市规划 Appreciation of Foreign Vocal Music Works 外国声乐作品赏析 Preparative Experiment 预备实验 Wave and Optics 波动与光学 Experiments in Mechanics 力学实验 Basic Experiments in Radio 无线电基础实验 Crystal Structure and Defect 晶体结构与缺陷 Freshman English 一年英文 Methods of Data Processing 数据处理方法 Surveying of the Earth Rotation 地球自转测量 Theories of the Earth Rotation 地球自转理论 Principles of Compiling Astrolabe Catalogue 等高星表 Photo Astrometry 照相天体测量 Practice in Astronomy 生产实习(天文) Numerical Methods for Celestial Mechanics 天体力学数值方法 Motional Theories of Artificial Satellite 人卫运动理论 Practice in Meteorology 生产实习(气象) Spanish Conversation Course 西班牙语课文会话 Oral Spanish 西班牙语口语 Spanish Reading 西班牙语阅读 Spanish Listening and Speaking 西班牙语听说 Spanish Extensive Reading 西班牙语泛读 Spanish Translation 西班牙语笔译 Literary History of Spain 西班牙文学史 Background of Spain and Latin America 西班牙拉美概况 Selected Reading of Fiction 小说导读 Business Spanish 商务西班牙语 Spanish Oral Translation 西班牙语口译 Literary History of Latin America 拉美文学史 Theories and Methods of Management 管理理论与方法 Computer Applications in Business 计算机商务应用 Introduction to Culture and Economy of Latin America 拉美文化与经济概论 Communication Circuit 通信电路 College English Band 2 大学英语二级 College English Band 3 大学英语三级 College English Band 4 大学英语四级 Crystal Optics and Igneous Petrology 晶体光学火成岩 Ostracoda 介形虫 Biostratigraphy 生物地层学 Spores and Pollen Analysis 包粉分析 Medical Biology 医用生物学 Medical Chemistry 医用化学 Medical Physics 医用物理学 Pathology 病理学 Foundations of Diagnosis 诊断学基础 Hygiene Statistics 卫生统计 Otolaryngology 五官科学 Basic Physics 基础物理学 Application & Maintenance of Electrocardiograph 心电仪器使用维修 Electrocardiography 心电图学 Noninvasive Cardiac Function 无创伤心功能 Electro-Cardiogram Exercise Test 心电负荷试验 Vectorcardiogram 心电向量图 German Writing 德语写作 Trauma Examination 创伤检查 Extracorpored Counterpulsation 体外反搏 Radionuclide Cardiac Function 核素心功能 Medical Ethics 医学伦理学 Microwave Measurements and Experiments 微波测量及实验 Special Subject of Economics 经济专题 Chinese Minority Nationality and Society 中国少数民族与中国社会 Foundations of Electrotechnics & Electron Technology 电工与电子技术基础 Introduction to Industrial Technology 工业生产技术概论 Appreciation of Chinese Classical Poems 古典诗词赏析 Mathematical Method of Economics 经济数学方法 Accounting 会计学 Theory & Practice of Scientific Socialism 科学社会主义理论与实践 Special Subject on Politics & Economy of the World 世界政治与经济问题专题 Administrative Law 行政法学 Market Economy of Socialism 社会主义市场经济 Research on Classical Writings of Marxism and leninism 马列经典著作研究 Document Files 文献档案 Analysis of Chinese Social Problem 中国社会问题分析 Systems of American Judicature 美国司法制度 Play the Piano (Ⅱ) 钢琴演奏 Selected Reading of Literatures 文学选读 Non-classical Logic 非经典逻辑 Sci-Tech Document Retrieval (in Foreign Language) 外文科技文献检索 Social Sciences Document Retrieval(in Chinese) 中文社科文献检索 Principles of Historiography 史学原理 Ancient Chinese and Writing 古代汉语与写作 Modern History of China 中国近现代史 Introduction to International Affairs 国际事务概论 American Diplomatic History 美国外交史 Iran in the History of the World 世界历史中的伊朗 Chinese Traditional Model 中国传统的模式 Introduction to Drama 戏剧概论 Theories of International Relations 国际关系学理论 History of Modern International Relations 近现代国际关系史 Research on the Development of the Third World 第三世界发展战略 History of Ming and Ching 明清史 History of Song Dynasty 宋史 Regional Research of North America 北美地区研究 International Organization 国际组织与机构 Comparative Studies on Political Systems of Western Countries 各国政治制度比较 History of Europe and America Culture 欧美文化史 Special Subject on Chinese-Foreign Migration History 中外移民史专题 Introduction to Ancient Building of China 中国古代建筑概论 Modern Korean Questions 当代韩国问题 American Culture 美国文化 Market Investigation and Study 市场调研 Resources Remote Sensing and Experiments 资源遥感与遥感实验 Basics of Agricultural Technology 农业技术基础 Series Lectures on World Geography 世界地理系列讲座 Computation and Evaluation of Water Resources 水资源计算与评价 System Analysis & Information Management of Physical Resources 自然资源系统分析与信息管理 Information Management of Natural Resources 自然资源信息管理 Track and Field 田径 Land Developing and Planning 土地开发与规划 Special Subject of Land Management ane Real Estate Developing 土地管理房地产开发专题讲座 The Studies on Taiwan,Hongkong and Macao 台港澳问题 Object-oriented Programming 面向对象程序设计 Medieval History of the World 世界中古史 History of Chinese Foreign Affairs 中外关系史 History of Modern International Relations 近代国际关系史 Monographic Studies on the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom History 太平天国史专题 Chinese Anarchism History 中国无政府主义史 Xizang History and Religion 西藏历史与宗教 Vital Statistics and Forecast 人口统计与预测 History of Socialist Economy Thoughts 社会主义经济思想史 Technology of Physiology (First Part) 生理学技术(上) Experiments in Astronomy 天文学实验 Experiments in Catalysis 催化专题实验 Molecular Physics 分子物理 Fundamentals of Radio 无线电基础 Atomic Physics 原子物理 Theory of Metals 金属学 Applications of Superconductivity 超导电性应用 Quantum Liquid 量子液体 Selected Readings in German Short Story 德语短篇小说选 Esperanto 世界语 Selected Readings in Foreign Newspapers 外报选读 Principles of Chemical Reaction Engineering 化学反应工程基本原理 Middle Experiments in Applied Chemistry 中级应用化学实验 Organic Unitary Reaction and Process 有机单元反应及过程 Technological Design of Chemical Engineering 化工工艺设计 Transformation and Practice of Education 校外实习与教改实践 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 化学化工热力学 Reading Skill 阅读技巧训练 History of International Relations 国际关系史 Film and Literature 电影与文学 English Band 3 三级英语 Topics in Modern Astrophysics 天文讲座 Resources and Appreciation of Gem 宝石资源及鉴赏 Stellar Astronomy 恒星天文 Statistics and Investment Statistics 统计学与投资统计 Accounting and Investment Accounting 会计学与投资会计 Introduction to Data Systems 数据系统导论 The Solar System Evolution 太阳系演化 Investment Funds Management 投资基金管理 Theories and Methods of Investment Policy-making 投资决策理论与方法 Management of National Property 国有资产管理 Metalloflavoprotein & Metalloenzyme 金属蛋白和金属酶 Biological Classification 生物鉴定 Pharmaceutics 药剂学 Information Control Systems Engineering 信息控制系统工程 Introduction to Programming Methodology 程序设计方法学引论 Basics of Mapping 绘图基础 Basics of Computer Software 计算机软件基础 Freshman Japanese 一年日语 Japanese Listening & Speaking 日语听说 Japanese Conversation 日语会话 Sophomore Japanese 二年日语 Junior Japanese 三年日语 Selected Reading of British & American Literature 英美文学选读 Background of Japanese 日本概况 Senior Japanese 四年日语 Contemporary Japanese Literature 当代日本文学 Classical Japanese 古典日语 Introduction to Foreign Economy & Trade 对外经济贸易概论 Statistics of World Economy 世界经济统计 Metallochemistry 金属精饰化学 Formal Logic 形式逻辑 History of The International Communist Movement 国际共产主义运动史 Selected Readings in Works of Marx's and Lenin's Philosophy 马列哲学著作选读 Material of Chinese Philosophy History 中国哲学史资料 Lectures on Natural Science 自然科学讲座 History of Relationship Between China and America 中美关系史 Introduction to Share Economics 股份经济概论 Technology Transference 技术贸易 Comprehensive Evaluation of Two-year Basic Course 两年基础综合评定 Thought History in Early Qing 先秦思想史 Freshman Spanish 一年西班牙语 Historical Matericals of Ancient Chinese Document 中国古代文献史料学 Study on Chinese Secret Society and Bandits 中国秘密社会与盗匪问题研究 History of British Parliamentarism 英国议会政治史 History of Modern American Foreign Policy 现代美国外交史 A Series Lecture on Historical Information 史学信息系列讲座 Special Subject of History 历史学专题 History of Modern International Relations 现代国际关系史 Selected Readings on Historical Works of Europe 欧洲历史文选讲读 Chorus and Conductor 合唱与指挥 Principle of Management 管理原理 Glamourous Linguistics 魅力语言学 Advanced Oral English 高级英语口语 Metallic Technology Practice of Physical Technology 物理技实 History of Classic Literature 古典文学史 Literature of Tai Wang 台湾文学作者: ayoa 时间: 2005-10-13 17:19:42