
标题: issue144 12月16日作业(sally) [打印本页]

作者: superficial    时间: 2005-12-18 15:51:56     标题: issue144 12月16日作业(sally)

144."It is the artist, not the critic,* who gives society something of lasting value."

*a person who evaluates works of art, such as novels, films, music, paintings, etc.

Critic to the artist is like what tongue to the cast. I strongly agree with the statements that it is the artist who actually gives the society the lasting value, nevertheless, without critic towards them artists may be proper evaluated long time after them were produced.

Throughtout human history artists have created numerous masterpieces which exert favourable influnces on people today. Arts can provide us pleasure, beauty and instruction. For instance, the figure of David by Michelangelo shows us a perfect image of human being, meanwhile we can percieve an infinite determination and courage. In Beethoven's Symphony No.9, we can feel an immense range of emotional conflict and expression, and will be encouraged to fight with our destiny. Shakespeare's Macbeth teaches us that inordinate ambition is pernicious.

In addition, many artists cannnot be right evaluated throughout his lifetime. Critics may biased, the art critic's judgement is limited by the narrow confines of old and established parameters for evaluation.  An apt illustration of this point involves Van Gogh, one of the greatest painter, whose paintings nowadays worth millions of dollars, has sold no more than one work during his life. Or,  consider the complete dismissal of Beethoven's music by the esteemed critics of his time. Even though, true arts is like a diamond of the purest water, no matter what covered them, thay would keep radiating in the long history river.

However, the function of critics cannot be totally denied. For the reason that the mental level many great artists can reach is too difficult for the average people to comprehend. In this circumstance, there needs true outstanding critics to guide them properly. After all, it is the critics who master the expertise to interpret and appreciate the artworks. For example, a film is an expression of the director's individual mental world, and the kernel included usually can be entirely absorbed only with a critic's expert analysis. Furthermore, critics can bring funds to the artists to create independently, or artists who rely on subsidy will trap in control and censorship which spoil the innovation and freedom.

In the fianl analysis, it is partial to draw a conclusion that only aritist bring society lasting value and ignore the contribution of the critic's work. Arts needs continuous interact between artists and critics so as to provide us more and more great artworks.
作者: Archer1123    时间: 2005-12-19 11:08:35

issue144 12月16日作业(sally)

144."It is the artist, not the critic,* who gives society something of lasting value."

*a person who evaluates works of art, such as novels, films, music, paintings, etc.

Critic to the artist is like what tongue to the cast. [第一句用修辞手法,很好,不过千万要保证地道,正确,要不就弄巧成拙了,说实话,我就不知道你的这句是否地道,呵呵]I strongly agree with the statements that it is the artist who actually gives the society the lasting value, nevertheless, without critic towards them [不清楚towards在这里的用法是?] artists may be proper evaluated long time after them were produced. [不太明白你要表达的意思,呜呜……] [开头很简洁,但是有些表达?可能是我理解水平比较差]

Throughtout [throughout] human history artists have created numerous masterpieces which exert favourable influnces [favorable influence? 感觉好像不合适,beneficial influence如何?] on people today. Arts [art 是不可数名词,arts是文学吧?] can provide us pleasure, beauty and instruction. For instance, the figure of David by Michelangelo shows us a perfect image of human being, meanwhile we can percieve [perceive] an infinite determination and courage. In Beethoven's Symphony No.9, we can feel an immense range of emotional conflict and expression, and will be encouraged to fight with our destiny. Shakespeare's Macbeth teaches us that inordinate ambition is pernicious. [感觉论证如果能再深入点就更好了,呵呵]

In addition, many artists cannot [cannot] be right evaluated throughout his lifetime [their lifetime]. Critics may [maybe] biased, the art critic's judgement [judgment] is limited by the narrow confines of old and established parameters for evaluation.  An apt illustration of this point involves Van Gogh, one of the greatest painter, whose paintings nowadays worth millions of dollars, has [had] sold no more than one work during his life. Or, consider the complete dismissal of Beethoven's music by the esteemed critics of his time. Even though, true arts is like a diamond of the purest water, no matter what covered them, thay would keep radiating in the long history river. [这个比喻很不错,学习ing]

However, the function of critics cannot be totally denied. For the reason that the mental level many great artists can reach is too difficult for the average people to comprehend [感觉不太顺,Because it is too difficult for average people to reach and comprehend the mental level which many great artists can reach如何?]. In this circumstance, there needs true outstanding critics to guide them properly [the true understanding critics play an important role in guiding them properly.]. After all, it is the critics who master the expertise to interpret and appreciate the artworks. For example, a film is an expression of the director's individual mental world, and the kernel included usually can be entirely absorbed only with a critic's expert analysis. [这个例子再具体点就更好了] Furthermore, critics can bring funds to the artists to create independently, or artists who rely on subsidy will trap in control and censorship which spoil the innovation and freedom. [感觉critic的第二个贡献能够再深入点比较好]

In the fianl [final] analysis, it is partial to draw a conclusion that only aritist [artists] bring society lasting value and ignore the contribution of the critic's work [删掉work比较好]. Arts needs continuous interact between artists and critics so as to provide us more and more great artworks.

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