
标题: Issue103 kito小组第五次作业,多谢拍砖者~~ [打印本页]

作者: @amy@    时间: 2005-12-23 16:31:07     标题: Issue103 kito小组第五次作业,多谢拍砖者~~

Issue103 "The study of history has value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives."   





字数:411 words
时间:查资料看别人习作(2小时)+构思提纲(30分钟)+正文(1.5小时) = 4小时
:L 时间很长,大家别笑话我呀:(
When referring to history, people are used to bethinking the famous history events or the history of a nation or the mankind. As a matter of fact, not only those are considered as history, the past of a common person is also counted. Therefore, the study of history that is relevant to our daily lives has value, the study of other kinds of history too.

History is meritorious to our daily lives. History knowledge can enrich people's wisdom and help them to understand the world. In addition, the stories of historical giants can give people tremendously spiritual supports, and provide action references. Take a well-known China ancient story as an example. During the West Han dynasty, there was a very diligent child named QuangHeng. He liked reading very much, but his family was extremely pool and could not even afford lamp oil for him. Then he cut a small hole in the wall, and read under the delicacy lamplight from neighbor. Finally, he became a famed litterateur. This story moved thousands upon thousands children, and made them cherish the study opportunities they owned. On the other hand, the outcomes of scientific studies are also valuable to modern studies. For instance, medicine counts for much to people's health. Just depending on the studies and accumulations of medicine in all ages, there are the development of modern medicine and the prolongation of people's lives.

Moreover, the study of history has undisputable worth to a nation so much as the whole humankind. Such as, studying on the generation of universe and the origin of mankind solves many riddles; studying on the blossom and ruin of historical country makes current government to manage the nation better; studying on the relations between historical nations gives reference for dealing with the relation of modern countries. For example, after review the history of German Nazism, we know that the atrocious rule will be overthrown finally and democracy is the proper way.

History is a great treasure to the mankind. From the study of history, we can conclude the rule of the universe, refer the good experiences, avoid the same mistakes, and prospect the future. For example, seismologists observe the rule of the occurring of former earthquakes, and sum up the phenomena before earthquakes, then get the characters of earthquakes and forecast the future earthquakes.

To sum up, to study the history is essentially important, because it relates to people's daily lives and the development of the whole world.  

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作者: leedgen    时间: 2005-12-23 16:57:32

When referring to history, people are used to bethinking the famous history events or the history of a nation or the mankind. As a matter of fact, not only those are considered as history, the past of a common person is also counted. Therefore, the study of history that is relevant to our daily lives has value, the study of other kinds of history too. 这个句子完全是中文翻译过来的,看着生硬,It is valuable to study history which is relevant to our daily lives, so is other kinds of history like ***(几个你会讲到的历史),这么改不知道好不好

History is meritorious好词,学习中 to our daily lives. History knowledge can enrich people's wisdom and help them to understand the world. In addition, the stories of historical giants can give people tremendously spiritual supports, and provide action references. Take a well-known China ancient story as an example. During the West Han dynasty, there was a very diligent child named QuangHeng. He liked reading very much, but his family was extremely pool and could not even afford lamp oil for him. Then he cut a small hole in the wall, and read under the delicacy lamplight from neighbor. Finally, he became a famed litterateur. 例子不用写得这么详细,个人愚见This story moved thousands upon thousands children, and made them cherish the study opportunities they owned. On the other hand, the outcomes of scientific studies are also valuable to modern studies. For instance, medicine counts for much to people's health. Just depending on the studies and accumulations of medicine in all ages, there are the development of modern medicine and the prolongation of people's lives.

Moreover, the study of history has undisputable worth to a nation so much as the whole humankind. Such as, studying on the generation of universe and the origin of mankind solves many riddles; studying on the blossom and ruin of historical country makes current government to manage the nation better; studying on the relations between historical nations gives reference for dealing with the relation of modern countries. For example, after review the history of German Nazism, we know that the atrocious rule will be overthrown finally and democracy is the proper way.

History is a great treasure to the mankind. From the study of history, we can conclude the rule of the universe, refer the good experiences, avoid the same mistakes, and prospect the future. For example, seismologists observe the rule of the occurring of former earthquakes, and sum up the phenomena before earthquakes, then get the characters of earthquakes and forecast the future earthquakes. 预测地震在这里好像不是很有说服力哟

To sum up, to study the history is essentially important, because it relates to people's daily lives and the development of the whole world.  结尾好简单哟

作者: hzyj0322    时间: 2005-12-24 10:55:30

When referring to history, people are used to bethinking the famous history events or the history of a nation or the mankind. As a matter of fact, not only those are considered as history, the past of a common person is also counted. Therefore, the study of history that is relevant to our daily lives has value, the study of other kinds of history(这个词组有点牵强,这句话也有语法问题) too.

History is meritorious to our daily lives. History knowledge can enrich people's wisdom and help them to understand the world. In addition, the stories of historical giants can give people tremendously spiritual supports, and provide action references. Take a well-known China ancient story as an(用for就行) example. During the West Han dynasty, there was a very diligent child named QuangHeng. He liked reading very much, but his family was extremely pool(poor) and could not even afford lamp oil for him(afford him lamp oil). Then he cut(这个~换个什么词更好呢,谁能告诉我?) a small hole in the wall, and read under the delicacy() lamplight from neighbor. Finally, he became a famed litterateur. This story moved thousands upon thousands children, and made them cherish the study opportunities they owned. On the other hand, the outcomes of scientific studies are also valuable to modern studies. For instance, medicine counts for much to people's health. Just depending on(我觉得用from就挺好) the studies and accumulations of medicine in all ages, there are the development of modern medicine and the prolongation of people's lives

Moreover, the study of history has undisputable worth to a nation so much as the whole humankind. Such as, studying on the generation of universe and the origin of mankind solves many riddles; studying on the blossom and ruin of historical country makes current government to manage the nation better; studying on the relations between historical nations gives reference for dealing with the relation of modern countries. For example, after review the history of German Nazism, we know that the atrocious rule will be overthrown finally and democracy is the proper way.

History is a great treasure to the mankind. From the study of history, we can conclude the rule of the universe, refer the good experiences, avoid the same mistakes, and prospect the future. For example, seismologists observe the rule of the occurring of former earthquakes, and sum up the phenomena before earthquakes, then get the characters of earthquakes and forecast the future earthquakes. (例子的确不恰当)
To sum up, to study the history is essentially important, because it relates to people's daily lives and the development of the whole world.  


作者: 螃蟹爬啊爬    时间: 2007-8-24 01:25:13     标题: 顶个老贴上来~

这里的daily life具体应该怎么理解啊???

[ 本帖最后由 螃蟹爬啊爬 于 2007-8-24 01:28 编辑 ]

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