
标题: issue55 CoffeeのCappuccino☆作业~~都来拍拍呀!!! [打印本页]

作者: Cappuccino☆    时间: 2005-12-30 20:37:16     标题: issue55 CoffeeのCappuccino☆作业~~都来拍拍呀!!!

issue55 Competition for high grades seriously limits the quality of learning at all leavels of education.

1. competition boost the phychological pressure, excavate potential
2. grades make the standards of studying knowledge substantialize
3. the negative of grades

In mordern society, competition exsists nearly in all aspects that effect the life of human to a great extent. When it comes to the education, say the quality of learning knowledge, the competition that students' persuing high grades would largely play an positive role.

First of all, competition for high grades would increase the phychological pressure among students, which would excacate as much potential as they incuberate. Where there is a competition, the clasificaiton of the superier and infierer would be obvious, as the former may receive the highest praise, take scholarship in American University given to the excellent students for example, while dispised attitude giving to the later. Thus, there is no doubt that almost every student would rather want to be confirmed and strive for the awards to be superier. In this case, the competition in deed excavate their inherant potential as well as add more phychological pressure through. Although it would be considered to be curious and inenqual to the students who did not achieve the high grades, the ultimate result for this competition would benefit the average level of the total students. "The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet" said Aristotle. Therefore, competition for high grades would force the students more willing to study thus boosting the quality of learning.

Furthermore, the institution of grades would be probabely considered to be the only criteria to exam the level of one's knowledge in this time. Sdudying is a very activity and the level of knowledge one own is also too abstruct to be measured. Thus, in developing of education, the grades would substitute to represent the knowledge, as the characteristic of (substantialzation and quantification). For example, nearly all schools, from kiderngarden to university, take the institution of 100 grades(100分制怎么说?) into use. In (高考咋说?我菜~~~555), every university matrculate a student according to the scores he or she earns. Some objection that the grades play an inaccurate role may seem to be plausible, however, as such development level of human and education, it is unlikely to probe another method to mesure the level of knowledge. Moreover, while an exacte score given to students, they would realize how much they learned as well as how well clearly. Thus, the grades would represent as a milestone to imporve learning quality.

Admittedly, the negative effects of the competition of grades also exsists. Firstly, the people would too convice the grades students earns and at the same time ingore one's total cultivation, such as the ability of practicing one accural case, experience of solving problems, and some specified talent in a particular filed. Although the grades could to most extent represent one's ability, they would never consiered to be perfect as well. Thus, some companies, universities and other labor market would have a high chance to wrongly select a student only according the high grades he or she earned. Secondly, the cheating or other manuvier furious under the large pressure the competition brought. It is unlikely all the students would follow the comform and well-behaved in one examination, in which the grades would be determinating. Some students who learned little knowledge would receive an extremely high grade, even surpress the really excellent students, though cheating, thus inequality occured.

In sum, whether competition for high grades would contribute to society by improving the quality of learning would also be a question that in this time would not likely to be solved. Considering the phychological pressure it brings and the necessary role to choose grades as represent for measuring the level of knowledge, we would find the positive effects largely beyond the opposite.

[ Last edited by Cappuccino☆ on 2005-12-30 at 20:44 ]
作者: shiel    时间: 2005-12-30 20:47:23


作者: hunson    时间: 2005-12-30 21:11:35

作者: Cappuccino☆    时间: 2005-12-30 21:19:01

Originally posted by hunson at 2005-12-30 21:11


作者: taotaoQ    时间: 2005-12-30 22:48:42

作者: taotaoQ    时间: 2005-12-31 13:32:30

issue55 Competition for high grades seriously limits the quality of learning at all leavels of education.

1. competition boost the phychological pressure, excavate potential
2. grades make the standards of studying knowledge substantialize
3. the negative of grades

In mordern society, competition exsists(exists) nearly in all aspects that effect the life of human to a great extent. When it comes to the education, say the quality of learning knowledge, the competition that students' pursuing high grades would largely play an(a) positive role.(观点:主要起正作用)

First of all, competition for high grades would increase the psychological pressure among students, which would excacate as much potential as they incuberate. Where there is a competition, the clasificaiton of the superier and infierer would be obvious, as the former may receive the highest praise, 这儿是不是应该断句哦?take scholarship in American University given to the excellent students for example, while despised attitude giving to the later. Thus, there is no doubt that almost every student would rather want to be confirmed and strive for the awards to be superior. In this case, the competition in deed excavates their inherant potential as well as adds more phychological pressure through. Although it would be considered to be curious? and inenqual(unequal) to the students who did not achieve the high grades, the ultimate result for this competition would benefit the average level of the total students. ("The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet" said Aristotle.引用得好) Therefore, competition for high grades would force the students more willing to study thus boosting the quality of learning.

Furthermore, the institution of grades would be probably considered to be the only criteria to exam the level of one's knowledge in this time. Studying is a very activity and the level of knowledge one own is also too abstruct(abstract) to be measured. Thus, in developing of education, the grades would substitute to represent the (知识量mount of) knowledge, as the characteristic of (substantialzation and quantification??). For example, nearly all schools, from kindergarten to university, take the institution of 100 grades(100分制怎么说?centesimal system ) into use. In (高考咋说?我菜~~~555  the entrance examination of university), every university matriculate a student according to the scores he or she earns. Some objection that the grades play an inaccurate role may seem to be plausible, however, as such development level of human and education, it is unlikely to probe(institute/work out) another method to measure the level of knowledge. Moreover, while an exact score given to students, they would realize how much they learned (as well as how well clearly?). Thus, the grades would represent as a milestone to improve learning quality.(由于现存教育体制的局限,分数似乎是唯一客观的量化检验,从可行性上论证)Admittedly, the negative effects of the competition of grades also exists. Firstly, the people would too convince the grades students earns and at the same time ignore one's total cultivation, such as the ability of practicing one accrual case, experience of solving problems, and some specified talent in a particular filed(还比如学生的人际交往能力,leadership, good personality等不能量化的东西  Although the grades could to most extent represent one's ability, they would never considered to be perfect as well. Thus, some companies, universities and other labor market would have a high chance(rate) to wrongly select a student only according the high grades he or she earned.( Secondly, the cheating or other maneuver furious under the large pressure the competition brought.这点提得不错 )It is unlikely all the students would follow the conform(conform the regulations of examination) and well-behaved in one examination, in which the grades would be determination. Some students who learned little knowledge would receive an extremely high grade, even (surpass) the really excellent students, though(through) cheating, thus inequality occurred.

In sum, whether competition for high grades would contribute to society by improving the quality of learning would also be a question that in this time would not likely to be solved. Considering the psychological pressure it brings and the necessary role to choose grades as represent for measuring the level of knowledge, we would find the positive effects largely beyond the opposite.
+ 两个观点:积极效果,可实施性
--  两个观点:局限性,可能滋生不良行为
观点摆得很好,但最后结论说+largely beyond -,似乎论证上弱了点,没有很有力地支撑,也许把+弄强壮点,给-减点肥,对比明显些,突出积极效果大于负面效果!

作者: calsunny    时间: 2005-12-31 16:22:22


TO: taotaoQ
作者: Cappuccino☆    时间: 2006-1-1 17:14:13


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