
标题: issue228 taotaoQ作业(coffee组)教育类的例子真少啊~~ [打印本页]

作者: taotaoQ    时间: 2006-1-2 21:23:12     标题: issue228 taotaoQ作业(coffee组)教育类的例子真少啊~~

Issue228 The best way to teach-whether as an educator, employer, or parent-is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones
     + People may not be as good as you tell them they are, but they will try harder thereafter.
     + Sharp, insulting and open criticism usually arouses animosity and confrontation, which will eventually block the communication process.
     -- Admittedly, unconditionally ignoring people’s negative actions is a sign of irresponsibility, which will turn out counterproductive.
I agree with the speaker that it is sometimes necessary, and even desirable, for praising positive actions as a good way to teach whether by educator, employer, or parent. A contrary view would reveal irresponsible about ignoring the negative actions. Nevertheless, we must not neglect the inactive behaviors; otherwise, overlooking the passive actions would lead to irremediable errors.

Every bean has its black. People may not as good as you tell them they are, but they will try harder thereafter. It is obvious that individuals always pursuit more perfect because of physiological instinct. “Citius, Altius, Fortius” the Olympic Motto could express such nature of human being that fully and properly. And the spirit of Olympic is fertile, it does not only courage the competitors not to be afraid of strong rivals, dare to struggle and dare to win, but also promote people not to submit to the ordinary, to be always full of life, to surpass private selves, extricate own potentiality and develop it to the fullest extent. Under the encouragement, many more athletes consummate defect and break the world record. Thus it can be seen, encouraging the positive actions is actually an incentive behavior which is appropriate to be used for educating.

On the controversy, sharp, insulting and open criticism usually arouses animosity and confrontation, which will eventually block the communication process. Firstly, the same to be desirable to be better, people do not expect to be criticized in public, let alone to be sharply criticized. By reason of self-esteem, it is entirely possible that such ultra comments would do harm to the development of personality for students, quench the enthusiasm of working for employee. Secondly, the people whose prides are wounded might be tangled by the heavy mental load, and cannot put any thought into rectify errors. Finally, to the extreme, those people could not receive any education no longer, no matter what suggestion is. Perhaps, they are too self-preservation to accept any teaching. Therefore, the furious comments publicly established may produce much hurt to dignity of individual, even might lead to communication block.

Admittedly, unconditionally ignoring people’s negative actions is a sign of irresponsibility, which will turn out counterproductive. Take the same sample above to illustrate, if overlooking those people who do not correct their weakness after criticism and want to study or work any more, much more serious consequence would come into being. On one hand, no knowledge could be transmitted to the students, which tremendously hampers the development of students, moreover, makes them unconfident to face the future life. On the other hand, profit reducing of company would result in the inefficient work which is done by those workers. Thence, neglecting the negative actions could not be a proper means used to teach.

In sum, without encouragement to positive behaviors, the teaching method is not intelligent; without dealing with negative ones, the way of teaching is naïve. Unless the two factors are both involved, that is the best way of teaching.
作者: shiel    时间: 2006-1-3 10:11:41

taotaoQ, 我来了, 呵,
恩, 刚刚看了一会儿专业课考试的东东, 现在来和AW奋战, 先来向你学习学习, 然后去写这周的作业......
作者: shiel    时间: 2006-1-3 11:12:52

Issue228 The best way to teach-whether as an educator, employer, or parent-is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones
     + People may not be as good as you tell them they are, but they will try harder thereafter.
     + Sharp, insulting and open criticism usually arouses animosity and confrontation, which will eventually block the communication process.
     -- Admittedly, unconditionally ignoring people’s negative actions is a sign of irresponsibility, which will turn out counterproductive.
     (感觉好棒的提纲, 呵, )

I agree with the speaker that it is sometimes necessary, and even desirable, for praising positive actions as a good way to teach whether by educator, employer, or parent. A contrary view would reveal irresponsible about ignoring the negative actions. (恩, reveal后面一般是接n.吧, 这样用是不是需要写成一个从句的形式呢? 还有,觉得这里的about不怎么恰当. 我试着改了一下: A contrary view would reveal the irresponsibility of ignoring the negative actions.) Nevertheless, we must not neglect the inactive behaviors; otherwise, overlooking (很好啊, 避免了跟上句neglect的重复)the passive actions would lead to irremediable errors.

Every bean has its black. (恩恩) People may not as good as you tell them they are, but they will try harder thereafter. It is obvious that individuals always pursuit (pursue)more perfect because of physiological (?? psychological)instinct. “Citius, Altius, Fortius” the Olympic Motto could express such nature of human being that fully and properly. And the spirit of Olympic is fertile, it does not only courage (encourage)the competitors not to be afraid of strong rivals, dare to struggle and dare to win, but also promote people not to submit to the ordinary, to be always full of life (??), to surpass private selves, extricate own potentiality and develop it to the fullest extent. Under the encouragement, many more athletes consummate (我查了金山和韦氏, 觉得这里接defect不大合适, 用overcome来表达会不会准确点? )defects and break the world records. Thus it can be seen, encouraging the positive actions is actually an incentive behavior which is appropriate to be used for educating. (没想到你会举奥运的例子,呵)

On the controversy (contrary) , sharp, insulting and open criticism usually arouses animosity and confrontation, which will eventually block the communication process. Firstly, the same to be desirable (desirability)to be better, people do not expect to be criticized in public, let alone to be sharply criticized. By (For the)reason of self-esteem, it is entirely possible that such ultra comments would do harm to the development of personality for students (for应该为of, 但前面刚用了, 那就表达为students' personalities), quench the enthusiasm of working for employee (同样, 改改吧). Secondly, the people whose prides are wounded might be tangled by the heavy mental load, and cannot put any thought into rectify errors. Finally, to the extreme, those people could not receive any education no longer, no matter what suggestion is. Perhaps, they are too self-preservation to accept any teaching. Therefore, the furious comments publicly established may produce much hurt to dignity of individual, even might lead to communication block.

Admittedly, unconditionally ignoring people’s negative actions is a sign of irresponsibility, which will turn out counterproductive. Take the same sample above to illustrate, if overlooking those people who do not correct their weakness after criticism and want to study or work any more, much more serious consequence would come into being. On one hand, no knowledge could be transmitted to the students, which tremendously hampers the development of students, moreover, makes them unconfident to face the future life. On the other hand, profit reducing of company would result in the inefficient work which is done by those workers. Thence, neglecting the negative actions could not be a proper means used to teach. (挺有条理的.)            

In sum, without encouragement to positive behaviors, the teaching method is not intelligent; without dealing with negative ones, the way of teaching is naïve. Unless the two factors are both involved, that is the best way of teaching. (用了unless, 后面又用了肯定的句式, 那表达的意思是不是就反了啊?)

:) :) 真的不好意思, 我的水平还很有限, 只是这样看看了, 见谅啊-----
作者: Cappuccino☆    时间: 2006-1-3 13:32:08

作者: taotaoQ    时间: 2006-1-3 19:26:10

作者: gaojiehaha    时间: 2006-1-4 14:43:48

I agree with the speaker that it is sometimes necessary, and even desirable, for praising positive actions as a good way to teach whether by educator, employer, or parent. A contrary view would reveal irresponsible about ignoring the negative actions.(前面的两句话陈述了两种不同的观点。我觉得I agree with不要比较好,然后下面的一句话再表明自己的观点) Nevertheless, we must not neglect the inactive behaviors; Otherwise, overlooking the passive actions would lead to irremediable errors.

Every bean has its black. (人各有其短。嗯,学习··) People may not as good as you tell them they are,(这里这个表达有点不太好) but they will try harder thereafter. It is obvious that individuals always pursuit more perfect because of physiological instinct. “Citius, Altius, Fortius” the Olympic Motto could express such nature of human being that fully and properly. And the spirit of Olympic is fertile, it does not only courage the competitors not to be afraid of strong rivals, dare to struggle and dare to win, but also promote people not to submit to the ordinary, to be always full of life, to surpass private selves, extricate own potentiality and develop it to the fullest extent. Under the encouragement, many (many可以删掉)more athletes consummate(应该是conquer吧) defect and break the world record. Thus it can be seen, encouraging the positive actions is actually an incentive behavior which is appropriate to be used for educating.(你的例子是说奥运会的精神,人们要敢于拼搏,敢于向自我挑战。但是和鼓励为主的教育关系并不大。这是我的一点拙见,不一定正确,你再看看)

On the controversy(contrary), sharp, insulting and open criticism usually arouses animosity and confrontation, which will eventually block the communication process. Firstly, the same to be desirable to be better(这个读着不太顺), people do not expect to be criticized in public, let alone to be sharply criticized. By reason of self-esteem, it is entirely possible that such ultra comments would do harm to the development of personality for students, quench the enthusiasm of working for employee. Secondly, the people whose prides are wounded might be tangled by the heavy mental load, and cannot put any thought into rectify errors. Finally, to the extreme, those people could not receive any education no longer, no matter what suggestion is.(secondly和finally讲的是同一个人吧,合为一点讲比较好,我觉得) Perhaps, they are too self-preservation to accept any teaching. Therefore, the furious comments publicly established may produce much hurt to dignity of individual, even might lead to communication block.

Admittedly, unconditionally ignoring people’s negative actions is a sign of irresponsibility, which will turn out counterproductive. Take the same sample above to illustrate, if overlooking those people who do not correct their weakness after criticism and want to study or work any more, much more serious consequence would come into being. On one hand, no knowledge could be transmitted to the students, which tremendously hampers the development of students, moreover, makes them unconfident to face the future life. On the other hand, profit reducing of company would result in the inefficient work which is done by those workers. Thence, neglecting the negative actions could not be a proper means used to teach.

In sum, without encouragement to positive behaviors, the teaching method is not intelligent; without dealing with negative ones, the way of teaching is naïve. Unless the two factors are both involved, that is the best way of teaching.


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