
标题: issue7 shirley的作业(GoGoGo) [打印本页]

作者: happy_shirley    时间: 2006-1-10 14:00:18     标题: issue7 shirley的作业(GoGoGo)

Issue7."The video camera provides such an accurate and convincing record of contemporary life that it has become a more important form of documentation than written records." 7. 数码相机可以精确地拍摄当代人们的生活,它的重要性已经超过了纸笔记录。

As the development of technology, video camera has played a more and more important role in our daily life. I strongly agree with the above issue that the video camera has become a more important form of documentation than written records.

First of all, the video camera can provide rich and colorful information which written records can not carry out. It is known to all that the video camera can contain a recording of music, conversation, pictures and other visual and auditory information. The record is undoubtedly more interesting and lively. When people go traveling, they are accustomed to take the video camera to record their wonderful experience instead of writing diary.

In addition, the video camera can provide more objective information without any misinterpretation. The written records are recorded by language, which means that anyone can have their own comprehension about it. It is not rare to see that people involve into legal proceedings for their different comprehension with the items in the contract. Therefore, the records provided by video camera can be more direct, with less misleading information than written records.

At last, as a researcher in language field, I strongly recommend the video record because it can be understood by people using different languages. It is a very important advantage which makes the video information more popular than written records.For example, when a Chinese recorder writes records, he or she probably write it in Chinese. However, when other people who do not speak Chinese, want to know the information in this records, it will be impossible for them to read. On the contrary, using video records, most people who have normal eyesight can comprehend what happened. That is why video information gets more and more popular across the world.

In sum, I believe that as the development of science and technology, video camera will influence our daily life more and more deeply. Though it can not take place of written record in a short time, but more and more people will tend to use video camera to record our colorful and wonderful life.

作者: shashafeng33    时间: 2006-1-10 20:57:20


As the development of technology, video camera has played a more and more important role in our daily life. I strongly agree with the above issue that the video camera has become a more important form of documentation than written records.简洁有力的开头,学习

First of all, the video camera can provide rich and colorful information which written records can not carry out. It is known to all that the video camera can contain a recording of music, conversation, pictures and other visual and auditory information. :L写成数码相机了The record is undoubtedly more interesting and lively. When people go traveling, they are accustomed to take the video camera to record their wonderful experience instead of writing diary.语言真没说的,向你学习

In addition, the video camera can provide more objective information without any misinterpretation. The written records are recorded by language, which means that anyone can have their own comprehension about it. It is not rare to see that people involve into legal proceedings for their different comprehension with the items in the contract. 司法事件中各人不同理解证明的是语言表述有多种理解,语言的歧义证明了纸笔记录的不客观性,感觉这例子有点绕,不如直接说.Therefore, the records provided by video camera can be more direct, with less misleading information than written records.

At last, as a researcher in language field, I strongly recommend the video record because it can be understood by people using different languages. It is a very important advantage which makes the video information more popular than written records.For example, when a Chinese recorder writes records, he or she probably write it in Chinese. However, when other people who do not speak Chinese, want to know the information in this records, it will be impossible太绝对了,可以翻译啊,是不是改成very different for them to read. On the contrary, using video records, most people who have normal eyesight can comprehend what happened. That is why video information gets more and more popular across the world.

这里是不是要加上一小段video carema 的不足或written record的好处来作个让步呢?否则仅仅在结尾段提到有点突兀

In sum, I believe that as the development of science and technology, video camera will influence our daily life more and more deeply. Though it can not take place of written record in a short time, but more and more people will tend to use video camera to record our colorful and wonderful life.

关于提纲想说一点,shirley你有没有注意到题目,里面是video carema, 而不是digital camera.所以你文章中的有关数码的部分需要修改一下

作者: 加一    时间: 2006-1-10 21:35:23

还有文中出现了4次more and more,其中最后4行就出现了3次,建议在一些地方换成an increasing...
作者: happy_shirley    时间: 2006-1-10 22:20:46

作者: happy_shirley    时间: 2006-1-10 22:58:33

原帖由 加一 于 2006-1-10 21:35 发表
还有文中出现了4次more and more,其中最后4行就出现了3次,建议在一些地方换成an increasing...
还有就是字数的问题,有人说600以 ...

more and more可能写的时候没有注意。:L 语言有点贫乏了。
作者: happyleer    时间: 2006-1-12 14:29:31     标题: 一点小意见

At last, as a researcher in language field, I strongly recommend the video record because it can be understood by people using different languages. It is a very important advantage which makes the video information more popular than written records.For example, when a Chinese recorder writes records, he or she probably write it in Chinese. However, when other people who do not speak Chinese, want to know the information in this records, it will be impossible difficult for them to read. On the contrary, using video records, most people who have normal eyesight can comprehend what happened. That is why video information gets more and more popular across the world.

如果语言不通,我们也看不懂录像的内容呀, 从这一方面论述有点危险!

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