
标题: issue93 第3次作业 [打印本页]

作者: armoxilin    时间: 2006-1-14 01:47:52     标题: issue93 第3次作业

93、"The concept of 'individual responsibility' is a necessary fiction. Although societies must hold individuals accountable for their own actions, people's behavior is largely determined by forces not of their own making."

1,        肯定个人职责这个概念的必要性。从社会和个人角度分别说明。
2,        说明个人行为并不全由外部力量决定。从个人可以决定自己的人生和个人可以影响外部力量两个方面。然后一个让步

The speaker claims that although the society calls for “individual responsibility”, people’s individual actions are determined largely by external forces. Is this true? After carefully weighing the statement in my mind, I think that this claim is not entirely without support, but it runs contrary to common sense and everyday human experience. Undoubtedly, different people have different answers due to their respective point of view. On balance, my view is that the final judgment should depend on a case-by-case analysis of the situations.

To begin with, individual responsibility is a necessary fiction for both society and personal. On the one hand, as the old Chinese saying goes, everybody is responsible for the rise and fall of the country. A society where individuals are not held accountable for their actions and choices is a lawless one, devoid of any order whatsoever. On the other hand, personal who has no concept of individual responsibility will seize power or work just for personal interests. Their life will become meaningless, sometimes even harmful ultimately. Moreover, together with the rapid social transformation, great economic development and technological advancements, individual responsibility plays more and more cardinal rule in modern times.

However, as far as the contention that people’s individual actions are determined largely by external forces, I strongly disagree with it.

Firstly, what one’s life look like mostly is decided by oneself. Bill Gates is a good example. Gates entered Harvard in 1973, and dropped out two years later when he and Alien started the engine of Microsoft. Many people did not understand why Gates gave up such a good opportunity to study in the world’s No.1 University. However, with size comes power, Microsoft dominates the PC market with its operating systems. Sometimes, though external forces can influence people, the life still finally decided by individuals. Beethoven, the German famous composer, began to lose his hearing in 1801 and was entirely deaf by 1819. However, this obstacle could not keep him from becoming one of the most famous and prolific composers in art history. With all these examples, we can clearly see what is the dominate faction of one’s life.

In addition, the behavior of individuals can influence the society and change the external forces. On one side, the individual’s hard work in science, technology and economy theory etc. raise the competency of society as a whole gradually. Now, we can fly in the sky, we can go under water to miles deep. So, we can get a lot of information and other convenience than our ancestor. On the other side, the efforts of individuals enhance the spiritual respect of external world. Still take Bill Gates and Beethoven as examples, they change the social bias about discontinue studying student and deaf people.

Admittedly, society has an impact on the action and determination of people, because nobody could live without the society and other people. Everyone has its responsibility to make things for others and society, no matter he or she is willing to or not. 'Romeo and Julia' by Shakespeare expound this profoundly.

In sum, without the notion of individual responsibility a civilized, democratic society would soon be breakdown. Yet, this notion is more than a mere fiction. The idea that our actions spring primarily from our free will accords with common sense and everyday experience. Don’t you think so?

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