[ rebecca ] hi,大家现在是想读本呢?还是研究生? (19:10:12)
[ LL ] PHD (19:10:30)
[ Rachel ] 读硕士 (19:10:31)
[ savvy0307 ] 研究生 (19:10:38)
[ tationwei ] 研 (19:10:48)
[ rebecca ] anyone else (19:10:53)
[ xuan ] 小本 (19:11:02)
[ 神工伊凡 ] 研 (19:11:10)
[ lovely ] 本科 (19:11:17)
[ rebecca ] 有开始申请的吗? (19:11:21)
[ bach ] gre和托福成绩最迟要什么时候送到学校?也就是在申请之前多久考完? (19:14:22)
[ eachyu ] bach, GT可以在DEADLINE之后到学校。 (19:15:36)
[ rebecca ] lovely,xuan,are you in high school or college? (19:15:11)
[ xuan ] college (19:15:27) [ lovely ] i am in university (19:16:06)
[ rebecca ] so are you going to take the SAT? (19:16:28)
[ lovely ] no (19:16:36)
[ tationwei ] 有人考SAT? 汗。。。。 (19:17:20)
[ xuan ] when you are in high school, you might need to take the SAT (19:17:25)