
标题: issue7 第一篇作文 ,多来pp [打印本页]

作者: icyfire0105    时间: 2006-2-23 09:57:32     标题: issue7 第一篇作文 ,多来pp


The Growing Significance of the Video Camera
The speaker claims that the video camera has taken place of the written records in contemporary life , because the video records are much more accurate and  convincing. I strongly agree with the speaker that video camera help us record our life more exactly and objectively. But it does not mean the significance of camera is as important as written records. The speaker overestimate the importance of the video records . For these reasons
        First, in many aspects of our social life, video camera can provide us a more convincing and accurate record . Lots of events happened everyday, such as diplomatic affairs, important sports match ,and other latest news ,were recorded by video camera . Take 9.11 event for example, we can exactly  see how the terrorist intimating  the plane attack the World Trade Center through the video ,   leaving us a shocking and horrific memory. We can hardly imagine the fact of the events if only by the journalists' written record . Also, we may enjoy  a live basketball match at home through the video instead of go to the sports hall. Life may lack of much interest without video camera .In fact , more and more people have their own video camera to capture personal splendid time ,such  as  wedding ,holiday on the beach ,or even a family party.
        The growing significance of video camera also incarnates that it make people's work more efficiently ,even changes the  pattern of work. Bank using video camera to record what happened day and night in case of robbers. Police officers locate the speedster through the video . All this can be done easily by video records while written records can not.
        Nevertheless, written record also have its own advantages . Written records is still the best medium to record personal view ,idea ,subjective impressions and experience .Complex commercial contract may not described exactly by video but written record does. Further more , paper and pen is much easier to be available because of  its low price and widely used . For instance UN still request its employee to write down what they do everyday during work in case of malpractice. Plenty of logs also written in document.
        Finally, video record also is of  no use  in some science information. The operated process of calculation , physical ,chemistry and biological experiment may be recorded  by the video ,but the analysis process could not be shown ,only by document. For example ,we can see the satellite goes around the earth, but find nothing of essential science elements ; we can see the  stars glitter in the sky by the video but can not count the number of those while we can easily find how many in the astronomic book.
        In conclusion ,the speaker 's  assertion overstates the significance of video record .Although, it can record more objective ,accurate and convincing of contemporary life .The written record still widely used in the world ,it plays an important role around us .Video record is still less important than written records in parts of social life.

[ 本帖最后由 staralways 于 2006-2-23 10:22 编辑 ]
作者: icyfire0105    时间: 2006-2-23 15:13:19

issue7 啊

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