
标题: issue196 求拍,谢谢! [打印本页]

作者: abramboy    时间: 2006-2-26 22:49:16     标题: issue196 求拍,谢谢!




Technology creates more problems than it solves, and may threaten or dam
age the quality of life.




In Sum.


Nowadays, as the technology keeps on developing, there are some people who doubt about the benefits of the development of technology. The speaker claims that more problems are created by technology compared with those are solved, even the quality of life may be threaten or damaged by technology. In my opinion, however, although technology sometimes would bring about some awful results or horrible problems to humankind, these unexpected byproducts are neither the primary purpose nor the main outcomes of the development of technology.

On the one hand, greater conveniences and more advancement are achieved in the results of the development of technology. What the technology evolution is supposed to do as the initial objective is to serve for the humankind, by solving the problems that we are confronted, and obviously the technology actually does excellently fulfill its task. For example, the utilization of electricity has greatly improved the quality of our daily life, rescuing us from the helpless tenebrous days. And thanks to the computer and automation technology, we are liberated from the exhausting manual work and gain more spare time to do something we are really interested in.

On the other hand, it is difficult to imagine what the life would be without the technology development. Living the life of better and better quality is the permanent dream of our human beings and the development of technology gives us the wonderful power to realize it, just like the great environment that the ocean provides for the traveling fish. So, without striving to develop technology, we would definitely stay unchangeable at the primary fatuous state, maybe struggling with wild animals for our own survival but still unfortunately dying at an early age.

Admittedly, we cannot ignore the side effects that are not our original aim and performing something execrable during the developing of technology. As we see, everything has two sides and unexceptionally the technology development is also a double-edged sword. The development of nuclear theory serves as an apt illustration. Before the scientists doing research in this area, they just realized what wonderful benefits the unbelievably great nuclear energy could provide for our humanity. But the citybusters which were made by utilizing nuclear theory have bombed in Japan, depriving thousands upon thousands lives of innocent populace in this world. Even today, when the nuclear weapons are no longer used, the technology still damages thousands of people's health because of the nuclear radiation and remains to be a deadly threat for all human beings.

In conclusion, from what has been discussed above, I believe that although there are some terrible problems created in the development of technology, we can't live without technology anyway. What we can do is to move on in the way of developing technology, using the technology to the fullest extent, and at the same time be alert to the crises that technology may bring about.

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