Under-grad PS are really simple compare with what we do in order to join Gratuate school~~~
if the school you applied ask some specific detail ,that's for sure you have to write some on it~~
and if not ,you can just talk about your great history,of couse,that Olimpic contest could be
a advantage 4 your application.and some activities outside the Class(school) is also important
as western ppl always counts it like a significant credit.作者: vickyhj 时间: 2002-9-25 02:59:09 标题: western ppl 是什么
haha~~~wetern people ~~~~~
forget it~~~~
Do you think how many international studnets can be offered 全奖~~~???
I have only heard few case it's 全奖~~~作者: vickyhj 时间: 2002-9-26 02:31:59 标题: 全奖不是没有可能的……
我们中学每年也有TOP10录全奖走的。作者: Kali 时间: 2002-9-26 06:37:32
are we talking about Gratuate school~~~??作者: 冰火花 时间: 2002-9-27 20:23:01
are we talking about Gratuate school~~~??
only thing we can get in Under-grad level is schoriship if you are a int'l student~~~
and the scholariship could merely cover all your expences~~~
and even that which is still competitive to get~~~
so be prepared~~~~if you are not a genius,not scaring you fellows~~~作者: vickyhj 时间: 2002-9-28 03:11:12 标题: FAFSA是什么东东?
wisc寄给我一个FAFSA的表,我就不知道怎么处理了……作者: Kali 时间: 2002-9-28 05:07:27
最初由 冰火花 发表
are we talking about Gratuate school~~~?? [/B]
Sorry if I confused you. I merely used "助学金" to denote need-based aid and "奖学金" for truly merit-based aid.作者: vickyhj 时间: 2002-10-1 20:35:22 标题: 这里人好少~~~
FAFSA就是free application for federal student aid.看到这个你就别想什么奖学金了,呵呵。作者: Kali 时间: 2002-10-16 07:46:34
ESSAY can be 记叙文....作者: Kali 时间: 2002-10-17 17:23:09
Oh, that? Simply answer the question is fine....作者: Kali 时间: 2002-10-18 06:38:06
Sorry, I never read 范文and I don't feel comfortable posting my essay on the web.
The question above was a personal question and there is no right answer. I don't know what kind of person you are and therefore, cannot answer that for you. Whatever you write, though, make it believable and provable.作者: wangchuan1984 时间: 2002-11-24 22:48:17
国际留学生应该用ISFAA(international student financial aid appliation)
Fafsa, 中国人不用