
标题: 美国签证讲座录音整理 [打印本页]

作者: Saphire    时间: 2006-5-25 16:57:12     标题: 美国签证讲座录音整理


时间 4月29日 上午9点至11点
地点 青岛市中国海洋大学国际学术会议中心
演讲人 孟儒生



Ma, there is nothing I could help you on any more. So, I just wanna say, it's been an honor to serve you for the past months, and, wish you all the best in the UIC.

May God bless you...

[ 本帖最后由 Saphire 于 2006-5-25 17:39 编辑 ]
作者: Saphire    时间: 2006-5-25 16:58:20

do this talk in English for a few reasons
1 my English is better than my Chinese.
2 you are smart college students, all of you understand English.
3 if you want to go to US for study, one of the thing we expect of you is to speak and understand English.

This talk 30mins, than the last time I will answer your questions.

First misunderstanding
American student visa law is like fingerprint you make, it is like a barrier when you want to study in US. It is not true! We welcome students come to US, you will be good leader in China, for the education you have, you can be professor, politician in China. We want you to know American culture, we also want to know Chinese culture, this is why we send US students to China. Hu Jintao just went US, it doesn’t mean more or less visa. There are no limit for students visa, the only limit is how many students US universities expect to study. If you are accepted by an US university, you are qualified, then you got a visa.
There also no limit one day, there are no limit rule. The fundamental rule is not change.

Legitimate student
student visa are non-immigrant visa, we suppose you have no immigrant intend
we understand student do not know what they are going to in the future. After study in US, many student stay in US, and become US citizens. Immigrant intend is kind of flexible. Just because you are not sure what you are going to do after finishing study does not mean you are not qualified.

Who have family members in US?
If your relative is in US, you still get visa, even your brother is in US, that is OK.

You must be a science major.
Before 1990s, most students went to US are science majors, however, now they are history, English, philosophy, every possible field.
How many science major students here? Most
History? One
We even have some students go to US to study Chinese literature.
The most important thing is to find a university appropriate for your study, which is not against our policy.

The visa process is too long, too troublesome.
Student visa special policy.
Who can tell me how long you need to wait before interview?
3hours? Right, only for students, it takes several hours, at most one day.

60000 university students in US from China
You know who is No 1? yeah, India
China is No2
5% of all graduate students in US came from China. 5% of all graduate students, not 5% of international students.

How many of you intend to go to US for graduate study?
How many of you intend 留学一学期?

2 study in US is expensive
If you do not get a scholarship, you have to pay the tuition fee and living expense, tuition fee normally 10000-40000, RMB? No, lol: dollars.
You have to realize life will be very expensive especially if you are in NY, SF, LA, you have to pay 20万人民币, and thousands for the room.
Many students receive a scholarship. If you do not have a scholarship, you should know education is paid by the tax payer. In public universities, the equipment, the advanced computer is fund by public tax, not paid by yourself. Even if you feel like you pay a lot of money, you only pay a small percentage of the total costs that give you the education.

3 Interview
Most important for sure, you are smart students, don’t worry, the rejection rates for good universities students is tiny. There is nothing to worry about.
The most important in interview is to tell us the truth, tell us who you are, and the chance for us to meet you.
However, what factors we consider:
legitimate student
I-20 form
sevis fee
why you going to this school
what we want make sure is that ,you got the student visa, but you don’t go for studying, you stay and got a job.
If you got the scholarship, the I-20 form will tell us scholarship pay everything.
Some students said their parent’s salary could afford education, you just make a piece of paper said I have 50,000 dollars. Where that money came from? borrow from a friend? put in a bank, and then return back?
What we need is a certificate of an approved company, the history of the income
It is fine that other people would pay, if you have an uncle would pay, that is fine. But you have to explain why your uncle is willing to pay thousands of dollars, why he love you so much.:) You have to show us a proof for that.

The complicated question is the students do not know your plan 80年代大多数留下中国,现在回中国的越来越多了,工作机会多,经济发展快
我们需要了解 你已经考虑过了你的打算你回来的可能性, think about what you are going to do
What you should do is to be honest, all the students tell us they will come back to be a professor. Few students become a professor. You may start up a company, or do research.
I am not sure, but I think I would like to do this, that’s helpful.

Let back to who will pay for your education, you can write a piece of paper in English, a summary of financial situation. then apply early for the interview.

Now 120days before you go to US, enter 30days before the issued date, Now is 45days.
Check is a procedure, Science students do not worry about it. Very few students get rejections, the rejection rate is tiny. It is a fact that very common.
If you got to be check, you should be happy. You have already pass the other parts of the interview, we commit you are a legitimate student, you can pay the expense, you need to wait on months, at most two months.
I cannot remember the last time a graduate student was rejected because of check, it is very weird.
The most important is to be prepared. Bring your resume, in English, experience of your research, what you are going to do.
If the research is about nuclear physics, that’s OK, we just have to know what the research is going to be. The only thing that got you in is you delete some thing from your resume because you think it doesn’t look good.
In Chinese, 敏感理科没问题,不诚实有问题
You can provide a letter from your advisor.
If you are check, you should be happy.
In 2002,2003, getting check used to be 6 months, now is 1 month, at most 2 months
If you get check one time, then you go to the some school, some program, you can back and forth as much as you want. You don’t have to do check in 4years. It is good news for you. We make students visa first.

online application forms, all you have to do is print the form yourself, sign your name, bring a picture, pay the SEVIS fee, the visa fee—one 100$ one time, and the visa officer will help you.

If you drop the program, and be working is illegal.

That’s all I have.

some website have information about student visa
作者: Saphire    时间: 2006-5-25 17:01:46

Boy: what is the difference between J1 visa and JIB visa?
VO: visa type
F1 student visa, degree program, exchange student
J1 for research ,postgraduate program, exchange scholar
H1B for work visa
J cannot convert to H1B, F can
F2 J2 family members---you have to prove you have enough money to support your family
F2 J2 not be allowed to work there

Boy: my offer letter write J1B visa
VO: J1B—not exist  that’s very strange, maybe a typo

Boy: Do I have to provide research specification summary?
VO: One page, half page, talking about general field of your research and what your expectations are. Don’t have to be very long, a few lines would be OK.
Boy: Do I need to certificate my mother’s saving if I got a scholarship?
VO: Since you got scholarship, your personal money certificate, no need.
Bring document about salary and saving could be fine, since one’s living expense is unsure, you should be sure you still have good situation.
You don’t have to be rich, some students’ parents were retired, they don’t have job, still get visa.

Boy: DS156 online form should I print it out?
VO: Yes.
Boy: My DS158 is expired the day after tomorrow, does it matter?
VO: Don’t worry about it, before you come bring your new form.

Boy: Should I bring material prove healthy condition?
VO: No need to provide physical condition. As long as I look at you, it’s OK.
Boy: I got a scholarship of 2 years, but PhD normally takes 5years, is it a problem?
VO: I assumed you doing a good grade. That’s would be fine. It looks like you have explained why you will get scholarship.
Example is not --They have no scholarship, they showed one year money for studying. They promise they will get scholarship. If you didn’t got scholarship in the first year, why you get full scholarship next year? What if they don’t? But if you got the first year scholarship, we assumed you can get in the second year.

Girl: Ds156 form has three pages, should I print it in both sides of the paper, or three pages of paper?
VO: Both sides more convenient, whatever is OK
Girl: Biological science is easy to be check, what is the evaluation of biology check?
VO: Not all fields need check. I cannot speak what it is. Check means you are qualified, that’s fine. Please don’t choose different country just because you are doing sensitive field, you are welcome to US.

Boy: Community party, military, does it matter?
VO: You are still qualified.

Boy: I have been rejected by UK 2 years ago, does it matter?
VO: Not very much, I don’t think so. We look your situation right now, not 2 years ago.UK is not influence with your situation now.
Even if you were rejected by US 2 years ago, we look new qualification.
You may apply again.

Boy: My major is finance, I will pursue microeconomics, I change my majors, will that influence my visa?
VO: That’s fine. Many people did this, it is common. If the two majors is related, not that different, it is OK.
If you get a program accept you, that’s fine.
You have to explain to us why make sense to you change major?
You can change from biochemistry to law, that’s fine.

Girl: I got a scholarship now. I have F2 visa 2 years ago, does it have immigrant intend?
VO: Do not.
You already come back once, right? You do not show strong immigrant intend.
You just have to show material about your husband. Copy of his visa, passport, show what he is doing in US.

Boy: I have question about interview performance. Some students’ oral English is not very good. VO: I have interviewed some students, they refuse to do the interview in English, they do not understand even a bit English. If you have that low level English, it doesn’t make sense. If you can do the interview in English, no problem. Science, math major students’ English level is not that good. That’s OK. We want your English is good enough to fulfill the program requirement. Not have to be fluent.
All of you present have good English so far.

Boy: Sometimes student is nervous, they speak fast, then the VO speak faster to match each other, this will certainly influence their performance.
VO: You should not be nervous, be relax.
Please don’t memorize, why go to US? Why this school? I bala Professor balabala
You can ask us repeat, you do not have to be denied because you don’t answer a question.

Girl: Applying PhD is difficult than Master?
VO: It depends on the school. In some school, you can only admitted as master student, then transfer to PhD.

Boy: I am a master student in China, I have publication, does VO judge my publications?
VO: We are not decided if you are qualified for the program, the University already decided it.

Boy: Can I change J1 to F1?
VO: I am not sure. J1 cannot work, but you can study. You may contact school.
Boy: When I come back, the visa is expired.
VO: Ask your university, when you back to China, I am not sure.

Boy: 岳母去美国,什么是您考虑最多的?
VO: Mother in law?
I-20 等。证明你在美国的情况,证明她在中国的情况
Boy: 钱的问题,你们认为多少钱够?比方说6个月?
VO: 没有固定的钱的数量
Affidavit support
提供你的奖学金 这边的财力情况
I know parents come to US is common. But they may love it, and they want stay forever, I know together is important, still you should have law, non-immigrant visa cannot stay for a long time.

Girl: I quit my program in China to pursue PhD in US, is it a sensitive problem in visa?
VO: Not a problem. If it make sense to you, you may quit, you just have to explain why. We may ask may not ask.
Girl: I can answer now.
VO: I am not visa you
Girl: I got extremely low GRE score, does it matter?
VO: You got accepted by a university?
Girl: Yes.
VO: For visa, we don’t look at GRE. If you are qualified for the university.
They are many personal factors influence application.

Girl: Could you give us some example about what material we should prepared to prove non-immigrant intend?
VO: It is not a question about material, it is a question of personal situation.
If during 2 years, you got no job, no study, just prepared to study in US. You have no option in china, you do not have plan to come back..
We understand students not 100% sure what you future is.
Girl: I will back, I am the single child.
VO: The complicates is you are your parents single child, you are in US, they want to went there with you. lol:)

Girl: I will change F2 to J1, went to become student. Do I need to come back to China for visa?
VO: No need come back to China for a visa.

Girl: 学生专场和非学生专场的区别?
VO: No,我们并没有学生专场,可能学生进的快些,面试没有一定的窗口专员
Girl: 对网络签经的看法?我们也会评价VO,有些昵称什么的,你是如何看的呢?
VO: 我想知道我的名字是什么lol:

Boy: I already got a master degree, which should I apply, master or PhD?
VO: Both.
Stay Canada, Go to US, whatever you are living. It is common stay in Europe, Canada to apply Visa.

Girl: How can you judge the honesty?
VO: 什么是不诚实,把成绩单上核物理课给删了,这是不诚实
How can we judge? What can I tell you?
Check is not a problem
Girl: PhD is easy to pass the visa than master? Could you tell me some data of percentage of Master and PhD?
VO: We don’t have statistics.
We have both Master, PhD passed, even undergraduate.
We have no prejudice.

Boy: Do famous University easy to get visa?
Can post doctor fellow apply for F1?
VO: We do not judge different universities. You can apply any of them, public, private, big, small. We treated them equally. I graduate from XXXX college, any body know this school? No? But I can get better education than big school.
Often especially you are a science major, it makes a lot more sense for your to go to a smaller school that have a advisor you think doing very interesting work. It makes more sense than just apply for Stanford or Harvard or something that is more famous. It is much happier with your life.
If you got to school with what you want to study and the professor you like, it is good point.

You should get J1. If you not finished, the school can allow you more years. Or you can transfer to another school, but you may not change different visa type.

Girl: Can I change H1B to F1?
VO: Yes, you can.
J1 to H1B, very special exception.

Girl: I am applying for a master degree, which visa type?
you should eventually come back, may be not as soon as you graduate, working in US is legal.

Girl: Should I bring my Toefl score?
VO: Yes, you may. we do not pay much attention to it.
Girl: Does it matter the score is more than two years old?
VO: Not that important. That’s OK

Girl: 去读博士后,国外老板是中国人,签证对英语是否有照顾?
VO: 有道理的,但政策不会变,老板是指教授?lol:
Girl: 爱人J1去,对结婚时间长短有无要求?
VO: 时间没有一定要求,我们要知道你是不是帮他

Boy: 我家在上海附近,能否在上海签?
VO: 还是得在现在住的地方算,青岛的都在北京签
Boy: 我听说Vo都是先假定移民倾向再证明无移民倾向,是否这样?
VO: 是,要求证明没有倾向
法律是~~做了个手势,呵呵 现实是flexible way.

Boy: I find J1B visa online
VO: J1B—does exist? Maybe
May be it is a sort of J1, 签的时候我们认为都是J1

Girl: What does VO take supporting letter from future advisor?
VO: Helpful. You have been in touch with the professor. You can type the email.
Girl: They ask me to bring 2 months expense, should I prove that to VO?
VO: You should prove your financial support.

Girl: Military officer as an exchange scholar, is there something special about visa?
VO: Nothing special. We have all part of military.
作者: Saphire    时间: 2006-5-25 17:05:08

You are patience with me, it is not always that exciting. Visa is kind of boring. But what I want everyone to really feel is that we really welcome students. I hope I can see you all, in the visa interview or in the US.
It is very exciting to me that more and more students apply and more and more students get visa. It is a good program to me.
We continue more connections between us two countries, they are so many good universities in US, ideal place for study, meet different people. I hope you can continue your program in US.
作者: Saphire    时间: 2006-5-25 17:06:37


作者: Saphire    时间: 2006-5-25 17:07:45

作者: Saphire    时间: 2006-5-25 17:09:46

作者: Saphire    时间: 2006-5-25 17:11:03

作者: Saphire    时间: 2006-5-25 17:12:25

作者: Saphire    时间: 2006-5-25 17:13:35

作者: Saphire    时间: 2006-5-25 17:14:48

作者: Saphire    时间: 2006-5-25 17:16:19

作者: Saphire    时间: 2006-5-25 17:17:47

作者: Saphire    时间: 2006-5-25 17:18:48

作者: Saphire    时间: 2006-5-25 17:22:35


作者: sunmoon    时间: 2006-5-25 17:36:16

赶紧顶一个 好东西啊!谢谢楼主!
作者: mxgg    时间: 2006-5-25 20:05:09

作者: 人模狗样    时间: 2006-5-25 23:19:55     标题: 谢谢

[ 本帖最后由 人模狗样 于 2006-5-25 23:21 编辑 ]
作者: auduryjin    时间: 2006-5-25 23:56:25

作者: mengyanl    时间: 2006-5-26 00:19:01

作者: mxgg    时间: 2006-5-26 00:53:41

作者: goon    时间: 2006-5-26 02:09:22

作者: smileforever    时间: 2006-5-26 02:26:07

作者: xiyu    时间: 2006-5-26 03:19:46

法律是~~做了个手势,呵呵 现实是flexible way。

作者: sjtu514    时间: 2006-5-26 08:54:18

作者: rhappy    时间: 2006-5-26 09:23:27

up up up !!!
作者: destiny55    时间: 2006-5-26 10:33:28

作者: yangyang1983    时间: 2006-5-26 11:57:06

Thanks for sharing!马上就要签证了,看了这个帖子后信心又增加了一些!
作者: netbsd    时间: 2006-5-26 12:53:35

作者: windshy    时间: 2006-5-26 13:56:23     标题: 顶,太谢谢

作者: moonflowertian    时间: 2006-5-26 14:10:23




作者: spritney    时间: 2006-5-26 15:12:39

作者: Saphire    时间: 2006-5-26 23:15:28

原帖由 moonflowertian 于 2006-5-26 14:10 发表





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Saphire 发表于 2006-5-25 17:05
You are patience with me, it is not always that exciting. Visa is kind of boring. But what I want ev ...


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