ME: good morning sir, glad to meet you.
VO: good morning.把左手食指放在扫描仪器上(中文,汗)
ME: 照做,因为前几天看网上说有人按得太用力,反而不行,弄得VO很不爽。所以我就很轻的把指头放上去了,心想这下没问题了吧,嘿嘿;P。
VO: 用力一点(中文)
ME: 几乎晕倒……………照做,然后换右手。
VO: so what degree are you studying now?
I am an undergraduate student in XXXXX, I will get my bachelor degree at the end of this month.
VO: (估计哈里GG看我有点紧张,所以给了我一个big smile,真的很nice,感动得一塌糊涂,只好还了一个大大的smile)
What will you study in the XXX University?
ME: My major is Electronic Engineering, and my specialized area is XXXXXXX. This is a very hot field in china because XXXXX.(虽然说的时候不是很好,但是哈里GG一直微笑着,所以我的信心也比较足啦)
VO: who will pay for your expenses in the US?
ME: The University provides me a scholarship, and the reset will be covered by my parents.
VO: Do you bring some house certificate and bank statement?
ME: Of course, a moment please.
How many universities did you apply?
ME: 5
VO: How many admitted you?
ME: 2 of them admitted me, and one is still in pending.
VO: Why do you choose this university?
ME: XXXXXXXXXXXXX(哈里GG一直微笑着看着我,我当然也微笑拉)
VO: What is the other one?
VO: which university is still considering you? (好像是这么说的,具体的记不得了)
VO: Ok.
这时哈里GG开始在我的I20上面的visa issuing post和date issued visa两个空格里面开始填东西,我知道基本没什么大问题了,可能是pass或者check。然后哈里GG又开始在电脑里面弄着什么东西,这时候我只能保持微笑拉,也不敢多说什么。随后就见他拿了张手边的白色卡片盖上了日期的章。Ok拉~~~~激动一下先!!
VO: congratulations, pick up your visa at 4:00 this afternoon
ME: thank you very much! Have a nice day!