等着按手印的时候,注意观察了一下VO,其实没怎么看别人,就盯着七号窗口的帅哥VO看了~呵呵~真的很帅哈,而且态度极好,签得也很快,没见他据人,心里盼着分到他那里~旁边那个不知是不是传说中的glassboy,见他check了两个F1。结果我被分到了10号窗口,一个女的VO,不是金头发,也不是韩裔,我们这队check了2个生物,1个化学。轮到我了,个人情况:小本,读Poli sci 的PHD,虽是全奖,但由于I20表上的学费突然畸形地高涨了很多,导致出现几百刀的资金缺口。(听说学校开的是最贵的那个系的学费,其实我们系的学费便宜很多,唉,害得我又去搞了资金证明等等若干东西),好,切入正题:
ME:good morning, madam,
vo:good moring, how are you today?
me:fine, thank you and you?
vo:fine,so you are going to studyXXXX at XXX,tell me why do you choose XXX uni?
me:(没想到一来就问这个问题。。。汗了一下)开始blabla吹学校,教授,顺便说了我的research interest
vo:oh, 笑,that's a big topic
VO: XXX uni is a very beautiful place~
me: thank you(后来想这样合适不?这么快就把自己当成那边的人了~呵呵)
vo:since there is a small amount of money you need to provide by yoursefl,do you bring bank certificate and income certificate?
me:yes, 递进去.
vo:what do your mother and father do?
vo::(看了一眼,把证明递出来)here are things i need : offer letter,transcript, 没了。
vo:do you have a copy of the offer letter?
vo:不再追究。看着我的DS156表,问了个超级非典型问题,对大家几乎没有参考价值)i have a question about your university, XXX university(我的本科学校),然后她念了学校的中文名字,i heard that most of the students in your uni go to XX ministry, why don't you go?
me:(汗一下,心里想:幸好以前突然脑子里想到过这个问题,大概因为我们学校跟大使馆的关系有点XXX。。。。)well ,actually, there are 60 students in my department, and six of them go to the XX ministry.
VO: oh?only six?
me: yes, maybe the ministry doesnt need that many people.
vo: oh,really?
me: 心想不能再跟她扯这个了,于是立刻转到自己身上,i didnt apply for the ministry b/c my interest is...然后赶紧说回国计划。
vo: congratulations!扯条,黄色的~
me: 高兴地thank you, have a nice day!
vo:说了些友好的话,我没仔细听了,我就知道一个劲儿地thank you~