Sinbad: How you doing, Ms?
VO: Fine. How are you?
Sinbad: I’m great. Thanks.
VO: Put you left finger on the red light.
Sinbad: OK. (同时按手印)
VO: Your right hand.
Sinbad: …..what? (忘了右手也要)
VO: Put your right finger on the machine.
Sinbad: Oh, ok!
VO: Please be flat, and put forward. (示意手指放平,朝前伸一点。)
VO: OK, thank you. So you are a Master in U xxx? (她的意思大家都知道,不解释了)
Sinbad: Yes! (很大声)
VO: What’s your program?
Sinbad: Wel, my major is Mechanical Engineering. (正准备说方向……)
VO: Do you have a resume?
Sinbad: Yes! Hold a sec.
VO: And if you have a study plan or something about your professor… (意思是也交上来给老娘看, 同时把先前上缴的SEVIS fee 收据还了给我)
Sinbad: Here it is.
VO: So what’s your focus? (可能看的有点糊涂)
Sinbad: My specialized area is Mechanical Design.
VO: Could you be more specific?
Sinbad: (早有准备) Yes. For example, if you are making a…… (举的例子很通俗,关于工业方面的,她一听就明白了。)
VO: #¥%—* (整个对话就这句不清楚,不过说着她已经把所有材料都还给了我,顺便还给了张小绿条。)
VO: (见我怎么还不走)It’s OK now.
Sinbad: Oh, thank you…… (这时开始结巴, 挤出) have a nice day!