Me: (按照套路)How are you doing, sir?
VO: 不甩我,your left finger, right finger
VO: What will you study in USA?
Me: (听成了Why will you study in USA?) 拿学位(此处被打断)为创业做准备
VO: No, No, What will you study in USA?
Me: (还是把What听成了Why, 以为自己前面回答的没有直接切题) Because my career
Objective is 被打断
VO: (一头都是汗,开始发脾气了,我也一头都是汗) What major will you study, for example
history, chemisty **
Me: (终于明白了)Computer Science, my specialize area is ****(此时VO才抬头看了我一
VO: You’ve worked in *** Corporation
Me: yeah, Chengdu Institute *** Corporation. I’ve worked for 3 years.
VO: What’s your highest degree?
Me: ***
VO: When did you graduate?
Me: ***
VO: Which university did you graduate?
Me: University of (舌头转了半天也没转清楚)
Me: (赶忙说是)
VO: How many universities have you applied and how many admits you?
Me: 6,3 admits me.
VO: What’s the other two?
Me: ****(把Iowa念成了衣阿华)
VO: 哦,iowa state university. What are you doing in *** Corporation?
Me: (头上不断冒汗)****.
VO: 在I20上画圈圈,自言自语。先是7,8项的资金,”greate”,然后看要读多少年,又说
Me: (听他不听的说greate,以为没问题了)So I can get the visa
VO: 塞给我service费和另一张纸,we need 3 weeks to ****
Me: thank you, have a nice day.
VO: 看都不看我,打电脑