
标题: ZZ:本科/职业院校联读介绍 [打印本页]

作者: sunnyyx    时间: 2006-7-5 21:28:59     标题: ZZ:本科/职业院校联读介绍

本科/医学院(BS/MD)联读(1)  利与弊
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1.  避免了4年后申请医学院的竞争性,

2.  大学阶段学习压力大大减少, 可有更多的自由安排时间

3.  一般而言,被录取的学生都是比较优秀,入学后,仍然可以换专业,本科毕业时也可以重新申请其他的医学院。

4.  本/医连读,有的学校是7年制,第4年进入医学院,其学分用于本科毕业。

5.  不同于法律专业,医学生毕业后的就业,其基本薪水与是否为名校毕业关系不大,而且,毕业后还有Step I,  II, III 考试,再次选择学校/医院的机会,以完成住院医师的训练。美国目前的医学生,大部分毕业时,只考过Step I, 如果同时考过Step II,被名校/医院录取为住院医师的机率将会大增。

弊:不适用于挺优秀的,有远大抱负的孩子, 因为这些孩子是金子,应该在

作者: sunnyyx    时间: 2006-7-5 21:29:40     标题: (2) 本科/职业院校联读介绍

http://www.talkskyland.com/dispb ... D=103141&skin=1

除了BS/MD之外,其实还有其他的combined programs。以下的信息是一年多前收集的,给大家一个大概地了解。对于其他专业 的入学申请要求, 本人没有作进一步的研究,感兴趣者,请自己做些功课了。

以NJIT combined programs为例,BS/MD 要求最高,SAT是最低分数线,对于华裔孩子是太容易了,但不要被这硬件分数而忽视了软件所起的决定性作用。

1. M.D. at the New Jersey Medical School of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ), Newark.  Applicants must have a composite SAT I score of 1400.

2. D.M.D. at UMDNJ-New Jersey Dental School, Newark. Composite SAT I score of 1250.

3. D.D.S. at the NYU College of Dentistry. Composite SAT I score of 1250 required.

4. O.D. at the SUNY College of Optometry.  Composite SAT I score of 1250 required.  

5. J.D. at Seton Hall Law School. Composite SAT I score of 1300 required.
作者: sunnyyx    时间: 2006-7-5 21:32:25     标题: 本科/医学联读(3) 申请和录取程序

http://www.talkskyland.com/dispb ... D=103893&skin=1


虽然在此类学校中,最好的学校只有Brown PLME,但竞争性并不亚于top 5 colleges。被录取的学生基本上是很优秀的。因为我是当事人,孩子虽然被录取,但也是一所普通大学,不想在这里过分的强调其优点,以免有阿Q 之嫌 J,

以下是我那时候整理的一个普通学校的数据, 其报名人数不详,但从interviewed 的人数来看,录取率也是只有25%。被拒学生的成绩与被录取的并无明显差别。



# Students interviewed




# Students Accepted – 1st and only round (April 1)




# Students Planning to enter program Fall




Average SAT (Range) of all Accepted to 7-year program (recentered scores)



ca. 1480 (1420-1600)

Average (Range) Class rank of all Accepted



ca. 2% (valedictorian to top 10%)

Average SAT (Range) of the group rejected



ca. 1450 (1400-1570)

Average (Range) Class rank of the group rejected



top 3-4% (valedictorian to top 10%)






•         Have graduated from a high school in the U.S.

•         Have ranked in the top xx percent of their graduating class

•         Have a combined SAT I score of at least xxxx

•         Have satisfactorily completed four years of  mathematics, four years of English, and three years of science (including biology, chemistry, and physics)

•         Students should exhibit maturity, stability, scholarship, flexibility, compassion, curiosity, and a record of service to others.


•         Decisions are arrived at by means of a three-part review process.

•         First, applicants must be accepted in an undergraduate program and meet the criteria listed above for inclusion in the initial application review.

•         from the initial application review, a limited number of top candidates are selected to continue in the process.

•         These top candiates will be invited for an interview at Medical school campus during January-March.

•         The finalist will be made after the campus interviews and the notice will be mailed out in April.

常见得essays/questions in application

•         Assay A #1 or #2 400-500 words

•         A#1. describe two of your favorite fictional characters and discuss why you would invite them to dinner

•         A#2 what is your current choice of major and how did you become interested in it?

•         Essay B 250-300 words

•         State why you wish to be considered for BS/MD program, what types of experience you bring to this program, and what kinds of expectations you have of this program. Include a statement defining your understanding of the this program and why you want to be a part of this program. In essence, tell us why this program appeals to you and why you are a good fit for this program.

•         Short answers 75-100 words

–        what sorts of extracurricular activities do you enjoy most and why

–        what interests you most about medicine today

–        what types of medical experience have been most meaningful for you.


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