TOPIC: ARGUMENT 56 - Collectors prize the ancient life-size clay statues of human figures made on Kali Island but have long wondered how the Kalinese artists were able to depict bodies with such realistic precision. Since archeologists have recently discovered molds of human heads and hands on Kali, we can now conclude that the ancient Kalinese artists used molds of actual bodies, not sculpting tools and techniques, to create these statues. This discovery explains why Kalinese
miniature statues were abstract and entirely different in style: molds could only be used for life-size sculptures. It also explains why few ancient Kalinese sculpting tools have been found. In light of this development, collectors should expect the life-size sculptures to decrease in value and the miniatures to increase in value.
WORDS: 501 TIME: 0:50:00 DATE: 2006-8-4
In this argument, author claims that collectors should expect the life-size sculptures to decrease in value and the miniatures to increase in value only because the former is made by molds while the latter is not. This argument is well-presented, but not thoroughly well-reasoned.
It seems that the discovery of human heads and hands molds on Kali denote that ancient Kalinese artists used molds of actual bodies instead of sculpting tools and techniques. However, this is not the case. Despite archeologists found that molds of human heads and hands, there is no evidence indicating that these heads and hands are for sculpture-using, hence, we have no idea whether these molds are used in the other way. Even if these molds are used in sculptures, where are the other parts of human bodies? Sculptures cannot only be formed by head and hands, however, there is nothing mentioned here. To entirely finish a sculpture, it is most likely that the sculpture are made by molds of human heads and hands and sculpting tools as well .
As to the different styles of life-size sculptures and miniatures, because of the different size there must be something different, style is only a slim aspect. Furthermore, it is possible that the artists who create the miniatures are deliberate to form that different style in order to distinguish from the life-size one. Therefore, author cannot so harsh to conclude that these differential was caused by the molds which can only be used for life-size sculptures.
In addition, author failed to convince us that the discovery of head and hands molds equals to the situation that there was no sculpting tools in Kali and then further explain why few ancient Kalinese sculpting tools have been found. Archeologists did not find sculpting tools do not mean that there is no sculpting tools in Kali, it is may be they did not find the right place and it is possible that these sculpting tools were taken by migration of Kali of that time or were ruined by the some natural disasters and so forth. Without ruling out these and other possibilities, the author cannot convince us to believe that there was no sculpting tools in Kali.
Finally, author should not draw the conclusion that collectors should expect the life-size sculptures to decrease in value while the miniatures' will increase. Despite facture is one aspect to judge the art work, however, it does mean everything. It is partial to evaluate by only one factor, to appreciate art works must understand its aesthetic value and its innner meanings, that is the real way to evaluate the value of art work. Therefore, author should not draw that conclusion above.
In conclusion, this argument, while it seems logical at first glance, has several flaws as discussed above. To convince us, author should support more concrete evidence to show that sculpting tools are inexistent. Furthermore, to improve this argument, author should make clear about ways to evaluate art work and should not make harsh conclusion.
最好在b1前面加个first,in the first place,to begin with之类的连接词
即:你证明了作者的观点“these differential was caused by the molds which can only be used for life-size sculptures.” is too hasty 对你最后证明你的主要观点“collectors should expect the life-size sculptures to decrease in value and the miniatures to increase in value” is not well-reasoned有任何帮助吗?
还有“differential”好像是“微分的”意思~~~作者: xxxxzoe 时间: 2006-8-4 18:01:52
这是我重写后的ARG 56, 已做修改,可能还有一些错误
TOPIC: ARGUMENT 56 - Collectors prize the ancient life-size clay statues of human figures made on
Kali Island but have long wondered how the Kalinese artists were able to depict bodies with such
realistic precision. Since archeologists have recently discovered molds of human heads and hands on
Kali, we can now conclude that the ancient Kalinese artists used molds of actual bodies, not
sculpting tools and techniques, to create these statues. This discovery explains why Kalinese
miniature statues were abstract and entirely different in style: molds could only be used for life
-size sculptures. It also explains why few ancient Kalinese sculpting tools have been found. In
light of this development, collectors should expect the life-size sculptures to decrease in value
and the miniatures to increase in value.
WORDS: 517 TIME: unlimited DATE: 2006-8-4
In this argument, the author claims that collectors should expect the life-size sculpture to
decrease in value and the miniatures to increase in value. To support this claim the author pointed
out a series of unsubstantiated reason, and is therefore unpersuasive as it stands.
In the first place, there is no evidence to indicate that molds of human heads and hands were used
to create life-size sculpture. Perhaps molds and life-size sculptures belong to different time.
Therefore it is a impossible mission to use these to create life-size sculptures. Even if they were
in the same time and these molds were for sculpting use, the author cannot convince us that artists
of that time did not use sculpting tools. Common sense informs me a status cannot be only made up
of head and hands, there must be other parts of human body included. However, archeologist only
found heads and hands. Therefore author's assertion that ancient Kalinese artists used molds of
actual bodies is unpersuasive. In addition, the existence of human heads and hands does not mean
that sculpting tools are inexistent, let alone the assertion that artists did not use that tools.
Perhaps these tools were taken by the people's migration or else were hide in one place that
archeologists have not reached yet. Consider how to finish a whole status, it is most likely that
the statue are created by the cooperation of sculpting tools and molds of heads and hands.
Secondly, even assuming that molds were for life-size sculptures using, author should not be so
hasty to believe that Kalinese miniature statues' abstract feature and different style from life-
size sculptures could contribute to molds. We must take many other factors into account. It is
possible that artists wanted to form a totally different style from life-size sculptures especially
for the aesthetic reasons. Even artists were following King's order to create that miniature
statues which is abstract and entirely different in style. According to the above, the situation
that molds could only be used for life-size sculpture has noting to do with miniature statues'
abstract feature and different style .
Finally, even the above assumption are reliable, the anticipation of value changes in life-size
sculptures and miniature statues is unwarranted. Despite the life-size sculptures were made by
molds while miniature statues were not, there is no concrete evidence that collector will prefer
miniature statues. To appreciate art work, we should pay attention to many factors, facture is only
a fraction. There is great chance that collector would be more interested in life-size sculptures
after they have learned the facture of that sculptures. Even if the collector did not prize the
life-size sculptures, there are many other marvelous sculptures will attract collector's attention.
The value of miniature statues, therefore, will not increase at the same time. Overall, to predict
the value change should take many factors into account, it is not a one-side problem.
In conclusion, this argument has several flaws as discussed above. To convince us, author should
support more detail information about the discovery. Furthermore, author should be cautious to
evaluate the art work.作者: ljknirvana 时间: 2006-8-5 00:12:11
总体来说比上一次进步很大,你肯定看了不少北美的模板,第一段模板气息太重,建议综合一下别人的模板,自己总结一个模板出来,以后就固定用那个,另外第一段最好不要出现任何语法和拼写错误,比如a series of unsubstantiated reason(应该是reasons),这会降低你的印象分的