标题: 听写:[scientific American 60 second science] &mp3 [打印本页]
作者: tenet 时间: 2007-1-24 00:37:55 标题: 听写:[scientific American 60 second science] &mp3
60 second science 20061024
This is scientific American 60 second science. I’m Kevin Bigus. Got a minute?
Doctors have long struggled to diagnose the tree eating disorders in part because sufferers can be so secret about their behavior. But just like looking at the winds control the life of the tree the searchers from Bergus Yong University have found a test of only few strands of hair can reveal changes in eating habit. They use mass bigtromatry try denifying tiny differences in ways of carbon and nitrogen isotopes. The changes occur when people sharply reduce intake of foods like meat and milk and another when the body actually begins to starve. The test, which needs only five strands of hair, is predicted with 80% accuracy, when the person has anorexia, or blamia. Some day, it may also have montra relapse, sounds the changes of the hair control only weak of changes of diet. Up to the mail, doctors and researchers have relied heavily on communications with patients, or often unable, were unwilling to acknowledge the problem. The new hair test can provide an object to biological way to diagnose eating disorders.
Thanks for the minute, for the scientific American 60 second science. I’m Kevin Bigus.
作者: qianjun1986 时间: 2007-1-24 01:06:34
作者: chuanweizuo 时间: 2007-1-24 12:59:20
作者: tenet 时间: 2007-1-24 17:06:11 标题: 第二天 Cold Core, Long Life
This is scientific American 60 second science. I'm Steve Mursky. Got a minute?
To paraphrase deam warmer for animals' house, cold and hungry has no way to go through the life sun. Nevertheless numerals
animal studies have shown that hunger, in the form of calory restriction appears to extend life span. Now comes the research
published by journal Science that suggests that being some what cold all the time may also lead to longer life even without calory
cutting. So you can have your cake but you'll be shivering while you eating it,too. Calory restriction is known to be accompanied by decrease in core body temperatur, so researchers wanted to know wether the coolness were the factor of life extention. The
scientists developd the mouseline with some brain activity changes that caused the mice have temporal body temperature about
half a degree than normal. The mice were allowed to eat all the wanted and the male still live 12% longer than normal while
females hanged on 20%than average life. Hey, if you do calory restriction and some future cold there be, at least you should be
confident that your life will sure seems longer.
Thanks for the minute, for the scientific American 60 second science. I'm Steve Mursky.
作者: wingerwesker 时间: 2007-1-24 17:51:16
[ 本帖最后由 wingerwesker 于 2007-1-24 17:55 编辑 ]
作者: 铂 时间: 2007-1-24 17:53:50
对啊 支持搂住~
作者: qianjun1986 时间: 2007-1-24 19:07:31
作者: 忧患的生鱼 时间: 2007-1-24 22:42:58
作者: tenet 时间: 2007-1-25 14:06:59 标题: 第三天 06年10月16日的sciam
Jan 25
This is scientific American 60 second science. I'm Steve Mursky. This all just take a minute.
There is an old saying that hospital's no place for sick person, a bad hospital is obviously even worse. A study read today has some good news and bad news about good and bad hospitals. The good news is that over all, medicare death rate improved by 8 percent in the
last few years. The bad news is that death rate's always worse in lower ranged hospitals than the better ones. The difficult medicare
patients have 49percent lower chance of dying in the five star hospitals than in the average ones. Another difference outcomes
increased by 5percent during the study period. The half grade of hospital quality in the American study looked in 4 million medicare organization through 2003 to 2005. Half grade is independent medicare advice organization. The study also found that more talent is raised
very widely by medical condition. For example, risk of death due to pomenary ambleness went down 70percentin top hospitals compare
with that in the average ones. In all, some 3 hundreds of medicare death could be prevented if all hospitals perform like the best ones
Thanks for the minute, for the scientific American's 60second science. I'm Steve Mursky.
作者: tenet 时间: 2007-1-25 14:08:08
作者: tenet 时间: 2007-1-26 20:16:59 标题: 第四天 06年10月18日的sciam
This is scientific American 60 second science. I'm Kevin Bigus. Got a minute?
Oh just getting in my sports coat that is pealing away. Good after everyone in the next because there's back to keep me safe. Oh
what's this? A Purdue University researcher has the air back of antilockbreaking system do not reduce tyhe likelyhood of accedent
injuries because they may encourage more grisp driving. Eh... that's not good. Parently the behavior is responsible for the saling products that cause the offsets of the processes. Ir predicts that consumers adapting advation mettome proved safty by become less vadrom
about safty. They do things like leave child prove bottlcaps medicine because their heart open and take more by craft and dangerous
off their trails thinking how much to protect them. Eh, I know people will do things like that. The air back safety study found that the
safety country drivers are more likely than others to by cars with advance safety features. But devices did tnot significantly reduce the
probability of accedent injuries. So what's up? the veacles become even safer. Drivers might become even more dangerous.
Thanks for the minute. For scientific American 60 second science. I'm Kevin Bigus.
作者: tenet 时间: 2007-1-26 20:17:34 标题: 第四天 06年10月18日的sciam
This is scientific American 60 second science. I'm Kevin Bigus. Got a minute?
Oh just getting in my sports coat that is pealing away. Good after everyone in the next because there's back to keep me safe. Oh
what's this? A Purdue University researcher has the air back of antilockbreaking system do not reduce tyhe likelyhood of accedent
injuries because they may encourage more grisp driving. Eh... that's not good. Parently the behavior is responsible for the saling products that cause the offsets of the processes. Ir predicts that consumers adapting advation mettome proved safty by become less vadrom
about safty. They do things like leave child prove bottlcaps medicine because their heart open and take more by craft and dangerous
off their trails thinking how much to protect them. Eh, I know people will do things like that. The air back safety study found that the
safety country drivers are more likely than others to by cars with advance safety features. But devices did tnot significantly reduce the
probability of accedent injuries. So what's up? the veacles become even safer. Drivers might become even more dangerous.
Thanks for the minute. For scientific American 60 second science. I'm Kevin Bigus.
作者: tenet 时间: 2007-1-27 19:13:54 标题: 第五天 06年10月19日的siam
This is scientific American 60 second science. I'm Chrina Woo. Got a minute?
Here is it to misticks seaport connected and you'll find significant 90 centrury walingship moor in the harbor. I neach voyage. It brought
back thousands gallons of wales' oil. Use in those days as an loober cant and its guilt for lamps. Now that oil is serving a very different
purpose. Scientists in W oceanalgraphic setution chemicaly analyze sembles of the oil, and found 11 chemicalsknown as helugenated
organic compounds or HOCs. For known HOCs include the pastside of DDT and a tockent of PCB. But the oil was caught long before
production of HOCs began in the late 1920s. So the compounds in the walebubber must come from the natural source, not industural
pollution. The researcher still do not known exactly how they got there, but they suspect bacteria and plents of animals make HOCs as
chemical defences. The researcher hopes that by understandingthe role of these natural compouds play in the environment, we'll learn
more about how organizes these deal but the ones that are not so natural.
Thanks for the minute. For scientific American 60 second science. I'm Chrina Woo.
作者: tenet 时间: 2007-1-28 18:21:29 标题: 第六天 06年10月23日的sciam
This is scientific American 60 second science. I'm Steve Mursky. Got a minute?
Life will find the way even if the way underground. Researchers have discovered the unusual community of bacteria organisms happily
make a living about mile half a desearchers in south Africa, which really incredible just how the bacteria are surviving. Sulpher and water
are present in autonaly other food, but the source of energy for entire life of prive community is radio-active uronion. The radiation
mediated by the uronion drives chemical reactions that turn the water to the Hi gas of oxegen. The oxegen combines with Sulpher to
sulphase basicaly form gas missing of Hi atom. The key bacteria species of the community dying on the radiation per hi gas and sulfase.
Those bacteria produce whazt for them wast product, so next dufees the other bacteria species that's one big happy radiated under
ground family. Photos plays no role in the energy flow. This discovery published in the late session of journal Sience raises triging
possibility that simila bacteria might live on the dsearvers of bodies of morals and uropod.
Thanks for the minute, for scientifis American 60 second science. I'm Steve Mursky.
作者: squallplus1055 时间: 2007-1-28 18:58:50
感謝啊~~~~~:handshake 太謝謝了~~~~~~:loveliness: LZ是我的再生父母啊~~~~~~~:) :)
作者: tenet 时间: 2007-1-29 11:30:23 标题: 第七天 06年10月25日的sciam
This is scientific American 60 second science. I'm Steve Mursky. Got a minute?
Some stories from the annual mading of the geological socioty of America finishing up today in Philadelphia first used from Kazakstan which has nothing to do with borane.
The scientists in norther part of the country indicates the person of domesticated warses there going back there some 1500 years. There mains of what compute crowd some include soil samples and which was fusphers, and that's consistent with the breaks
down of well... you know, with horses do, also reported that the meeting cats and dogs are the only creaturs to be played by
worms. Now comes for the first evidence that the dying resource are similarly afflected. A really represer 75 miloion years old
doctoral dinasour found in Montana include some fusalluss god with borals most likely made by tiny worms like the ones of the sig
animals today. Finally global warming's air's back go beyond some of the history according to the results of the conference, dirty air and water more flutting ecosts and... can all afflect your health, bottomline that we don't stop worsing along. We could go away
through the diana source.
Thanks for the minute,for scientific American 60second science. I'm Steve Mursky.
作者: tenet 时间: 2007-1-30 12:43:27 标题: 第八天 06年12月18日的sciam
This is scientific American 60 second science. I'm Stevem Murdky. This just all take a minute.
The conference in around last week devoted how the cost denial. Here is a short list of some people who did not attend. Hans Krebs
wasn't been there. He wonned Nobel Prize in physiology medicine in 1953. He got out of Germany in 1933. Max Bore would have gone, he wonned Nobel Prize in physics in 1954. He was also for stand of Gremany 1933. Albert Einstein was never attended. He wonned
Nobel Prize in physics 1921. He got out of Germany 1933. Pronoun Cats would have gone. He wonned the Nobel Prize in 1970. He
flected Nazi in 1935. Arno Pensia's not there. He wonned Nobel Prize in physics in 1978. He and his family got out of Germany 1939.
Aroncan Dell didn't go. He wonned the Nobel Prize in physiology medicine 2000. He and his family flected the enemy in 1939. And Walt Hafman wasn't there. He wonned Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1981. As a boy, he was smart in the labor camp in heated addict four years and a half.
Thanks for a minute。For scientific American 30 second science. I'm Steve Mursky.
作者: squallplus1055 时间: 2007-1-30 15:06:33
又有了!!!!再次表現感謝!!!:D :victory: :handshake
作者: tanxuanla 时间: 2007-1-31 00:35:48
scientific American
作者: tanxuanla 时间: 2007-1-31 01:54:16
作者: qianjun1986 时间: 2007-1-31 02:07:08
作者: tenet 时间: 2007-1-31 10:01:49
作者: tenet 时间: 2007-1-31 10:04:53
原帖由 tanxuanla 于 2007-1-31 00:35 发表
scientific American
作者: tenet 时间: 2007-1-31 10:35:18
原帖由 tanxuanla 于 2007-1-31 00:35 发表
scientific American
作者: tenet 时间: 2007-1-31 10:37:22 标题: 第九天 06年11月30日的sciam
This is scientific American 60 second science. I'm Kevin Bigus. Got a minute?
Say, did you ever want to be a doctor but couldn't pass organic chemistry? Well, you can stilll enter the healing professions. The course--
You, can mailed on the bachlor's degree in medical claming! Well, it is really anyway, in university of Pyphone.
You get to dress up in silly cloths! Make funny noises[pz]. The course, as certify clam therapies, you have to drive patients from their
pain and possibly improve outcomes.
And you get to play tricks on doctors,too. Like putting fake spitters in the operating room, only might get fired if you do that. The
patients are the focus of medica claming. Indeed, medical claming is serious business. One study found that women undergoing fertility treatment who have claming accompanyship have successful pregnancies 45% at a time. That's compares with only 20%s uccess rate without the clam. Of course the clam is restrictly forbidden from driving women's labor for the hospital in the tini-tiny cars.
Thanks for the minute, for scientific American 60 second science. I'm Kevin Bigus.
作者: lalah 时间: 2007-1-31 19:24:47
作者: jenniferwx 时间: 2007-2-1 10:07:00
作者: jellojelly 时间: 2007-2-1 11:52:10 标题: 我听的Scientific American-Episode 60 November 30, 2006
原帖由 tenet 于 2007-1-31 10:37 发表
This is scientific American 60 second science. I'm Kevin Bigus. Got a minute?
Say, did you ever want to be a doctor but couldn't pass organic chemistry? Well, you can stilll enter the hea ...
hey, did u ever wanna be a doc but couldn't pass the organic chemistry? well, u can still enter the healing professions because , u can now earn a bachelor’s degree in medical clowning. well, it is real anyway at the university of hifa... u get to dress up in silly cloths, make funny noises, because as a certified clown therapist, u'll help distract patients from their pain and possibly improve outcomes. and u'll get to play tricks on docs too like putting fakes batters on the operating room, only u might get fired if u do that. but patients are the focus of medical clowning. indeed, medical clowning is serious business, one study found that women undergoing fertility treatments who have the clowning companionship have successful pregnancies 35% of the time that's compared with only a 20% success rate without the clown. of course the clowns were strictly forbidden from driving the women in labor to the hospital in most tiny tinny cars.
ps, 标点肯定不对,当时听的时候随便打上去的:loveliness: 呵呵~~~
作者: jellojelly 时间: 2007-2-1 11:54:00 标题: lz每天都练这个 60 sec么??
作者: gritcell 时间: 2007-2-1 14:25:20
This is scientific American 60 second science. I’m Kevin Bigus. Got a minute?Doctors have long struggled to diagnose and treat eating disorders in part because sufferers can be so secret about their behavior. But just like looking at the winds can show the life of the tree, the researchers from Bergus Yong University have found that testing only a few strands of a person’s hair can reveal changes in eating habit. They use mass bigtromatry to indenify tiny differences in ways of carbon and nitrogen isotopes. The changes occur in one isotope when people sharply reduce intake of foods like meat and milk and another when the body actually begins to starve. The test, which needs only five strands of hair, predicted with 80% accuracy, whether a person has anorexia, or bulimia. Some day, it may also help monitor relapses, since the changes in hair can show up only a weak after changes in diet. Up until now, doctors and researchers have had to relied heavily on communications with patients, who are often unable, or unwilling to acknowledge the problem. The new hair test can provide an object to biological way to diagnose eating disorders.Thanks for the minute, for the scientific American 60 second science. I’m Kevin Bigus.
[ 本帖最后由 gritcell 于 2007-2-1 15:01 编辑 ]
作者: gritcell 时间: 2007-2-1 15:04:31
This is scientific American 60 second science. I'm Steve Mursky. Got a minute?
To paraphrase deam warmer for animals' house, cold and hungry has no way to go through the life sun. Nevertheless numerous
animal studies have shown that hunger, in the form of calory restriction appears to extend life span. Now comes the research
published in the journal Science that suggests that being somewhat cold all the time may also lead to longer life even without calory
cutting. So you can have your cake but you'll be shivering while you eating it, too. Calory restriction is known to be accompanied by decrease in core body temperature, so researchers wanted to know wether the coolness were a factor in life extention. The
scientists developd the mouseline with some brain activity changes that caused the mice to have a body temperature about
half a degree southyears(听不出是什么) lower than normal. The mice were allowed to eat all the wanted and the male still live 12% longer than normal while
females hanged on for 20%than average life. Hey, if you do calory restriction and some future cold there be, at least you should be
confident that your life will sure seems longer.
Thanks for the minute, for the scientific American 60 second science. I'm Steve Mursky.
作者: tenet 时间: 2007-2-1 18:15:23
作者: tenet 时间: 2007-2-1 18:57:24 标题: 第十天 06年10月30日的sciam
This is scientific American 60 second science. I'm Steve Mursky. Got a minute?
It's long been know that drinking a lot of alcohol is associated with the increase of cancer of South Africa oral catling. The alcohol is self hour that it isn't to blame. A few study provide the first direct molecular evidence that culperate is the chemical athetelderhi. Puedue's body breaks down the alcohol. the report appears to a new issue of chemical research of toxicology. The key part of the research involves the enzyme called the alcohi- dihi-drawgerness which breaks down the athetelderhi. Some people naturaly have very low levels of this enzyme and high levels of athetelderhide . This penomina is common in Asian population. A study was done in Japan wit 44 alcoholist. Some showed high level of athetelderhi. Although these patients were still cancer-free, analysis of their DNA shows that they had specific genetic damage seen in the cancers that gowith alcohol. Understanding the relationship between the genetics of alcohol metabolism and risks of cancer should lead a future inteventions to lower the cancer risk for alcoholist NT totallest alike. Thanks for the minute, for scientifc American 60 second science. I'm Steve Mursky.
作者: chuanweizuo 时间: 2007-2-2 00:20:48
oral cavity
The alcohol itself, however, isn't to blame
produced when the body breaks down the alcohol
作者: chuanweizuo 时间: 2007-2-2 01:01:58 标题: 01-29sciam 听写
Karen Hoken
If you have children, or ever had any contact with children, this is probably your familiar sound. When babies turn on the water works(???not sure), you may wonder why they are crying, but scientists in Ohio University wondered what their tears are made of. The answer is surprising. It turns out that the tear drops have three distinct layers. The saltest substances were usually associated with crying from the bulk of the tear, but this layer of salt water actually sandwiched between an inter layer of Mucs and outer layer of oily fat. Every time you blink, the fatty layer spreads out across your eyeballs. This ugly oil slick protects people by sealing the water in Mucs layer against the surface of your eyes, keeping them nice and moist. The oily layers also contains a type of fat called Oleomaid(not sure) that was first identified in the brain where it helps to induce sleep. Although the Oleomaid in tears doesn't bring on diseases,the researchers don't yet know what it's doing, but they will end find it out. So now know what tears are made of. If you could only figure out how to get them to stop before they make you join in.
作者: gritcell 时间: 2007-2-2 17:25:39 标题: 回复 #33 tenet 的帖子
This is scientific American 60 second science. I'm Steve Mursky. Got a minute?
It's long been know that drinking a lot of alcohol is associated with the increase risk of cancer of the larin South Africa of ral catling. The alcohol itself however isn't to blame. A new study provide the first direct molecular evidence that cooperate is the chemical acetaldehyde produced from body breaks down the alcohol. the report appears in a new issue of chemical research of toxicology. The key part of the research involves the enzyme called the aldehy- dehydrogenase which breaks down the acetaldehyde. Some people naturally have very low levels of this enzyme and high levels of acetaldehyde . This phenomena is common in Asian population, and A study was done in Japan with 44 alcoholists. Some showed high level of acetaldehyde, although these patients were still cancer-free, Analysis of their DNA shows that they had specific genetic damage seen in the cancers that go without alcohol. Understanding the relationship between the genetics of alcohol metabolism and risks of cancer should lead to future deventions to lower the cancer risk for alcoholist and its anti- totallest alike. Thanks for the minute, for scientifc American 60 second science. I'm Steve Mursky.
[ 本帖最后由 gritcell 于 2007-2-2 17:28 编辑 ]
作者: gritcell 时间: 2007-2-2 17:26:23 标题: 回复 #35 chuanweizuo 的帖子
If you have children, or if you ever had any contact with children, this is probably your familiar sound. When babies turn on the water works, you may wonder why they are crying, but scientists in Ohio State University wondered what their tears are made of. The answer is surprising. It turns out that the tear drops have three distinct layers. The salty substances we usually associated with crying form the bulk of the tear, but this layer of salt water was actually a sandwich between an inner layer of mucus and outer layer of oily fat. Every time you blink, the fatty layer spreads out to crash your eyeballs. This ugly oil slip protects people by sealing the water in Mucus layers against the surface of your eyes, keeping them nice and moist. The oily layers also contains a type of fat called Oleomaid(not sure) that was first identified in the brain where it helps to induce sleep. Although the Oleomaid in tears doesn't bring on diseases,the researchers don't yet know what it's doing, but they will aim to find it out. So now know what tears are made of. If you could only figure out how to get them to stop before they make you join in.
作者: tenet 时间: 2007-2-2 21:12:01 标题: 第十一天 06年12月22日的sciam
If you have small children, chances are your hair cell something like this:(a piece of noise)... Yes, it's maddening. But parents be well, it could also be definite. Full Kalony in the University of Michigan warns that noisy toys might actually damage child's hearling. In spirit the holiday season, Kalony buy toy store mesure the volume of the sound that comes on evey stores games of news glanshivates. It discovered that some items, such as mp3 player made for ,toped on 120 decibels which is equivalent to the jet playing taking off inside your head. To be safe, Kalony says that toys shouldn't exceed 80 to 85 decibels about intensity of the average vacking cleaner.When you aren't helping for your little one, he is just holding his gifty up to you hearing like a rip. If it sounds loud to you, it sounds even louder to your kids because their hearing is more sensitive than yours. But what if your house is certainly filled with happy chatter of children's toys? Kalony says, take out the batteries. This would be a gift to youself.
作者: squallplus1055 时间: 2007-2-2 21:39:14
作者: lydiaycj 时间: 2007-2-3 15:48:00
作者: chuanweizuo 时间: 2007-2-3 17:15:47 标题: 02-01sciam听写+原文录音
另外,偶听了至少二三十遍才听到这个样子,觉得开始几遍根本反应不过来:funk: ,不知道大家听的时候情况如何?:)
You’ve heard about survival of the Fedists, but with global pressure of environment, could humans be influencing a new kind
of evolution—survival of the Predists? Here’s an example. A penguin expert at the University of Washington analyzed there
were 300 penguin pictures in coffee table books. The goal was to see if some of the 17 penguin species appear far more often than others. And indeed they did, in all the books. After eliminating possible bias and pictures that also feature human’s pretty views, the favorite penguins were those with red or in join intense yellow martins. That includes emperors, the stars of the
movie match the penguins. The research also noted that human’s preferences for very species have nothing to do with
intelligent consideration. Even the ugliest penguin is far ahead of the almost countless reptiles and slamming vertebrates that
make up well more of the earth’s population. Think about it, how much have you heard about endangered sea slugs,
salamanders, snails, and spiders? Chances are that they’re not the feature subjects of your favorite coffee table books, either.
作者: cherrylion 时间: 2007-2-3 18:12:01
作者: tenet 时间: 2007-2-4 00:50:31 标题: 也听41楼的,改了一点
You've heard about the survival of the Fattust , but with global pressure of environment, could humans be influencing the new kind of evolution——Survival of the predist? Here is an example. A penguin expert in University of Washington analyzed there were
300 penguin pictures in coffe table books. The goal was to see if some of the 17 penguin species appear far more often than others. And indeed they did in all the books after eliminating possible bias in pictures that also feature humen's pretty views. The favorate penguin were those with red or enjoying taints yellow martens. That includes The Emperors, stars of the movie March Of the
Penguins.The research also noted the humen's preferences for very a species has nothing to do with intellegent conservation.
Even the ugliest penguin, is far ahead of the almost countless reptiles and sliming invertebrates that make well more of the earth population. Think about it. How much have you heard about endangered sea slugs, salamanders, snails and spiders. Chances are
they'are not the feature subjects of your favorate coffe table books either.
作者: chuanweizuo 时间: 2007-2-4 14:23:17
taints yellow martens
sliming invertebrates
作者: chenruiray 时间: 2007-2-4 16:45:04
survival of the fittest是适者生存的意思
作者: 畅通 时间: 2007-2-4 18:53:47
LZ厉害 加油
作者: tenet 时间: 2007-2-4 18:58:39 标题: 第十三天 07年2月2日的sciam
Feb 4th
You know according to the legend and virtually, every TV station in the country, today, groundhogs sticks their three little heads
at the cold winter ground, and look around to see if the winter is over. But wait... a couple of years ago, a Punxsutawney researcher took the radical step up observing the groundhog to see what's really on their minds when they groose their surrounding these days. The researcher studied 32 of the chunky roans and found out the first groundhog roughly... 4 month hibernation are all males, and they are not checking the weather. No, they are looking for female groundhogs. In thought of exercise in speed dating,
remember, it's usually really cold in Punxsutawney Febuary, so the male creatures mark territory go on a few quick trial days and go back to sleep for another month. Hey, in freezing temperatures you would try to being awake, too. Weeks later, the groundhogs wake up when it warms up. We can at our Febuary Valentines start little groundhog's families and live happily ever after just like in the movies.
作者: tenet 时间: 2007-2-4 19:00:23
作者: jellojelly 时间: 2007-2-4 21:38:37
作者: jellojelly 时间: 2007-2-4 23:01:09 标题: 07-02-02@sciam
- That’s right! Woodchuck chucks at groundhog’s day~
u know, according to legend and virtually every tv stations in the country, today, groundhogs took their furry little heads off the cold winter ground and look around to see if winter is over, but wait, a couple of years ago, a head start of researchers took the radical step of observing the groundhogs to see what’s really on their minds when they prude their surroundings these days, the researchers studied 32 of the chunky rodents and found out the first groundhog popped up after roughly a 4 months of hibernation, or all males, and they are not checking the weather, no they were looking for female groundhogs, and sort of exercise and speed dating, remember, it's usually really cold in Pennsylvania in Feb, so the male predators mark territory go on a few quick trailed dates and then go back to sleep for another month. Hey, in freezing temperatures, u won’t chuck be waking up too. Weeks later, the groundhogs wake up when they warms up, we connect with our Feb.’s Valentine's, start little groundhogs families and live happily ever after, just like in the movies
- Okay, Kaper, right in time and don't forget ur money~ 'cuz it's cold out there
- It’s cold out there everyday...
作者: squallplus1055 时间: 2007-2-4 23:19:45
作者: priztime 时间: 2007-2-5 09:35:10
恩! 强! 顶
作者: squallplus1055 时间: 2007-2-5 16:48:37
作者: chuanweizuo 时间: 2007-2-5 17:25:44 标题: 02-02sciam
“That’s right, we’ll chuckle chuckles it. Stop talking…”
You know, according to legends on virtually every TV station in this country, today groundhogs stick their three little heads
out of their cold winter ground and look around to see if the winter is over. But wait! A couple of years ago a Penn State
researcher took the radical step of observing the groundhogs to see what’s really on their minds when they are perlu their
surroundings this day. The researchers started 32 of the chunky rotens and found out the first groundhogs to pop up after a
roughly four-month hibernation are all males, and they are not checking the weather. No, they are looking for female
groundhogs in sort of exercising speed dating. Remember, it is usually really cold in Pennsylvania in February, so the male
coters could mark territory, go on a few quick trial dates and then go back to sleep for another month. Hey, in freezing
temperatures, you would try to be in await, too. Weeks later, the groundhogs wake up when it warms up, reconnect with
their February valentines, start little groundhog families, and live happily ever after, just like in the movies.
“Ok. Canphous arrives in China. Don’t forget your butties. It’s getting cold out there…”
“It’s cold out there everyday. Why don’t just Miami…”
[ 本帖最后由 chuanweizuo 于 2007-2-6 16:17 编辑 ]
作者: tenet 时间: 2007-2-5 20:04:05
原帖由 squallplus1055 于 2007-2-4 23:19 发表
作者: chuanweizuo 时间: 2007-2-5 20:24:06
作者: Pupil 时间: 2007-2-5 20:37:15
原帖由 chuanweizuo 于 2007-2-5 17:25 发表
“That’s right, we’ll chuckle chuckles it. Stop talking…”
You know, according to legends on virtually every TV station in this country, today groundhogs sti ...
作者: tenet 时间: 2007-2-5 21:35:59 标题: 第十四天 07年2月5日的sciam
Feb 5th
Imagine your players have five degrees cooler than the other team, if you're fan, you'll recognize you couldn't stand these pictures
that put uniforms of Yankees(I know yankee, Yankee...)cottoned breathe George explains to manager Buccial Walter, znd cooler players would have advantage on the field turns out the scientists centual Michigan University and effecientl rebug degree. Last spring,
the scientist put three uniforms that Rebuck had designed for the national hockey leagus through paces. They use body scanner
couple to it thermal camera to determine which of the three outfits kept the hockey player cooler during a full work-out. The winning uniform enveiled last month is made of stretchy mesh type fabric design to maximize players range emotion well keep them 4 to 10
degrees cooler than the all material. Next on the drying board, coolers threads the NBA. If only George could stand had such
technology? Perhaps he could reverse the chemical fiasco that suit with cotton uniforms shrink(at one years was a Yankees uniform
did you tight and chunk? They are running like penguins! Mattenery just was it bans!)
作者: leeking85 时间: 2007-2-6 12:55:45
Imagining your players have five degrees cooler than the other team, if you're Sanphil fan, you will recognize Geoge Christans pictured picking cotton uniform for the Yankees, "There is no yard, Yankees!" Cottoned breathe George explains to manager Buccial Walter and cooler players would have advantage on the field turns out the scientists centrual Michigan University, and official of it Robut have agreed. Last spring the scientists put three uniforms that Robut has designed for the national hockey leagues through their paces. They used body scanner, couple to its thermal camera to determine which of three outfits can kept the hockey player cooler during the the full work out. The wining uniform, enveiled last month, is made of stretchy mash type fabric design to maximize plagers rational motion, will keep them four to ten degrees cooler than the old material. Next down the drying board, cooler through the NBA. If only George Christans have headache to such knowledge, perhaps he can revert the chemical fiasco suit when the cotton uniform shrink. "What is on the Yankees?" "It's their uniform. They're too tight and they're shrank! They running like penguin!" "Madly just splite their pants!"
偶听的了!不知道对不对!哪位大侠指教一下什么是stretchy mash type fabric?
作者: forerunner 时间: 2007-2-6 19:48:57 标题: 回复 #1 tenet 的帖子
60 second science 20061024
This is scientific American 60 second science. I’m Kevin Bigus. Got a minute?
Doctors have long struggled to diagnose and treat eating disorders in part because sufferers can be so secret about their behavior. But just like(…..................). Researchers from Bergus Yong University have found a test of only few strands of hair can reveal changes in eating habit. They use mass (…) to identify tiny differences in the weight of carbon and nitrogen isotopes. The changes occur in one isotope when people sharply reduce intake of foods like meat and milk and another when the body actually begins to starve. The test, which needs only five strands of hair, predicted with 80% accuracy, when the person has anorexia, or bulimia. Some day, it may also help monitor relapses, sounds the changes in the hair (………) only a week of change of diet. Up till now, doctors and researchers have relied heavily on communications with patients, or often unable, or unwilling to acknowledge the problem. The new hair test could provide an objective biological way to diagnose eating disorders.
Thanks for the minute, for the scientific American 60 second science. I’m Kevin Bigus.
作者: tenet 时间: 2007-2-6 22:12:00
stretchy mesh type fabric
作者: tenet 时间: 2007-2-7 00:10:23 标题: 第十五天 07年2月6日的sciam
Feb 6th
Are you done digesting all the chicks and dip you ate watching the cotes of the bears yet? An eating goes down for super bowl Sundays, which make it photo-ground for researches studing our eating habits. Cornell University's Brine think were the book mineless eating why we eat more than we think. And he used 2004 super bowl for eating study sune to be published in the journal perseptual in the modern skills. 53 football fans got treaty to an all you can eat chicken and wheat buffei during the 2004 game. That party took place in a sports bar, in champagne and the noyau, and the guests didn't know the whole thing is really an experiment. During the game waitress clear for the chicken's bones for only half the tables. And the study subjects took place got empty where eat 43% more wins than those whose plates were covered with bones. The presents of the bones parently provided visual cute of the party goals that they already had their feel. Another reason not to be remembered the clean plate club.
作者: tenet 时间: 2007-2-7 00:14:23
作者: leeking85 时间: 2007-2-7 10:59:36
:( LZ要走了?我才跟听了几天呐!你就走了哦!
:rolleyes: 不过的确提高了一点点了!偶也会在下面听的,向你学习!
PS:这篇文章觉得那个杂志应该叫General Perceptual in Modern Skills吧!还有是buffet,是吧?
;d: LZ变牛了是可以看出来的!
作者: leeking85 时间: 2007-2-7 17:56:20
:( 我怎么不能上穿音频呢?:loveliness: 那哪位好心人下载一下再上传吧!07年2月7号的听力文章!谢谢!
Shocking news! Just in! People advertising themselves on online dating services lie. That's the alarming founding of the study come out in April in German Proceeding of Computer Human Interaction. This study examed 40 men and 40 women who were using the popular world dating services: match.com, yahoo personal, American single or webdate. Here are the horrified numbers: 53% of men and 39% of women lied about their height. 64% of women and 61% of men lied about their weight. Interestedly lies about age will fails to less common----24% of men and only 13% of women fit about how old they were. Too bad they didn't ask about their occupation. Somebody...I know...Ok! Ok! Was me! Went to dinner with the woman who described herself in website as professional actress turned out she was a serving-ranch at rant sound festival(没怎么听清楚,只是瞎编的). Eu... Anyway in the time since the date of study were collected, most dating sites had moved to describe a general body type rather than the specific weight. Nevertheless, let the browser be wired.
[ 本帖最后由 leeking85 于 2007-2-7 17:58 编辑 ]
作者: Jessie_1983 时间: 2007-2-7 18:31:09
:) 我也想试着进行听写。我想问问,听一篇要多长时间?你们听的这么厉害,要听几遍阿?
作者: leeking85 时间: 2007-2-7 19:23:56
http://www.sciam.com/podcast/index.cfm?e_type=D;d: 每天去这个网址下咯!
当然我第一次听的时候被那个速度吓到了!:eek: 然后就看了别人写的,感觉其实也没有想象的那么吓人,所以第二次听有心理准备了,也感觉稍微好点了。
:loveliness: 高手们啊!多多指教呐!
作者: squallplus1055 时间: 2007-2-7 19:46:11
作者: 小西爱喝水 时间: 2007-2-7 23:27:18
Shocking news! Just in! People advertising themselves on online dating services lie. That's the alarming founding of the( a )the study come (coming) out in April in German proceeding of Computer Human Interaction(the journal proceedings of the computer-human interreaction ). This study examed(examined) 40 men and 40 women who were using the popular world (web) dating services: match.com, yahoo personal(s), American single(s) or webdate. Here are the horrified(horrifying) numbers: 53% of men and 39% of women lied about their height. 64% of women and 61% of men lied about their weight. Interestedly lies about age will fails to less common(were far less common)----24% of men and only 13% of women fit(feigned) about how old they were. Too bad they didn't ask about their occupation. Somebody...I know...Ok! Ok! Was me! Went to dinner with the woman who described herself in website as professional actress turned out she was a serving-ranch at rant sound (ransom)festival。Eu... Anyway in the time since the date of study(data for the study)were collected, most dating sites had moved to describe(descibing) a general body type rather than the specific weight. Nevertheless, let the browser be wired.
作者: lintelle 时间: 2007-2-8 02:20:40 标题: 继续70楼的修改
Shocking news! Just in! People advertising themselves on online dating services lie. That's the alarming founding of the( a )the study come (coming) out in April in German proceeding of Computer Human Interaction(the journal proceedings of the computer-human interreaction ). This study examed(examined) 40 men and 40 women who were using the popular world (web) dating services: match.com, yahoo personal(s), American single(s) or webdate. Here are the horrified(horrifying) numbers: 53% of the men and 39% of the women lied about their height. 64% of the women and 61% of the men lied about their weight. Interestedly (Interestingly) lies about age will fails to less common(were far less common)----24% of men and only 13% of women fit(feigned) about how old they were. Too bad they didn't ask about their occupation. Somebody...I know...Ok! Ok! It Was me! Went to dinner with the woman who described herself in website as professional actress turned out she was a serving-ranch at rant sound (ransom)festival。Eu... Anyway in the time since the date of study(data for the study)were collected, most dating sites had moved to describe(descibing) a general body type rather than the specific weight. Nevertheless, let the browser be wired (browsers beware).
serving-ranch at rant sound (ransom)festival
作者: tenet 时间: 2007-2-8 16:47:00
作者: tenet 时间: 2007-2-8 17:56:33 标题: 2月8日的sciam
Feb 8th
It follows something special theoria therotivity, did not an medicine status, as the same team.
Now researchers have stop light cold, and an broader back to life. For light, an entirely different place. The Harvard researchers center light pose into a sodium cloud to 460 degrees below zero, that's the theoretical point, where matter stop form movement. The lightpose were compressed by factors of about 50,000,000 stream temperature, and it actually changed state, sort of like frozen water. But it also split into two forms of matter, one stay frozen in the sodium, one the other cross... just 200 kilometers per hour that second form, called manner wave, contains exact information the regional like wave, and one researcher said it into a second sodium cloud of fraction of the million meter away, the way was converted back into light, and sounds fibroid communication's use like, that means some day we may be able to stop them, store them, and turn them back on. Just like a light switch.
作者: leeking85 时间: 2007-2-8 18:49:38
"We tell something special ... light activity. This matter in..." (那个人像嘴巴里含了萝卜似的,听不清楚-_-!!)
Now researchers have stop light code and then brought it to alive or light in the entirely different places. The Harvard researchers sent light into an explosive sodium clab cool to about 460 degree below to zero that is the theoretical point when matters stop all movement. The light proposed will compressed factor about 50 million of extreme temperature and it actually change state, a sort of like freezing water, but it also split into 2 forms of matter. One state freezed in the sodium, while the other cooled just in two hundred meter per an hour. But the second form called the matter wave contains the exact information of the original light wave. And when researchers sent it into a second sodium Clanton fraction of million meters away the way was converted into light. And since the fabric of communication use light that means someday we may be able to stop them, store them and turn them back on. Just like a light switch.
作者: leeking85 时间: 2007-2-8 18:51:00
:rolleyes: LZ is back!:handshake
作者: Jessie_1983 时间: 2007-2-8 21:22:21
作者: cherryqueen 时间: 2007-2-8 22:53:16
Feb 8th
It follows something special theoria therotivity, did not an medicine status, as the same team.
Now researchers have stop light code, and then brought it back to life or light in an entirely different place. The Harvard researchers send a light pose into a sodium cloud to 460 degrees below zero, that's the theoretical point, where matter stop form all movement. The lightpose were compressed by factors of about 50,000,000 of the extreme temperature, and it actually change state, sort of like frozen water. But it also split into two forms of matter, one stay frozen in the sodium, while the other cross along ... just 200 kilometers per hour that' s second form, called manner wave, contains exact information of the regional light wave, and one researcher send it into a second sodium cloud of fraction of the million meter away, the wave was converted back into light, and since fibroid communication's use like light , that means some day we may be able to stop them, store them, and turn them back on. Just like a light switch
第一次改听力很糟糕 哎
作者: lintelle 时间: 2007-2-8 23:07:22
作者: leeking85 时间: 2007-2-10 13:11:57
至于文件我是想传的,不过本人不能发啊:( 还是等LZ来发吧;d:
And now for another episode of science filled science. On Monday we talked about cologue sports uniforms. One of Jone Standford Chris says: why not use Kramer ideas for cloned, they would make you smell like beach. "Your skin!" Scientists in University of East Angly have just cloned the gene responsible for branny beach scent associated with sea sight. Andrew Jonhson and his colleagues harvested some of bacteria so-called Soutmarsh. And isolated gene makes the dimuscle gene so flat. A guess accent its purred old oceans. And it's natural environment diment soul fight. To help the sea birds when they found meal in the case of founding and produce it. And the compound generated such large quantity and even forms crowds over the ocean that cool the earth climate. Although Jonhson and his team cloned the gene from bacteria that flies in the sea. They also found some unexpected places including microbes living in the roots of plants. Because it species are so different. He expected they both get gene through the process can to mating. And why they wanted is anybody guesses. May be like Kramer! They like this smell. "Oh~! Yeah~!"
作者: tenet 时间: 2007-2-10 19:39:29 标题: 2月9日的sciam,稍修改了下楼上的
Feb 10th
And now for another episode of scient affair science. On Monday we talked about cooler sport uniforms one of Goege Cood Stanser's crusades. Well know as Kramer's idea for clone that will make you smell like beach.(You scent.) Sientist in University of East Engly has just clone the genes responsible for that briny fishy scent with sociated with the seaside. Andraw Johnson and his collegues harvest some bacteria from the coastal sort marsh and the icelate of the gene makes di-metal sore fide(一种二金属化气体吧). A gas use essences pure odd ocean. In its natural evironment, di-metal sore fide help sea birds niff out meal in this case of planted produced. And the compound generated in such large quantities and even forms clouds of the ocean and help cool the earth's climate. Although Johns and his team clone the gene of the bacteria the froid of the sea, they also find it in some of the unexpected places including mictobs living in the roots of plants. Because these speces are so different, he suspects they both got the genes through processes kin to mating. Now why they wanted is anybody's guess. Maybe like Kramer, they just like the smell. (Oh yes...)
作者: leeking85 时间: 2007-2-10 20:02:37
;d: 多谢楼主指点,不过我觉得isolated 和microbes比较对的说!
作者: pimp2001 时间: 2007-2-10 20:41:05
This is scientific American 60 second science. I’m Kevin Bigus. Got a minute?
Doctors have long struggled to diagnose the tree (and treat) eating disorders in part because sufferers can be so secret (secretive) about their behavior. But just like looking at the winds control the life of the tree(looking at the rings can show them the life of a tree) the searchers(researchers) from Bergus Yong University have found a test of(testing) only few strands of hair can reveal changes in eating habit. They use mass bigtromatry(spectromatry) try denifying tiny differences in ways(weight) of carbon and nitrogen isotopes. The changes occur in one isotope when people sharply reduce intake of foods like meat and milk and another when the body actually begins to starve. The test, which needs only five strands of hair, is predicted with 80% accuracy, when the person has anorexia, or blamia(blemia). Some day, it may also have montra relapse( help minitor relapses), sounds the changes of the hair control only weak of changes of diet(since the changes in hair can show up only a week after changes in diet). Up to the mail(up until now), doctors and researchers have relied heavily on communications with patients, or often(who are) unable, were unwilling to acknowledge the problem. The new hair test can provide an object to(objective) biological way to diagnose eating disorders.
Thanks for the minute, for the scientific American 60 second science. I’m Kevin Bigus.
[ 本帖最后由 pimp2001 于 2007-2-10 20:42 编辑 ]
作者: pimp2001 时间: 2007-2-10 21:54:23
And now for another episode of sign-felt science. On Monday we talked about cooler sport uniforms, one of Goege Cood Stanser's crusades. Well now is Kramer's idea for a clone that will make you smell like the beach.(You stink!.) Scientist in University of East Angley have just cloned the genes responsible for that briny fishy scent with associates with the seaside. Andrew Johnston and his collegues harvested some bacteria from the coastal salt marsh(盐沼泽地) and isolated the gene that makes dimethysulfide(二甲基硫), a gas whose essence is pure old ocean. In its natural evironment, dimethysulfide helps sea birds sniff out(闻出) meal, in this case the planktons(浮游生物) produce it. And the compound is generated in such large quantities that it even forms clouds over the ocean that help cool the earth's climate. Although Johnston and his team cloned the gene from the bacteria that thrive(繁殖生长) in the sea, they also find it in some of unexpected placess including microbes living in the roots of plants. Because these species are so different, he suspects that the bugs got the genes through processes akin(与...有亲缘的) to mating. Now why they wanted is anybody's guess. Maybe like Kramer, they just like the smell.
作者: cherryqueen 时间: 2007-2-11 23:41:34
And now for another episode of scient affair (scent felt ) science. On Monday we talked about cooler sport uniforms one of Goege Cood Stanser's crusades. Well know as Kramer's idea for clone that will make you smell like the beach.(You scent.stink) Sientist in University of East Engly has just clone the genes responsible for that briny fishy scent with sociated with the seaside. Andraw Johnson and his collegues harvest some bacteria from the coastal sort marsh and the icelate of the gene makes di-metal sore fide(一种二金属化气体吧). A gas use essences pure odd ocean. In its natural evironment, di-metal sore fide help sea birds niff out meal in this case of planted produced. And the compound generated in such large quantities and even forms clouds of (over) the ocean and help cool the earth's climate. Although Johns and his team clone the gene of from the bacteria the froid(through out ) of the sea, they also find it in some of the unexpected places including mictobs living in the roots of plants. Because these speces are so different, he suspects they both got the genes through processes kin to mating. Now why they wanted is anybody's guess. Maybe like Kramer, they just like the smell. (Oh yes...)
[ 本帖最后由 cherryqueen 于 2007-2-11 23:43 编辑 ]
作者: lintelle 时间: 2007-2-14 01:50:25 标题: Feb 13rd's
Three years ago Gino pioneer quit Venter sail the Sargasso Sea, and returned with 1800 species of microbes, including 115 never before seen. An impressive whole. But last week Science New York announced that if you want to discover new and interesting bugs, you need to travel no further than your own full arm. The researchers of N.Y School of Medicine identified 182 species of bacteria, including a dozen of new ones, in swabs taking form the arms of six healthy volunteers. The study marks the first full scale exportation to catalogue the bios that cause human epidermic its home. The microbes live in or on our bodies out number of our own selves turn to one. So there are important parts of our personal ecology. And it turns out the zoo of bacteria on one person’s skin is quite different from the zoo from someone else’s. Almost three quarters of the species identified were unique to individual, and only four species were found on all six subjects. For the record, the researchers took their samples from the subjects’ full arms, because that way knows what had to address. So who knows exact life worms maybe waiting for discovery just behind your knees.
[ 本帖最后由 lintelle 于 2007-2-13 18:08 编辑 ]
作者: skyfly280 时间: 2007-2-14 10:26:45
原帖由 gritcell 于 2007-2-1 15:04 发表
This is scientific American 60 second science. I'm Steve Mursky. Got a minute?
To paraphrase deam warmer for animals' ho ...
"if you do calory restriction and some future cold there be"
some future cold there be这是什么意思呀?
作者: qanan 时间: 2007-2-14 10:46:31
作者: lintelle 时间: 2007-2-14 23:58:29 标题: Feb.14th's
I’ve thought that the sign of a civilized office is a couch, or least a climber on which to take a midday snooze. Now comes research that finds that a light siesta could help you lensing your life’s vista. The study published in the February 12’s R Kaif’s Internal Medicine Magazine, found that naps reduce the risk of coronary mortality by a third. Nice heart news this valentine’s day. The researchers followed almost 24,000 people in graze for over six years. All the subjects were free of any history of cardiovascular disease at the start of the study. Turned out that people who took at least three midday naps a week, at least one hour each had a 37% lower risk of coronary related death than did non-nappers. Even more impressive the protect of the fact was particularly strong among working man. Retire race got less of benefit from the nap even though they (?) still enjoy them. According to the study’s authors, an afternoon nap for a healthy individual might be a real life saving stress buster. I knew lying down on a job is a good idea.
作者: lintelle 时间: 2007-2-16 07:58:45 标题: Feb 15th's
Who? You!
If you have 15 minutes spare of the next few days, you can take part of one of the country’s biggest armature science activities. And you don’t even have to leave the house so it might help to look out the window. It’s the great backyard bird count although technically you don’t even need a backyard. And it’s happening in the February 16th to 19th. All you have to do is to count the different birds you see during the walk or while sitting on a porch, and report your findings to a website. The great backyard bird count started 10 years ago. It’s the giant project of the Cornrow University on (?) lab and the national (?) society. Last year volunteer contributors submitted 16,000 bird check lists which included about seven and a half million individual birds’ settings where presenting 6,023 different species. And because so many people take part, the birds’ settings are actually useful to scientists who can take the observations and get an idea of what birds are where, and whether the birds are reacting to climate change or organization. To take part, just go to birdcount.org.
作者: junli1127 时间: 2007-7-20 20:35:26
作者: dinddind2003 时间: 2007-7-29 21:34:11
作者: 在刀尖上跳舞 时间: 2007-8-1 19:29:10
恩 加油
作者: jonathan1987 时间: 2007-8-10 08:41:44
作者: chao2317 时间: 2007-8-18 21:56:52
thanks 正愁没地方有稿子呢,练习中
作者: onlyonetruth 时间: 2007-11-11 23:31:53
好贴 啊,这东西外面不好找啊
作者: 徐豆豆 时间: 2007-11-12 14:27:25
作者: 毛栗子 时间: 2007-11-14 18:14:20
thanks for sharing
作者: paul198247 时间: 2007-11-17 15:07:21
原帖由 tenet 于 2007-1-29 11:30 发表
This is scientific American 60 second science. I'm Steve Mursky. Got a minute?
Some stories from the annual mading of the geological socioty of America finishing up today in Philadelphia ...
Some stories from the annual meeting of thegeological society of Americafinishing up today in Philadelphia.First news from Kazakhstanthat has nothing to do with Borand, a citing of a country in northern part ofthe country indicates the present of domesticated horses there going back 1500years. There mains of what compute crowd some include soil samples and rich of fusphers, and that's consistent with the breaks downof well... you know, with horses do, also reported that the meeting cats anddogs are the only creature to be played by worms. Now comes for the firstevidence that dinosaurs are similarly affected. A really well-preserved 75 millionyears old doctoral dinosaur found in Montanainclude some fossilized god with borals most likely made by tiny worms like theones of the sig animals today. Finally global warming's helphing's back go beyond some of the history according to the researchof the conference, dirty air and water more flooding, food trodegy and ecosystemalternation could all affect human health. Bottom line that we don't stopworsing around, we could go the way of the dinosaurs.
作者: 柳梢新月 时间: 2008-1-21 04:13:09
不错 我觉得这个很好, 我就下了很多 用迅雷下很快的, 大家只要找到 scientific American podcast 这个网站就可以下的,
作者: zhuqiaoqiao 时间: 2009-3-3 22:12:27
作者: wojiushidaodao 时间: 2009-3-21 20:41:24
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