
标题: Issue177 【0706G-LOVEAW】第一次临时作业 [打印本页]

作者: welcomebs    时间: 2007-2-15 14:40:10     标题: Issue177 【0706G-LOVEAW】第一次临时作业

538words 限时失败

I hold the same conclusion with the author that the study of an academic discipline alters the way we perceive the world and I will promote my decision in realms of art, history, and science.

In the realm of art, this discipline teaches us to perceive the world with imagination and fantasticism. As we know, artists convey their sentiment through their work. For instance, Mozart told us to be positive; Beethoven depicted the scenario of fighting with destiny; Vincent sent us the beauty of nature in banal life and so on. Communicating with these great artists, people seize spirit and sensibility which are unwarily neglected in daily common life even deeply buried under the face of life. Not only do students with the major in art continuously comprehend and spread the soul in old artistic work, but they also learn the method to express themselves. And the path of expressing oneself is also the way to understand and explore inside one’s mind and throughout the world. With distinct angle each distinct artist possesses, the world before us is presented with multicolor and multiplicity in spite of how plain, how bored and how disappointed our lives really are.

In the realm of history, this discipline teaches us to perceive the world in an introspective and predictable way. Sailing in the ocean wave of history, humans glorify ancestors’ achievements, lament antecedents’ failures, criticize precursor’s crimes and sympathize the victims of battles. With comparison to the past cases, individuals’ behaviors can be reviewed and innovation will be planned properly. Take China’s socialism as an instance. With the communism studied from USSR’s success, China progressed steadily and rapidly in 1960s. Similarly, from the USSR’S failure in communism, China decided to process socialism in China’s distinct way such as combination market-oriented economy with planned economy, which induces the economy in this country to maintain a high-speed increase. Moreover, ironically, it is the vital influence of history that directly results in Japan’s unfair revisions to the history reference book to conceal, to the whole world, the crimes they committed in the World War 2. Consequently, study of history affects our views to ourselves and evaluations to the world around us effectively.

In the realm of science, this discipline teaches us to perceive the world with curiosity and innovation. Newton provided us with universal gravitation; Einstein told us the principle of relativity, which broadened our scope of the physics. But Newton left us with the question about the original drive to the rotation of the earth, and Einstein left us with hypothesis of the quantum theory which confused the science circles. Then, with creative thinking and experiments, Hawking brought forward Big Bang and scientists – Born, Schrodinger and so on – brought forward the integrated quantum theory in 1920s. Undoubtedly, chasing for science’s real feature is an indefinitely pathway. Not only does study of science tell us the essence of the world around us but also, in turn, we have learnt how to question and innovate our thoughts to recognize the truth which has existed and will being existing on the earth forever.

To sum up, similar to these disciplines, studying an academic discipline provides us with different eyes in front of the same world as before.

[ 本帖最后由 welcomebs 于 2007-2-15 21:52 编辑 ]
作者: katrinajj    时间: 2007-2-16 10:08:08

I hold the same conclusion with the author that the study of an academic discipline alters the way we perceive the world and I will promote my decision in realms of art, history, and science. [开头直插主题,很简洁~~~]
In the realm of art, this discipline teaches us to perceive the world with imagination and fantasticism. As we know, artists convey their sentiment through their work. For instance, Mozart told us to be positive; Beethoven depicted the scenario of fighting with destiny; Vincent sent us the beauty of nature in banal life and so on[排比很漂亮~~]. Communicating with these great artists, people seize spirit and sensibility which are unwarily neglected in daily common life even deeply buried under the face of life. Not only do students with the major in art continuously comprehend and spread the soul in old artistic work, but they also learn the method to express themselves. And the path of expressing oneself is also the way to understand and explore inside one’s mind and throughout[这个throughout是和哪个并列的啊?] the world. With distinct angle each distinct artist possesses, the world before us is presented with multicolor and multiplicity in spite of how plain, how bored and how disappointed our lives really are.
In the realm of history, this discipline teaches us to perceive the world in an introspective and predictable way. Sailing in the ocean wave of history, humans glorify ancestors’ achievements, lament antecedents’ failures, criticize precursor’s crimes and sympathize the victims of battles.[很形象,赞一个~~~] With comparison to the past cases, individuals’ behaviors can be reviewed and innovation will be planned properly. Take China’s socialism as an instance. With the communism studied from USSR’s success, China progressed steadily and rapidly in 1960s. Similarly, from the USSR’S failure in communism, China decided to process socialism in China’s distinct way such as combination market-oriented economy with planned economy, which induces the economy in this country to maintain a high-speed increase. Moreover, ironically, it is the vital influence of history that directly results in Japan’s unfair revisions to the history reference book to conceal, to the whole world, the crimes they committed in the World War 2.[这个反例是很好的,就是the vital influence of history这个含义让人不是很清楚] Consequently, study of history affects our views to ourselves and evaluations to the world around us effectively.
In the realm of science, this discipline teaches us to perceive the world with curiosity and innovation. Newton provided us with universal gravitation; Einstein told us the principle of relativity, which broadened our scope of the physics. But Newton left us with the question about the original drive to the rotation of the earth, and Einstein left us with hypothesis of the quantum theory which confused the science circles. Then, with creative thinking and experiments, Hawking brought forward Big Bang and scientists – Born, Schrodinger and so on – brought forward the integrated quantum theory in 1920s. Undoubtedly, chasing for science’s real feature is an indefinitely pathway. Not only does study of science tell us the essence of the world around us but also, in turn, we have learnt how to question and innovate our thoughts to recognize the truth which has existed and will being existing on the earth forever. [例子很充分~~]
To sum up, similar to these disciplines, studying an academic discipline provides us with different eyes in front of the same world as before.

[ 本帖最后由 katrinajj 于 2007-2-16 10:11 编辑 ]
作者: quaqui    时间: 2007-2-16 11:37:59

I hold the same conclusion with the author that the study of an academic discipline alters the way we perceive the world and I will promote my decision in realms of art, history, and science.

In the realm of art, this discipline teaches us to perceive the world with imagination and fantasticism. As we know, artists convey their sentiment through their work(作艺术品的时候应该是可数,即works). For instance, Mozart told us to be positive; Beethoven depicted the scenario of fighting with destiny; Vincent sent us the beauty of nature in banal life and so on. Communicating with these great artists, people seize spirit and sensibility which are unwarily neglected in daily common life even deeply buried under the face of life. Not only do students with the major in art continuously comprehend and spread the soul in old artistic work, but they also learn the method to express themselves. And the path of expressing oneself is also the way to understand and explore inside one’s mind and throughout the world. With distinct angle each distinct artist possesses, the world before us is presented with multicolor and multiplicity in spite of how plain, how bored and how disappointed our lives really are.

In the realm of history, this discipline teaches us to perceive the world in an introspective and predictable way. Sailing in the ocean wave of history, humans glorify ancestors’ achievements, lament antecedents’ failures, criticize precursor’s crimes and sympathize the victims of battles. With comparison to the past cases, individuals’ behaviors can be reviewed and innovation will be planned properly. Take China’s socialism as an instance. With the communism studied from USSR’s success, China progressed steadily and rapidly in 1960s. Similarly, from the USSR’S failure in communism, China decided to process socialism in China’s distinct way such as combination market-oriented economy with planned economy, which induces the economy in this country to maintain a high-speed increase. Moreover, ironically, it is the vital influence of history that directly results in Japan’s unfair revisions to the history reference book to conceal, to the whole world, the crimes they committed in the World War 2. Consequently, study of history affects our views to ourselves and evaluations to the world around us effectively.

In the realm of science, this discipline teaches us to perceive the world with curiosity and innovation. Newton provided us with universal gravitation; Einstein told us the principle of relativity, which broadened our scope of the physics. But Newton left us with the question about the original drive to the rotation of the earth, and Einstein left us with hypothesis of the quantum theory which confused the science circles(个人认为circle吧). Then, with creative thinking and experiments, Hawking brought forward Big Bang and scientists – Born, Schrodinger and so on – brought forward the integrated quantum theory in 1920s. Undoubtedly, chasing for science’s real feature is an indefinitely(indefinite) pathway. Not only does study of science tell us the essence of the world around us but also, in turn, we have learnt how to question and innovate our thoughts to recognize the truth which has existed and will being existing on the earth forever.

To sum up, similar to these disciplines, studying an academic discipline provides us with different eyes in front of the same world as before.

个人非常喜欢这句:Sailing in the ocean wave of history, humans glorify ancestors’ achievements, lament antecedents’ failures, criticize precursor’s crimes and sympathize the victims of battles.
哈哈 比我写得强多了 相比之下很是自惭形秽 有时间的话欢迎回拍啊,不吝赐教啊https://bbs.gter.net/viewthread.php?tid=610504&extra=page%3D1

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