
标题: Issue185【0706G-CRUSADE小组】第5次作业 by vanlucker [打印本页]

作者: vanlucker    时间: 2007-2-27 23:05:47     标题: Issue185【0706G-CRUSADE小组】第5次作业 by vanlucker

Scandals-whether in politics, academia, or other areas-can be useful. They focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could.

严重超时,完毕…srO Orz

1.       有保留反对
2.       丑闻可以将不道德和不合法的丑行公之于众,而大众也乐于关注丑闻,所以对政治学术等可以起监督作用(e.g.水门)
3.       而演讲家却无法这样吸引人们的视线(e.g.)
4.       如果丑闻只是吸引公众,而不是引起着手解决问题,那么就不完全是useful, (e.g. 私人教育基金会的主席侵吞捐款,人们关注事件的进展以及自己的捐款,却忽略了捐款的用途以及需要捐款的学生PS:纯属瞎编,如有雷同,请参见北美)
5.       同时过于关注丑闻,反而会忽视掉其他更重要的社会问题
6.       有时候一些居心叵测的人会利用假丑闻来进行诽谤,这样不仅影响了被诽谤的人,同时也影响了社会(e.g.一些杂志整天制造明星的性丑闻,不仅影响了明星,同时也起来反面影响 ,败坏了社会风气)
7.       结论

    Nowadays, it is unsurprising that scandals hit the headlines in newspaper one after another, and therefore strongly call the public attention on some problems in such ways that no speaker or reformer ever could succeed. Scandals effectively direct the public attention; however, it might be a two-edged sword to our society.
    Scandals can effectively and rapidly call the public attention to some famous whose behaviors lack moral sensitivities, disobey academic practices, or even breach legal regulations. As its function contribute directly to exposing such underground problems, scandals cannot help but serve to publicize the morality and legality, as well as supervise such sensitivities in politics, academia, or other areas. Consider, for example, the Watergate scandal caused Nixon’s resignation in his presidential term. Early in the scandal Nixon extremely denied that he has any association with the event. However, with the retrospection, the scandal set into motion a series of underground events which involved violations in law, and eventually help the investigations show that Nixon conducted such violations personally. In this case, without the scandal’s contribution, the public cannot realized that Nixon have violated the national legislation. It is entirely possible that Nixon’s “success” can arouse a set of such violations in politics, and, therefore, violate the democratic principles such as equity and fairness.
    Moreover, the masses have more interest in scandals far outweigh the speakers or reformers’ preachments. Perhaps people are mostly innate to pay heed to someone’s secretes curiously. No speaker or reformer could satisfy the need and the public might therefore disregard the preachments. However, scandals can concentrate the public attention in underground events which the masses would like to see the truth passionately. For instance, a well-known speaker contributes his lifetime to publicize democratic valuable principles while a scandal exerts the same even higher effect on the masses just for one night. Accordingly, it is indisputable that scandals play a considerable role in scrutiny of behaviors in many areas.
    On the other hand, if the scandals concentrate the public attention exteriorly on some problems yet actually do not help solve the problem, they can not be “useful”. In some cases the scandals might mislead the public attention. For example, a civil education foundation in my community was exposed that its executive appropriates the funds from donators to pay for his house’s installment. This scandal sparked almost all the residents’ attention to the progress of the event. All people, myself included, mostly talked about the executive’s immoral behavior and just considered the event as a corruption. And the scandal eventually resulted merely in another resignation, however, it irresponsibly misled our attention - we overlook the fact that many students who came from poverty families urgently need the funds to afford their education and we should donate our spare money to help them so as to maximally reduce the scandal’s effect on them. Moreover, the scandals excessively calling the public attention might distract the masses from other far more important problems. Consider the mislead of the scandal in the above example, it was not only blinded to helping the children from poverty families obtain education, but also distract the public attention from other significant problems, such as the crime and traffic jam in community, which was hit off the headlines in local newspaper during the scandal.
    Besides, the masses might not be able to distinguish whether the scandal is true or faked. So, the fabricated scandals, more often than not, can serve someone’s crook intensions such as calumny and agitation. For supporting examples, one needs look no further than a magazine towards celebrities’ news. There are endless sexual “scandals” in such magazines that some journalists and editors fabricate them to meet the masses’ curiosity in famous ones’ private lives. Although the fakers attain their crook intensions, they not merely exert harmful effects on the famous, but irresponsibly violate the social moral sensitivities upon which any morality-driven society depends. Therefore, it is totally a waste to the public attention- at the expense of our time, energy, and money, and such “scandals” might contrarily do harm to society whether they are real scandals or not.
    In sum, the scandals can serve the concentration of the public attention effectively and rapidly on important problems while no speaker or reformer ever could. Nevertheless, only when scandals focus the public attention properly, morally, and legally, will they work more benefit than harm to society.

作者: aggie_agatha    时间: 2007-2-27 23:22:37


作者: vanlucker    时间: 2007-2-28 14:32:30

Thx a lot~

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