
标题: argument220 求拍for iq28 [打印本页]

作者: freeatom    时间: 2007-4-3 19:53:48     标题: argument220 求拍for iq28

TOPIC: ARGUMENT220 - The following appeared in an article in a magazine for writers.

"A recent study showed that in describing a typical day's conversation, people make an average of 23 references to watching television and only 1 reference to reading fiction. This result suggests that, compared with the television industry, the publishing and bookselling industries are likely to decline in profitability. Therefore, people who wish to have careers as writers should acquire training and experience in writing for television rather than for print media."


Based on the results of the survey, the author assert that people who wish to have careers as writers should acquire training and experience in writing for TV rather than for print media. The argument seems reasonable to some extent, however there are several flaws in the argument render it unconvincing as it stands.

To begin with, the mere evident of the result of the survey is scant to prove that people watch more TV than the print media. Fictions can not stand for other print media like books, newspapers and magazines. It is possible that people in the survey mention newspapers and magazines more than that of TV. Even if people mention all these little, it is does not say that people care about them less. As we all know, when have a conversion, people always like to talk about something interesting. And in the TV we can always see such interesting program which can be talked, especially those soup TV and those of the news about the stars .Whereas in fiction we do not much interesting things than that of the TV. As a result, people will talk about the TV more than talk about the fiction.

Even if people watch more TV than the print media, it is not means that the publishing and bookselling industries will decline in profitability. As TV has been popular for many years, it is possible that people who now read are not likely to give up reading as they may have high fidelity to reading. So the number of people who read will not reduce in the future, whereas as the development of the other media such as the Internet those who watch TV may turn to watch on the Internet. If true than the profitability of the TV industry will decrease and that of publishing and bookselling industries may remain the same.

Even if the publishing and bookselling industries are likely to decline in profitability, the author's conclusion that people who wish to have careers as writers should acquire training and experience in writing for TV rather than for print media is premature. As writing for TV is quiet different from writing for print media. Maybe writing for TV can gain more money, but not all the writers are care about the money, many of them treat writing as an art. To an artist, the freedom is more important for a good artistic work. Writing for TV restrict more than the print media. Moreover, many stories are first write for the print media then they adapt to TV.

In sum, the argument is logically flawed. To bolster it the author has to provide more information that people begin to pay more attention on TV than on the print media and the profitability of publishing and bookselling industries are decline because of this.

[ 本帖最后由 freeatom 于 2007-4-3 22:49 编辑 ]
作者: iq28    时间: 2007-4-4 01:56:17

Based on the results of the survey, the author assert that people who wish to have careers as writers should acquire training and experience in writing for TV rather than for print media. The argument seems reasonable to some extent, however there are several flaws in the argument render it unconvincing as it stands.

To begin with, the mere evident (上来就是一个词性错误) of the result of the survey is scant to prove that people watch more TV than the print media. Fictions can not stand for other print media like books, newspapers and magazines. It is possible that people in the survey mention newspapers and magazines more than that of TV. (攻击的本身还是不错的.不过我还是觉得相比较而言,更大的错误是谈论不等于关注.把顺序换一下吧) Even if people mention all these little, it is does not say that people care about them less. (转接清楚而流畅) As we all know, when have (句法) a conversion, people always like to talk about something interesting. And in the TV we can always see such interesting program which can be talked, especially those soup TV and those of the news about the stars. Whereas in fiction we do not much interesting things than that of the TV. (首先句法又有问题.还有不要说书没意思,变相支持了书不受欢迎.讲成书籍里面的内容可能更适合一个人独自思考品位更好点) As a result, people will talk about the TV more than talk about the fiction.

Even if people watch more TV than the print media, it is not means that the publishing and bookselling industries will decline in profitability. (关键的ts写得都很清楚流畅.不错) As TV has been popular for many years, (不明白跟下一句话之间的关系在何) it is possible that people who now read are not likely to give up reading as they may have high fidelity to reading. (直接就说看书比看电视少并不等于看书的人正在减少不是更加清楚) So the number of people who read will not reduce in the future, whereas as the development of the other media such as the Internet those who watch TV may turn to watch on the Internet. (句法混乱,句意不清,不明白怎么又要扯上internet) (无语.原来看你ts以为你只是攻击出版物的利润,没想到不知不觉你又开始攻击电视的利润了.乱) If true than the profitability of the TV industry will decrease and that of publishing and bookselling industries may remain the same.

Even if the publishing and bookselling industries are likely to decline in profitability, (到了这里似乎又把前面对于电视利润的攻击忘得一干二净) the author's conclusion that people who wish to have careers as writers should acquire training and experience in writing for TV rather than for print media is premature. As writing for TV is quiet different from writing for print media. (无语了.茫茫多的句法错误.) Maybe writing for TV can gain more money, but not all the writers are care about the money, (反例过于无厘头了.主流攻击点是电视赚钱多不代表为电视写稿子的人赚钱多.) many of them treat writing as an art. To an artist, the freedom is more important for a good artistic work. Writing for TV restrict more than the print media. Moreover, many stories are first write for the print media then they adapt to TV. (没头没脑的一句)

In sum, the argument is logically flawed. To bolster it the author has to provide more information that people begin to pay more attention on TV than on the print media and the profitability of publishing and bookselling industries are decline because of this.

作者: ILOVEISSUE    时间: 2007-4-4 01:58:50

作者: iq28    时间: 2007-4-4 02:01:04

原帖由 ILOVEISSUE 于 2007-4-4 01:58 发表

作者: freeatom    时间: 2007-4-4 08:26:15


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