好啊,我也正愁没找着JD呢,小女07本科毕业,申到MSU, full tuition scholarship. 30号下午一签北京过了,等了近两个小时,与VO交谈不到一分钟,过了,上来发下签经,希望能有点用。祝各位飞友都好运啊!!注:选同城邮寄签证和护照的,要带三十元;存包要十元。
Me: good afternoon,sir!
VO: good afternoon, so you study in law school?
Me: yeach, i am studying in ####
VO: can i have your transcripts?
Me: sure, here you are"
VO: what are you going to do in USA
Me: i am going to study #### program in ####
VO: how do you pay for you fees?
Me: well, the school offers me the full tuition scholarship and my family will help me cover my living expenses
VO: oh, can i have the offer letter?
Me: sure, here you are"
VO: congratulations, it's really hard to get such a scholarship
Me: oh thank you very much" (just waiting...)给了个条
VO: ok, you got the visa"(八成觉察到我恍惚的状态)
Me: thank you"
VO: bye bye作者: jiajun 时间: 2007-5-1 17:59:18