2.父母工作证明(单位开的中文的,自己翻译的unofficial的英文的,钉在一起,也可以不翻译,我觉得沈阳的VO中文都挺厉害的)开个证明证实一下由于父母工作、收入稳定, 所以他们以后不会去美国(还是比较牵强,嘎嘎),而且如果我以后得不到奖学金的话他们有能力资助我。证明要用有单位抬头的纸打印出来,签上领导的名字。我爸妈的单位只给开中文的,我就自己翻译了一份英文的,用普通白纸打印,与原件钉在一起,给VO做参考。也可以拿着中文的去公证处去公证,可以得到official的英文版,但据说现在VO很不信公证了,所以我没去花那冤枉钱。关于模板,我的是这样的:工作及收入证明 兹证明XXX(男,生于XXX)从XXX至今工作于XXX。在此期间,他一直担XXX一职。根据XX财政科的记录,XXX在XXX工作期间的收入情况如下(单位:人民币/元): 年薪:奖金(税后):津贴:总计: 以上说明均属事实。 证明人:联系电话:日期: CERTIFICATE OF EMPLOY AND INCOME This is to certify that XXX(male, born on XXX) was employed by ****** from XXX to present. During this period XXX is appointed as XXX. According to recordsof personal income kept by the financial department of **** the details of XXX’s annual income during this period are listed as follows (unit: RMB/Yuan). Annual salary:Allowance for post:Bonus:Total: This is to certify the authenticity of all listed above. Certifier:Tel:Date:
6.本科毕业证书 (原件)
7.学生证、学生卡 (带上,以防万一)
1.我的papers 基本没用,他估计也没心情看你的paper
2.CV 就是把申请的时的CV带上了 (注意,如果要了你的CV,就有很大可能要CHECK你了)
3.归国计划我写的是career plan。包括: why this major, why graduate study, why this university and plan after graduation。准备一下吧,顺便可以想一下很多问题的答案。
Glassboy(真的粉帅的说):Hi~ (Smile)
Me: Nice to meet you, sir. (Big small)
GB: What is your name?
Me: My name is Jing GG.
GB: So you will go to USA for your PHD degree, what is your research topic?
Me: It is …….., that is one of my future advisor's research fields.
GB: Who will pay for your fee?
Me: University of ……..,…….. I got a full fellowship.
GB: OK~ (Smile) Can you show me your G & T scores?
Me: Sure. Here u r, sir.
GB: Your scores are excellent~
(我挺汗颜的,也就GV是excellent, 不过大家的GV估计都excellent)
Me: Thank you~! (Big smile)
GB: So, Mr.Jing GG there is no problem of your visa! Congratulations!
Have a good trip to the United States!
Me: Thank you~ Have a nice day! Bye bye~
GB: Bye bye~ Have a great day!