
标题: 5/31,4000,广州,跨区,换专业,过!!!(附前三次签经) [打印本页]

作者: 微粒    时间: 2007-6-13 16:28:59     标题: 5/31,4000,广州,跨区,换专业,过!!!(附前三次签经)



ME: Morning Madam

VO: Morning put your left index finger on it, then the right.


VO: Don’t be nervous, I am very nice.

VO: Ok, so you gonna to UC-Berkeley to study Landscape Architecture.

ME: Yes

VO: Interesting.

VOWhat is your undergraduate major?

ME: Also Landscape Architecture.

VO: (I-20) This is a 30 months program.

ME: No, it is a 2 years program.

VO: How much money you will pay for it one year?

ME: About $40,000 a year.

VO: Who will pay for it ?

ME: My parents.

VO: What are your parents?

ME: My dad is #########, and my mama is #########.

VO: What is their annual income?

ME: My dad’s annual income is about 100000 a year after tax, and my mama’s annual income is about 65,000 a year after tax.(爸爸其实还在其他单位任职,只是但是觉得这个收入应该已经够了,就只开了他主要单位的收入证明)

VO: 边听边用笔计算

VO: (看收入证明)So your parents’ annual salary is only 1/21/3 the total cost of your study in US.

ME: But they have worked for so many years and my family has enough saving to support my study.

VO: (快速翻看存款证明,并在计算数字)#########?

ME: Pardon?

VO: 存折(VO 用中文)

ME: (顿时傻了,原来觉得带存款证明就行了,存折放家里没带来上海) Sorry , I do not take my back books with meBut I have taken the certificate of the houses of my family. Would you like to see it?

VO: (没理我)


VO: Sorry, I can not give you the visa for I do not believe you can offer the money.



Me: Good morning, Madam.

VO: Put your left index finger on the light, then the right.


Me: Madam, this my second time to be here and this time I have a big change.

VO: Why you go to American.

Me: I am going to UC-Berkeley to pursue a master degree in Landscape Architecture. My research is about the application of landscape in the construction of modern cities. It is mainly by understanding the natural features of landscape while analyzing the social and economical aspects of cities to create high quality living environment. I bring my design portfolio with me ,would you like to see it?

VO: How much money you will pay for one year study.

Me: about $41,000 a year

VO: Show me your bank deposits.

拿出asset list, 存款证明,存单存折以及对应的利息清单和交易回执。

Me: Last time my visa was rejected because of two problems about the money. One is the visa officer did not believe that my family has enough money. The other is my failure to bring the bank books along with me made the visa officer do not believe on the history records of my parents’ savings. This time, I prepare 1million RMB accompanied with bank books and other materials to show that my family has strong financial ability.

VO只看了一下asset list 和存款证明上存款的日期,然后一直在看电脑,随手翻了翻下面的存折和利息清单,基本没停留仔细看。

Me: last time I only brought a small portion of my family’s deposit which I have thought was enough to cover my one year study expenses. This time, I also bring along with me more bank deposits available for my education. The bankbooks, deposit receipts of saving, historical interest receipts and personal banking business voucher can prove the money’s history.

VO: Most of you deposits are in 2005 and 2006.

Me: but you can see these deposits all have clear history records.


VO: what your parents do?

ME: My father is #### and my mother is #####, in addition, my dad also works as financial consult for two other companies. So their total annual income amount to 360,000, so money is absolutely not a burden for my family.


Most of you deposits are in 2005 and 2006. I don’t think you can pay for your study.

Me: These history records can show that my family’s saving has a long history.







我交了表之后就坐在等候区等,不久就被叫到名字到4号窗口按指纹,然后貌似美国人的按指纹小米,就告诉我到8号窗口排队等候签证。我排的这队是黑人glass boy,看起来很kind, 7号窗口一直皱着眉头的美国白人签证官相比让人放心得多。我前面的几个都是签探亲的大爷大妈,差不多有一大半被据了,不过签证官的态度一直很好,资料也要得比较多,考虑也比较细致。我有感觉,就凭我材料准备那么充分,我一定可以过。前面一对老夫妇丈夫拿到签证而妻子被据了,他们走之后就到我上了。

Me: Good morning, Sir.
VO: Morning.
Me: This is my forth visa application, I have so many big changes.(因为去年是因为钱的问题被据,电脑里也留下了我在这方面很不好的历史记录,所以决定一上去就先主动解决这个问题,让签证管重新审视我)
VO: What are you going to do in US?(签证官转移问题,没有让我有机会继续把change说下去)
Me: I am going to Washington University to pursue my master degree in Urban Desing. It is a combination of both architecture and landscape architecture.
VO: The one in Seattle
Me: 没听清楚,装作很困惑的样子
VO: In Seattle
Me: No, in St.Louis
VO: Do you have admission letter from the university.
Me: Yes. AD letter(后面订有offer letter) 给他,顺手把放在一起的supporting letter 和我自己做的比较漂亮的彩色resume也一起拿在手上。
VO: 仔细看我的AD
Me: 因为怕VO觉得我转专业,所以见VO看东西不说话,我就主动向他解释我的专业问题Sir, how do you think about the urban environment in Guangzhou city? (觉得单跟他解释我的专业比较抽象,所以打算用他比较熟悉的环境来引入这个问题)
VO: (开始笑),原话我记不清楚了,大概就是说这是你的visa application,我是签证官,应该是我向你提问题。
Me: I also have supporting letter and resume. They can help you understand me. (拿着这两样东西在玻璃前晃,签证官看到了问我要。我个人觉得我的resume还是个比较有优势的材料,里面穿插了我做设计的图,让人一看就知道我的设计背景,所以签证官后来也没有问我要本科的学位证书或者成绩单。我的supporting letter 上关于专业名称的东西也用荧光笔highlight出来。)
VO: (指着我的I-20上说)You still need to pay $40,000, who will support you study.
Me: My parents. (asset list, 存折,存单原件全部拿出来,递给签证官)
VO: (看我的assetlist), what you parents do?
Me:(把爸爸的任命书,爸妈的工作证明,名片全部递给签证官,开始说)My father is XXXXXXX, my mother isXXXXXXX. Their total annual income amouts toXXXX. So, money is not a problem for my family. My family also have so other stock investment and real states………
Me: (把一本家里去银行打出来的以前的交易记录立在玻璃窗前晃) All my family’s money have very clear bank history, as early as 2000.
VO: (没问我要历史记录,但是我举着说的时候他抬头看了,所以应该是默认了我家存款的历史记录)
我巨紧张,看他不说话了赶紧说我的回国计划,但是三次都被他做个安静的手势阻止,所以我什么也没说成。他打完电脑后就跟我说了两句话,前一句是什么我没听清楚,但是后一句话是叫我去外面邮局办理邮寄业务,并撕了蓝条给我。我愣住了,有点不相信是真的,没再看签证官,眼睛直直地盯着他手上的蓝条。等一拿到蓝条就赶快说了一声Thank you, Sir,抱着一大堆材料到旁边去整理,连I-20被收走了都不知道。直到后来在办理邮寄业务的时候才想起没拿I-20,赶紧问了两个F1,她们也都说被收走了,我这才放心。



[ 本帖最后由 微粒 于 2007-6-15 00:08 编辑 ]
作者: limolan    时间: 2007-6-13 16:42:40

作者: 微粒    时间: 2007-6-13 16:53:32

作者: hellogritty    时间: 2007-6-13 17:11:38


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