我能拿个UMelb的fee remission就满足了,呵呵
UMelb的EE系导师全都没fund,"the situation in our department is that the students are supported by the scholarships, not from the professors",听到这句话心都凉了半截:funk:
NICTA scholarship开始评了,我估计自己希望不大,唉~~~作者: caiyy 时间: 2007-7-6 20:33:56
如果导师要你写rp有可能是看看你的基本功和研究水平,也有可能是想用你的idea去申请课题。个人认为不需要把RP的内容写得太多太细,除非导师确定要你了。一个浪费时间,再一个如果导师不要你了,你的RP基本就废了。建议你先申请,拿到offer了再专心套奖学金。另外,UMelb的EE系可以不用套导师(当然适当套套也好,有可能会有惊喜,比如导师的权利大,可以帮你强力推荐iprs等等,但是我没遇到),因为所有的人都是去了再决定你的未来导师是谁。如果你在申请时没有写导师,Offer上会事先给你指定一个Supervisor,你也完全可以不跟他, it's ok. Becoz your scholarship is given by the university or school, not by your potential supervisor.
最关键的,be careful of the deadline for scholarships。你随时可以申请,但是学校的建议是越早越好,这样你就有机会申请更多的奖学金。Don't just wait for your pubishment of paper, your RP, your final degree, anything, or you'll miss some precious chance. Also, don't be afraid that you cannot get an offer. If you are forseen to obtain something(like degree, paper), you can provide them as supplementary later when you have them.作者: rainfar 时间: 2007-7-11 11:34:08