
标题: issue36 『勇往直前小组』第一次作业linshao [打印本页]

作者: linshao    时间: 2007-7-20 22:58:56     标题: issue36 『勇往直前小组』第一次作业linshao

题目:ISSUE36 - "The greatness of individuals can be decided only by those who live after them, not by their contemporaries."
字数:526          用时:上午 01:46:04          日期:2007-7-20
2.对比牛顿(Newton)和哥白尼(Copernicus), 达芬奇(Da Vinci)和梵高 (Van Gogh),比尔盖茨(Bill Gates)和其他电脑专家,呼应首段观点;
4.就艺术领域具体分析达芬奇(Da Vinci)和梵高 (Van Gogh)为什么会有不同的命运;

The speaker asserts that a person's greatness can be recognized only by those who live after this person. In my view the speaker unfairly generalizes. There are so many great individuals who were accepted by their contemporaries, but others not.

Newton settled his greatness in his early time, while Copernicus wrote his theory secretly ,and concealed his work until one year before his death; Da Vinci is the most famous artists for his great talent in many aspects, and he was appreciated by the contemporaries, while Van Gogh who was regarded as a gifted painter, until his death, he sold only one of his works; Bill Gates, the organizer of the Microsoft as the one of the greatness men in our society, while many other computer experts and merchants who might be considered as great as Gates in the future, remain unrenowned. The incubation period for greatness varies from case to case.

In the realm of science, why Copernicus was not success in his life time? The theory of heliocentric contradicted to the idea of the powerful authorities-the religion group, and would cause a great change in people's mind especially affecting the benefit of authorities. Therefore, he could only write in a secret place because of the suppression of authorities, and thus his theory could not be reached by the contemporaries. That is the reason why his is unfamous in that era. As Newton, his theory was not contradict to the benefit of upper-class, and had no negative influence on someone's benefit, then his theory become popular and well-knows, the appraisement to him did be justice. From these, we can conclude that people whose contribution can be showed in his era would get a fair evaluation.

When it comes to the arts, it is the same case. In the Renaissance, because of the requirement of religion, many artists had great achievement. The good political environment made them showing their talent enthusiastically. Da Vinci, who was regarded as a genius among the people that time. But Van Gogh, who lived in the end of 19th century, the postimpressionism is not appreciated by the normal people and many critics, so the achievement of him was not accepted by the people that time. Not only for Van Gogh, but also for all the postimpressionists, including his teacher Paul Gauguin. For the advanced concept of painting based on color, this way was too harder to be accepted in that era, thus Van Gogh's failure is understandable. So, we can be informed from these examples: if people's theory or work are useless to the contemporaries, especially whose concepts are too advanced, the destiny  that they will not be recognized in his own period is inevitable.

In sum, the speaker overlooks many great individuals whose achievements were broadly recognized as great even during their own time. To those who have made great influence on contemporary people's lives as Bill Gates, the appraisement to him will be great in their life time, but others whose ideas contradict to the authorities or government, and those whose works are too hard to be recognized, they will be difficult to be regarded as great in their own era.
作者: linshao    时间: 2007-7-20 22:59:29

ISSUE10 - "Governments must ensure that their major cities receive the financial support they need in order to thrive, because it is primarily in cities that a nation's cultural traditions are preserved and generated."
1、  城市更应当被看作是各个民族相互交流和了解的舞台,而不是作为文明的发源地。尽管,各个民族的发源地并不相同,有的在rural area有的则在大城市,但是大城市作为经济和政治发展的中心,各个民族和文化都汇聚于此,因此已经很难作为文明的发源地而予以保护了。
2、  相比之下,政府应当投入更多的精力和资金在rural area因为那里交通相对落后,人们对外交流有限,所以能够保留相对完整的习俗和传统。此外,那里的经济相对不发达,政府通过资助是那里的文明作为paradigm保留下来,不光能够带动那里的经济,也能够将本国的文化延续下去。
3、  Rural area和城市都应当在保留文明和传统中发挥重要作用。城市是舞台,rural area是源头和保留地。欠发达地区是文化的源头,大城市是文化的大海,两者都很重要:政府要从经济中心的角度去建设大城市,而不是直接的物质援助;要从保护文化传统的角度去直接支援欠发达地区,并鼓励他们走上大舞台。

ISSUE28 - "Students should memorize facts only after they have studied the ideas, trends, and concepts that help explain those facts. Students who have learned only facts have learned very little."
1.         多数的事实背后都隐藏有比事实本身更有价值的原理。比如,当需要学生了解一个他们从未接触过的文化时,让他们了解这个文化的起源、历史以及背景,比起让他们背诵包含在这个文化里的各种复杂的名词重要的多,因为前者不光能够让学生们更深入的理解这个文化中的各种概念,更重要的是,学生们在以后碰到其他的文化时,也能够运用所学到的原理进行分析和理解。此外,许多事实相对乏味,而这些事实背后的故事和轶事则更能激发学生的学习积极性。
2.         在教育中强调理解,并不意味着学生不需要记忆任何名词和概念,而是通过让学生们了解概念的背景帮助他们记忆。对于需要在未来的世界里运用他们所学的知识来谋生的大部分学生来说,只有记住许多事实和概念,他们才能够更熟练的运用和操纵他们学到的知识。比如说,如果学生们记不住乘法表(multiplication table),即便是他们理解了乘法的基本原理,他们仍旧无法熟练的进行乘法计算(multiplicative calculation)。此外,许多的传统和道德观念是需要在早期教育中需要学生不断记忆的,因为那时的学生还很小,他们不可能理解过深的道理,但是道德观念却需要在很小的时候就灌输给学生,这时候就需要让学生记忆这些准则,以便于克服人类本质上的不良方面。
3.         先理解在记忆的方式是目前最佳的教育方法之一。一方面,过度强调理解会导致学生忽视概念和事实的重要性,并可能最终导致当他们未来无法熟练的运用他们所学的知识;另一方面,过分注重记忆,又会让学生对学习失去兴趣,并失去解决未知问题的能力。所以,通过理解让学生进行记忆,之后通过记忆来加深学生的理解,是最佳的教育方法之一。

ISSUE46 - "While some leaders in government, sports, industry, and other areas attribute their success to a well-developed sense of competition, a society can better prepare its young people for leadership by instilling in them a sense of cooperation."


1、  随着技术的发展,社会越来越复杂,因此越来越多的社会问题需要通过合作而不是竞争来解决,因此合作对于未来的领导来说是首要的精神。
2、  培养学生合作精神能够让他们更容易接受不同的观点,而且乐于了解不同的文化和知识,有利于学生们在全球化趋势的今天成长城为未来的领导
3、  此外,未来的领导人需要领导一个团队,而不是个人,因此合作精神能够让学生们更容易成长成为一个团队的领导。

ISSUE142 - "The well-being of a society is enhanced when many of its people question authority."
1、  人们在了解和思考了权威的观点之后质疑权威,对社会繁荣是有帮助的;
2、  即便是人们在一开始不了解观点的背景和详细信息,但是通过质疑和讨论也能够提高人们的思维能力,有利于社会的繁荣;
3、  但是,过度的强调质疑权威可能造成不好的影响,比如政府和权威的号召以及政策不能够及时地得到执行,并可能引起社会动荡;
4、  正确的态度应当是理性的思考权威提出的观点,一方面,不盲信,另一方面,要学会吸收其中的精华。

[ 本帖最后由 linshao 于 2007-7-20 23:18 编辑 ]
作者: 高加索    时间: 2007-7-21 14:04:15


The speaker asserts that a person's greatness can be recognized only by those who live after this person. In my view the speaker unfairly generalizes. There are so many great individuals who were accepted by their contemporaries, but(用while好些?) others not.

Newton settled his greatness in his early time, while Copernicus wrote his theory secretly ,and concealed his work until one year before his death; Da Vinci is the most famous artists for his great talent in many aspects, and he was appreciated by the contemporaries, while Van Gogh who was regarded as a gifted painter, until his death, he sold only one of his works; Bill Gates, the organizer of the Microsoft as the one of the greatness men in our society, while many other computer experts and merchants who might be considered as great as Gates in the future, remain unrenowned. The incubation period for greatness varies from case to case.

In the realm of science, why Copernicus was not successful in his life time? The theory of heliocentric contradicted to the idea of the powerful authorities-the religion group, and would cause a great change in people's mind especially affecting the benefit of authorities. Therefore, he could only write in a secret place because of the suppression of authorities, and thus his theory could not be reached by the contemporaries. That is the reason why his is unfamous in that era(应该还是挺famous,都被教会拿来当反面典型了,呵呵,说他的伟大没被人承认就好吧). As Newton, his theory was not contradict to the benefit of upper-class, and had no negative influence on someone's benefit, then his theory become popular and well-knows, the appraisement to him did be justice. From these, we can conclude that people whose contribution can be showed in his era would get a fair evaluation.

When it comes to the arts, it is the same case. In the Renaissance, because of the requirement of religion, many artists had great achievement. The good political environment made them showing their talent enthusiastically. Da Vinci, who was regarded as a genius among the people that time. But Van Gogh, who lived in the end of 19th century, the postimpressionism is not appreciated by the normal people and many critics, so the achievement of him was not accepted by the people that time. Not only for Van Gogh, but also for all the postimpressionists, including his teacher Paul Gauguin. For the advanced concept of painting based on color, this way was too harder to be accepted in that era, thus Van Gogh's failure is understandable. So, we can be informed from these examples: if people's theory or work are useless to the contemporaries, especially whose concepts are too advanced, the destiny  that they will not be recognized in his own period is inevitable.

In sum, the speaker overlooks many great individuals whose achievements were broadly recognized as great even during their own time. To those who have made great influence on contemporary people's lives as Bill Gates, the appraisement to him will be great in their life time, but others whose ideas contradict to the authorities or government, and those whose works are too hard to be recognized, they will be difficult to be regarded as great in their own era.



p.s  狂赞你的提纲,太详细了
作者: linshao    时间: 2007-7-21 19:02:19

作者: strontium023    时间: 2007-7-21 19:14:06

The speaker asserts that a person's greatness can be recognized only by those who live after this person. In my view the speaker unfairly generalizes. There are so many great individuals who were accepted by their contemporaries, but others not.(开头很鲜明的提出了自己的观点)

Newton settled his greatness in his early time, while Copernicus wrote his theory secretly ,and concealed his work until one year before his death; Da Vinci is the most famous artists for his great talent in many aspects, and he was appreciated by the contemporaries, while Van Gogh who was regarded as a gifted painter, until his death, he sold only one of his works; Bill Gates, the organizer of the Microsoft as (去the)one of the greatness men in our society, while many other computer experts and merchants who might be considered as great as Gates in the future, remain unrenowned. The incubation period for greatness varies from case to case.(本段用排比及对比这种形式用得不错,科学家和画家的对比很工整,如果后面能够想一个和Gates对的上的例子会更好,或者不妨用两个音乐家的例子)

In the realm of science, why Copernicus was not success in his life time? The theory of heliocentric contradicted to the idea of the powerful authorities-the religion group, and would cause a great change in people's mind especially affecting the benefit of authorities. Therefore, he could only write in a secret place because of the suppression of authorities, and thus his theory could not be reached(?) by the contemporaries. That is the reason why his is unfamous in that era. (可以加一个对比的转折词,如however)As Newton, his theory was not contradict to the benefit of upper-class, and had no negative influence on someone's benefit, then his theory become popular and well-knows, the appraisement to him did be justice. From these, we can conclude that people whose contribution can be showed in his era would get a fair evaluation.(这段给我的感觉是作者想对比说明C和N一个被当时的人接受,一个不被当时的人接受,是因为外界环境因素,比如当时的政治环境。而作者的总结似乎和前文联系不太紧密。主要没说清楚why)

When it comes to the arts, it is the same case. In the Renaissance, because of the requirement of religion, many artists had great achievement. The good political environment made them showing their talent enthusiastically.(该句貌似一个承上启下的句子,但对于上段已有结尾来说,显得太累赘,而该句与下文着实没什么太大的联系,) Da Vinci, who was regarded as a genius among the people that time. But Van Gogh, who lived in the end of 19th century, the postimpressionism is not appreciated by the normal people and many critics, so the achievement of him was not accepted by the people that time. Not only for Van Gogh, but also for all the postimpressionists, including his teacher Paul Gauguin. For the advanced concept of painting based on color, this way was too harder to be accepted in that era, thus Van Gogh's failure is understandable. So, we can be informed from these examples: if people's theory or work are useless to the contemporaries, especially whose concepts are too advanced, the destiny  that they will not be recognized in his own period is inevitable.(另一个总结,不被当时代人接受的思想将的人将不会被当时的人认为伟大。)

In sum, the speaker overlooks many great individuals whose achievements were broadly recognized as great even during their own time. To those who have made great influence on contemporary people's lives as Bill Gates, the appraisement to him will be great in their(his) life time, but others whose ideas contradict to the authorities or government, and those whose works are too hard to be recognized, they will be difficult to be regarded as great in their own era.
作者: linshao    时间: 2007-7-23 00:54:10     标题: 回复 #5 strontium023 的帖子

谢谢 strontium023 !

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