
标题: issue38 【勇往直前】第二春 [打印本页]

作者: norns    时间: 2007-7-21 20:43:45     标题: issue38 【勇往直前】第二春

issue 38

When television gradually becomes an indispensable part of our life, can we simply assert that the function of books will be replaced by the television? I tend to hold a negative view. Although televised program benefits us a lot, when it comes to learning, it cannot simply be the substitution of books.

Admittedly, as a means of imparting knowledge, television has its priority when it comes to certain respects of learning.
Its innate feature enables it conveying more vivid information while illustrating, which makes the learning of respects such as art, geography far more efficient than the traditional means. For example, no matter how skillful a journalist is, it may be beyond his ability to give his readers a exact impression on a painting; however, a child who've managed using video camera can easily display the same painting on TV set-even with little difficulty. What's more, since the world is becoming a more eventful place; it could be an onerous job for us to record all the news in the written form. Undoubtedly, in these respects, televised program does provided us an energy-saving alternative and facilitates the progress of learning.

  However, the books are far- more good than television when it comes to learning. There're mainly three reasons that makes me state so. Firstly, considering the inherent nature of the two kinds, televised program has its inefficiency. As a means of learning and entertainment, the passive nature of television has raised a series of problems, among which the most serious one is the so-called TV addiction. Just like drugs and alcohol can give people great 'relief', by sitting before the television and turning on the switch, one has to do nothing but enjoy the mental relax, during which time all the worries and anxieties about the reality have been diluted. Such a process can severely resist a person from any endeavors. If televised program have majored our means of learning, then we are justifiable to worry that, to what extent will its disadvantages affect us? On the contrary, a book can never be involved in such worries. More likely, it serves as an active job when it comes to learning, which effective thinking is highly required. Even in the course of reading a novel, one has to keep his mind active to imagine the scene described by the author, not to mention reading some abstruse works by great scientist. If we compare the function of television to riding in a car, which you needn't to do anything but expecting the destination, learning from books is more likely riding a bicycle-you can choose the path to get to the destination; you can control the speed; what's more, your body will be benefited from such a course.
    Secondly, from the historic view, the books cannot be easily substituted by television programmes. In ancient times, it is through books that the merits of our ancestor passed down from generation to generation. The mainstream of the cultural heritage that containing ancestors' wisdom are in the written form. For instance, in China, the Analects of the Confucius. is carried down in the written form. The uniqueness lying in such a process decides the mainstream of learning materials should be books. Any attempt to adapt such written form into another kinds of media, televised program for example, will undoubtedly ruin some original information carried in the books. Thus the historic function of books keeps written form the mainstream of learning.
Furthermore, if we pay more attention to the structures of our pyramids of knowledge, you'll find the decisive and the fundamental parts-our scientific knowledge, or our documents are all in written forms. For instance, in scientific area, thousand of papers and thesis are in written form; in the area of laws, the regulations and the code of each country are preserved in form of books. The information from all these domains constructs a huge data base. Even if we ignore the difficulties that translate all these written forms into televised programs; can you imagine how onerous and consuming the job is to get all these information in televised programs? Unless this task is completed, television can never take the place of study when it comes to study.

  In sum, whether from the nature of the two kinds, the perspective of history, or the constitution of the building of knowledge, books are functioning as the mainstream when it comes to learning, which can hardly be replaced by television.
作者: norns    时间: 2007-7-21 23:45:33

Issue 95(第4类个人与他人、整体、社会:频次32),235(第4类个人与他人、整体、社会:频次37),175(第4类个人与他人、整体、社会:频次22),93(第5类社会现象:频次46
95. "People work more productively in teams than individually. Teamwork requires cooperation, which motivates people much more than individual competition does." [34]
95. 与独自一人工作相比,人们在团队中工作要更有效率。团队里需要的合作能够比个人间的竞争更加地激励人们。

position   合作和竞争谁离不开谁,平衡论点
1.    admittedly 合作是满好滴,2 however, as the author 即使是合作中效率很高极大的促进了。。难道我们就能否定竞争在这个过程中发挥的作用吗?
3.in fact 我们是如此难以区分二者的作用,      
235. "Most people are taught that loyalty is a virtue. But loyalty—whether to one's friends, to one's school or place of employment, or to any institution—is all too often a destructive rather than a positive force."
235. 大多数人受到的教育是:忠诚是一种美德。但是,忠诚-无论对于朋友、学校、受雇单位或任何机构来说,往往都是一种有害而非积极的力量。

position: disagree
1.       admittedly loyalty sellout/defection can lead to benefits
2however, if we long term ,忠诚更好
3furthermore,背叛也许会带来物质享受,但是。detrimental effect of our mental world
4in addition 造成社会动荡

175. "It is always an individual who is the impetus for innovation; the details may be worked out by a team, but true innovation results from the enterprise and unique perception of an individual."
175. 往往是某个人推动了革新;革新的细节也许来自于一个团队的努力,但革新的实质部分却源于个人的进取心和独到的洞察力。

1、  没有人能够否认大多数的创新中个人都扮演着决定性的作用。爱迪生、比尔盖茨们的发现
2、  大量的宣传和报道夸大了个人的作用,让许多人认为大部分创新都是个人努力地结果

3事实上,合作与个人创新很难分清;call for a ballance. maybe breakthrough 是一个人的
但事实上有参考与借鉴(use for reference) Newton
. eg

结尾:Through the analysis above, we can find the 个人与合作,so complicated associated together when it comes to innovations, 。。

93. "The concept of 'individual responsibility' is a necessary fiction. Although societies must hold individuals accountable for their own actions, people's behavior is largely determined by forces not of their own making." [29]
93. “个人职责的概念是必要的编造。尽管社会必须要求个人对他们自身的行为负责任,

2 however, 在上面的例子中,如果我们dig one step further, in fact it is through

[ 本帖最后由 norns 于 2007-7-22 00:15 编辑 ]
作者: zhangjing106    时间: 2007-7-22 19:17:12

When television gradually becomes an indispensable part of our life, can we simply assert that the function of books will be replaced by the television? I tend to hold a negative view. Although televised program benefits us a lot, when it comes to learning, it cannot simply be the substitution of books.Admittedly, as a means of imparting knowledge, television has its priority when it comes to certain respects of learning.Its innate feature enables it conveying more vivid information while illustrating, which makes the learning of respects such as art, geography far more efficient than the traditional means. For example, no matter how skillful a journalist is, it may be beyond his ability to give his readers a exact impression on a painting; however, a child who've managed using video camera can easily display the same painting on TV set-even with little difficulty. What's more, since the world is becoming a more eventful place; it could be an onerous job for us to record all the news in the written form. Undoubtedly, in these respects, televised program does provided(provide) us an energy-saving alternative and facilitates the progress of learning.  However, the books are far- more good than television when it comes to learning. There're mainly three reasons that makes me state so. Firstly, considering the inherent nature of the two kinds, televised program has its inefficiency. As a means of learning and entertainment, the passive nature of television has raised a series of problems, among which the most serious one is the so-called TV addiction. Just like drugs and alcohol can give people great 'relief', by sitting before the television and turning on the switch, one has to do nothing but enjoy the mental relax, during which time all the worries and anxieties about the reality have been diluted. Such a process can severely resist a person from any endeavors. If televised program have majored our means of learning, then we are justifiable to worry that, to what extent will its disadvantages affect us? On the contrary, a book can never be involved in such worries. More likely, it serves as an active job when it comes to learning, which effective thinking is highly required. Even in the course of reading a novel, one has to keep his mind active to imagine the scene described by the author, not to mention reading some abstruse works by great scientist(scientists). If we compare the function of television to riding in a car, which you needn't to do anything but expecting the destination, learning from books is more likely riding a bicycle-you can choose the path to get to the destination; you can control the speed; what's more, your body will be benefited from such a course.(这一段写得好精彩咧,特别是最后的两个比喻)    Secondly, from the historic view, the books cannot be easily substituted by television programmes. In ancient times, it is through books that the merits of our ancestor passed down from generation to generationanother. The mainstream of the cultural heritage that containing ancestors' wisdom are in the written formforms. For instance, in China, the Analects of the Confucius. is carried down in the written form. The uniqueness lying in such a process decides the mainstream of learning materials should be books. Any attempt to adapt such written form into another kinds of media, televised program for example, will undoubtedly ruin some original information carried in the books. Thus the historic function of books keeps written form the mainstream of learning.(这一段的意思我没看的太明白,我底子差,抱歉哈,呵呵)Furthermore, if we pay more attention to the structures of our pyramids of knowledge, you'll find the decisive and the fundamental parts-our scientific knowledge, or our documents are all in written forms. For instance, in scientific area, thousand of papers and thesis are in written form; in the area of laws, the regulations and the code of each country are preserved in form of books. The information from all these domains constructs a huge data base. Even if we ignore the difficulties that translate all these written forms into televised programs; can you imagine how onerous and consuming the job is to get all these information in televised programs? Unless this task is completed, television can never take the place of study when it comes to study.(这一段的事实例证方法也很好。)  In sum, whether from the nature of the two kinds, the perspective of history, or the constitution of the building of knowledge, books are functioning as the mainstream when it comes to learning, which can hardly be replaced by television.

1、 写得好好!我好羡慕的
2、  在例证方面和语言组织方面毫无问题,例子用的很好,特别是比喻
3、  唯一就是Secondly这一段我没看太明白,不过字数也够多了,删去这一段也行
作者: woodman    时间: 2007-7-24 18:37:37

When television gradually becomes an indispensable part ofour life, can we simply assert that the function of books will be replaced bythe television? I tend to hold a negative view. Although televised programbenefits us a lot, when it comes to learning, it cannot simply be thesubstitution of books.  开头很出彩,呵呵,学习ing

Admittedly, as a means of imparting knowledge,television has its priority when it comes to certain respects of learning. Itsinnate feature enables it conveying more vivid information while illustrating,which makes the learning of respects such as art, geography far more efficientthan the traditional means. For example, no matter how skillful a journalistis, it may be beyond his ability to give his readers a(an) exact impression on apainting; however, a child who've managed usingvideo camera can easily display the same painting on TV set-even with littledifficulty.(不明白这句话放在此处的作用)What's more, since the world is becoming a more eventful place; it could be anonerous job for us to record all the news in the written form. Undoubtedly, inthese respects, televised program does provided(provide)us an energy-saving alternative and facilitates the progress of learning.

  However, the books are far- more goodthan television when it comes to learning. There're mainly three reasons thatmakes me state so. Firstly, considering the inherent nature of the two kinds,televised program has its inefficiency. As a means of learning andentertainment, the passive nature of television has raised a series ofproblems, among which the most serious one is the so-called TV addiction(沉迷于电视应该不算passive nature吧?). Just like drugs and alcohol can give peoplegreat 'relief', by sitting before the television and turning on the switch, onehas to do nothing but enjoy the mental relax, during which time all the worriesand anxieties about the reality have been diluted. Such a process can severelyresist a person from any endeavors. If televised program have majored our meansof learning, then we are justifiable to worry that, to what extent will itsdisadvantages affect us? On the contrary, a book can never be involved in suchworries. More likely, it serves as an active job when it comes to learning,which effective thinking is highly required. Even in the course of reading anovel, one has to keep his mind active to imagine the scene described by theauthor, not to mention reading some abstruse works by great scientist. If wecompare the function of television to riding in a car, which you needn't to doanything but expecting the destination, learning from books is more likelyriding a bicycle-you can choose the path to get to the destination; you cancontrol the speed; what's more, your body will be benefited from such a course.  这一段写的太多了,可以精简一点。沉迷电视应该不算是一个被动的例子吧?我觉得归入效率低更合适,因为电视岔开人们对学习的关注,使人沉迷。    Secondly, from the historic view, the books cannot beeasily substituted by television programmes.(写具体一点,书本是对前人知识的系统化,相对完整与连贯) In ancient times, it is through books that the merits ofour ancestor passed down from generation to generation. The mainstream of thecultural heritage that containing ancestors' wisdom are in the written form.For instance, in China,the Analects of the Confucius. is carried down in the written form. Theuniqueness lying in such a process decides the mainstream of learning materialsshould be books. Any attempt to adapt such written form into another(other) kinds of media, televised program for example, willundoubtedly ruin some original information carried in the books. Thus thehistoric function of books keeps written form the mainstream of learning.

Furthermore, if we pay more attention to thestructures of our pyramids of knowledge, you'll find the decisive and thefundamental parts-our scientific knowledge, or our documents are all in writtenforms. For instance, in scientific area, thousand of papers and thesis are inwritten form; in the area of laws, the regulations and the code of each countryare preserved in form of books. The information from all these domainsconstructs a huge data base. Even if we ignore the difficulties that translateall these written forms into televised programs; can you imagine how onerousand consuming the job is to get all these information in televised programs?Unless this task is completed, television can never take the place of studywhen it comes to study.

  In sum, whether from the nature of thetwo kinds, the perspective of history, or the constitution of the building ofknowledge, books are functioning as the mainstream when it comes to learning,which can hardly be replaced by television.


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