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[i习作temp] issue38 『勇往直前小组』第二次作业linshao [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-7-21 22:17:00 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
题目:ISSUE38 - "In the age of television, reading books is not as important as it once was. People can learn as much by watching television as they can by reading books."

Watching television or reading books, which is the more effective way to get information or learning knowledge? Different perspective leads to different answer. To my own view, I would prefer to choose reading books as the better way.

Admittedly, television is an amazing tool to inform large amount of information and knowledge, and it is vivid with lots of pictures and animations which are more direct perceived by us. Everyday news is broadcasted from morning to midnight, it includes almost all the important and interesting events. When it comes to secret nature, there are many scientific programs such as National Geography, Discovery which is get popular among the whole world. Furthermore, there are more and more video lecture for teaching special disciplines like computer technology, foreign languages, even the rituals and dressing for commercial meeting. With the large scale of television can provide, we can define it without any overstate, as a box conclude everything in the cosmic we known.

Although with so many advances, television has its inner flaws cannot be avoid by us, which can be dealt well by the books. When it comes to its advantage that providing the large amount of information, this is also a defect which can cause our repulsion. That is because of its inefficiency, we all know there are too many advertisement which annoyed us deeply. Yet to the same effect, the information which is useless to us will waste our time enormously, rather than to offer us knowledge. Unlike the books, acquired by our inclinations, serve us better. Even when we get weary, we can skim to read the next part or go straight to the page we want to read. But to television, the only things we can do is turn to other program or shut it down, thus the remained part will be missed. So for better learning on TV, we must wait in front of the television and be settled to catch the every minute.

The second advantage, books can provide is that they can be easily reviewed by your wishes. When it comes to television, in the first time we may not understand the speaker's view, and than we need to wait for the second time for review, though consuming the time, the misunderstanding may still confuse us. Yet books can make it better for us, for the reason we can make the note or write down the viewpoint in our mind rather than forget it as TV does, in this way can make us to comprehend the knowledge thoroughly, and review it after many years can be possible.

In recent years, by the development of technology, a new electronic book which combine the function of TV and books have been invented. It likes a book with the function of provide us pictures and videos. It main part is constructed by letters, and using the picture and video as assistant tool.

In sum, the television is become a indispensable part of our lives, we can get the information from it easily at our lunch time or spare time, but it still can not replace the books especially for our study and learning. We can get promoted by use both two way, but too much watching TV helps little for it waste too much times and hardly can be reviewed, therefore most of our time must be take on the books reading.
ISSUE95 - "People work more productively in teams than individually. Teamwork requires cooperation, which motivates people much more than individual competition does."


1.       In some jobs productivity clearly depends on the ability of coworkers to cooperate as members of a team.

2.       In other types of jobs individual competition, tenacity and ambition are key to productivity.

3.       On balance, however, my view is that cooperation is more crucial for an organization’s long-term productivity than individual competition.

ISSUE235 - "Most people are taught that loyalty is a virtue. But loyalty-whether to one's friends, to one's school or place of employment, or to any institution-is all too often a destructive rather than a positive force."


1.       First consider the ways in which loyalty, if exercised in proper measure and direction, can be a positive force.

2.       On the other hand, if misguided or overextended loyalty can amount to divisive and destructive force.

ISSUE175 - "It is always an individual who is the impetus for innovation; the details may be worked out by a team, but true innovation results from the enterprise and unique perception of an individual."


1.       With respect to business innovation, I agree that it is the vision and commitment of key individuals—such as a firm’s founder or chief executive—from which business burgeon and innovative products, services, and marketing and management strategies emerge.

2.       Nevertheless, teamwork and individual enterprise are not necessarily inconsistent, as the speaker would have us believe.

ISSUE93 - "The concept of 'individual responsibility' is a necessary fiction. Although societies must hold individuals accountable for their own actions, people's behavior is largely determined by forces not of their own making."


1.       The claim that individual responsibility is a necessary fictions has some merit in that a society where individuals are not held accountable for their actions and choices is a lawless one, devoid of any order whatsoever.

2.       A correlative argument for individual responsibility involves the fact that lawless, or anarchist, states give way to despotic rule by strong individuals who seize power.

3.       As for the speaker’s second claim, it flies in the face of our everyday experiences in making choices and decisions.

[ 本帖最后由 linshao 于 2007-7-21 22:18 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-7-22 16:58:32 |只看该作者
Watching television or reading books, which is the more effective way to get information or learning knowledge? Different perspective leads to different answer. To my own view, I would prefer to choose reading books as the better way.(简练,点出自己观点了,语言再书面化一点更好)

Admittedly, television is an amazing tool to inform large amount of information and knowledge, and it is vivid with lots of pictures and animations which are more direct perceived by us. Everyday news is broadcasted from morning to midnight, it includes almost all the important and interesting events. When it comes to secret nature, there are many scientific programs such as National Geography, Discovery which is get popular among the whole world. Furthermore, there are more and more video lecture for teaching special disciplines like computer technology, foreign languages, even the rituals and dressing for commercial meeting. With the large scale of television can provide, we can define it without any overstate, as a box conclude everything in the cosmic we known. (例子引用的都很贴切,比较有力)

Although with so many advances, television has its inner flaws cannot be avoided by us, which can be dealt well by the books. When it comes to its advantage that providing the large amount of information, this is also a defect which can cause our repulsion. That is because of its inefficiency, we all know there are too many advertisement which annoyed us deeply. Yet to the same effect, the information which is useless to us will waste our time enormously, rather than to offer us knowledge. Unlike the books, acquired by our inclinations, serve us better. Even when we get weary, we can skim to read the next part or go straight to the page we want to read. But to television, the only things we can do is turn to other program or shut it down, thus the remained part will be missed(感觉有点和上文衔接不上,上文说的是自由选择内容,这个地方又说内容丢失的问题) . So for better learning on TV, we must wait in front of the television and be settled to catch the every minute.

The second advantage, books can provide is that they can be easily reviewed by your wishes. When it comes to television, in the first time we may not understand the speaker's view, and than we need to wait for the second time for review, though consuming the time, the misunderstanding may still confuse us. Yet books can make it better for us, for the reason we can make the note or write down the viewpoint in our mind rather than forget it as TV does, in this way can make us to comprehend the knowledge thoroughly, and review it after many years can be possible.

In recent years, by the development of technology, a new electronic book which combine the function of TV and books have been invented. It likes a book with the function of provide us pictures and videos. It main part is constructed by letters, and using the picture and video as assistant tool. (最好再强化一下你引用这个例子对论点的支持)

In sum, the television is become a indispensable part of our lives, we can get the information from it easily at our lunch time or spare time, but it still can not replace the books especially for our study and learning. We can get promoted by use both two way, but too much watching TV helps little for it waste too much times and hardly can be reviewed, therefore most of our time must be take on the books reading.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-7-22 17:20:01 |只看该作者

回复 #2 高加索 的帖子


使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-22 19:48:26 |只看该作者
Watching television or reading books, which is the more effective way to get information or learning knowledge? Different perspective leads to different answer. To my own view, I would prefer to choose reading books as the better way.(开头观点鲜明)

Admittedly, television is an amazing tool to inform large amount of information and knowledge, and it is vivid with lots of pictures and animations which are more direct perceived by us. Everyday news is broadcasted from morning to midnight, it includes almost all the important and interesting events. When it comes to secret nature, there are many scientific programs such as National Geography, Discovery which is get popular among the whole world. Furthermore, there are more and more video lecture for teaching special disciplines like computer technology, foreign languages, even the rituals and dressing for commercial meeting. With the large scale of television can provide, we can define it without any overstate, as a box conclude everything in the cosmic we known. (述说了电视的好处。)

Although with so many advances, television has its inner flaws cannot be avoid by us, which can be dealt well by the books. When it comes to its advantage that providing the large amount of information, this is also a defect which can cause our repulsion. That is because of its inefficiency, we all know there are too many advertisement which annoyed us deeply. Yet to the same effect, the information which is useless to us will waste our time enormously, rather than to offer us knowledge. Unlike the books, acquired by our inclinations, serve us better. Even when we get weary, we can skim to read the next part or go straight to the page we want to read. But to television, the only things we can do is turn to other program or shut it down, thus the remained part will be missed. So for better learning on TV, we must wait in front of the television and be settled to catch the every minute. (用书的可选择性和电视的不可选择性进行对比。其中广告是做为一个例子,但文中显得好象用很多广告来和书对比。有点不清晰。)

The second advantage, books can provide is that they can be easily reviewed by your wishes. When it comes to television, in the first time we may not understand the speaker's view, and than we need to wait for the second time for review, though consuming the time, the misunderstanding may still confuse us. Yet books can make it better for us, for the reason we can make the note or write down the viewpoint in our mind rather than forget it as TV does, in this way can make us to comprehend the knowledge thoroughly, and review it after many years can be possible.(书可反复读。)

In recent years, by the development of technology, a new electronic book which combine the function of TV and books have been invented. It likes a book with the function of provide us pictures and videos. It main part is constructed by letters, and using the picture and video as assistant tool. (电子书的提出,观点新颖)

In sum, the television is become a indispensable part of our lives, we can get the information from it easily at our lunch time or spare time, but it still can not replace the books especially for our study and learning. We can get promoted by use both two way, but too much watching TV helps little for it waste too much times and hardly can be reviewed, therefore most of our time must be take on the books reading.(首尾观点呼应。)

[ 本帖最后由 strontium023 于 2007-7-22 19:50 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-7-23 00:57:31 |只看该作者

回复 #4 strontium023 的帖子


使用道具 举报

RE: issue38 『勇往直前小组』第二次作业linshao [修改]
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issue38 『勇往直前小组』第二次作业linshao
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