
标题: CRACK 9T小组第四次作业----兔子走路 [打印本页]

作者: 兔子走路    时间: 2007-7-22 12:43:57     标题: CRACK 9T小组第四次作业----兔子走路

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作者: holding    时间: 2007-7-23 00:03:21

Everybody has his or her parents. (这句话作为整篇文章的开头第一句未免太简单了一点) Everybody some day will become a parent of his or her children. Everybody wants to have good parents, and there is no doubt that everybody also wants to become a good parent. So, how to define whether a parent good or not is hard to tell, however, generally speaking, we may say a parent can hardly be a not good parent with the following characters or qualities.
To begin with, definitely, a good parent needs to have patience. As a famous saying, parent is the first teacher of children. Parents will teach us a great number of skills with which we need to (can or could will be better) survive in the world. Besides skills, plenty of knowledge is also taught by the parents. As parents has another role, teacher of their children, we can see how important the patience it is for a good parent. For an instance, when I was in kindergarten, every night when I was in bed, ready to sleep, my mother used to tell a story for me. Even now, I can still remember many of the history stories, fairy tales, and scientists’ deeds my mother told me that time. We can barely imagine if a parent has little patience, how he or she can do this. 这个例子不错,学习学习,呵呵
Moreover, a good parent also needs good tolerance. Maybe you have forgotten many of your naughty acts in your childhood. Absolutely, I believe your parents remember what you have done to annoy them; however, they will just smile when they recall those in their mind. Good parents always tolerate our careless faults, naughty acts. In my mind, I still remember the face my mother showed to me when I lose my key to my home, she was not angry, she told to me steadily to be careful next time. That is tolerance, which is she loves me. She won’t let her child be hurt.
Last but not the least; a good parent should have strong confidence in front of his or her children. As I have said,parent will teach their children so many things, he or she must be confident when teaching. It is awful to tell the children how to do something in a weak voice. Then, the children may doubt you, that (改成which即可形成一个从句) is totally failure. Parents should let their children worship them, never doubt them.
In sum, I just give only a small part of qualities of a good parent, there are vast other qualities I have not mentioned. But in the end, these basic qualities are doubtless for a good parent.
作者: 兔子走路    时间: 2007-7-23 08:48:09

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