
标题: issue88 『勇往直前小组』第三次作业 [打印本页]

作者: neyc    时间: 2007-7-22 23:01:14     标题: issue88 『勇往直前小组』第三次作业

88"Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics."

Living in such a complex and amazing era of information explosion caused by technology development, we can not deny the technologies such as long distance communication or space science have influenced on our life intensively. However, is it true as the speaker asserted that technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics? As far as I am concerned, though I should still contend that technology can not determine our own customs and ethics, I agree with the speaker on the extent of technology's noticeable influencing effect on them.

On one hand, it is easy for us to find out influences of technology at a glance at our own lives. Mass media and the telecommunications have developed at a tremendous pace over the past decade, Electronic mail has become nearly an exclusive form of communication for some people, satellites and an increasingly wired worldwide community allow for video conferencing and instantaneous communication all over the globe. New tech-oriented life has been appreciated and adopted by people. Due to the new inventions, now majority of People are no longer insist the old style of life. For example, the telephone and new traveling approach have changed people's view on traveling and communication. Thus view on the structure of a family has changed since apart is no longer a big problem, and cross-race marriage, which once was considered as wired in people's old ethic standard, is becoming more and more frequently nowadays. Besides, through the cross-culture communication, people can understand alien customs and ethics better than before. In the past, some ethics and social customs advocate hostile attitude towards other cultures for the sake of unfamiliarity, but thanks to the globalization, such conservative ethics are becoming less popular in some parts of the world.

One the other hand, while underlining the great power of technology, many people overlook the power of ourselves. Ultimately, all the technologies are invented or developed by human beings. The aim of technology is to improve the living condition of humans rather than decide the living styles. Customs and ethics, as parts of living styles, are not decided by technology, but decided by people’s choice. The technologies change rapidly, but the customs and ethics change slowly yet peacefully because people should think prudently when make such a decision. In other word, it is the people themselves who decide whether change their customs, or when to change them, not the technologies.

In addition, it is through the interaction between technology and human mind that the customs and ethics can have some meaningful changes. People should not abandon their right to decide their own life styles. If people stop thinking carefully, it is possible that changes on customs may damage the old values people relied upon. And at the same time, fails to provide a good new ethics or standard for them to follow. The so called “Lost Generation” is a example of the failure.

To sum up, technologies are influential factors for social reformation that affect all ranks. Hence it can also inevitably influences customs and ethics. Nevertheless, technologies can not decide the changing of them since people should be the master of themselves. It should be pointed clearly that only through careful thinking by people, the changing on customs and ethics can have a good result.

1)  英雄往往被当成是人民的代表。
2)  一个英雄之所以被人民选择是因为他/她符合当前社会的道德标准,反映了当前社会的道德标准
3)  英雄经常是受到人民模仿,所以社会的特征会趋同于英雄的特征

1)  获得更多的知识让我们对事物有更深刻的认识
2)  获得更多的知识让我们有了更高的认知能力
3)  然而,在获得知识的同时,对事物本质的认识可能会引发我们更多的疑问,让事物显得更复杂和神秘

1)  逻辑思考能力对于学生今后的工作和事业发展十分重要
2)  情商在个人的人生发展中也十分重要
3)  学校教育应该中和智商和情商的教育,两者都没能缺乏。

1)  科技进步对于加长人们空余时间是有作用的
2)  然而,但前人们的空余时间不一定比古代人的空余时间长
3)  科技进步的最终目标不仅仅是加长人们空余时间,而是提高人们的生活质量

[ 本帖最后由 neyc 于 2007-7-23 19:54 编辑 ]

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