
标题: ISSUE212 [奋战August]小组 第5周作业 by dg336688 [打印本页]

作者: dg336688    时间: 2007-7-23 12:54:53     标题: ISSUE212 [奋战August]小组 第5周作业 by dg336688

TOPIC: ISSUE212 - "If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it is justifiable."
WORDS: 538          TIME: 00:45:00          DATE: 2007-7-23 11:29:52

As the issue claims, if a goal is truly worthy in reality, our action to attain it might be justifiable by all means no matter what the goal really it is. However, more than often a certain goal is set by humans and inevitably contains too much subjective desires which might ultimately leads the goal to be seemingly justifiable but truly unpractical and unjust. Thus the way to obtain our goal should varies from case to case, though it is worthy.

In the first place, since the day human beings had begun their ways to explore the great nature and seek out truth behind it, we have set up a lot of goals and persistently try to achieve them by every approach we can avail, which in turn mold out present modern world and great human civilization either in the past or at present. For example, people pursue every goal worthy of achieve, scientist and inventors strain every nerves to find the important discovery and great inventions ,such as steam engine, telephone ,computer and so on.  From the needs or interests of people, Seven World Wonders were built up in the consistent efforts of their bare hands, by all means they achieve the worthy goals ,people lived in modern world got a chance to appreciate its precious values of culture, arts, architecture and so forth. As a result, it is a spontaneous and natural process that people pursue every worthy goal by any means as possible.

Secondly, Important and worthy as it is, our goals are primarily come into being in our mind, that is to say, to some degrees it may not be so objective and feasible in the realization of them. In this case, impractical or immoral behaviour would occur, to avail any means to attain it at any costs turns out to be somewhat useless and reproachable. For instance, it is equally worthy to invent a machine with its nonstop movement to create endless energe and power, in early times, some people were trying to make it, but as we all know nowadays, it is impossible to create such a machine due to violation of basic physical laws. In another instance, People need money to sustain their family and enjoy their life, worthy as it is,is it so justifiable to attain it from robbing a bank as one of the all means ?  In this respect, how ridiculous to conclude that we can take any means to attain it only if a goal is worthy. Regardless of practical and moral issues, as a result it would be waste of time and deprived of moral conscience.

Last but not least, anyway, a worthy goal is always deserved to pursue, which depends on what approach we should take, all means based on practicality and abiding by laws and ethnics. It is justifiable for people to earn as much money as they want, but the ways to earn should be lawful and just. so does the case that people want to find a forever-movement energe supplier, they could search many other sources of energe like solar power, wind power and even terrestrial heat power to take place of those unrealistic and unmoral approach. Thus as long as it is scientific, practical and no violation of ethnic standards, we can say it is justifiable to attain our goals by any means and subsequently do good for all of us.

To sum up, in consideration of practicality and morality, a truly worthy goal is always deserves to attain and its approach should be also be justifiable. Consequently, by what means we should use in the pursuit of our goals finally vary from case to case that need us to take into delicate consideration, rather than to avail any means at will.

[ 本帖最后由 dg336688 于 2007-7-23 16:47 编辑 ]
作者: myfanny    时间: 2007-7-27 22:39:51

As the issue claims, if a goal is truly worthy in reality, our action to attain it might be justifiable by all means no matter what the goal really it is. However, more than often/more often than not a certain goal is set by humans and inevitably contains too much subjective desires, which might ultimately lead the goal to be seemingly justifiable but truly unpractical and unjust. Thus the way to obtain our goal should varies from case to case, though it (指代不明)is worthy.

In the first place, since the day human beings had begun their ways to explore the great nature and seek out truth behind it, we have set up a lot of goals(Are these goals worthy?该段中心意思是说worthy goal值得付出吧,主题句好像没有点明)and persistently try to achieve them by every approach we can avail, which in turn mold out present modern world and great human civilization either in the past or at present. For example, people pursue every goal worthy of achieve/efforts;scientist and inventors strain every nerves to find the important discovery and great inventions ,such as steam engine, telephone ,computer and so on.  From the needs or interests of people, Seven World Wonders were built up in the consistent efforts of their bare hands. By all means they achieve the worthy goals. people lived in modern world got a chance to appreciate its precious values of culture, arts, architecture and so forth. As a result, it is a spontaneous and natural process that people pursue every worthy goal by any means as possible.

Secondly, Important and worthy as they are, our goals are primarily come into being in our mind/Importance or worth of goals are often evaluated in terms of values and beliefs in human society. That is to say, to some degrees it may not be so objective and feasible in the realization of them. In this case, impractical or immoral behaviour would occur. To avail any means to attain it at any costs turns out to be somewhat useless and reproachable. For instance, it is equally worthy to invent a machine with its nonstop movement to create endless energy and power. In early times, some people were trying to make it, but as we all know nowadays, it is impossible to create such a machine due to violation of basic physical laws. In another instance, People need money to sustain their family and enjoy their life. Worthy as it is, is it so justifiable to attain it from robbing a bank as one of the all means ?  In this respect, how ridiculous to conclude that we can take any means to attain it only if a goal is worthy. Regardless of practical and moral issues, as a result it would be waste of time and deprived of moral conscience.(此句意思不清楚,可以考虑去掉。还有,这一段主要是讲goal的worthiness(这一点似乎是主题句要表达的意思),还是讲means是否justifiable(这一点好像又是例子要说明的)个人感觉这两个揉在一起了,不太清楚)

Last but not least, anyway, a worthy goal always deserves pursuit. What matters is what approach we should take. Means to attaine a goal should be based on practicality and abide by laws and ethnics. It is justifiable for people to earn as much money as they want, but the ways to earn should be lawful and just. If people want to find a forever-movement energe supplier, they could search many other sources of energe like solar power, wind power and even terrestrial heat power to take place of those unrealistic and unmoral approach. (这个例子不知为什么,让我感觉在这篇文章中不太恰当,虽然我明白它主要是用来说明means要feasible,其实,再仔细一想,还不如说是goal要feasible。)Thus as long as it is scientific, practical and no violation of ethnic standards(我感觉把这三点分别来写,比如分成三段,可能文章的结构会更清楚些), we can say it is justifiable to attain our goals by any means and subsequently do good for all of us.

To sum up, in consideration of practicality and morality, a truly worthy goal always deserves efforts to attain it. and its approach should be also be justifiable(这个结论是无法从上文推出来的,要做进一步说明). However, the means we use in the pursuit of our worthy goals finally vary from case to case that need us to take into delicate consideration, rather than to avail any means at will/so that they will be accordance with the legal, ethical and moral standard of the society.

----这篇文章,我感觉goal和means有点混在一起说了。 你自己觉得呢?

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