
标题: Issue208 [0710G突击先锋]第八次作业 [打印本页]

作者: xmubit    时间: 2007-7-28 18:24:51     标题: Issue208 [0710G突击先锋]第八次作业

题目:ISSUE208 - "The way people look, dress, and act reveals their attitudes and interests. You can tell much about a society's ideas and values by observing the appearance and behavior of its people."
612 Words      

The speaker claims that out looking of people can reflect people's attitudes and interest and one can tell much about the ideas and values by analyzing this reflection. As far as I am concerned, I basically agree with the statement, however, we should not extend this significance while ignoring other factors may also reflect some characteristic values of people as well as the society which are so deep hidden that cannot be apperceived only through the superficial exterior looking of people.

Admittedly, the way people look and dress could, more or less, reveal their attitude and interests as well as the society's ideas and values. On one hand, the preference in dressing effectively mirror people's inclinations formed by their personalities. For instance, the East Asian people prefer to dress themselves formally under most circumstances especially in public to show their modesty. However, the Americans always choose everything to express their personalities, which result in their various types of clothes. When it comes to French, people who come from the most romantic country, they are usually dressed in the clothes which can fully convey their passions to others.

On the other hand, we can actually better get the society's ideas and values through the people's exterior looking, because people are the best receptors to the change of society's ideas and values. A vivid example can lead support to the statement is that when China carried out the Reform and Open Policy in 1978, a variety of fresh ideas flock into this country, which changed the whole society's ideas and values a lot. Among these changes, the most obvious aspect was the change of people's aesthetic standard in the whole society and respect on individuals’ rights and benefits. For so many years, people only wear the clothes in the color of blue or green, and then they began to accept other kinds of clothes. Moreover, there would never be the case that people were thrown into prison without any firm evidence.

Nevertheless, we should not always judge people by their exterior looking. There are many people who do not care about their outward appearances at all. For instance, Einstein always kept his afro hairstyle even when he was attending some international conferences. Also, Van Gogh was penniless and frustrated all his life, and he even cut down his left ear when he was quarreling with another person. However, no one will doubt the merits of the people mentioned above. In addition, there are many people who not only conceal their true attitudes and interests consciously or unconsciously but also try to mislead others through the way they look, dress and act. Hitler may be the best example, who pretended to be a democratic leader, but finally turned to be a dictator. Further, when it comes to the society's ideas and values, only through the researches on morality, culture and history of this country can one have a better impression of it. For example, most East Asian countries are influenced by Confucianism for thousands of years, people regard the actions to help the old as honorable merits, however, this behavior may be thought to be the insult to old people in other countries. Also, people in these countries regard the divorce as wrongdoings even the sin. All the factors mentioned above could not be perceived only through people's exterior looking.

In conclusion, although the effectiveness of people's appearance in revealing the basic values and ideas of society as well as people's own primitive attitudes and interests should not be denied, we should be more careful when telling about them. To better perceive the interior value of society and people's personal characters we should resort to more reliable information.

作者: yylll    时间: 2007-7-30 08:54:39     标题: 回复 #1 xmubit 的帖子

The speaker claims that out looking of people can reflect people's attitudes and interest and one can tell much about the ideas and values by analyzing this reflection. As far as I am concerned, I basically agree with the statement, however, we should not extend this significance while ignoring other factors may also reflect some characteristic values of people as well as the society which are so deep hidden that cannot be apperceived only through the superficial exterior looking of people.

Admittedly, the way people look and dress could, more or less, reveal their attitude and interests as well as the society's ideas and values. On one hand, the preference in dressing effectively mirror people's inclinations formed by their personalities. For instance, the East Asian people prefer to dress themselves formally under most circumstances especially in public to show their modesty. However, the Americans always choose everything to express their personalities, which result in their various types of clothes. When it comes to French, people who come from the most romantic country, they are usually dressed in the clothes which can fully convey their passions to others.

On the other hand, we can actually better get the society's ideas and values through the people's exterior looking, because people are the best receptors to the change of society's ideas and values. A vivid example can lead support to the statement is that when China carried out the Reform and Open Policy in 1978, a variety of fresh ideas flock into this country, which changed the whole society's ideas and values a lot. Among these changes, the most obvious aspect was the change of people's aesthetic standard in the whole society and respect on individuals’ rights and benefits. For so many years, people only wear the clothes in the color of blue or green, and then they began to accept other kinds of clothes. Moreover, there would never be the case that people were thrown into prison without any firm evidence. 这句好像对论证没有用,去掉;题目讲到了appearance and behavior,你上两段的论证中之涉及了dressing,还需要一点behavior的论证

Nevertheless, we should not always judge people by their exterior looking. There are many people who do not care about their outward appearances at all. For instance, Einstein always kept his afro hairstyle even when he was attending some international conferences. Also, Van Gogh was penniless and frustrated all his life, and he even cut down his left ear when he was quarreling with another person. However, no one will doubt the merits of the people mentioned above. In addition, there are many people who not only conceal their true attitudes and interests consciously or unconsciously but also try to mislead others through the way they look, dress and act. Hitler may be the best example, who pretended to be a democratic leader, but finally turned to be a dictator. Further, when it comes to the society's ideas and values, only through the researches on morality, culture and history of this country can one have a better impression of it. For example, most East Asian countries are influenced by Confucianism for thousands of years, people regard the actions to help the old as honorable merits, however, this behavior may be thought to be the insult to old people in other countries. Also, people in these countries regard the divorce as wrongdoings even the sin. All the factors mentioned above could not be perceived only through people's exterior looking. 这段的论证很清楚,例子也很恰当

In conclusion, although the effectiveness of people's appearance in revealing the basic values and ideas of society as well as people's own primitive attitudes and interests should not be denied, we should be more careful when telling about them. To better perceive the interior value of society and people's personal characters we should resort to more reliable information.

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