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[i习作temp] issue70 [戮力同心小组] 第四次作业 by 10 jiangzuodong [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-7-30 18:10:55 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
issue70 In any profession—business, politics, education, government—those in power should step down after five years. The surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership.

After reading this issue, I can not agree with the speaker's opinion. Although I agree that new leadership can bring revitalization to the enterprises, the opinionthat the power step down every five years is unconvincing and unlogical to me. Whether a enterprise should choose a new leadership depends on the case of realistic.

Firstly, I admit that the new leadership has his own advantages, which can greatly improve the level of the entreprise.  New leaders can provide new power and innovative things  to the enterprise, because they owns more energy ,more advanced ideas, and more fearless spirit, all of which are the force for the entreprises to progress. For example, the former president of American , Roosevelt, he is a success leader in American history for his great feat. When he began to be the president, he face a very difficult situation, the Great Depression. Roosevelt as a new leader take a serious of new and effecitive actions to control the dangrous situation. As a result, he helped the USA prevail the Great Depression by his new ideas, powful actions and great courage. Therefore,in some cases, a entreprises can benefit a lot from a new leader, regardless their shortage of experiences.

Although the new leader has its own merits, we can not overlook the importance of the old leaders, because they have more experiences and are more familar with the work and the enterprises. A successful leader must master the basic situation of every part in the enterprise. However, this process need much time and the leader must experience many practice circumstances. In common circumstances , an old leader often understand more practical experiences. So the more experiences are the advantages for the old leaders.

Nevertheless, I oppose the speaker's opinion that changing the leader every five years, because there is not any evidence to support it is justifiable.To the contrary , I think it will harm the enterprises. Five years is not long time for a successful leader to control the enterprises thoroughly. If after five years, the original leader was changed , it will be a great waste for the enterprised ,because a new leader also need the same time to know the enterprises. Certainly , if the original leader is avaliable , the enterprises should change him as soon as possible. So this problem depend the reality from case to case.

In sum, new leadships will actually have positive influence on the enterprise, which can not be ignored. But the new leaders are lack of practical experiences and information of the enterprises. So changing the leader too quickly is harmful and unreasonable. I think five years is not long enough to judge a leader, and whether to change the leader does not depend a fixed time but the abiliy of the leader.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-7-31 13:39:33 |只看该作者
After reading this issue, I can not agree with the speaker's opinion. Although I agree that new leadership can bring revitalization to the enterprises, the opinion that the power step down every five years is unconvincing and unlogical (illogical) to me. Whether a enterprise should choose a new leadership depends on the case of realistic.
Firstly, I admit that the new leadership has his own advantages, which can greatly improve the level of the entreprise.  New leaders can provide new power and innovative things  to the enterprise, because they owns more energy ,more advanced ideas, and more fearless spirit, all of which are the force for the entreprises to progress. For example, the former president of American , Roosevelt, he is a success leader in American history for his great feat. When he began to be the president, he face a very difficult situation, the Great Depression. Roosevelt as a new leader take a serious of new and effecitive (effective) actions to control the dangrous situation. As a result, he helped the USA prevail the Great Depression by his new ideas, powful (powerful?) actions and great courage. Therefore, in some cases, a entreprises can benefit a lot from a new leader, regardless their shortage of experiences.
Although the new leader has its own merits, we can not overlook the importance of the old leaders, because they have more experiences and are more familar (familiar) with the work and the enterprises. A successful leader must master the basic situation of every part in the enterprise. However, this process need much time and the leader must experience many practice circumstances. In common circumstances, an old leader often understand more practical experiences. So the more experiences are the advantages for the old leaders.
Nevertheless, I oppose the speaker's opinion that changing the leader every five years, because there is not any evidence to support it is justifiable.To the contrary , I think it will harm the enterprises. Five years is not long time for a successful leader to control the enterprises thoroughly. If after five years, the original leader was changed , it will be a great waste for the enterprised ,because a new leader also need the same time to know the enterprises. Certainly , if the original leader is avaliable , the enterprises should change him as soon as possible. So this problem depend the reality from case to case.
In sum, new leadships (leaderships) will actually have positive influence on the enterprise, which can not be ignored. But the new leaders are lack of practical experiences and information of the enterprises. So changing the leader too quickly is harmful and unreasonable. I think five years is not long enough to judge a leader, and whether to change the leader does not depend a fixed time but the abiliy (ability) of the leader.


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RE: issue70 [戮力同心小组] 第四次作业 by 10 jiangzuodong [修改]
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issue70 [戮力同心小组] 第四次作业 by 10 jiangzuodong
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